Chaotic Wrestling

Chaotic Wrestling

  • June 23, 2001 – Chaotic Wrestling in Methuen, Massachusetts at the Knights of Columbus Hall: Chris Harvy b Aaron Stevens, Vince Vicallo and John Walters b Slyk Wagner Brown and Dukes Dalton, Arch Kincaid b El Mascarado, Jimmy Cash b Kick Ass Kyle Storm in a “Tables” match after Dukes Dalton interfered, Mike Studd b The Convict, The Dynamic Kidd b The Yankee Rebel in a “Dog Collar” match, Rick Fuller b The Boston Brawler by DQ, The One Night Stand b Gino Martino and Short Sleeve Sampson.
  • July 7, 2001 – Chaotic Wrestling in Revere, Massachusetts: Scarecrow b Chris Harvey (Chris from “Tough Enough”), Luis Ortiz b Kick Ass Kyle, Ronnie D. Lishus and Edward Xtasy b Vince Vicallo and Short Sleeve Sampson, Aaron Stevens b Boston Brawler, Arch Kincaid and April Kincaid (aka April Hunter) b Simon Diamond and Dawn Marie, Gino Martino b Rick Fuller, Slyk Wagner Brown b Little Guido-DQ.
  • August 4, 2001 – Chaotic Wrestling in Methuen, Massachusetts: Jimmy Cash b Kyle Storm, Aaron Stevens b John Walters, Arch Kincaid b Vince Vicallo-DQ to keep lt hwt title, Boston Brawler b Scarecrow, Slyk Wagner Brown b Mike Studd, Gino Martino b Luis Ortiz to keep CW title, Ronnie D. Lishus and Edward Xtasy b Rick Fuller and Studd to keep CW tag titles.
  • September 7, 2001 – Chaotic Wrestling in Lawrence, Massachusetts: John Walters b Slyk Wagner Brown to win TV titel, Vince Vicallo b Cueball, Rick Fuller and Mike Studd bTim McNeany and Yankee Rebel, Boston Brawler b Dukes Dalton, Dynamic Kidd b Convict-DQ, Edward G. Xtasy and Aaron Stevens b Arch and April Kincaid (former NWO girl April Hunter), Little Guido Maritato and Luis Ortiz b Scarecrow and Jimmy Cash, Ronnie D. Lishus b Gino Martino to win CW heavyweight title.
  • September 29, 2001 – Chaotic Wrestling in Massachusetts: Mike Studd and Short Sleeve Sampson b Dukes Dalton and Brittany Summer, Aaron Stevens and Ronnie D. Lishus b John Walters and Luis Ortiz, Arch Kincaid b Skunk O’Malley, Boston Brawler b Edward G. Xstasy.
  • October 12, 2001 – Chaotic Wrestling in Lowell, Massachusetts: Arch Kincaid b Andy Jaxx, John Walters b Dukes Dalton, Rick Fuller and Mike Studd b Scarecrow and Jimmy Cash, Little Guido Maritato and Luis Ortiz b Edward Xtasy and Aaron Stevens, Tony Atlas b Cueball, Ronnie D. Lishus b Boston Brawler. Chris Harvard from Tough Enough did a run-in during the Watlers-Dalton match.
  • October 13, 2001 – Chaotic Wrestling in North Smithfield, Rhode Island: John Walters b Jimmy Cash, Rick Fuller and Mike Studd b Cueball and Ali Muhammad, Tony Atlas and Amanda Storm b Scarecrow and Skunk O’Malley, Dukes Dalton b Arch Kincaid to win Chaotic Light Heavyweight title, Xtasy and Stevens b James Maritato and Ortiz to win tag titles, Vicallo b Harvard-DQ, Brawler b Harvard, Tito Santana b Lishus-DQ.
  • October 20, 2001 – Chaotic Wrestling in Methuen, Massachusetts: John Walters b Andy Jaxx, Chris Harvard (Tough Enough) b Mike Studd, dukes Dalton b Arch Kincaid, Ali Muhammad b Vince Vicallo, Edward Xtasy and Aaron Stevens b Luis Ortiz and Boston Brawler to keep tag titles, Convict b Dynamic Kidd, Ronnie D. Lishus bb Jay Jailett to keep heavyweight title.
  • November 9, 2001 – Chaotic Wrestling in Lawrence, Massachusetts: John Walters b Steve King to keep TV title, Ali Muhammad b Mike Studd, Dynamic Kidd b Convict in dog collar match, Dukes Dalton b Skunk O’Malley, Boston Brawler b Scarecrow, Edward Xtasy and Aaron Stevens kept CW tag titles over Nova and Frankie Kazarian, Luis Ortiz b Ronnie D. Lishus-DQ so Lishus keeps CW heavyweight title.
  • December 14, 2001 – Chaotic Wrestling in Lawrence, Massachusetts: John Walters b Vince Vicallo to win TV title, Dukes Dalton b Arch Kincaid to win lt hwt title, Antoine Roy b Steve King, Walters and Vicallo b Edward Xtasy and Aaron Stevens to win tag titles, Gino Martino b Scarecrow-DQ, Ali Muhammad b Mike Studd in bullrope match, Luis Ortiz b Ronnie D. Lishus in lumberjack match to win CW heavyweight title.
  • April 19, 2003 – Chaotic Wrestling in Metheun, Massachusetts: Brian Black and Mighty Mini b Kevin Matthews and Danny Demanto, Matthew Evagrius b Vince Vicallo, Aaron Stevens b Handsome Johnny, Billy Kryptonite b Arch Kincaid, Studd b El Chupacabra, Luis Ortiz b John Walters in I Quit match.
  • August 9, 2003 – Chaotic Wrestling in Tewksbury, Massachusetts: Brian Black b Dukes Dalton, Studd and Angers b Adam Booker and Frankie Armadillo, Antonio Thomas b Striker, Vince Vicallo b Arch Kincaid, Handsome Johnny and Mighty Mini b Matthew Evagrius and Peter Mulloy, Adam Booker won Royal Rumble, Billy Kryptonite b Luis Ortiz.
  • June 25, 2004 – Chaotic Wrestling in Lowell, Massachusetts: Brian Black b Adam Booker, Bill Logan b Craig Stratton, Luis Ortiz b Mighty Mini, John Walters b Mike Kruel, Handsome Johnny and Psycho won seven-team gauntlet match, Maverick Wild b Arch Kincaid.
  • August 21, 2004 – Chaotic Wrestling in Lowell, Massachusetts: Handsome Johnny and Psycho b Bryan and Ted Logan, Adam Booker b Mike Colucci, Bill Logan b Andre Lyonz, Luis Ortiz b John Walters, Dr. Heresy b Chupacabra, Chase del Monte and Sparkles b Brian Buffet and Cherry Payne, Maverick Wild b Arch Kincaid in a dog collar match.
  • September 17, 2004 – Chaotic Wrestling in Lowell, Massachusetts: Maverick Wild b Dr. Heresy, Fred Sampson b Craig Stratton, Chase Del Monte b Andre Lyons, Handsome Johnny and Psycho b Roman and George Caesar, Mighty Mini b Adam Booker, Billy Baxx and Rob Eckos b Bryan and Bill Logan, Brian Black b Luis Ortiz.
  • October 8, 2004 – Chaotic Wrestling in Lowell, Massachusetts before 75-100 fans: Brian Black b Andre Lyonz, Billy Bax and Rob Eckos b Mighty Mini and Craig Stratton, Brian Buffet b CMC and ?, Maverick Wild b Chase Del Monte, Arch Kincaid b Fred Sampson, Psycho and Johnny Handsome b Roman and George Caesar, John Walters b Austin Aries.
  • October 29, 2004 – Chaotic Wrestling in Lowell, Massachusetts: Craig Stratton b Mighty Mini, Tony Omega b Arch Kincaid to win Chaotic title, Bryan and Bill Logan b George Caesar and Roman, Fred Sampson b Brian Buffet, Luis Ortiz b Chase Del Monte, Buffet b Omega to win Chaotic title, Handsome Johnny and Psycho b Billy Bax and Rob Eckos, Maverick Wild b Andre Lyonz.
  • January 8, 2005 – Chaotic Wrestling in Lowell, Massachusetts: Chase Del Monte and Tom Prichard b Craig Stratton and Duke Dalton, Low Ki and Xavier b Bryan and Bill Logan, Brian Lilonas won four-way over Fred Sampson and Arch Kincaid and Brian Black, Handsome Johnny and Psycho b Billy Bax and Rob Eckos in a ladder match to win tag titles, John Walters b Andre Lyonz in a loser leaves town match, Brian Black won Battle Royal, Maverick Wild b Luis Ortiz with Tom Prichard as referee.
  • February 18, 2005 – Chaotic Wrestling in Lowell, Massachusetts: Mighty Mini b Mike Collucci, Handsome Johnny and Psycho b Bryan and Bill Logan, Dr. heresy b Fred Sampson, Luis Ortiz b Chase Del Monte, Arch Kincaid b Brian Black, Scotty Charisma b Craig Stratton, Maverick Wild b John Walters in overtime at 31:54 of a 30:00 Iron Man match.
  • March 18, 2005 – Chaotic Wrestling in Lowell, Massachusetts: Bryan and Bill Logan b Dukes Dalton and Craig Stratton, Brian Milonas b Fred Sampson, Luis Ortiz b El Milagro, Mike Kruel won three-way over John Walters and Low Ki, Chase Del Monte b Handsome Johnny, Andrew Ryker b Arch Kincaid, Brian Black b Maverick Wild to win the Chaotic title, but then Black vacated the title since he’s leaving the promotion to start in WWE developmental.
  • April 1, 2005 – Chaotic Wrestling in Lowell, Massachusetts: The Valedictorians (Billy Bax and Rob Eckos) b Criaturas de la Noche (El Milagro and El Chupacabra), Brian Black forfieted the Chaotic title due to contractual obligations to WWE (Qualifying matches will beheld tonight for a Tournament to be held on June 2), “Latin Fury” Luis Ortiz b Craig Stratton to qualify, “Intellectual” Arch Kincaid w/Tommy Penmanship b Dr. Reginald Hersey to qualify, Brian Milanos w/Cherry Payne b Chase Del Monte w/Sparkles to retain the New England title, Maverick Wild b Mike Collucci by DQ to qualify, Fred “Bonecrusher” Sampson b Tommy Penmanship w/Arch Kinciad to qualify, Bryan and Bill Logan (w/Dr. Heresy and Ted Logan) b Pretty Psycho (Handsome Johnny and Psycho) to win the Tag Team titles in a Best 2/3 Falls match.
  • May 6, 2005 – Chaotic Wrestling in Norwood, Massachusetts: Chase Del Monte b Craig Stratton, Tony Omega b Milagro, Psycho b Johnny Curtis, Bryan and Matt Logan and Nick Logan b Arch Kincaid and Tommy Penmanship and Max Bower, Mighty Mini and Mike Collucci b Luis Ortiz and Domingo Santiago, Brian Milonas b Handsome Johnny, Psycho won Royal Rumble.
  • June 24, 2005 – Chaotic Wrestling in Lowell, Massachusetts: Luis Ortiz b Craig Stratton, Andre Lyonz b Fred Sampson, Maverick Wild b Mighty Mini, Mike Kruel b El Milagro to retain the Chaotic title, Handsome Johnny b Adam Booker, Bryan and Matt Logan b Arch Kincaid and Tommy Penmanship, Chase Del Monte b Brian Milonas to capture the New England title.
  • July 15, 2005 – Chaotic Wrestling in Lowell, Massachusetts: Chase Del Monte b Dr. Heresy, Andre Lyonz b Mighty Mini, Handsome Johnny b Brian Milonas, Arch Kincaid and Tommy Penmanship and Max Bauer b Logan Brothers, Maverick Wild b Psycho, El Miagro b Craig Stratton, Mike Kruel b Luis Ortiz.
  • September 9, 2005 – Chaotic Wrestling in Methuen, Massachusetts: Psycho b Craig Stratton in a hair vs. hair match, Fred Sampson and Mike Tobin b Dan McGuire and Sean Royal, John Walters b Brian Milonas, Nick Logan b Andre Lyonz in a Casket match with Percy Pringle III at ringside, Thomas Penmanship and Arch Kincaid and Max Bauer and Danielle Gibbs b Matt and Bryan Logan and Nick Logan and Chase Del Monte, Luis Ortiz b Mighty Mini, Handsome Johnny b Mike Kruel.
  • October 1, 2005 – Chaotic Wrestling in Lowell, Massachusetts: Logan Brothers b Fred Sampson and Craig Stratton, Brian Milonas b Luis Ortiz, Chase del Monte b Thomas Penmanship-COR, Mike Kruel won gauntlet over Dan McGuire, Psycho and John Walters, Handsome Johnny b Max Bauer, Steven Richards b Arch Kincaid in a hardcore match.
  • November 11, 2005 – Chaotic Wrestling in Lowell, Massachusetts: Matt Logan b Arch Kincaid, John Walters b Furgal Devitt, Fred Sampson and Craig Stratton b Reid James and Bobby Flamingo, Handsome Johnny b Josh Daniels, Max Bauer b Bryan Logan, Billy Bax and Rob Eckos and Brian Milonas b John Walters and Luis Ortiz and Psycho, Thomas Penmanship b Chase Del Monte in a ladder match.
  • January 6, 2006 – Chaotic Wrestling in Lowell, Massachusetts: Bryan and Matt Logan b Reid James and Bobby Flamingo, Thomas Penmanship b Jason Blade, Luis Ortiz b Josh Daniels, Psycho b Penmanship, Arch Kincaid and Max Bauer b Craig Stratton and Fred Sampson, Mike Kruel b Chase Del Monte and Maverick Wild and Brian Milonas in a 4-WAY.
  • August 11, 2006 – Chaotic Wrestling in Lowell, Massachusetts: Kofi Nahaje Kingston b Nick Logan, Brian Milonas w/Cherry Payne b “Head of Security” Tony Omega, Dr. Reginald Heresy w/Nurse Kiki Van Dyke b Josh Daniels, Intellectual Properties (Arch Kincaid and Max Bauer) b Jason Blade and Kid Mikaze to retain the Tag Team titles, Matt Logan was the Sole Survivor in a 10-Man Survivor Series Match (Eliminations: – Fred Sampson pinned Psycho – Brian Nunes pinned Bryan Logan – Chase Del Monte pinned Thomas Penmanship – Fred Sampson pinned Chase Del Monte – Matt Logan pinned Dan Freitas – Handsome Johnny pinned Brian Nunes – Antonio Thomas pinned Handsome Johnny – Matt Logan pinned Antonio Thomas – Matt Logan pinned Fred Sampson.
  • September 8, 2006 – Chaotic Wrestling – Summer Chaos in Lowell, Massachusetts: Jason Blade b “Intellectual” Arch Kincaid, Brian Milonas w/Cherry Payne b Kofi Nahaje Kingston, Handsome Johnny b “The Promise” Antonio Thomas, Pride (Dan Freitas and Brian Nunes) b The Logan Brothers (Bryan and Matt Logan), Fred “Bonecrusher” Sampson b Psycho to win the New England title, “Straight Edge” Brian Fury b Dr. Reginald Heresy w/Nurse Kiki Van Dyke, Kid Mikaze b Max Bauer, Thomas Penmanship b Chase Del Monte to retain the Chaotic Heavyweight title.
  • September 29, 2006 – Chaotic Wrestling in Methuen, Massachusetts: Bryan Logan b Dan Freitas, Chase Del Monte b Fred “Bonecrusher” Sampson by Countout (Sampson retains New England Title), “Straight Edge” Brian Fury b “The Promise” Antonio Thomas, Intellectual Properties (Arch Kincaid and Max Bauer) b Jason Blade and Kid Mikaze to retain the Tag Team titles, Brian Nunes b Matt Logan, Brian Milonas w/Cherry Payne b Psycho, Thomas Penmanship b Handsome Johnny to retain the Chaotic Heavyweight title.
  • October 20, 2006 – Chaotic Wrestling in Lowell, Massachusetts: The Logan Brothers (Bryan and Matt) b The Chick Magnets (Mozart Fontaine and Mike Tobin), “Straight Edge” Brian Fury b “Bonecrusher” Fred Sampson (New England Champion) by Countout in a Non-title match, Nikki Roxx b Dr. Reginald Heresy, Thomas Penmanship vs Pride (Dan Freitas and Brian Nunes) was ruled a NO CONTEST, Brian Milonas w/Cherry Payne b Handsome Johnny, Jason Blade and Kid Mikaze b Intellectual Properties (Arch Kincaid and Max Bauer) to win the Tag Team titles.
  • December 1, 2006 – Chaotic Wrestling in Lowell, Massachusetts at the Polish American Veteran’s Club: Jason Blade b Dr. Reginald Heresy, Brian Milonas w/Cherry Payne b “Straight Edge” Brian Fury, “Golden Greek” Alex Arion b Kid Mikaze, Fred Sampson and Brian Black b Pretty Psycho (Handsome Johnny and Psycho), The Chick Magnets (Mozart Fontaine and Mike Tobin) b The Logan Brothers (Bryan and Matt Logan), Thomas Penmanship b Max Bauer (w/Arch Kincaid and Alex Arion) to retain the Chaotic title.
  • January 12, 2007 – Chaotic Wrestling in Lowell, Massachusetts: “Straight Edge” Brian Fury b Psycho in a #1 Contenders match for the New England Title, New England Champion Fred “Bonecrusher” Sampson vs “Handsome” Johnny ended in a Double Countout, “Chick Magnet” Mike Tobin w/Mozart Fontaine b Bryan Logan w/Matt Logan, Psycho won a Battle Royal to earn the right to choose his opponent at COLD FURY 6 (Psycho chose to face New England Champion Fred “Bonecrusher” Sampson), Nikki Roxx b Dr. Reginald Heresy, Thomas Penmanship and Jason Blade and Kid Mikaze vs Brian Milonas and Max Bauer and Alex Arion (w/Arch Kincaid and Cherry Payne) was declared a No Contest.
  • February 22, 2007 – Chaotic Wrestling in Derry, New Hampshire: Chase Del Monte b Rhett Coolidge, Tommy Trouble b Psycho, The Logan Brothers (Bryan and Matt Logan) defeated Alex Arion and Max Bauer (w/Brian Milonas and Cherry Payne) in a #1 Contenders match, Brian Milonas b Jason Blade to retain the Chaotic Wrestling title, “Straight Edge” Brian Fury b Fred “Bonecrusher” Sampson to win the CW New England title, Nikki Roxx b Tanya Lee, Little Guido Maritato b Handsome Johnny by DQ when Johnny turned heel.
  • March 30, 2007 – Chaotic Wrestling in Lowell, Massachusetts at the Polish American Veterans Club: The Logan Brothers (Bryan and Matt) b The Blowout Boys (Danny E. and Tommy T.), Chase Del Monte b Dr. Reginald Heresy, Fred “Bonecrusher” Sampson b “Sensational” Scott Reed, “Straight Edge” Brian Fury b Handsome Johnny to retain the New England title, Brian Milonas w/Cherry Payne b Psycho by forfeit to retain the Chaotic Wrestling title, Tanya Lee b Lexus, Max Bauer and Alex Arion w/Cherry Payne b Jason Blade and Kid Mikaze in a 2/3 Falls match to win the Chaotic Wrestling Tag Team titles.
  • April 13, 2007 – Chaotic Wrestling in Derry, New Hampshire: Chase Del Monte and Dr. Reginald Heresy b The Blowout Boys (Danny E. and Tommy T.), Cleon Gynetics b “Army of One” Craig Stratton, Mike Nice b Psycho, Max Bauer and Alex Arion (w/Brian Milonas and Cherry Payne) b The Logan Brothers (Bryan and Matt), Tanya Lee b Lexus, Brian Milonas w/Cherry Payne b Kid Mikaze to retain the Chaotic Wrestling title, “Straight Edge” Brian Fury and “Mighty Mini” Mark Bourne b Handsome Johnny and Fred “Bonecrusher” Sampson.
  • May 18, 2007 – Chaotic Wrestling in Lowell, Massachusetts at the Polish American Veterans Club: Bryan Logan b Fred “Bonecrusher” Sampson, “Straight Edge” Brian Fury b “Golden Greek” Alex Arion w/Cherry Payne to retain the CW New England title, The Chick Magnets (Mike Tobin and Mozart Fontaine) b Chase Del Monte and Dr. Reginald Heresy, Psycho b Cleon Gynetics, Handsome Johnny b “Mighty Mini” Mark Bourne, Jason Blade and Kid Mikaze b Max Bauer and “Alex Arion w/Cherry Payne to win the CW Tag Team titles, Blowout Boy Danny E. w/Tommy T. b Lexus, Brian Milonas w/Cherry Payne b Matt Logan to retain the Chaotic Wrestling title.
  • May 25, 2007 – Chaotic Wrestling – Homecoming in Byfield, Massachusetts at the Triton Regional High School before 1200+ fans: Brian Milonas w/Cherry Payne vs. Big Rick Fuller w/Johnny Fabulous with WWE Champion John Cena as the guest referee for the Chaotic Wrestling title (WWE chairman Vince McMahon made a brief unadvertised appearance interfering in the match and getting FU’d by John Cena!)
  • June 15, 2007 – Chaotic Wrestling in Lowell, Massachusetts at the Polish American Veterans Club: Psycho b Blowout Boy Danny E. (w/Tommy T. and Lexus), Kid Mikaze b Cleon Gynetics, Blowout Boy Tommy T. (w/Danny E. and Lexus) b Nikki Roxx, The Logan Brothers (Bryan and Matt and Nick) b Big Business (Brian Milonas and Max Bauer and Alex Arion w/Cherry Payne), Handsome Johnny b Omega Security’s Tom Liddell, Chase Del Monte and Brandon Locke b The Chick Magnets (Mike Tobin and Mozart Fontaine w/Dr. Heresy), “Straight Edge” Brian Fury b Fred “Bonecrusher” Sampson in a Ladder Match to retain the CW New England title.
  • July 13, 2007 – Chaotic Wrestling in Lowell, Massachusetts at the Polish American Veterans Club: Jason Blade and Kid Mikaze b The Blowout Boys (Danny E. and Tommy T., w/Lexxus) to retain the CW Tag Team title, Mike Nice and Lexxus b Nikki Roxx in a Handicap match, The Logan Brothers (Matt and Nick) b Big Business (Max Bauer and Alex Arion w/Cherry Payne), Scotty Taylor b Handsome Johnny, “Straight Edge” Brian Fury (CW New England Champion) b Cleon Gynetics in a Non-title match, Chase Del Monte and Brandon Locke b Fred “Bonecrusher” Sampson and Big Rick Fuller, Brian Milonas w/Cherry Payne b Bryan Logan by referee stoppage when Bryan Logan was deemed unable to continue.
  • August 10, 2007 – Chaotic Wrestling in Lowell, Massachusetts at the Polish American Veterans Club: Nikki Roxx b Lexxus w/The Blowout Boys, Fred “Bonecrusher” Sampson vs. Big Rick Fuller ended in a No Contest, Locked and Loaded (Brandon Locke and Chase Del Monte) b Nick Sabre and Justin Corino, “Straight Edge” Brian Fury b “Golden Greek” Alex Arion w/Cherry Payne to retain the CW New England title, Handsome Johnny b Omega Security’s Tom Liddell, Maverick Wild b Matthew Evagrius, The Blowout Boys (Danny E. and Tommy T.) b Jason Blade and Kid Mikaze to win the CW Tag Team titles, The Logan Brothers (Matt and Nick Logan) b Brian Milonas w/Cherry Payne by DQ.
  • September 7, 2007 – Chaotic Wrestling – Summer Chaos in Lowell, Massachusetts at the Polish American Veterans Club: Max Bauer w/Cherry Payne b Matt Logan, Big Rick Fuller and Fred “Bonecrusher” Sampson w/Johnny Fabulous b Franciz and Sean Moore, Chase Del Monte b Scott Reed, “Golden Greek” Alex Arion w/Cherry Payne b CW New England Champion “Straight Edge” Brian Fury by DQ, The Blowout Boys (Danny E. and Tommy T.) and Lexxus b Jason Blade and Kid Mikaze and Nikki Roxx, Dr. Reginald Heresy b Maverick Wild, Bryan Logan b Brian Milonas to win the Chaotic Wrestling Heavyweight title.
  • October 19, 2007 – Chaotic Wrestling – in Lowell, Massachusetts at the Polish American Veterans Club: Psycho b Franciz, Dr. Reginald Heresy and Maverick Wild b Fred “Bonecrusher” Sampson and Big Rick Fuller (w/Johnny Fabulous), Handsome Johnny b Matt Logan, The Blowout Boys (Danny E. and Tommy T., w/Lexxus) b Locked and Loaded (Brandon Locke and Chase Del Monte) to retain the CW Tag Team titles, Kid Mikaze b “Lost Soul” Scott Reed, Nikki Roxx b “Portuguese Princess” Ariel, Big Business (Max Bauer and Alex Arion, w/Cherry Payne) b Bryan Logan (Chaotic Champion) and Brian Fury (New England Champion).
  • October 20, 2007 – Chaotic Wrestling – in Derry, New Hampshire at the Veterans Memorial Hall: Locked and Loaded (Chase Del Monte and Brandon Locke) b “Lost Soul” Scott Reed and Dr. Reginald Heresy, Matt Logan and Handsome Johnny b Franciz and Fred “Bonecrusher” Sampson (w/Johnny Fabulous), “Blowout Boy” Danny E. and Mike Nice b “Blowout Boy” Tommy T. and Lexxus, Maverick Wild and Max Bauer (w/Cherry Payne) b Tom Liddell and Big Rick Fuller (w/Johnny Fabulous), Nikki Roxx and Psycho b Kid Mikaze and “Head of Security” Tony Omega, Handsome Johnny won the LETHAL LOTTERY Battle Royal, “Golden Greek” Alex Arion (w/Cherry Payne) b “Straight Edge” Brian Fury to capture the CW New England title, Bryan Logan b Handsome Johnny to retain the CW Heavyweight title.
  • November 2, 2007 – Chaotic Wrestling – in Lowell, Massachusetts at the Polish American Veterans Club: Big Rick Fuller (w/Fred “Bonecrusher” Sampson) b Max Bauer (w/Cherry Payne), “Lost Soul” Scott Reed b Brandon Locke, The Blowout Boys (Danny E. and Tommy T. w/Lexxus) b Kid Mikaze and Kung Fu Psycho to retain the CW Tag Team titles, Maverick Wild (w/Dr. Heresy) b Fred “Bonecrusher” Sampson (w/Big Rick Fuller), Nikki Roxx b Lexxus and “The Portuguese Princess” Ariel in a Women’s Triple Threat Match, “Straight Edge” Brian Fury b Matt Logan, Handsome Johnny b Chase Del Monte, CW Heavyweight Champion Bryan Logan b CW New England Champion “Golden Greek” Alex Arion (w/Cherry Payne).
  • December 14, 2007 – Chaotic Wrestling – in Lowell, Massachusetts at the Polish American Veterans Club: Big Rick Fuller b Sledge, Brian Milonas (w/Cherry Payne) b Mikaze, Scott Reed b Brandon Locke, Chase Del Monte b Maverick Wild, CW Tag Team Champions The Blowout Boys (Danny E. and Tommy T. w/Lexxus) b Matt Logan and Psycho, Dr. Reginald Heresy b Fred “Bonecrusher” Sampson, “Straight Edge” Brian Fury b Max Bauer (w/Cherry Payne) by DQ, Handsome Johnny b Bryan Logan to win the new CW Heavyweight title.
  • January 18, 2008 – Chaotic Wrestling in Lowell, Massachusetts at the Polish American Veterans Club: “Blowout Boy” Danny E. w/Lexxus b Kid Mikaze, “Blowout Boy” Tommy T. w/Lexxus b Makua, Lock’N’Loaded and Team Fabulous (Big Rick Fuller and Fred Sampson w/Johnny Fabulous) b Mind Over Matter and The Lost Souls, Psycho b Mike Nice, Big Business (Max Bauer and Alex Arion w/Cherry Payne) b “Straight Edge” Brain Fury and Nikki Roxx, The Logan Boys (Bryan and Matt Logan) vs. Handsome Johnny and Brain Milonas w/Cherry Payne ended in a No Contest.
  • February 8, 2008 – Chaotic Wrestling – Cold Fury 7 in Lowell, Massachusetts at the Polish American Veterans Club: “Straight Edge” Brian Fury b Max Bauer w/Cherry Payne, The Blow Out Boyz w/Lexxus b Nice ‘N’ Slow to retain the Chaotic Wrestling Tag Team titles, “Intellectual” Arch Kincaid and Duke Dalton were inducted in the Chaotic Wrestling Hall of Fame 2008, Mikaze b Matt Lowga by Count Out, Lock ‘N’ Loaded b Team Fabulous and Mind Over Matter and The Lost Souls and Omega Security and The Chick Magnets in an #1 Contenders Tag Team Gauntlet, “The Golden Greek” Alex Arion w/Cherry Payne b Nikki Roxx in a “New England Title vs. Chaotic Career” match to retain his New England title and abolish Nikki Roxx from Chaotic, Brain Logan b Brian Milones and Handsome Johnny (c) in a 3-WAY to win the Chaotic Heavyweight title.

  • February 29, 2008 – Chaotic Wrestling – in Lowell, Massachusetts at the Polish American Veterans Club: Big Rick Fuller (w/Johnny Fabulous and Fred “Bonecrusher” Sampson) b Scotty Reid in a Squash match, Sledge b Shane Sharp, Fred “Bonecrusher” Sampson (w/Johnny Fabulous and Rick Fuller) b Tony Omega, Nice ‘N’ Slow b Big Business (Brian Milones and Max Bauer w/Cherry Payne), Mikaze b “Straight Edge” Brian Fury in a #1 Contenders match for CW New England title, The Blow Out Boyz w/Lexxus b Locked and Loaded to retain the CW Tag Team titles, Brian Logan b Maverick Wild to retain the Chaotic Wrestling title.

  • March 14, 2008 – Chaotic Wrestling – in Lowell, Massachusetts at the Polish American Veterans Club: Max Bauer b Makua, Il Scrivano Mascherato b Franciz (After the match, Brian Milonas hit the ring and unmasked the so-called Italian star to reveal Thomas Penmanship), Psycho and Big Rick Fuller b CW Tag Team Champions The Blowout Boys (Danny E. and Tommy T. w/ Lexxus) by Countout, CW New England Champion “Golden Greek” Alex Arion b Mikaze, Fred “Bonecrusher” Sampson b Dr. Heresy, The Lost Souls (Scott Reed and Sledge) b Locked and Loaded (Chase Del Monte and Brandon Locke), CW Heavyweight Champion Bryan Logan b Brian Milonas. [reported by and Phillip “Saiyan Destroyer” Steriopoulos III]

  • April 4, 2008 – Chaotic Wrestling – in Lowell, Massachusetts at the Polish American Veterans Club: Mikaze b Scott Reed (w/Sledge), Big Rick Fuller b Brandon Locke, CW Tag Team Champions The Blowout Boys (Danny E. and Tommy T. w/Lexxus) b Nice’n Slow (Mike Nice and Psycho) and Mind Over Matter (Dr. Heresy and Maverick Wild) in a 3-WAY Tag match, CW New England Champion “Golden Greek” Alex Arion b Fred “Bonecrusher” Sampson, Makua b Sledge, Max Bauer b Shawn Moore, CW Heavyweight Champion Bryan Logan vs. Thomas Penmanship ended in a 30-minute time limit draw.

  • April 25, 2008 – Chaotic Wrestling – in Lowell, Massachusetts at the Polish American Veterans Club:

  • June 27, 2008 – Chaotic Wrestling in Lawrence, Massachusetts at the Plains Community Center: Makua b Sledge (w/Scott Reed), Scott Reed (w/Sledge) b Bryan Logan (Bryan went to the hospital shortly after his match over concerns with injuries originally suffered at the hands of his brother), Mike Nice b Brian Milonas, “The Duke of Elegance” Don Chesterfield (w/his Squire) b Mikaze by Submission, Big Rick Fuller and Fred “Bonecrusher” Sampson b The Blowout Boys (Danny E. and Tommy T., w/Lexxus) to win the CW Tag Team titles, Matt Logan b Chase Del Monte, Omega Security (Tony Omega and Nick Gamma) b Dr. Reginald Heresy and Psycho, “Golden Greek” Alex Arion b Tommaso Ciampa to retain the CW Heavyweight Title.

  • July 18, 2008 – Chaotic Wrestling in Lowell Massachusetts: Brian Milonas b Nick Gamma w/Tony Omega (After the match; Makua came out for his match and Brian beat him down), Scott Reed w/Sledge b Makua to advance in the CW New England Championship Tournament, Kid Mikaze b Matt Logan to advance in the CW New England Championship Tournament, Brian Fury b “The Duke of Elegance” Donald Chesterfield w/Squire, Vortex b Psycho, Sledge w/Scott Reed b Chase Del Monte to advance in the CW New England Championship Tournament, “The Golden Greek” Alex Arion b Brian Logan.

  • August 15, 2008 – Chaotic Wrestling – CW New England Championship Tournament in Lowell, Massachusetts: Mike Nice won the 20-man over-the-top-rope “Last Chance Rumble” to take the final spot in the tournament, – “Straight Edge” Brian Fury b Sledge (w/Scott Reed) in a 1st Round match, Brian Milonas b Mikaze in a 1st Round match, Scott Reed (w/ Sledge) b Bryan Logan by DQ in a 1st Round match, Mike Nice b “The Duke of Elegance” Don Chesterfield w/his Squire in a 1st Round match (After the match, Chesterfield rammed Nice’s shoulder into the ringpost, then hooked on his hammerlock submission until officials broke it up), Scott Reed (w/Sledge) b Mike Nice in a Semi-Final match, “Straight Edge” Brian Fury b Brian Milonas in a Semi-Final match, Scott Reed (w/Sledge) b “Straight Edge” Brian Fury in the Tournament Final to win the CW New England title. [reported by Phillip “Saiyan Destroyer” Steriopoulos III]

  • September 6, 2008 – Chaotic Wrestling in Lowell, Massachusetts: Matt Logan b Frankie Roda, Matt Spectro (w/Johnny Fabulous) b Fred “Bonecrusher” Sampson, Omega Security (Tony Omega and Nick Gamma) b The Blowout Boys (Danny E. and Tommy T., w/Lexxus and Adriana), Bryan Logan b “The Duke of Elegance” Don Chesterfield, Scott Reed (w/Sledge) b Psycho to retain the CW New England title, The Empire (Brian Milonas and Sledge w/Scott Reed) b “Straight Edge” Brian Fury and Mikaze, Chase Del Monte b Chaotic Wrestling champion “Golden Greek” Alex Arion (w/Cherry Payne) by DQ.

  • September 12, 2008 – Chaotic Wrestling in Tynsgburo, Massachusetts: Scott Reed b Psycho to retain New England title, Chase Del Monte b Matt Logan, Bryan Logan b brian Milonas, Nikki Roxx b Lexxus w/The Blow Out Boys, Max Bauer and Psycho/Roxxi b The Blowout Boys W/Lexxus, Don Chesterfield b Evan Young, Milonas and Sledge b Omega Security (Tony Omega and Nick Gamma), “The Golden Greek” Alex Arion b “Straight Edge” Brian Fury in a Kiss My Keister (ass) match to retain the Chaotic Wrestling title (Brian lived up to his words and held his honor, but then Alex got a stink face from Brian!).

  • September 13, 2008 – Chaotic Wreslting in Lawrence, Massachusetts at the Saint Joseph Plains Community Center: “Straight Edge” Brian Fury won a #1 contenders Battle Royal for CW Heavyweight Championship, The Blowout Boys (Danny E. and Tommy T. w/Adrianna) b Omega Security (Tony Omega and Nick Gamma), Scott Reed (w/ Sean Gorman) b Vortex to retain the New England title, “Stone Cold” Psycho b Scott Reed to win the New England title (But Psycho and everyone were informed that since the match was NOT ORGINALLY SIGNED, the title does NOT CHANGE HANDS), The Empire (Brian Milonas and Sledge) b Matt Spectro and Brandon Locke, “The Mohawked Enforcer” Max Bauer b “The Duke of Elegance” Donald Chesterfield, “The Golden Greek” Alex Arion b “Straight Edge” Brian Fury to retain the Chaotic Wrestling title. [reported by Phillip Steriopoulos and Shawn O]

  • September 26, 2008 – Chaotic Wrestling in Lowell, Massachusetts at the Polish American Veterans Club: Chase Del Monte b Danny E w/Lexxus (Chase celebrated his birthday after the match!), Psycho b Sledge, Tommy T w/Adriana b Mikaze, Scotty 2 Hotty and Brian Fury b Scott Reed and Brian Milonas, Max Bauer b Donald Chesterfield, Fred “Bonecrusher” Sampson and Ric Fuller b Matt Spectro and Brandon Locke to tetain CW Tag Team titles, “The Golden Greek” Alex Arion w/Cherry Payne b Antonio Thomas to retain CW Heavyweight title (Afterwards, Max Bauer and Chase Del Monte haze Alex Arion, who was POSSIBLY hurt from the beatdown).
  • October 17, 2008 – Chaotic Wrestling in Lowell, Massachusetts at the Polish American Veterans Club: Sledge b Kid Mikaze, Fred Sampson b Brandon Locke, Brian Milonas b Antonio Thomas, Scott Reed b Brian Fury, Tommy T b Tony Omega, Chase Del Monte and Max Bauer b Alex Arion and Don Chesterfield.
  • November 7, 2008 – Chaotic Wrestling – Night of CHAOS in Lowell, Massachusetts at the Polish American Veterans Club: The Empire (Brian Milonas and Sledge) were able to survive the Tag Team Turmoil Battle Royal/Gauntlet match and emerge as the new Chaotic Wrestling Tag Team Champions, “The Mohawked Enforcer” Max Bauer b “The Duke of Elegance” Don Chesterfield in a Kiss My Keister Match, Scott Reed b Psycho to retain the New England title in the Psycho Rules/Empire Rules Match (After the match, “Demon” Ortiz made his Chaotic Wrestling return and Hall of Famer quickly disposed of The Empire in front of the huge Lowell crowd), Lexxus (w/Danny E.) b Adriana (w/Tommy T.) with Special Guest Referee TNA Knockout Roxxi (The Blowout Boys were handcuffed together at ringside for the match), Alex Arion (w/Cherry Payne) b Chase Del Monte to retain the Chaotic Heavyweight title (After a grueling 30-minute time limit draw, Chaotic Official Mark Douglas restarted the match – ordering that there must be a winner. Arion and Chase battled for another 20 minutes before Arion was finally able to defeat the fan favorite, Del Monte).
  • December 5, 2008 – Chaotic Wrestling – Toys for Tots Drive in Lowell, Massachusetts at the Polish American Veterans Club: Chase Del Monte b Matt Spectro, The Empire (”Kingpin” Brian Milonas and Sledge, w/Sean Gorman) b Omega Security (Tony Omega and Nick Gamma) to retain the CW Tag Team titles, Tommaso Ciampa b Vortex, Danny E. and Alexxis (formerly Lexxus) b Tommy T. and Adriana with special guest referee special referee (After the match, Tommy turned his back on a bitter Adriana and reunited with Danny and Alexxis to the delight of the crowd. Moments later, they attacked Nikki Roxx to regain the fans’ contempt), Demon Ortiz b Brandon Locke, “Straight Edge” Brian Fury and Mikaze b Big Rick Fuller and Fred “Bonecrusher” Sampson in a #1 Contenders match, CW New England Champion Scott Reed (w/Sean Gorman) b Shayne Sharpe (w/Evan Young), Big Rick Fuller (voted in by the fans) b “The Duke of Elegance” Don Chesterfield and Psycho and Max Bauer and Brian Milonas and Scott Reed in a 6-WAY #1 Contenders match.
  • January 9, 2009 – Chaotic Wrestling – Cold Fury in Lowell, Massachusetts at the Polish American Veterans Club: Chase Del Monte b Mozart Fontaine, Brian Fury and Mikaze b Billy Bax and Rob Eckos, Demon Ortiz b Vortex, CW Tag Team champions Brian Milonas and Sledge b Evan Young and Shayne Sharpe, Psycho b Danny E, CW New England champion Scott Reed b Fred Sampson, Tommaso Ciampa b Don Chesterfield.
  • February 6, 2009 – Chaotic Wrestling – Cold Fury 8: Infinite Possibilities in Lowell, Massachusetts at the Polish American Veterans Club: Brian Fury and Mikaze b Brian Milonas and Sledge to win the Chaotic Tag Team titles, John Walters b Chase Del Monte, Demon Ortiz b Scott Reed to win the New England title, Don Chesterfield and Duchess Damon b Tommaso Ciampa and Max Bauer, Chaotic Wrestling champion Alex Arion b Big Rick Fuller by Countout, The Blowout Boys (Danny E. and Tommy T.) b Fred Sampson and Psychom, Chase Del Monte b Alex Arion to win the Chaotic Wrestling title.
  • March 6, 2009 – Chaotic Wrestling in Lowell, Massachusetts at the Polish American Veterans Club: Max Bauer b Sledge, Big Rick Fuller b Alex Arion by Countout, Antonio Thomas and Duchess Damon and Danny E. b Brian Fury and Mikaze and Psycho, Brian Milonas b Bonecrusher Fred Sampson, Chaotic champion Chase Del Monte b Scott Reed, Tommaso Ciampa b Brandon Locke, New England champion Demon Ortiz vs. “Hurricane” John Walters ended in a No Contest.
  • March 18, 2009 – Chaotic Wrestling in Dracut, Massachusetts at the Dracut High School Gym: Big Rick Fuller b “Duchess” Damon, The New Blowout Boys (Danny E. and Antonio T.) b Intellectual Properties (Tommaso Ciampa and Max Bauer), Brian Milonas b Vortex, Demon Ortiz and Brian Fury and John Walters b The Empire (w/Sean Gorman), Elia Makropolous won a 21-man Royal Rumble by eliminating Sledge, CW Heavyweight Champion Chase Del Monte b “Golden Greek” Alex Arion (w/ “Golden Goddess” Cherry Payne).
  • April 3, 2009 – Chaotic Wrestling in Lowell, Massachusetts at the Polish American Veterans Club: Fred “Bonecrusher” Sampson b “Hotshot” Mike Reed, Brian Fury and Mikaze b Max Bauer and Tommaso Ciampa and Danny E. and Duchess Damon in a 3-WAY to retain the Chaotic Tag Team titles, “The Golden Greek” Alex Arion (w/ Cherry Payne) b Big Rick Fuller by countout, Chase Del Monte b Josh Daniels, Brian Milonas b Elia Makropolous, Demon Ortiz and “Hurricane” John Walters b Scott Reed and Sledge (w/ Sean Gorman).
  • May 1, 2009 – Chaotic Wrestling – Road to Breaking Point in Lowell, Massachusetts at the Polish American Veterans Club: CW New England champion Demon Ortiz b Scott Reed (w/Sean Gorman), Intellectual Properties (Max Bauer and Tommaso Ciampa) b Orlin Goodspeed III and Reginald Heresy (w/Joey Eastman), #1 Contender Sledge (w/ Sean Gorman) b Elia Markopoulos, The Blowout Boys (Danny E. and Antonio T. w/Alexxis) b Brian Fury and Mikaze to win the CW Tag Team titles, CW Heavyweight champion Chase Del Monte b Eric Andretti in a non-title match, Brian Milonas b Tony Omega, Big Rick Fuller b “The Golden Greek” Alex Arion (w/ Cherry Payne) in a Lumberjack Match.
  • May 29, 2009 – Chaotic Wrestling – Breaking Point in Lowell, Massachusetts at the Polish American Veterans Club: Bryan and Matt Logan b The Blowout Boys (Danny E. and Antonio T., w/ Alexxis) to win the Chaotic Wrestling Tag Team titles, “Straight Edge” Brian Fury b Mikaze, Fred “Bonecrusher” Sampson b “The Golden Greek” Alex Arion (w/ Cherry Payne), Chase Del Monte b Sledge (w/Sean Gorman) to retain the CW Heavyweight title, Big Rick Fuller b Brian Milonas by DQ, “Hot Shot” Mike Reed b Elia Markopoulos, Scott Reed (w/Sean Gorman) b Demon Ortiz in a Ladder Match to regain the CW New England title.
  • June 12, 2009 – Chaotic Wrestling – in Lawrence, Massachusetts at the Plains Community Center: “Hot Shot” Mike Reed won a Battle Royal for a shot at the CW Heavyweight Championship later that night, Bryan and Matt Logan b Agents Starr and Magic (w/ Brian Milonas) to retain the CW Tag Team titles, “Mighty Mini” Mark Bourne b “Golden Greek” Alex Arion (w/ Cherry Payne), Brian Milonas b Max Bauer, Scott Reed (w/ Sean Gorman) b Frankie Roda to retain the CW New England title, “Straight Edge” Brian Fury (w/ Sean Gorman) b Demon Ortiz, Alexxis (w/The Blowout Boys) b Ariel, Chase Del Monte b “Hot Shot” Mike Reed to retain the CW Heavyweight title.
  • June 26, 2009 – Chaotic Wrestling – in Lowell, Massachusetts at the Polish American Veterans Club: Elia Markopoulos b “The Golden Greek” Alex Arion (w/ Cherry Payne) for his first victory in CW, “Straight Edge” Brian Fury (w/ Sean Gorman) b Vortexx, Brian Milonas b Demon Ortiz, Max Bauer b The East Coast Cowboy, Bryan and Matt Logan b The Blowout Boys (Antonio T. and Frankie A., w/ Alexxis) to retain the CW Tag Team Titles, Scott Reed (w/ Sean Gorman) b “Mighty Mini” Mark Bourne to retain the CW New England Title,Big Rick Fuller b Agents Starr and Magic (w/ Brian Milonas), Chase Del Monte b Brandon Locke to retain the CW Heavyweight title.
  • July 24, 2009 – Chaotic Wrestling – in Lowell, Massachusetts at the Polish American Veterans Club: The Logan Brothers (Bryan and Matt) b The Blowout Boys (Danny E. and Frankie A., w/ Antonio T. and Alexxis) to retain the CW Tag Team titles, Demon Ortiz b “Golden Greek” Alex Arion (w/Cherry Payne), Elia Markopolous b “Hot Shot” Mike Reed, Big Rick Fuller vs. Brian Milonas was ruled a no contest, “Straight Edge” Brian Fury (w/Sean Gorman) b Max Bauer, Scott Reed (w/Sean Gorman) b “Mighty Mini” Mark Bourne to retain the CW New England title, Chase Del Monte b “Hurricane” John Walters to retain the Chaotic Wrestling title.
  • August 21, 2009 – Chaotic Wrestling – Summer Chaos in Lowell, Massachusetts at the Polish American Veterans Club: “Golden Greek” Alex Arion (w/Cherry Payne) b Elia Markopoulos, Max Bauer and Mike Nice (w/Psycho) b Reginald Heresy and Orlin Goodspeed III (w/Joey Eastman), Scott Reed (w/Sean Gorman) b “Mighty Mini” Mark Bourne to retain the New England title, The Logans (Bryan and Matt and Nick) b The Blowout Boys (Danny E. and Antonio T. and Frankie A. w/Alexxis) in a Six Man Match, Brian Milonas b Big Rick Fuller in a No DQ match, Demon Ortiz b “Hot Shot” Mike Reed, Chase Del Monte b “Straight Edge” Brian Fury (w/Sean Gorman) to retain the Chaotic title.
  • September 18, 2009 – Chaotic Wrestling – in Lowell, Massachusetts at the Polish American Veterans Club: CW Tag Team champions Bryan and Matt Logan b Dr. Reginald Heresy and Orlin Goodspeed III, Biff Busick b Nick Logan in his debut match, Demon Ortiz b Blowout Boy Danny E. (with Alexxis), Elia Markopolous b Scott Reed (with Sean Gorman) to win the CW New England title, “Golden Greek” Alex Arion b “Hot Shot” Mike Reed, Max Bauer and Milonas Security (Agents Starr and Magic) b Big Rick Fuller and Nice’n Slow (Mike Nice and Psycho), Chase Del Monte b “Straight Edge” Brian Fury (with Sean Gorman) to retain the Chaotic Wrestling title.
  • October 16, 2009 – Chaotic Wrestling – Live Event in Lowell, Massachusetts at the Polish American Veterans Club: Big Rick Fuller b “The Enforcer” Max Bauer, Biff Busick b “Mighty Mini” Mark Bourne, Nick Logan b Tommaso Ciampa by submission in a Super 8 Tournament Final rematch, Psycho b “Hot Shot” Mike Reed, Elia Markopoulos b “Straight Edge” Brian Fury to retain the CW New England title, Demon Ortiz vs. Scott Reed ended in a Double DQ, Mike Nice n Blowout Boy Danny E., Brian Milonas and Agent Starr and Agent Magic b Chase Del Monte and The Logan Brothers (Bryan and Matt) in a six-man tag team bout when Starr pinned Matt Logan.
  • November 13, 2009 – Chaotic Wrestling – Night of Chaos in Lowell, Massachusetts at the Polish American Veterans Club: Blowout Boy Danny E. b Elia Markopoulos and Demon Ortiz and “Golden Greek” Alex Arion and Psycho and Scott Reed in a 6-WAY to win the CW New England title, “Enforcer” Max Bauer b Mike Nice, Big Rick Fuller vs. Biff Busick ended in a no contest in a Manliest Man Match, Mikaze b “Straight Edge” Brian Fury in a Nunchucks on a Pole Match, The Logan Brothers (Bryan and Matt) b Agents Starr and Magic to retain the CW Tag Team Titles, Chase Del Monte b Brian Milonas in a Tables Match to retain the Chaotic Wrestling Title.
  • January 8, 2010 – Chaotic Wrestling – in Lowell, Massachusetts at the Polish American Veterans Club: The Logan Brothers (Bryan and Matt) b Brandon Locke and Matt Spectro to retain the CW Tag Team titles, Alexxis (w/Danny E.) b Mistress Belmont, Scott Reed (w/Sean Gorman) b “American Sasuke” Mikaze, Intellectual Properties (Tommaso Ciampa and Max Bauer) b Chase Del Monte and “Mighty Mini” Mark Bourne, Biff Busick b Psycho, “Blowout Boy” Danny E. (w/Alexxis) b Elia Markopoulos to retain the CW New England title, Brian Milonas b Demon Ortiz and Brian Fury and Alex Arion in a 4-WAY Warfare to become #1 Contender for the Chaotic Title.
  • January 29, 2010 – Chaotic Wrestling – in Woburn, Massachusetts at the Elks Lodge: Psycho (w/ Mike Nice) b Julian Starr, Alexxis (w/ Danny E.) b Mistress Belmont, “Kingpin” Brian Milonas b Elia Markopoulos, The Logan Brothers (Bryan and Matt) b The Empire (“Straight Edge” Brian Fury and Scott Reed, w/ Sean Gorman) to retain the CW Tag Team titles, “Golden Greek” Alex Arion eliminated Brian Milonas to win the Battle Royal and earn a CW Heavyweight Championship title shot that night, Demon Ortiz b CW New England champion “Blowout Boy” Danny E. (w/ Alexxis) in a non-title match, “The Enforcer” Max Bauer vs. Mike Nice did not take place (as the injured Tommaso Ciampa instead offered Nice his spot in Intellectual Properties to challenge The Logans at COLD FURY 9. Nice initially refused and hugged his friend Psycho – then drove him to the canvas with a belly-to-belly suplex and officially joined the Properties).”The Manliest Man” Biff Busick b “American Sasuke” Mikaze, Chase Del Monte b “Golden Greek” Alex Arion to retain the Chaotic Wrestling title.
  • January 30, 2010 – Chaotic Wrestling – in Lawrence, Massachusetts at the Plains Community Center: Demon Ortiz b Julian Starr, Elia Markopoulos b “Wildman” Kongo, The Empire (Brian Fury and Scott Reed w/Sean Gorman) b Rican Havoc (Jose Perez and Don Vega), “American Sasuke” Mikaze b The East Coast Cowboy, Psycho b Matt Spectro, Chase Del Monte and Bryan Logan and Matt Logan and Alex Arion b Brian Milonas and Max Bauer and Mike Nice and Biff Busick in a Lawrence Survivor Match (Del Monte and Arion were the survivors).
  • February 19, 2010 – Chaotic Wrestling – COLD FURY 9: The Never-ending Chase in Lowell, Massachusetts at the Polish American Veterans Club: Demon Ortiz b El Milagro, Brian Fury and Scott Reed and Sean Gorman b Mikaze and Elia Markopoulos and Alex Arion when Gorman pinned Markopoulos, “Extreme Strongman” Gino Martino accepted his plaque for the 2010 Chaotic Wrestling Hall of Fame, Julian Starr eliminated Brian Fury to win the 20-man “Chaotic Countdown” Battle Royal earning a CW New England Title match, Handsome Johnny b “Manliest Man” Biff Busick by DQ, The Logan Brothers (Bryan and Matt) b Intellectual Properties (“The Enforcer” Max Bauer and Mike Nice, w/ Tommaso Ciampa) to retain the CW Tag Team titles, “Blowout Boy” Danny E. (w/Alexxis) b Julian Starr to retain the CW New England title, Brian Milonas b Chase Del Monte to win the Chaotic Wrestling title.
  • March 12, 2010 – Chaotic Wrestling – COLD FURY Fallout in Lowell, Massachusetts at the Polish American Veterans Club: Handsome Johnny b Matt Spectro, Psycho b “Manliest Man” Biff Busick by DQ, Julian Starr b “Blowout Boy” Danny E. w/Alexxis to win the CW New England title, “Straight Edge” Brian Fury w/Sean Gorman b “American Sasuke” Mikaze, “Golden Greek” Alex Arion b Scott Reed w/Sean Gorman, 2010 CW Hall of Famer Gino Martino and Demon Ortiz had an in-ring confrontation that ended with Martino ramming Ortiz in the sternum with a headbutt and laying him out on the mat.Matt Logan and Big Rick Fuller b “The Enforcer” Max Bauer and Mike Nice (Due to a Bryan Logan injury suffered in Hudson, this match became a handicap match with Matt taking on both Bauer and Nice. Fuller entered the match later to even the sides, chokeslamming Nice allowing Matt to hit a frog splash for the win).
  • April 9, 2010 – Chaotic Wrestling – in Woburn, Massachusetts: Handsome Johnny b Bazooka Joe, Mikaze b Elia Markopoulos, The Blowout Boys (Danny E. and his cousin Vinny E., w/ Alexxis) b The Logan Brothers (Bryan and Matt) to capture the CW Tag Team Titles, Big Rick Fuller b Matt Spectro, Julian Starr b “Straight Edge” Brian Fury (w/Sean Gorman) to retain the CW New England title, “The Manliest Man” Biff Busick b Demon Ortiz by DQ, “The Extreme Strongman” Gino Martino b Psycho, Chase Del Monte and U-Gene b “Kingpin” Brian Milonas and “The Enforcer” Max Bauer (w/Cherry Payne).
  • April 10, 2010 – Chaotic Wrestling – in Lawrence, Massachusetts: Big Rick Fuller b Bazooka Joe, Intellectual Properties (“The Enforcer” Max Bauer and Tommaso Ciampa) b Demon Ortiz and Mikaze, “Brutal” Bob Evans b Elia Markopoulos, The Logan Brothers (Bryan and Matt) b The Blowout Boys (Danny E. and his cousin Vinny E., w/ Alexxis) to recapture the CW Tag Team Titles, Handsome Johnny b Matt Spectro, Julian Starr and U-Gene (w/Psycho) b “Straight Edge” Brian Fury and “The Manliest Man” Biff Busick (w/Sean Gorman), “Kingpin” Brian Milonas (w/Cherry Payne) b Chase Del Monte in a STEEL CAGE MATCH to retain the Chaotic Wrestling title.
  • April 30, 2010 – Chaotic Wrestling – in Lowell, Massachusetts: Chase Del Monte b Danny E. (w/ Alexxis and Matty E.), “Manliest Man” Biff Busick b Handsome Johnny, “American Sasuke” Mikaze b “Enforcer” Max Bauer, “Straight Edge” Brian Fury b Psycho in a $5,000 Challenge Match, Chaotic champion “The Kingpin” Brian Milonas b Chaotic New England champion Julian Starr, Chaotic Tag Team champions The Logan Brothers (Matt and Bryan) b Alex Arion and Elia Markopoulos, Tommaso Ciampa b Big Rick Fuller by countout in a Tournament of Champions 1st Round Match, “Extreme Strongman” Gino Martino b Demon Ortiz in a Tournament of Champions 1st Round Match fought under No Holds Barred rules.
  • May 21, 2010 – Chaotic Wrestling – Tournament of Champions Continues in Lowell, Massachusetts: Handsome Johnny b Chase Del Monte in a Tournament of Champions 1st Round Match, “Extreme Strongman” Gino Martino b Elia Markopoulos, Republique (Fala and Kongo, w/Sean Gorman) b The East Coast Cowboy and The North Shore Cowboy (Matt Spectro), “Golden Greek” Alex Arion b Bryan Logan in a Tournament of Champions 1st Round Match, “Straight Edge” Brian Fury w/Sean Gorman b Matt Logan in a $5,000 Challenge Match, The Blowout Boys (Danny E. and Vinny E., w/Alexxis) b Psycho and Matt Psycho (Spectro), Julian Starr and Big Rick Fuller and Mikaze b Brian Milonas and Max Bauer and Biff Busick.
  • June 11, 2010 – Chaotic Wrestling – in Hudson, Massachusetts at the Elks Lodge: Chaotic New England champion Julian Starr b Tommaso Ciampa, République (Fala and Kongo, w/Sean Gorman) b Pretty Psycho (Handsome Johnny and Psycho), An interview with Big Rick Fuller saw Fuller call out “The Enforcer” Max Bauer for a wild brawl, “The Manliest Man in Chaotic Wrestling” Biff Busick b Chase Del Monte, Chaotic Tag Team champions Bryan and Matt Logan b The Blowout Boys (Danny E. and Vinny E.), “Straight Edge” Brian Fury (w/Sean Gorman and Tony Omega) b “Straight Edge” Matt Spectro (w/Jon Lorman and Dan Alpha) in a $5,000 Challenge Match, “The Golden Greek” Alex Arion b “Extreme Strongman” Gino Martino by DQ, Chaotic champion “The Kingpin” Brian Milonas w/Cherry Payne b Elia Markopoulos.
  • June 18, 2010 – Chaotic Wrestling – Breaking Point in Lowell, Massachusetts: “Golden Greek” Alex Arion b Tommaso Ciampa to advance to the Tournament of Champions finals, Handsome Johnny b “Extreme Strongman” Gino Martino to advance to the Tournament of Champions finals, “Manliest Man” Biff Busick b “Manlier Than The Manliest Man” Matt Spectro, “The Enforcer” Max Bauer b Big Rick Fuller by DQ, République (Fala and Kongo, w/Sean Gorman and Tony Omega) b The Logan Brothers (Bryan and Matt) to capture the CW Tag Team titles, The Blowout Boys (Danny E. and his cousin Vinny E., w/Alexxis) b Elia Markopoulos and Psycho, “Straight Edge” Brian Fury (w/Sean Gorman and Tony Omega) b Chase Del Monte in a $5,000 Challenge Match, “Golden Greek” Alex Arion b Handsome Johnny to win the Tournament of Champions, Chaotic Wrestling champion “Kingpin” Brian Milonas (w/Cherry Payne) b Julian Starr and “American Sasuke” Mikaze in a Triple Threat Match to capture the CW New England title – Milonas now holds both the Heavyweight and New England Titles.
  • July 16, 2010 – Chaotic Wrestling – in Lowell, Massachusetts at the Polish American Veterans Club: “Straight Edge” Brian Fury (w/Sean Gorman and Tony Omega) b Elia Markopoulos in a $5K Challenge match, Psycho b Vortex, Nikki Roxx b Alexxis, République (Fala and Kongo, w/Sean Gorman and Tony Omega) b Julian Starr and “American Sasuke” Mikaze to retain the CW Tag Team titles, “The Enforcer” Max Bauer b The East Coast Cowboy, Big Rick Fuller vs. “Extreme Strongman” Gino Martino never took place due to interference by Max Bauer, Tommaso Ciampa b Scotty Charisma, “Kingpin” Brian Milonas and “The Manliest Man” Biff Busick (w/Cherry Payne) b “Golden Greek” Alex Arion and Handsome Johnny when Johnny became unresponsive in Busick’s submission hold.
  • July 30, 2010 – Chaotic Wrestling – in Woburn, Massachusetts at the Elks Lodge: Big Rick Fuller b “Blowout Boy” Vinny E. (w/ Alexxis), “Extreme Strongman” Gino Martino b Elia Markopoulos, “The Enforcer” Max Bauer b Handsome Johnny after distraction by Biff Busick at ringside, Psycho b “Fabulous” Johnny Vegas, “Kingpin” Brian Milonas (w/Cherry Payne) b Mike Nice to retain the CW New England title, “The Manliest Man” Biff Busick b “American Sasuke” Mikaze by DQ when Handsome Johnny attacked Busick, Demon Ortiz b The East Coast Cowboy, The Logan Brothers and Julian Starr and Chase Del Monte b The Empire (République and Tony Omega and “Straight Edge” Brian Fury, w/ Sean Gorman) in a 4-on-4 Survivor Match [Chase Del Monte and Julian Starr were the survivors for their team].
  • August 13, 2010 – Chaotic Wrestling – in Lowell, Massachusetts at the Polish American Veterans Club: The Logan Brothers (Bryan and Matt) b PRIDE (Dan Freitas and Nick Westgate), The scheduled match between The East Coast Cowboy and Psycho never took place (as Big Rick Fuller interrupted before the introductions and called out “The Enforcer” Max Bauer, leading to a massive brawl), République (Fala and Kongo, w/Sean Gorman and Tony Omega) b Chase Del Monte and Julian Starr to retain the CW Tag Team Titles, Demon Ortiz b (Matt) Spectro Martino, CW Heavyweight and New England champion “Kingpin” Brian Milonas (w/Cherry Payne) b Tommaso Ciampa to retain the CW Heavyweight Title, “Straight Edge” Brian Fury (w/Sean Gorman and Tony Omega) b Nikki Roxx in a $5K Challenge (After the match, Alexxis and new ally Mistress Belmont laid out Roxx and Chaotic Training Center’s Mercedes), “Golden Greek” Alex Arion and “American Sasuke” Mikaze (w/Elia Markopoulos) b The Blowout Boys (Danny E. and Vinny E., w/ Alexxis), Handsome Johnny b “The Manliest Man” Biff Busick in an “I QUIT” Match.
  • October 1, 2010 – Chaotic Wrestling – in Woburn, Massachusetts at the Woburn Elks Lodge: “American Sasuke” Mikaze b Mike Nice, “Straight Edge” Brian Fury (w/Tony Omega) b Handsome Johnny in the $5K Challenge, République (Fala and Kongo, w/Tony Omega) b Chase Del Monte and Julian Starr and Elia Markopoulos and “Golden Greek” Alex Arion in a 3-WAY to retain the CW Tag Team Titles, Vortex b “Extreme Strongman” Gino Martino by DQ when Demon Ortiz attacked Vortex, Big Rick Fuller b “The Enforcer” Max Bauer, Tommaso Ciampa b Matthew Spectroship (Matt Spectro), “Blowout Boy” Danny E. and Alexxis b Nikki Roxx and Mercedes KV in an intergender tag team match, CW Heavyweight and New England champion “Kingpin” Brian Milonas (w/Cherry Payne) b Hidetaka Suzuki.
  • October 2, 2010 – Chaotic Wrestling – in Lawrence, Massachusetts at the Plains Community Center: “American Sasuke” Mikaze b “Kingpin” Brian Milonas (w/Cherry Payne) to capture the CW New England title, Mike Nice b Matt Not-So-Nice (Matt Spectro), Alec the Alien and Dudley DL Dawson vs. “Western Dragon” Wesley Thomas and Vortex was declared a no contest when “Extreme Strongman” Gino Martino and Demon Ortiz attacked the participants and referee, “Blowout Boy” Danny E. b Nikki Roxx (w/Mercedes KV) in an intergender match, Chase Del Monte and Julian Starr and Matt Logan b République (Fala and Kongo w/Tony Omega) and “The Enforcer” Max Bauer, Elia Markopoulos b Hidetaka Suzuki, Pretty Psycho (Handsome Johnny and Psycho) b “Straight Edge” Brian Fury and Tony Omega, “Kingpin” Brian Milonas (w/Cherry Payne) b “Golden Greek” Alex Arion to retain the CW Heavyweight title.
  • November 12, 2010 – Chaotic Wrestling – in Woburn, Massachusetts at the Elks Lodge: “American Sasuke” Mikaze b the returning Brandon Locke to retain the CW New England title, “The Enforcer” Max Bauer b Elia Markopoulos, Big Rick Fuller b Demon Ortiz (w/ “Extreme Strongman” Gino Martino), Julian Starr and Matt Logan b République (Kongo and Fala, w/ Sean Gorman and Tony Omega) to capture the CW Tag Team Titles, “Straight Edge” Brian Fury (w/Sean Gorman and Tony Omega) b Matt Spectro, Self-proclaimed Intergender champion “The Original Blowout Boy” Danny E. b Alexxis and Mistress Belmont and Nikki Roxx (w/Mercedes KV) in a 4-way intergender match, “Kingpin” Brian Milonas b Handsome Johnny to retain the Chaotic Wrestling title.
  • November 13, 2010 – Chaotic Wrestling – in Hudson, Massachusetts: Handsome Johnny b Hidetaka Suzuki, Nikki Roxx b Mistress Belmont, Brandon Locke b Matt Spectro, Julian Starr and Matt Logan b The Alliance of Violence (Demon Ortiz and “Extreme Strongman” Gino Martino) to retain the CW Tag Team Titles, “American Sasuke” Mikaze b “The Enforcer” Max Bauer to retain the CW New England title, Self-proclaimed Intergender champion “The Original Blowout Boy” Danny E. (w/ Alexxis) b Mercedes KV, Elia Markopoulos and Psycho and Vortex and Big Rick Fuller b “Kingpin” Brian Milonas and “Straight Edge” Brian Fury and République (Kongo and Fala, w/ Sean Gorman) to win the 4-on-4 Survivor Match – Markopoulos was sole survivor.
  • December 3, 2010 – Chaotic Wrestling – Fan Appreciation Night in Lowell, Massachusetts at the Polish American Veterans Club: “American Sasuke” Mikaze b Danny E. (w/ Alexxis) to retain the CW New England title, The Alliance of Violence (Demon Ortiz and Gino Martino) vs. Chase Del Monte and Big Rick Fuller battled to a double countout, Tony Omega b Matt Spectro (w/ Scotty Slade and CW fan Pat Conlon) by submission, “The Enforcer” Max Bauer b Elia Markopoulos, CW Tag Team champions Julian Starr and Matt Logan b République (Kongo and Fala, w/Sean Gorman and Tony Omega) by DQ, “Straight Edge” Brian Fury (w/ Sean Gorman and Tony Omega) b Handsome Johnny by DQ in a $5K Challenge, Nikki Roxx b Mistress Belmont, “Golden Greek” Alex Arion b Chaotic champion “Kingpin” Brian Milonas in a Non-title match to earn a future title shot.
  • January 7, 2011 – Chaotic Wrestling – The Road to CFX in Woburn, Massachusetts at the Elks Lodge: “The Enforcer” Max Bauer won the Battle Royal and chose to face Mikaze for the CW New England title later in the night.Nikki Roxx and Mercedes KV b Alexxis and Mistress Belmont, Kongo of République (w/Sean Gorman and Tony Omega) b Julian Starr, Matt Logan b Demon Ortiz, “The Enforcer” Max Bauer b “American Sasuke” Mikaze to capture the CW New England title, Psycho b “Fabulous” Johnny Vegas, “Real Deal” Brandon Locke b Elia Markopoulos, Alex Arion and Handsome Johnny b Brian Milonas and Brian Fury (w/Sean Gorman) when Arion [#1 contender] pinned Milonas [Chaotic champion].
  • January 21, 2011 – Chaotic Wrestling – Rival’s Choice in Lowell, Massachusetts at the Polish American Veterans Club: “American Sasuke” Mikaze defeated “The Enforcer” Max Bauer to recapture the CW New England title, Demon Ortiz (w/Gino Martino) defeated Elia Markopoulos. Chaotic Wrestling champion “Kingpin” Brian Milonas defeated Jimmy Milonas (sub for Rob Eckos, chosen by “Golden Greek” Alex Arion). The Logan Brothers (Matt and the returning Bryan) vs. Chase Del Monte and Julian Starr for the Tag Team titles was ruled a no-contest after République (Kongo and Fala) attacked both teams (CW Management ruled that the titles are now held up and will be up for grabs in a Triple Threat Match at CFX: COLD FURY X).”Extreme Strongman” Gino Martino defeated Psycho, Nikki Roxx won a “Tune Up” Gauntlet match by pinning self-proclaimed Intergender champion Danny E. (Danny beat three hand-selected opponents in this farcical bout until Nikki made herself the last entrant), “Straight Edge” Brian Fury (w/Sean Gorman and Tony Omega) defeated “Golden Greek” Alex Arion by DQ (Handsome Johnny attacked Fury to begin a full-scale brawl involving most of those who will be competing at CFX: COLD FURY X).
  • February 11, 2011 – Chaotic Wrestling – COLD FURY X in Lowell, Massachusetts at the Polish American Veterans Club: The Logan Brothers (Bryan and Matt) b République (Fala and Kongo, w/Sean Gorman and Tony Omega) and Chase Del Monte and Julian Starr in a 3-WAY Tag Team Match to claim the CW Tag Team title, “The Enforcer” Max Bauer b “American Sasuke” Mikaze to win the CW New England title, Nikki Roxx pinned Mistress Belmont in the final match of the Gauntlet to take the Intergender title (Danny E. was unable to attend CFX, thus his girlfriend Alexxis defended the title in his place. – – Jamilia Craft, Jennifer Cruz, and Mercedes KV also competed in the match).Handsome Johnny b “Straight Edge” Brian Fury (w/Sean Gorman) in a Ladder Match to win $5,000, Tommaso Ciampa eliminated Demon Ortiz to win the Classic Chaotic Countdown (Among the thirty in the Countdown were Classic Chaotic Stars; Pistol Pete Mulloy, “Hi-Flyin'” Andre Lyonz, Big Mike Studd, Hall of Famer “Coach” Mike Hollow, Mighty Mark Bourne, Sledge, Jay Jaillet, Brian Black, and more!)  “Kingpin” Brian Milonas b “Golden Greek” Alex Arion to retain the Chaotic Wrestling title.
  • March 4, 2011 – Chaotic Wrestling – COLD FURY Fallout in Woburn, Massachusetts at the Elks Lodge: Elia Markopoulos defeated Johnny Vegas, “The Enforcer” Max Bauer defeated Chase Del Monte (w/ Julian Starr) to retain the CW New England title, “American Sasuke” Mikaze defeated “Straight Edge” Brian Fury (w/ Sean Gorman and Tony Omega), Handsome Johnny defeated Brandon Locke (w/ Sean Gorman) by DQ (Locke was introduced as the newest member of The Empire before the match), The Logan Brothers (Bryan and Matt) defeated The Alliance of Violence (“Extreme Strongman” Gino Martino and Demon Ortiz) to retain the CW Tag Team titles, Nikki Roxx b Alexxis to retain the Chaotic Women’s title (The Intergender Title is now officially recognized by Chaotic Wrestling as the Women’s Title), “Kingpin” Brian Milonas b Tommaso Ciampa to retain the Chaotic Wrestling title.
  • April 8, 2011 – Chaotic Wrestling – in Woburn, Massachusetts at the Elks Lodge: “The American Sasuke” Mikaze defeated “The Real Deal” Brandon Locke, Gino Martino defeated Taka Suzuki, Scotty Slade won a Battle Royal earning the right to be Alexxis’ new valet, The Logan Brothers vs. Chase Del Monte and Elia Markopoulos was declared a No Contest due to members from both teams being pinned simultaneously, Alexxis b Mercedes KV, Max Bauer successfully b The East Coast Cowboy to retain the New England title, Chaotic Wrestling champion Brian Milonas vs Handsome Johnny ended in a double DQ when The Empire – Fury, Locke, Kongo – attacked both competitors.
  • June 24, 2011 – Chaotic Wrestling – Breaking Point in Woburn, Massachusetts: “American Sasuke” Mikaze and Taka Suzuki defeated République (Kongo and Fala, w/ Tony Omega), Chase Del Monte defeated Bryan Logan (Before the bout, Logan announced that Chaotic Wrestling has vacated the CW Tag Team Titles), Elia Markopoulos won a Gauntlet Match to become the #1 contender to the New England title, “The Enforcer” Max Bauer defeated “Golden Greek” Alex Arion to retain the New England title, Sean Burke defeated Daniel Warner, Handsome Johnny defeated “Kingpin” Brian Milonas and “Straight Edge” Brian Fury (w/ Sean Gorman) in a Triple Threat Match to win the Chaotic Wrestling title.
  • September 9, 2011 – Chaotic Wrestling – in Lowell, Massachusetts: Julian Starr defeated “The Chaotic Idol” Matt Taven (w/ Kasey Ray), Glitz and Glamour (“God’s Gift” Aaron Stride and “Bright Lights” Jarrett Foster) defeated “Golden Greek” Alex Arion and Elia Markopoulos in a CW Tag Team Title qualifying match, CW Hall of Famer “Hurricane” John Walters defeated Tommaso Ciampa, Psycho defeated the debuting Eddie Ryan, “American Sasuke” Mikaze defeated “The Enforcer” Max Bauer to capture the CW Heavyweight title, Chase Del Monte defeated Bryan Logan by DQ, “Straight Edge” Brian Fury (w/Sean Gorman and Tony Omega) defeated “Kingpin” Brian Milonas in a FALLS COUNT ANYWHERE MATCH.
  • September 30, 2011 – Chaotic Wrestling – in Woburn, Massachusetts: Bryan Logan defeated Eddie Ryan, “Golden Greek” Alex Arion defeated Taka Suzuki, “The Enforcer” Max Bauer defeated Elia Markopoulos to retain the CW New England title, “Straight Edge” Brian Fury (w/ Sean Gorman) defeated Julian Starr, “Kingpin” Brian Milonas defeated “The City” Sebastian Reese in his debut, Daniel Warner defeated Tony Omega to get his first victory (as a result, Warner has earned a match with Sean Gorman), “American Sasuke” Mikaze defeated Chase Del Monte in a No DQ Match to retain the Chaotic title.
  • October 21, 2011 – Chaotic Wrestling – A Chaotic Halloween in Lowell Massachusetts: “Golden Greek” Alex Arion defeated “The Enforcer” Max Bauer to capture the CW New England title, République (Fala and Kongo, w/Tony Omega) beat Glitz and Glamour (Aaron Stride and Chris Steeler) and Hyperdrive (Nick and Frankie) and The East Coast Cowboy and Taka Suzuki in a 4-WAY Elimination Match to capture the CW Tag Team Titles, “The Supreme Talent” Sean Burke defeated Elia Markopoulos, Tommaso Ciampa defeated Julian Starr by submission, Mercedes KV and her mystery partner “The Original Blowout Boy” Danny E. defeated CW Women’s Champion Alexxis and Scotty Slade with special guest referee Tammy “Sunny” Sytch (After the bout, Mercedes announced that in Lowell on December 2nd she will challenge Alexxis for her title in an “I QUIT” MATCH), “Kingpin” Brian Milonas defeated “The Chaotic Idol” Matt Taven (w/ Kasey Ray), “Playboy” Jimmy James won the TRICK OR TREAT Battle Royal, “American Sasuke” Mikaze defeated “Straight Edge” Brian Fury to retain the Chaotic title.
  • December 2, 2011 – Chaotic Wrestling – Fan Appreciation Night in Lowell, Massachusetts at the Polish American Veterans Club: Bryan Logan defeated “Hyperdrive’s” Frankie, “The Chaotic Idol” Matt Taven (w/ Kasey Ray) defeated Tommaso Ciampa, Mercedes KV defeated “The Double X Diva” Alexxis in an “I QUIT” Match to win the Chaotic Wrestling Womens title, Chaotic Wrestling Tag Team champions République (Fala and Kongo w/Tony Omega) defeated The East Coast Cowboy and the returning Scott Reed, Chase Del Monte beat “The Innovator of Violence” Tommy Dreamer, The self-professed “co-holder” of the Chaotic Wrestling New England championship Elia Markopoulos defeated Daniel Warner (Markopoulos announced that he would be defending the title for his friend and mentor, the injured Alex Arion), “The American Sasuke” Mikaze beat “Straight Edge” Brian Fury (w/Sean Gorman) and Julian Starr and “The Real Deal” Brandon Locke and “The King pin” Brian Milonas and “The Enforcer” Max Bauer to retain the Chaotic Wrestling Heavyweight title.
  • January 6, 2012 – Chaotic Wrestling – in Woburn, Massachusetts at the Woburn Elks Lodge: Julian Starr defeated Scott Reed, République (Fala and Kongo, w/ Tony Omega) defeated Hyperdrive (Nick and Frankie) to retain the CW Tag Team titles, Bryan Logan defeated “The Real Deal” Brandon Locke (w/ Sean Gorman), Chase Del Monte defeated “Kingpin” Brian Milonas by DQ, Elia Markopoulos defeated Taka Suzuki (Earlier in the night, “The Golden Greek” Alex Arion returned and told Markopoulos, who had been parading around with Arion’s CW New England Title, that he was being a “jackass”. Elia responded by snapping and attacking Alex’s injured arm.), Mercedes KV defeated Barbie to retain the CW Women’s title, “The American Sasuke” Mikaze defeated “The Enforcer” Max Bauer to retain the Chaotic title.

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