Blood, Sweat and Ears


  • July 10, 2005 – Blood, Sweat and Ears in Norval, ONTARIO before 175 fans: Cody 45 b Derek Wylde, Sombra won scramble match over Ash, Vigote, Otis Idol, Tarantula, Gomez and Anton Arakis, Kobra Kai b Pierre Parliament, J.P. Tartuglia and Tianna b Cody Steele and Shantelle, Sinn and Elvis Elliot b Rory and Robbie McAllister, Rhyno b James Champagne.
  • August 28, 2005 – Blood, Sweat and Ears in Norval, Ontario before 175 fans: Ash b Tarantula Gomez, Flesh b Jake O’Reilly, X-Tremo and Otis Idol and El Sombre b Michael Elgin and Anton Arakis and Vladimir Urkov, Shantelle b Tiana, J.P. Darkness and Pierre Shadows b Cody Steele and El Tornado, James Champagne b Bobby Roode-DQ, Christopher Daniels won three-way over Chris Sabin and Petey Williams.
  • October 30, 2005 – Blood, Sweat and Ears in Mississauaga, ONTARIO before 200 fans: Tyson Dux and Tornado b Cody Deaner and Otis Idol, El Sombre and Vigote and Kobra Kai b Shawn Spears and Flesh and Vlad the Penetrator, Ash b Michael Elgin, Bobby Roode b Pierre Shadows, Cody 45 and X-Tremo b Anton Arakis and Tarantula Gomez, Tracy Brooks won three-way over Shantelle Stevens and Tiana ringer, James Champagne b Chris Kanyon, Petey Williams b Chris Sabin.
  • February 5, 2006 – Blood, Sweat, and Ears in Sudbury, ONTARIO: Angel De Guerra b Vlad the Penetrator, Mr. Black b Mr. Vigote, Chris Kanyon came out and admited to being homosexual and said he just came out of the closet and didnt want to hide anymore from anyone, The Suicide Kidz (Cody 45 and Xtremo) b Cody Steele and Otis Idol, Jake O’Reilly b “Big Man” Flesh Gordon w/Vlad the Penetrator, Ash b Michael Elgin and Kobra Kai and El Sombra in a 4-WAY, Shantelle Taylor b Tiana Ringer, TNT (Tyson Dux and El Tornado) b The Blackouts, Chris Kanyon b James Champagne with his new finisher The Kanyon Cutter (And F-U) into a Diamond Cutter. Kanyon cut a promo saying DDP taught him it.
  • February 26, 2006 – Blood, Sweat and Ears in Mississauaga, ONTARIO before 300 fans: Big Deal Goods b Jake O’Reilly, Trent Powers b Sinn-DQ, Angel de Guerra and Sombra b Michael Elgin and Vlad the Penetrator, Shawn Spears b Anton Arakis, Otis Idol and Kobra Kai and Pierre Shadows b Cody Deaner and Mr. Black and Johnny Darkness, Shantelle Taylor won three-way over Tiana Ringer and Danyah Rays, Bobby Roode b Flesh, Tyson Dux and Tornado b Colt 45 and X-Tremo, Eric Young won four-way over James Champagne, Ash, and Tarantula Gomez, Petey Williams b Christopher Daniels.
  • March 19, 2006 – Blood, Sweat and Ears in Mississauga, Ontario in front of 400 fans: Tarantula Gomez and Anton Arakis b Cody Deaner and Otis Idol, Dr. Nick Sinnful (AKA Sinn who worked TNA) b El Vigote Dos, “Big Deel” James Rogers b Vain w/Mr Black, Pierre Shadows w/Mr Black b Shawn Spears, Shantelle Taylor and Tracy Brooks b Tiana Ringer and Danyah Rayz, Bobby Roode b Flesh Gordon and Vlad the Penatrator in a Handicap match, Kobra Kai won a 9-MAN match (Included: Angel de Guerra, El Sombra, Don Paysan, Jake O’Reilly, Flex Falcone, Ash, Michael Elgin, Trent Powers), Cody 45 and Xtreemo b Tyson Dux and El Tornado in a 2/3 Falls match, Tommy Dreamer b Abyss and James Champagne in a 3-WAY Hardcore match.
  • May 7, 2006 – Blood, Sweat and Ears in Missassauga, Ontario in front of 750 fans: Trent Powers and Phil Atlas b Michael Elgin and Anton Arakis, Kobra Kai b El Vigote Dos and Vanessa Kraven and Ash and Don Paysan in a 5-WAY, Vain w/Mr Black b Jake O’Reilly, Revoluchas (Sombra and Angel de Guerra) b Flesh Gordon and Vlad the Penetrator, AJ Styles and the return of the Adrenaline Cup announced for the July 9th Anniversary Show, Shawn Spears b Frankie The Mobster, Gail Kim and Tiana Ringer b Shantelle Taylor and Tracy Brooks who were screwed by referee Danyah Rayes, Booby Roode b James Champagne by DQ, Christian Cage b Abyss to retain the NWA World Heavyweight title but Abyss stole the belt.
  • June 3, 2006 – Blood, Sweat and Ears in Timmins, Ontario: Mr. Black b Superman, Angel De Guerra b Tarantula Gomez in a Loser Goes to Jail match, Jake O’Reilly b Vain, The Blackouts b Twisted Steel, Kobra Kai b Micheal Elgin and Sombra and Ash in a 4-WAY Elimination match, Franky the Mobster b Trent Powers, The Suicide Kids b TNT, Tiana Ringer b Shantelle Taylor and [INSERT] in a 3-WAY, “Showtime” Eric Young b Monty Brown and James Champagne in a 3-WAY.
  • July 9, 2006 – Blood, Sweat and Ears – 1st Anniversary in Missassauga, Ontario: Rip Impact b Jagged w/Shane Matthews, Jake O’Reilly and Hailey Rogers b Crazzzy St3ve and Danyah Rayes, El Somba b Angel de Guerra in an A-Cup Qualifying Match, Tarantula Gomez b Michael Elgin in an A-Cup Qualifying Match, Kobra Kai b Anton Arakis in an A-Cup Qualifing Match, Shantelle Taylor and Tracy Brooks b Tiana Ringer and Vanessa Kraven (Shantelle’s last match before going to WWE), The Blackouts (Vain and Pierre Shadows) b Phil Atlas and Trent Powers, Bobby Roode and Cody 45 and Xtremo b James Champagne and Tyson Dux and El Tornado, Ash b El Sombra and Kobra Kai and Tarantula Gomez in a 4-WAY in the Adrenaline Cup Finals, AJ Styles b. Eric Young.
  • September 10, 2006 – Blood, Sweat and Ears in Mississauaga, ONTARIO before 200 fans: Red Shirted BSE Students b Black Shirted BSE Students, Angel de Guerra and Vigote b Adrenaline Rush, Cody 45 and X-Tremo b Pierre Shadows and Vain-COR, T.Gomez and Anton Arakis b Michael Elgin, Danyah b Hailee Rogers, Flesh and Vlad the Penetrator b Otis Idol and Cody Deaner, Don Paysan b Kobra Kai and Sombra and Jake O’Reilly in a 4-WAY, Tiana Ringer b Tracy Brooks, Frankie the Mobster b Phil Atlas, Steve Corino b Frankie the Mobster, Tornado b Tyson Dux, Don Paysan b Chris Sabin and Christopher Daniels and James Champagne and Bobby Roode and Ash in a 6-WAY.
  • October 29, 2006 – Blood, Sweat and Ears in Mississauaga, ONTARIO before 200 fans: Tarantula Gomez and Anton Arakis b All-Starters, Kris Chambers b Flesh by DQ, Kelly Couture b Tiana Ringer, Frankie The Mobster b Jake O’Reilly, Chris Kanyon b Frankie The Mobster, Tyson Dux b Tornado, Vain and Pierre Shadows b Angel de Guerra and Sombra and Pat Tanaka and Kato in a 3-WAY, Robert Roode b James Champagne, Dan Paysan b Senshi and Ash and Kobra Kai and X-Tremo and Cody 45 in a 6-WAY.
  • February 25, 2007 – Blood, Sweat and Ears in Toronto, Ontario before 300 fans: Phil Atlas and Tigerstar b El Vigote Dos and Kobra Kai, Joe Doring b Sebastian Suave, Kelly Couture b Danyah and Tiana Ringer and 21st Century Fox in a 4-WAY, The All-Starters b Flesh and Vlad the Penetrator, Pierre Shadows and Vane b Angel De Guerra and Sombra, Dan Paysan b Bang Bang Pete and Cody 45 and Xtremo and Anton Arakis and Kris Chambers in a 6-WAY, Tyson Dux and El Tornado b Robert Roode and James Champagne – Notes: Christopher Daniels and Samoa Joe no-showed due to flight problems.
  • March 18, 2007 – Blood, Sweat and Ears in Timmins, Ontario: Brian and Jason b Mike and Sebastian Suave, El Vigote Dos b TigerStar, TNT b The Revo-Luchas, Ash b Kobra Kai, James Champagne b Doug Basham in an Arm Wrestling Contest, Kris Chambers b Anton Arakis and Mike Stevens and Johnny J and Brent B and Jake O’Reilly in a Suicide Six-Pack Match, Kelly Couture and Gail Kim and Bang Bang Pete b Danya and Tiana Ringer and Tracy Brooks, The Suicide Kidz b The Blackouts to advance to the Finals of the BSE Premier Tag Team Title Tournament, Doug Basham b James Champagne, A.J. Styles b Robert Roode with a Styles Clash.
  • April 14, 2007 – Blood, Sweat and Ears in North Bay, Ontario at the West Ferris Community Center Arena before 500+ fans: Brian Graham b Mike Elias, Tiger Star b Vlad the Penetrator with a Shooting Star Press, The Revoluchas b The Blackouts (Pierre Shadows and Mr. Black), Flesh w/Vlad b Sebastian Suave, Kris Chambers b Frankie the Mobster after interference by Bang Bang Pete, The All Starters b T’N’T, Bang Bang Pete b Arakis w/Kelly Couture, Ash b Dan Paysan, The Suicide Kidz b James Champagne and Kobra Kai with special enforcer Big Daddy Hammer.
  • April 22, 2007 – Blood, Sweat and Ears in Brampton, Ontario at the Raxx Entertainment Complex: Brian Graham b Jason Suda and Will Hazard and Sebastian Suave in a 4-WAY, James Champagne and Robert Roode b The All-Starters, Jake O’Reilly b Kobra Kai, Reflections of Perfection b Bang Bang Pete and TigerStar, Ash b Angel de Guerra, Blackouts b Vigote Dos and El Sombra, Tyson Dux b Kris Chambers, Miss Danyah b Kelly Couture, The Suicide Kidz b James Champagne and Robert Roode to win the Tag Team Title Tournament.
  • May 27, 2007 – Blood, Sweat and Ears in Brampton, Ontario at the Raxx Entertainment Complex: El Vigote b Phil Atlas in a dark match, Big Brian Youngblood b Mike Elias and Bat Martinez in a dark match, Sebastian Suave b Brent B in an Adreneline Cup Qualifying match, Tiger Star b Johnny J in an Adreneline Cup Qualifying match, Anton Arakis b Tiana Ringer in an Adreneline Cup Qualifying match by DQ when Tiana used Anton’s bat on him, Vlad and Flesh b Bang Bang Pete and Joe Doring, Akira Raijin b Sugiura “Brute” Issei in an AJPW match, The Blackouts and Vane and Pierre Shadows b The Suicide Kidz and Extremo and Cody 45, Dan Paysan b Frankie the Mobster and Ash and James Champagne and Tyson Dux and Tornado in a Suicide Six pack match to retain the BSE title (Frankie initially got the win but senior referee Dave Linton reversed the decision because Frankie assaulted the referee).
  • June 24, 2007 – Blood, Sweat and Ears in Brampton, Ontario at the Raxx Entertainment Complex: Tiger Star and Scottie the Body b Sebastian Suave and Bat Martinez, Mike Elias and El Vigote Dos b Akira Raijin and Brute Issie, “Au Naturelle” Kelly Couture b Miss Danyah, Kris Chambers b El Sombra in an Adrenaline Cup Qualifying Match, Angel de Guerra b Cody 45 in an Adrenaline Cup Qualifying Match, Kobra Kai b Jake O’Reilly in an Adrenaline Cup Qualifying Match, Bang-Bang Pete and Brian Youngblood b The Reflections of Perfection (Flesh and Vlad), The Blackouts b The All-Starters in a #1 Contenders match, Ash b Don Paysan and Frankie The Mobster and James Champagne and Tyson Dux and El Tornado in a Suicide Six-Pack Ladder Match.
  • July 21, 2007 – Blood, Sweat and Ears in Timmins, Ontario at the Archie Dillon Sportsplex before 1200 fans: Ash b Frankie the Mobster and Anton Arakis and Bang Bang Pete and Kobra Kai and Tiger Star in a 6-WAY to retain the Suicide Six title, James Champagne b Brian Youngblood, Robert Roode b Kris Chambers with a Canadian Lariat, The Suicide Kidz and Brute Issai and Akira Raijin b Tyson and Tornado and The Blackouts in an Elimination match (clean sweep), Lance Storm b Christopher Daniels (they set up Storm vs. Roode for 8/11), Angel Williams and Kelly Couture b Tracy Brooks and Miss Danyah, Kurt Angle b Christian Cage to retain the TNA World Heavyweight title.
  • July 29, 2007 – Blood, Sweat and Ears – Adrenaline Cup Tournament 2007 (Two Year Anniversary) in Brampton, Ontario at the Raxx Entertainment Complex: Tiger Star b Sebastian Suave in a Semi-Finals match, Kris Chambers b Anton Arakis (with his son Tyrone and his babysitter) in a Semi-Finals match, Kobra Kai b Angel de Guerra in a Semi-Finals match, TNT (Tyson Dux and El Tornado) b Brute Issei and Akira Raijin, Brian Youngblood b Flesh in a Toronto Argonauts Lumberjack Match, Angel Williams b Kelly Couture in a Ladies match with Bang-Bang Pete as the referee, The Suicide Kidz b The Blackouts to retain the BSE Tag Team titles, Tiger Star b Ash and Kobra Kai and Kris Chambers in a 4-WAY Final to win the Adrenaline Cup.
  • August 11, 2007 – Blood, Sweat and Ears – The Homecoming in North Bay, Ontario at Memorial Gardens Arena: Bat Martinez b Scotty the Body and Mike Elias in a 3-WAY, El Vigote Dos b Chris Thorn, The All-Starters (Johnny J and Brent B) b The Blackouts with their trademark 450 Dunk finisher, Kris Chambers b James Champagne w/Burt The Hurt, Brian Youngblood (sub for the injured Hammer) b Kobra Kai in a North Bay Street Fight, Ash b Sebastian Suave and Frankie T.M. and El Sombra and Angel de guerra and Tiger Star to retain the Suicide Six Pack title, TNT (Tyson Dux and El Tornado) b The Suicide Kidz to win the BSE Tag Team titles, Anton Arakis and Angel Williams b Kelly Couture and Bang Bang Pete, Lance Storm b Robert Roode.
  • August 26, 2007 – Blood, Sweat and Ears – Scorched Earth in Brampton, Ontario at Raxx Entertainment Complex before 170 fans: Tiger Star b Mike Stevens, The All Starters (Brent B and Johnny J) b Bat Martinez and Sebastian Suave, Reflections of Perfection (Flesh and Vlad the Penetrator) b El Vigote Dos and Kobra Kai, Bang Bang Pete and Brian Youngblood and Kelly Couture b Anton Arakis and Mike Elias and Danyah, TNT (Tyson Dux and El Tornado) b The Revo-Luchas (Angel de Guerra and El Sombra) to retain the BSE Tag Team titles, James Champagne b Kris Chambers, Frankie the Mobster b Ash (c) and Vane and Pierre Shadows and Cody 45 and Xtremo to retain the Suicide 6 Pack title.
  • October 31, 2007 – Blood, Sweat and Ears – Devil’s Night in Brampton, Ontario at Raxx Entertainment Complex: “Au Naturel” Kelly Couture won a Battle Royal, The All-Starters (Brent B and Johnny J) b The Suicide Kidz, Kobra Kai d Derek Wylde, TNT b Revoluchas in a 2/3 Falls match, Jay Lethal and Kelly Couture b The Blackouts, James Champagne and Ash b Kris Chambers and Frankie the Mobster.
  • November 17, 2007 – Blood, Sweat and Ears – The Northern Tour! in Timmins, Ontario at the Theriault High School Gym before 210 fans: Bang Bang Pete won an 8 Man Battle Royal (Included: Bat Martinez, Mike Elias, Sebastian Suave, Scotty the Body, Johnny J, Brent B, TigerStar, Bang Bang Pete), Brian Youngblood b Dragon Lee, Kris Chambers b Anton Arakis, Ash and Xtremo b The Blackouts, Kelly Couture b Hailey Rodgers, Kobra Kai b Sombra, Frankie the Mobster and Chris Sabin b James Champagne and El Tornado.
  • November 18, 2007 – Blood, Sweat and Ears – The Northern Tour! in Sudbury, Ontario at the The Caruso Club: The All-Starters and Bang Bang Pete and TigerStar b Bat Martinez and Mike Elias and Sebastian Suave and Scotty the Body, Brian Youngblood b Dragon Lee, Kobra Kai and Anton Arakis b Sombra and Kris Chambers, Kelly Couture b Haily Rodgers, Xtremo b Ash, James Champagne vs. Frankie the Mobster ended in a Double Countout, El Tornado and Chris Sabin b The Blackouts.
  • December 9, 2007 – Blood, Sweat and Ears – Xtreme Xmas in Brampton, Ontario at Raxx Entertainment Complex before 100 fans: Tiger Star b Kobra Kai, Vigote II b Vlad the Penetrator and Anton Arakis in a 3-WAY, Assault and Battery b Brian Youngblood and Scotty the Body, Kelly Couture b Hailey Rogers, X-Tremo b El Sombra, El Tornado and Bang Bang Pete b The All-Starters, Ash b Dan Paysan in a Last Man Standing Match (Ash wins the Adrenaline Cup and Paysan loses his career in BSE), Franky the Mobster b Christopher Daniels and Kris Chambers and James Champagne and Pierre Shadows and Vane in a 6-WAY .
  • February 3, 2008 – Blood, Sweat and Ears – Knockouts in Brampton, Ontario at Raxx Entertainment Complex: Sebastian Suave b Scottie The Body, Assault and Battery b The All-Starters, El Sombra b Tiger Star, Big Brian Youngblood b Johnny Slam by cheating, Tyson Dux b Vane, Ash b Xtremo, Christy Hemme b “Au Naturelle” Kelly Couture and Tracy Brooks and Gail Kim in a 4-WAY Ladies main event.
  • February 9, 2008 – Blood, Sweat and Ears in Milton, Ontario at the Hardball Cafe: Bang Bang Pete b Sebastian Suave and Scottie The Body and Brent B. and Tiger Star and El Sombra and Johnny J. and Jason Virtue in a “Crazy Eight” Elimination match, Angel De Guerra b Anton Arakis, The Reflections of Perfection b Assault and Battery, “Au Naturelle” Kelly Couture b Hayley Rogers, Cody 45 b Kris Chambers, Franky the Mobster b Ash and James Champagne in a 3-WAY, The Blackouts b TNT to win the BSE Tag Team titles, “The Samoan Submission Machine” Samoa Joe b “The Fallen Angel” Christopher Daniels.
  • April 13, 2008 – Blood, Sweat and Ears – Return to the Nickle City in Sudbury, Ontario at the Caruso Club before 411 fans: Brian Youngblood won a 13-Man Over-The-Top Rumble, Cody 45 b Kobra Kai, Jake O’Reilly and Anton Arakis b Bang Bang Pete and Brian Youngblood, Otis Idol b El Sombra, James Champagne b Extremo, Cody Deaner b Akira Raijin, Blackout b Tyson Dux and Human Tornado.
  • May 9, 2008 – Blood, Sweat and Ears in Timmins, Ontario at the Theriault High School: Big Brian Youngblood b Scotty the Body and Tigerstar in a Handicap match, The All Starters b Reflections of Perfection (Flesh and Vlad), Anton Arakis b Rick Lemieux by 2nd Round knockout in a BSE Boxing Match where the loser was sent to JAIL!, Franky The Mobster b Akira Raijin, Angelina Love b Tracy Brooks and Bang Bang Pete in a 3-WAY, Kaz b Johnny Devine in a TNA Feature Match, T’N’T (Tyson Dux and El Tornado) b The Blackouts (Pierre Shadows and James Champagne) and The Suicide Kidz in a 3-WAY Ladder Match to win the BSE Tag Team titles.
  • May 10, 2008 – Blood, Sweat and Ears in Iroquois Falls, Ontario at Jus Jordan Arena: Big Brian Youngblood b Anton Arakis, The Reflections of Perfection b Tigerstar and Scotty the Body, Cody45 b Pierre Shadows and James Champagne in a 3-WAY, T’N’T (Tyson Dux and El Tornado) b The All Starters, Tracy Brooks b Angelina Love in a TNA Knockouts match, Xtremo b Franky the Mobster (c) and Bang-Bang Pete and Akira Raijin and Johnny Devine and Kaz in a 6-WAY to win the BSE Suicide Six Pack Championship.
  • August 9, 2008 – Blood, Sweat and Ears in Mississauaga, Ontario at the Churchill Meadows Gym: Big Brian Youngblood b Kenneth Crisees, Pierre Shadows and Anton Arakis b Bang Bang Pete and Marcus “The Great” Marquez with the help of Vane, Sebastian Suave challenged any of the fans to wrestle him and was beaten by a female fan, Vane b Mike Rollins, Xtremo b Cody 45 and Mike Alias and Brent B in a 4-WAY, Guinea Pig Ryan Stock b Franky the Mobster in a No Holds Barred match after hitting Franky with multiple chair shots.
  • August 10, 2008 – Blood, Sweat and Ears in North Bay, Ontario at the West Ferris Arena: Mico Mutandi and Masahiko Kimora b LR11 and Julies Dolce, Extremo b Mike Allias, Josh Taylor b Bang Bang Pete, Brian Youngblood b Sebastian Suave and Scotty the Body in a Special Challange Match, Cody45 b Marcus “the Great” Marques, Franky The Mobster b Pierre Shadows, The All Starters b TNT in a 2/3 Falls match to become the NEW BSE Tag-Team Champions.
  • August 12, 2008 – Blood, Sweat and Ears in Sault Ste. Marie, Ontario at the George Leach Centre: The Da Vinci brothers (Diego and Vinnie w/DC Wyld) b Scott Silver and Joe Chiv and CP Aassasin, Bang Bang Pete b Dragon Lee, Mike Alias b Angel De Guerra, Mr. Lahey and Randy get in Big Brian Youngblood’s face (el Tornado hits Brian with a kendo stick from behind setting up their match), Cody45 b Marcus “the Great” Marques, Brent B. b Pierre Shadows, Big Brian Youngblood b el Tornado.
  • August 13, 2008 – Blood, Sweat and Ears in Thunder Bay, Ontario at the Moose Hall: Bang Bang Pete b Super Panther, Cody 45 b Josh Taylor, Mr. Lahey and Randy get in Big Brian Youngblood’s face (LR11 attacks Brian with a kendo stick from behind setting up their match), Big Brian Youngblood b LR11, Marcus “the Great” Marques b Pierre Shadows, Brent B. b Mike Alias.
  • August 15, 2008 – Blood, Sweat and Ears in Yorkton, Saskatchewan at the Gallagher Centre Flexi-Hall: Bang Bang Pete b Marcus “the Great” Marques, Murat Bosporus b LR11, Cody 45 b Josh Taylor, Brent B b Pierre Shadows, Mike Alias b Big Brian Youngblood, Joe E. Legend vs. Wavell Starr ended in a No Contest when Mike Alias interfered (Tracy Brooks was the special referee), Joe E. Legend b Wavell Starr and Mike Alias in a 3-WAY.
  • August 16, 2008 – Blood, Sweat and Ears in Estevan, Saskatchewan at the Estevan Curling Rink: Bang Bang Pete b Josh Taylor, Cody 45 b LR11, Randy (as “Kholesterol Kid”) and Mr. Lahey get in Tracy Brooks’ face (Murat comes out and makes the save but Mike Alias attacked Murat from behind setting up their match), Brent B b Marcus “the Great” Marques, Joe E. Legend b Big Brian Youngblood, Murat Bosporus b Mike Alias, Wavell Starr b Pierre Shadows.
  • August 17, 2008 – Blood, Sweat and Ears in Swift Current, Saskatchewan at the Stockade Arena: Bang Bang Pete b Cody 45, Angel De Guerra b LR11, Big Brian Youngblood b Marcus the Great Marques, Mr. Lahey and Randy challanged Traci Brooks to sumo match (Interference by Mike Alias on Tracy, Wavell Starr made the save setting up their match), Brent B b Pierre Shadows and Murat Bosporus in a 3-WAY, Wavell Starr b Mike Alias with special referee Tracy Brooks, Joe E. Legend b Rhino.
  • August 20, 2008 – Blood, Sweat and Ears in Kenora, Ontario at the Kenora Harbourfront Tent: Bang Bang Pete b Super Panther, Josh Taylor b Cody 45, Big Brian Youngblood b Pierre Shadows and Murat Bosporus in a 3-WAY, Marcus “the Great” Marques b Mike Alias, Joe E. Legend b Brent B.
  • August 21, 2008 – Blood, Sweat and Ears in Dryden, Ontario at Memorial Arena: Cody 45 b Mike Alias, Brent B. b Marcus “the Great” Marques, Pierre Shadows b Bang Bang Pete, Angel De Guerra b Murat Bosporus, el Sombra and Super Panther b Black Serpent and Hijo del Fuego in a Part Sookanon Scramble Tag Match, Joe E. Legend b Big Brian Youngblood.
  • August 23, 2008 – Blood, Sweat and Ears in Kapuskasing, Ontario at the Kapuskasing Curling Club: Super Panther and el Sombra b Sebastrian Suave and his “butler” Dragon Lee, Murat Bosporus b Cody 45, Brent B b Josh Taylor, Mike Alias b Bang Bang Pete, Big Brian Youngblood b el Tornado, Joe Legend b Pierre Shadows via DQ when Murat Bosporus interfered (Cody 45 made the save, setting up a tag team main event), Joe Legend and Cody 45 b Pierre Shadows and Murat Bosporus.
  • August 24, 2008 – Blood, Sweat and Ears in Timmins, Ontario at the Ecole Secondaire Catholique Theriault: Bang Bang Pete b Mike Alias, Cody 45 and Brent B b Marcus “The Great” Marques and Josh Taylor, Sebastian Suave ordered his minion Julius Dolce to wrestle Big Brian Youngblood before Brian could wrestle Suave, Big Brian Youngblood b Julius Dolce, Big Brian Youngblood b Sebastian Suave, el Tornado b Pierre Shadows, Black Serpente b Super Panther, Joe E. Legend b Murat Bosporus in a Falls Count Anywhere Matchup voted on by the fans.
  • August 26, 2008 – Blood, Sweat and Ears in Manitoulin Island, Ontario at the Wikwemikong Thunder Dome: Mike Alias b Angel de Guerra, Brent B b Marcus “The Great” Marques, Joe E. Legend b Pierre Shadows, Sebastian Suave and Kenneth Crises b Super Panther and Bang Bang Pete, Big Brian Youngblood b el Tornado.
  • December 12, 2008 – Blood, Sweat and Ears (night 1) in Iqaluit, Nunavut: El Sombra b Anton Arakis, Bang Bang Pete (w/ Brian Youngblood) b Sebastian Suave, Cody 45 b Josh Taylor, The All Starters b Marcus “The Great” Marquez and Scotty the Body to retain the BSE PRO Tag Team titles, Tracy Brooks b Kelly Couture and Christy Hemme in a 3-WAY Ladies of BSE PRO match when Anton Arakis interfered and Tracy pinned Kelly, Christian Cage and Brian Youngblood b. Tyson Dux and Pierre Shadows (After the match, Tyson Dux hit Christian Cage over the head with the ring bell).
  • December 13, 2008 – Blood, Sweat and Ears (night 2) in Iqaluit, Nunavut: Johnny J b Marcus “The Great” Marquez, Sebastian Suave b Josh Taylor and Bang Bang Pete and Cody 45 in a 4-WAY, Big Brian Youngblood b Scotty the Body (w/ Sebastian Suave), Brent B b Pierre Shadows to retain the BSE Arctic title, “Au Naturelle” Kelly Couture and Christy Hemme b. Tracy Brooks and Anton Arakis, Christian Cage b “Textbook” Tyson Dux.
  • January 31, 2009 – BSE Pro Wrestling in Timmins, Ontario at the Theriault High School Gym: Anthony Fiasco and Mico Moutandi and Scotty the Body b Jacob Corwin and Masahiko Kobe and Dragon Lee in a pre-show match, The All Starters b Assault and Battery to retain the BSE Tag Team titles, Curry Man (Christopher Daniels) b So Cal Val w/Christy Hemme, Pierre Shadows b Big Brian Youngblood and El Tornado in a 3-WAY, Constable Rick Lemieux b Anton Arakis, Tracy Brooks b Cat power with special enforcer Sunny, El Tornado won the Goldent Gauntlet (Other Participants: Tyson Dux and Pierre Shadows and Franky the Mobster and Christopher Daniels and Kenneth Crises and Scotty the Body and Sebastian Suave and Mike Alias and Big Brian Youngblood) – Notes: After the match, Tyson Dux ambushed El Tornado and delivered three brainbusters, needing Tornado to be rushed to the hospital for further examination.
  • February 1, 2009 – BSE Pro Wrestling in Brampton, Ontario at the Terry Miller Rec Center before 300+ fans: Cody 45 won a 12-Man Gauntlet Match (Order of entry: Cody 45, Phil Atlas, Josh Taylor, Mike Rollins, Sebastian Suave, Anton Arakis, Scotty the Body, Josh Alexander, Kobra Kai, Pierre Shadows, Vane, and Brian Youngblood), Bang Bang Pete and Christy Hemme b Curry Man and So Cal Val in an Inter-Gender Tag Team match, Marcus “The Great” Marquez w/The Great Wall of China b Brad “Freakin” Martin, Traci Brooks and Taylor Wilde b Cat Power and Xandra Bale, The All Starters b Assault and Battery w/The Chairman by DQ to retain the BSE Tag Team titles, Xtremo b Frankie the Mobster and Ash and Tyson Dux and Joe Doering and Christopher Daniels to retain the BSE Pro Suicide 6 Pack title.
  • May 2, 2009 – BSE Pro Wrestling with Porcupine Big Brothers and Big Sisters Present: RUPTURE in Timmins, Ontario at the Theriault High School Gym: Big Brian Youngblood b All Japan Pro Wrestling’s Kono, Pierre Protege b James Champagne, Tracy Brooks b Holly Hilton w/Sebastian Suave in a Ladies match, Franky The Mobster and Don Paysan b The All Starters and Assault and Battery in a in a 3-WAY Non-title match, Kris Chambers b Josh Taylor, Ash b Marcus “The Great” Marquez, Petey Williams vs. Xtremo ended in a 15 minute draw, “Textbook” Tyson Dux vs. El Tornado’s in a Bullrope match ended in a No Contest.
  • May 3, 2009 – BSE Pro Wrestling in Lively, Ontario at the Tom Davies Community Centre: Ash b Anthony Fiasco and Scotty the Body in a 3-WAY, Big Brian Youngblood b Sebastian Suave, Crazzzy Steve b Kobra Kai, Tracy Brooks b PJ Tyler w/ Sebastian Suave, The All Starters b Assault and Battery and The Suicide Kidz in a 3-WAY to retain the BSE Tag Team titles, “Textbook” Tyson Dux b James Champagne, Franky the Mobster and Don Paysan and Petey Williams b Jake O’Reilly and Otis Idol and Kono, El Tornado b Piere Protege in a Lumberjack match.
  • May 9, 2009 – BSE Pro Wrestling – Triple Threat-Tacular in Brampton, Ontario at the Terry Miller Rec Centre: Kobra Kai and “The Carnival Freak” Sinn Bodine b Ali Atish and Sebastian Suave in a pre-show match, Anthony Fiasco b “The Russian Bear” Boris Brezhnev and Mico Moutandi in a triple threat match, Frankie the Mobster b Kono and Flesh (w/Roxxi and Vlad the Penetrator) in a triple threat match, El Tornado b “Textbook” Tyson Dux and Pierre Protege in a triple threat match, Cody 45 b Josh Taylor and Marcus “The Great” Marques (w/The Great Wall of China) in a triple threat match, Assault and Battery (Mike Alias and Kenneth Crises w/ The Chairman) b BSE Tag Team champions The All-Starters (Brent B and Johnny J) by DQ, Xandra Bale b Traci Brooks and Taylor Wilde in a triple threat match, Big Brian Youngblood b Matt Morgan and “Gaijin Nightmare” Joe Doering in a triple threat match, Xtremo b Don Paysan and Ash in a triple threat match to retain the Suicide 6 Pack title.
  • May 10, 2009 – BSE Pro Wrestling – A Night of “KRYME” in Port Perry, Ontario at the Scugog Arena: Kobra Kai and “The Carnival Freak” Sinn Bodine b Scotty The Body and Sebastian Suave in a pre-show match, Tyson Dux and Bang Bang Pete were the final two of a Battle Rumble Gauntlet Match, Tyson Dux b Bang Bang Pete to win the match, Big Brian Youngblood b Kono and “Gaijin Nightmare” Joe Doering in a triple threat match, “The Vanilla Killa” James Champagne b Anthony Fiasco, The All Starters (Brent B and Johnny J) b Assault and Battery (Mike Alias and Kenneth Crises) and Don Paysan and Frankie the Mobster in a 3-WAY to retain the BSE Tag Team titles, RJ City b El Tornado, Kryme Tyme and Matt Morgan b The Reflections of Perfection (Flesh and Vlad the Penetrator w/Jason Sensation), Taylor Wilde and Robbie McAllister b Traci Brooks and Robert Roode in an Intergender tag team match, Xtremo b Ash and Marcus “The Great” Marques and Pierre Protege and Kris Chambers and “The Russian Bear” Boris Brezhnev in a 6-WAY to retain the Suicide 6-Pack title.
  • August 15, 2009 – BSE Pro Wrestling in Wasaga Beach, Ontario before 150 fans: Johnny J won an elimination match, Ash b Mike Alias, [INSERT] b Kenneth Crisis, Brian Youngblood and Jake O’Reilly b Tornado and Sebastian Suave, Anthony Fiasco b Kris Chambers and Marcus Marquez and Pierre Shadows in a 4-WAY, Tyson Dux b Bang Bang Pete, Xtremo and SoCal Val and Kelly Couture b James Champagne and Traci Brooks and Angelina Love.
  • August 16, 2009 – BSE Pro Wrestling – Young Stars VS Pro Stars in Wasaga Beach, Ontario before 200 fans: Josh Taylor b “Canadian Crazy Horse” Michael Elgin and Josh Alexander in a 3-WAY, “Mr. Wright” Ken Wright b Kobra Kai (1 point Young Stars), “The Prodigy” Pierre Shadows b Mico Moutandi (1 point Pro Stars), Boris Brezhnev b Kris Chambers by DQ (1 point Young Stars), “Au Naturelle” Kelly Couture b Xandra Bale (1 point Young Stars), Flesh (for whom this show was being held as a result of his Quad tear on May 10 in Port Perry) was given proceeds of the show in ring, Assault and Battery b The All Starters in a No Holds Barred match to win the BSW Pro Tag Team titles, Sebastian Suave and Ashley Sixx vs. Marcus “The Great” Marquez and Decimus was ruled a no contest, “Textbook” Tyson Dux b Bang Bang Pete in a special challenge match, Xtremo b Cody 45 and Franky the Mobster and Big Brian Youngblood and Anthony Fiasco and El Tornado in a 6-WAY.
  • October 25, 2009 – BSE Pro Wrestling – Devil’s Night 2009 in Brampton, Ontario at the Terry Miller Recreation Center: The Empire (Decimus and Sebastian Suave) b “Mr Wright” Ken Wright and Alex Ryder, James Champagne wins the Unlucky 13 Battle Royal and earns a spot in the Suicide Six Pack Championship Steel Cage match at Xtreme Xmas, Marcus “The Great” Marquez b Masahiko Kobe in a Young Stars / Pro Stars Tournament match (Score 3-2 for Pro Stars), “Textbook” Tyson Dux b Buck Gunderson in a Young Stars / Pro Stars Tournament match (Score 4-2 for Pro Stars), Julius Dolce b Cody 45 in a Young Stars / Pro Stars Tournament match (Score 4-3 for Pro Stars) after Xtremo threw in the towel on Cody’s behalf fearing his concussion problems in the past. “The Canadian Crazyhorse” Michael Elgin b Bang Bang Pete. BSE Executives Burt the Hurt and Arda Ocal handed a check to Dr. Anthony Hutchinson of Brampton Neighbourhood Resource Centre for $650 as a show of support to the community (note – it was a REAL check!). After the presentation, Tyson Dux enters the ring, lamblasted BSE and their processes, promoting Burt the Hurt to defend the company. Ashley Sixx (Pro Stars) b Anthony Fiasco (Young Stars) in overtime to win the Pro Stars vs. Young Stars challenge for the Pro Stars team (Fiasco tied things up with a minute to go in their 15 minute Ironman rules match, but Sixx rallied and won it in the extra frame). HUSTLE Japan’s Kushida b Xtremo and “M-Dogg20” Matt Cross in a 3-WAY after Cody 45 came to the ring to try and prevent Kushida from using the belt against Xtremo, only to accidentally hit Xtremo with it himself.
  • November 7, 2009 – BSE Pro Wrestling – Mayhem in Markham (Benefit show in support of Plan Canada) in Brampton, Ontario at the Fairgrounds (Livestock Building): “Psycho” Mike Rollins b Asylum, Ashley Sixx and Michael Elgin b Assault and Battery (Mike Alias and Kenneth Crises) to win the BSE Pro Tag Team titles, “Au Naturelle” Kelly Couture b Miss Danyah. Gauntlet Match: “Rock Steady” Alex Vega def “Tenacious” Scotty Turner [2 min], Mico Moutandi def Vega [3 min], “The Entertainer” Buck Gunderson def Moutandi [2 min], Boris Brezhnev def Gunderson [3 min], Brezhnev def Reno Nevada [1 min], Brezhnev def Ali Atish [1 min], Anthony Fiasco def Brezhnev [4 min], Mr Right def Fiasco to win the Gauntlet [3 min] – Brezhnev never left ringside after being eliminated and hit Fiasco with a chain which gave Mr Right the easy pinfall victory. – – Marcus “The Great” Marquez b Josh Taylor, “Hotshot” Johnny Devine b Josh Alexander in a Teacher vs. Student match, Sebastian Suave b Julius Dolce and Bang Bang Pete and Brent B in a Fatal 4-WAY, “Highlander” Robbie MacAllister b “Vanilla Killa” James Champagne (The ref was knocked down and Champagne went for his nunchucks but Xtremo ran out and grabbed them. Robbie ended up with the chucks and blasted Champagne with them to score the pin).
  • November 21, 2009 – BSE Pro Wrestling – Adrenaline Cup 2009 in North Bay, Ontario before 150 fans: Anton Arakis b Kobra Kai in a dark match, Anthony Fiasco won a Young Stars Gauntlet in an A-Cup Qualifying match, James Champagne b Mico Moutandi, Sebastian Suave b Pierre Shadows to advance to A-Cup final, Josh Taylor b El Tornado to advance to A-Cup final, The Empire b Big Brian Youngblood and Bang Bang Pete, Taylor Wilde b Haley Rogers and Kelly Couture in a 3-WAY, Anthony Fiasco b Tyson Dux and Sebastian Suave and Josh Taylor in a 4-WAY to become the 2009 BSE Adrenaline Cup champion after what Tyson Dux considered a controversial pin, The All Starters b Michael Elgin and Ashley Sixx and Assault and Battery in a 3-WAY Steel Cage Match to win the BSE Tag Team titles.
  • December 5, 2009 – BSE Pro Wrestling – in Brampton, Ontario at the Terry Miller Recreation Center: GT Dynamite (BSE PRO debut) b Josh “One Take” Taylor, “Au Natural” Kelly Couture b Xandra Bale, Bang Bang Pete b El Torndo in a match where if Pete lost he had to quit wrestling, “The Russian Bear” Boris Brezhnev won a Young Stars Gauntlet pinning “The Entertainer” Buck Gunderson (Post match saw Julius Dolce shave off half of Buck Gunderson’s famous moustache before Anthony Fiasco made the save. Boris Brezhnev then attacked Anthony Fiasco giving him a Death Valley Drive from the apron through the announce table), Assault and Battery and The Empire vs. The All Starters and Ashley Sixx and Michael Elgin ended in a Double-Countout (The two winning teams were supposed to battle each other for the vacant BSE Pro Tag Team titles), Tyson Dux b Xtremo (c) and Kushida and James Champagne and Frankie the Mobster and Anthony Fiasco inside a 15ft high Steel Cage to win the BSE Pro Six Pack Championship.

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