Dory Funk’s BANG (Funking Conservatory)


  • November 23, 2002 – BANG TV in Ocala, FL before a sellout 170 fans: Adam Windsor DDQ Murder One, Paul Parisio and Karl Harter (students from the U.K.) won the tag titles from Slim J and Azrael, Murder One b Erwine Duppshallow, Azrael b Dirt, Windsor b Karl Harter, Rainman b Paul Harter, Dirt b Missy Hyatt in a man vs. woman, or something thereabouts, match, Slim J b Azrael, Dory Funk and Windsor b Rainman and Murder One when Terry Funk interfered.
  • March 24, 2003 – BANG TV taping in Ocala, FL: Bonecrusher b Jane Doe, Adam Windsor and Dixie b Tohko and Jane Doe, Bulldozer and Celtic Tiger b Blackout to win tag titles, Dixie won three-way over Red Power and Missy Hyatt to keep womens title, Tohko b Celtic Tiger, Windsor b Sledgehammer, Red Power and Sledgehammer b Irish Connection, Rainman NC Murder One, Sledgehammer b Bulldozer, Red Power b Salvatore, Windsor b Bonecrusher in a Texas death match.
  • June 7, 2003 – Dory Funk’s BANG in Ocala, FL: Bone Crusher b El Diablo, Leon Scott b Sledgehammer, Sledgehammer b Carmine Guarascio, Adam Windsor b Leon Scott.
  • June 14, 2003 – Dory Funk’s BANG in Ocala: Sledgehammer b El Diablo, Samsin b Leon Scott, Bonecrusher b Sledgehammer, Adam Windsor and Gino Gambino b Leon Scott and Dixie.
  • June 21, 2003 – BANG in Ocala, FL: Leon Scott b El Diablo, Sledgehammer b Highland Strangler, Sampson and Gino Gambino b Scott and Sledgehammer, Bonecrusher b Adam Windsor-DQ.
  • July 5, 2003 – Dory Funk’s BANG in Ocala: Leon Scott b Highland Strangler, Sledgehammer b Bonecrusher, Adam Windsor b Samson-COR.
  • July 12, 2003 – Dory Funk’s BANG in Ocala, FL: Highland Strangler b Sledgehammer, Sledgehammer b Blue Bomber, Adam Windsor b Dixie, Window and Bonecrusher b Big Cat and Samson.
  • July 19, 2003 – Dory Funk’s BANG in Ocala, FL: Adam Windsor b Blue Bomber, Dixie b Sledgehammer, Blue Bomber and Synn b Sledgehammer and Bonecrusher, Bonecrusher b Synn, Big Cat b Samson.
  • July 26, 2003 – Dory Funk’s BANG in Ocala, FL: Blue Bomber b Matt Sells, Little Wahoo McDaniel (Zak McDaniel) and Adam Windsor b Matrix and Sledgehammer, Sledgehammer b Synn and Matt Sells, Little Wahoo McDaniel and Dixie b Simba and Bonecrusher, Samson b Simba, Matrix and Bonecrusher b Blue Bomber and Synn, Windsor b Big Cat.
  • August 9, 2003 – Dory Funk’s BANG results from last night in Ocala: Slegehammer b Big Cat, German Sturmflieger b Highland Strangler, Big Cat and Bonecrusher b Sledgehammer and Samson, Adam Windsor b German Sturmflieger.
  • August 16, 2003 – Dory Funk’s BANG in Ocala, FL: Magnum the Giant b Samson, Big Cat b Highland Strangler, Bonecrusher b Sledgehammer, Adam Windsor and Bonecrusher and Big Cat b Samson and Solegehammer and Highland Strangler-DQ.
  • August 23, 2003 – Dory Funk’s BANG in Ocala, FL: Highland Strangler b Sledgehammer, Adam Windsor and Osamu Nishimura b Big Cat and Bonecrusher, Samson DDQ Sledgehammer.
  • August 30, 2003 – Dory Funk’s BANG in Ocala, FL: Simba b Bonecrusher, Tommy Gunn and Little Wahoo McDaniel b Joey Pink and Highland Strangler, Big Cat b Bubba McCoy, Adam Windsor b Pink, Sledgehammer and Samson b Magnum the Giant, Bonecrusher and Cat b McCoy and Damian LaVaye, Dixie b Simba, Magnum the Giant b LaVaye, Windsor won four-way over Sledgehammer, Bonecrusher and Samson.
  • September 6, 2003 – BANG House Show in Ocala, FL: Bonecrusher b Sledgehammer, Sledgehammer b Samson, Adam Windsor d Magnum the Giant.
  • September 13, 2003 – Dory Funk’s BANG in Ocala, FL: Bonecrusher b Bubba McCoy, Highland Strangler b Sledgehammer, Dixie b McCoy, Samson and Magnum the Giant b Bonecrusher and Adam Windsor.
  • September 20, 2003 – Dory Funk’s BANG in Ocala: Adam Windsor b Highland Strangler, Big Cat b Sledgehammer, Magnum the Giant b Bonecrusher.
  • October 25, 2003 – BANG in Ocala, FL: Little Wahoo McDaniel b Sledgehammer, Samson and Marcus Dillon b Bonecrusher and Big Cat to win tag titles, Adam Windsor and Little Wahoo McDaniel b Bubba McCoy and Simba, Bonecrusher b Magnum the Giant in taped fist match, Dixie b Bubba McCoy, Bonecrusher b Simba, Magnum the Giant b Samson to win TV title, Window b Marcus Dillon.
  • November 27, 2003 – Dory Funk’s BANG TV Taping in Ocala, FL: Magnum The Giant (managed by Bobby Heenan) b Forsaken, Little Wahoo McDaniel b Yako Romero, Samson and Marcus Dillon b Bret Van Michaels and Simba, Adam Windsor b Forsaken, Shane Chung and Tommygun b Simba and Yako Romero, Bonecrusher b Big Cat, Magnum won Battle Royal, Hellcat b Missy Hyatt in evening gown match, Windsor b Marcus Dillon.
  • December 13, 2003 – Dory Funk’s BANG in Ocala, FL: Bear b C.J. Summers, Lady Tiffany NC Claw, Magnum the Giant b Menace II Society, Little Wahoo McDaniel and Adam Windsor b C.J. Summers and Celtic Tiger, McDaniel b Simba, Menace II Society b Kid Destiny, Summers and Tiger b Bret Van Michaels and Misguided Misfit, Magnum NC Adam Windsor in 34:00.
  • January 18, 2004 – Dory Funk’s BANG in Ocala, FL before 280 fans: Magnum the Giant b Big Bank Barfield, Bobby Smith b Bret Van Michaels, Magnum the Giant b Simba, Kevin Rhoades b C.B. Kool, Dory Funk Jr. b Adam Windsor.
  • April 25, 2004 – BANG TV Tapings in Ocala, FL: Magnum the Giant b Kid Destiny and Bret Van Michael, Missy Hyatt b The Claw to win womens’ title, Bret Van Michael b Kid Destiny, David Flair b Dory Funk (Adam Windsor, who is the booker, played heel ref and did the Earl Hebner/Bret Hart deal), Kevin Rhodes b Macho Morales, Adam Windsor b Lil Wahoo McDaniel in ladder match.
  • May 9, 2004 – Dory Funk’s BANG TV Taping in Ocala, FL before 50 fans. Steve Corino no-showed without calling and they had to change the card onthe fly. Bret Van Michaels b Simba, Adam Windsor b Kid Destiny, Simply Luscious and Missy Hyatt b Gabrial and Claudia Reif, Kevin Rhodes b Majin, Dory Funk and Osamu Nishimura and Flex Cassidy b New Strong Machine (New Japan giant) and Adam Windsor and Missy Hyatt in a Japanese style match where they kept Hyatt out of the ring.
  • August 29, 2004 – Dory Funk’s BANG TV Tapings in Ocala, Florida before 350 fans: James Gooding (heel attorney) b Bill Apter (TV GM)-DQ in a match which saw a spot where Apter had the figure four on, but released the hold to look up ref Missy Hyatt’s skirt, Bank Barfield b Dave Holiday, Christian Bauer and Super Paul b Yako and Forsaken, Johnny Magnum b Aric Dylan, Flex Cassidy b Yako, Bo Lee b Simba, Adam Windsor b Dory Funk.
  • October 3, 2004 – BANG TV Taping in Ocala, Florida: Super Paul b Kid Destiny, Missy Hyatt b Claw to win women’s title, Yako and Forsaken b Super Paul and Christian Bauer to win tag titles, Dory Funk b Aric Dylan, Johnny Magnum b Adam Windsor-DQ, Big Bank Barfield and Preston Paradise b Dave Holiday and Jake Slater, Flex Cassidy b Damien Steele.
  • October 31, 2004 – Dory Funk’s BANG in Ocala, Florida: Flex b Simba, Dave Holiday b Christian Bauer, Yako and Forsaken b Simba and Damien Steele, Super Paul b Forsaken, Johnny Magnum and Flex Cassidy and Dory Funk b Adam Windsor and Aric Dylan and Damien Steele in an elimination match, Claw (woman wrestler) b Adam Windsor due to interference from Dory Funk, Bill Apter and others, Big Bank Barfield b Yako.
  • November 25, 2004 – Dory Funk’s BANG in Ocala, Florida before 380 fans: Mr. Showtime b Christian Bauer, Big Bank Barfield b Neil Faith, Faith and Yako b Bauer and Showtime, Flex Cassidy b Dave Holiday, The Claw b Lexie Fyfe, Aric Dylan b Dory Funk, Johnny Magnum b Adam Windsor to win their heavyweight title that Windsor had held for four years.
  • December 19, 2004 – Dory Funk’s BANG in Ocala, Florida at O’Malley’s: Dory Funk and Joey Peterman and Bo b Aric Dylan and Christian Bauer and Bam Bam Soaper, Big Bank Barfield b Blain Rage, Flex Cassidy b Forsaken, Yako b P.J. Luke, The Claw (a woman wrestler/ref) won their world title in a three-way over Adam Windsor and Johnny Magnum.
  • January 23, 2005 – Dory Funk’s BANG TV Tapings in Ocala, Florida: Blaine Rage won three-way over Chasyn Rance and Big Bank Barfield, Adam Windsor and Aric Dylan b Shawn and Tyler, Super Paul and The Claw b Heartbreak Express, Christian Bauer b Bo Lee in a cane match, Johnny Magnum b Flex Cassidy, Adam Windsor and Aric Dylan b Dory Funk and Jody Peterman to win the BANG tag titles.
  • February 26, 2005 – Dory Funk’s BANG in Ocala, Florida at O’Malley’s Alley: Sean Davis b Lord Of Discipline, Super Paul and Wade Daniels b James Morrison and Pretty Fly For A White Guy, Round Robin Tournament To Determine No. 1 Contender BANG Women’s title (Malia Hosaka b Claudia “The Claw” Reiff, Lexie Fyfe b Malia Hosaka, Claudia “The Claw” Reiff b Lexie Fyfe – – Judge’s Decision via The Three Way Tie And No. 1 Contender: Malia Hosaka), Johnny Magnum b Blaine Rage by DQ to retain the Heavyweight title.
  • March 26, 2005 – Dory Funk’s BANG in Ocala, Florida: Billy Rock b The Claw, The Claw b Billy Newt, Super Paul b Billy Newt, Michael Hill vs Super Paul ended in a 5 minute draw, Blain Rage vs Michael Hill ended in a 5 minute draw, Blain Rage b Billy Rock 2 falls to 1, Johnny Magnum b Blain Rage to retain the World title – (They did a unique system of matches with Dory Funk, Rob Van Dam and Johnny Magnum (BANG champion) as judges on performance in the match with mandatory moves of headlock takeover, arm drag, single leg takedown, body slam and some sort of a springboard maneuver, and pinfalls counted as points).
  • April 22, 2005 – Dory Funk’s BANG in Homerville, Georgia: Super Paul and Michael Hall b Richie Rich and Crazy Fist, Yakuza(tag team) b Blain Rage when partner Kevin Kantrell walked out, Matt Kuma and Crance Gracie b Bank Barfield and Jake Slater, Preston Paradise won handicap match over Ronnie Blaze and Nexus Preston, Johnny Magnum b Mark Stevens.
  • May 26, 2005 – Dory Funk’s BANG TV Taping in Ocala, Florida: Great White Butcher b Big Bank Barfield, Dory Funk and Osamu Nishimura won the tag titles over Big Daddy and Lord of Discipline with a simultaneous spinning toe hold by Funk and figure four by Nishimura, Johnny Magnum d Jon Davis, Lexie Fyfe b Claudia Reiff, Super Park b Blain Rage, Mike Hall b Murder One, Atsushi Miyamoto b Pat Tanaka. During intermission, they brought out Jack Brisco, Dory Funk, Seiji Sakaguchi, Kenji Sakaguchi, Osamu Nishimura and Johnny Magnum. Funk and Brisco worked an angle with a ten minute staredown. They ended up hugging and Brisco challenged Funk to one last match. Jack Brisco was one of the very few wrestling superstars who retired and never wrestled again, and that was 21 years ago.
  • July 31, 2005 – Dory Funk’s BANG in Ocala, Florida: Murder One b Mike Hall, White Butcher and Richard O’Reilly b Big Bank Barfield and Jackknife Guest, Super Paul d Lonnie Valdez, Blaine Rage b Reece Royal, Carlos and Eddie Colon b Dory Funk and Johnny Magnum to win TV tag team titles, Claudia Reiff b Lexie Fyfe.
  • September 24, 2005 – Dory Funk’s BANG in Ocala, Florida: Johnny Magnum b Mike Hall, Claudia Reiff b Sumie Sakai, Reece Royale b Blaine Rage, Dory Funk b Kenzo Suzuki, Super Paul b Notorious Dog, Mike Hall b Mannick.
  • October 29, 2005 – Dory Funk’s BANG in Daytona Beach: Dory Funk b Big Bank Barfield, Dory Funk b Great White Butcher to win TV title, Claw b Leslie Lee, Johnny Magnum b Mike Hall, Blain Rage b Jon Davis.
  • January 28, 2005 – Dory Funk’s BANG in Ocala, Florida: The Claw b Lexie Fyfe, Mike Hall b Lonnie Valdez-DQ, Reece Royale b Bank Barfield, Blain Rage b Jon Davis, Riccardo Musazzi b Manuel Majoli in a battle of trainees from Italy, Johnny Magnum b Lonnie Valdez. John Laurinaitis wasn’t there, but said he’ll be coming soon. Jimmy Hart was there as a manager and was given a Fighting Heart award for his career in wrestling and music
  • March 27, 2005 – Dory Funk’s BANG in Ocala, Florida: Johnny Magnum b Sage Hilton, Big Bank Barfield b Mike Hall, Jon Davis b Blain Rage, Sage Hilton b Barfield, Hall b Christopher Scott, Magnum and Blain Rage b ? to win tag titles. Bob Ryder and Terry Taylor were there and got an award at the show
  • May 28, 2005 – Dory Funk’s BANG in Ocala, Florida: Johnny Magnum b Lonnie Valdez, Blain Rage b Jon Davis, Richard Alexander b Sage Hilton, Valdez b Freddie Neal, Bubba Myers b D.D. Davis, Dory Funk b Sabu-DQ when Sabu threw a fireball
  • July 30, 2005 – Dory Funk’s BANG in Ocala, Florida: Johnny Magnum vs Blain Rage ended in a No Contest when TNA’s America’s Most Wanted interfered, America’s Most Wanted (James Storm and Chris Harris) b Dory Funk Jr. and Jon Davis using the death sentence on Funk, Russell Paul Williams b Lord of Discipline
  • September 3, 2006 – Dory Funk’s BANG – Support the Troops 6 – Global Warning in Ocala, Florida: “The Soul Assassin” Kory Chavis b Angel of Darkness, Jon Davis b Lord of Discipline, David Roller b Jeff Gonzalez to win the Television title, Johnny Magnum b Blain Rage and Reece Royal (from England) in a 3-WAY, Samoa Joe b Dory Funk Jr. in a Lumberjack match when (lumberjack) Blain Rage hit Funk with a chair.
  • November 5, 2006 – Dory Funk’s BANG in Ocala, Florida at the Funkin’ Conservatory: Claudia “The Claw” Reeve b Gail Kim by DQ to retain the BANG! Women’s title, Kory Chavis b “Italian Heartbreaker” Johnny Romero to retain the European title, Dory Funk Jr. vs “Fallen Angel” Christopher Daniels ended in a 20:00 draw in an Old School Rules match (standing ovation), Johnny “The Soldier” Magnum b “The Irreverent” Blain Rage w/Gail Kim to retain the BANG! World title.
  • January 28, 2007 – Dory Funk’s BANG in Ocala, Florida at the Funkin’ Conservatory: Claudia “The Claw” Reiff b Miss Vicki w/Lady Kimberly to retain the BANG! Women’s title, “Pretty Boy” Chris Bower b Johnny Romano, Dory Funk Jr. and Shane Chung b Blain Rage and Chris Bowers, Johnny Magnum b “The Soul Assassin” Kory Chavis in a 2/3 Falls “Old School” Style match to retain the BANG World title.
  • February 25, 2007 – Dory Funk’s BANG in Ocala, Florida at the Funkin’ Conservatory: Dory Funk Jr. b Scott D’Amore in 7 seconds, Keith Turner (England) b Lance Alonte by Submission, Blain Rage b Shane Chung after interference from Scott D’Amore and Gail Kim, Johnny Magnum and Corporal Moose and Ken Sharp b Kory Chavis and Lance Alonte and Keith Turner, The Pop Tarts (Lady Kimberly and Miss Vicki) b The Claw and Gail Kim with Scott D’Amore as the referee (Gail Kim turned on The Claw).
  • March 25, 2007 – Dory Funk’s BANG – Pay Back in Ocala, Florida at the Funkin’ Conservatory: Lance Alonte b Johnny Romano, Ken Sharp and Flyin’ Ryan Mitchell w/Little Miss Sandii Sunshine b Kory Chavis and Lance Alonte, Shane Chung b Blain Rage to win the Hardcore title, Lady Kimberly b “The Claw” Claudia Reiff and Miss Vicki in a 3-WAY to win the Women’s title, “The Soldier” Johnny Magnum vs Robert Gibson ended in a 20-minute draw (Magnum retains the Funking Conservatory World title).
  • April 29, 2007 – Dory Funk’s BANG in Ocala, Florida at the Funkin’ Conservatory: 450 pound D.C. Bodyguard b Johnny Romano and Lance Alonte in a Handicap match, Elvis Sharp b Flyin’ Ryan w/Little Miss Sandii Sunshine, “The Claw” Claudia Reiff b Lady Kimberly and Miss Vicki in a 3-WAY to win the BANG Women’s title (After the match: Miss Vicki and Lady Kimberly and Father James Mitchell and Blain Rage and Kory Chavis Tar and Feathered the Claw), Blain Rage b Shane Chung in a Texas Death match after jumping off a 10-foot ladder onto Chung, Johnny Magnum b Kory Chavis to retain the BANG Heavyweight title despite Father James Mitchell smashing Magnum with a steel chair.
  • May 27, 2007 – Dory Funk’s BANG – Support the Troops 16: Ultimate Struggle in Ocala, Florida at the Funkin’ Conservatory: Blain Rage b Lance Alonte and Johnny Romano in a Handicap match, Flyin’ Ryan Mitchell (w/Sandii Skye) b Kory Chavis (w/Father James Mitchell) and Elvis Sharp (w/The Pop Tarts) in a 3-WAY, Dory Funk Jr. introduced his guest WWE executive Pat Patterson, Johnny Magnum and Chris “The Giant” Carnage b Blain Rage and Scott D’Amore, Dory Funk Jr. presented several Funking Conservatory Fighting Heart Awards, Shane Chung b Johnny Magnum (w/Chris “The Giant” Carnage) to win the Florida title, The Claw b Gail Kim and Lady Kimberly and Miss Vicki in a 4-WAY to retain the Women’s title.
  • July 1, 2007 – Dory Funk’s BANG – Support the Troops 17: Red White Black and Blue in Ocala, Florida at the Funkin’ Conservatory: Miss Vicki w/Shane Chung b “The Claw” Claudia Reiff w/Jerry Lynn and Lady Kimberly w/Blain Rage in a 3-WAY to win the Funkin’ Conservatory Women’s title, Blain Rage w/Lady Kimberly b Shane Chung w/Miss Vicki and Lance Alonte and Johnny Romano in a 4-WAY to win the Funkin’ Conservatory Florida Heavyweight title, Elvis Sharp (w/Lady Kimberly and Miss Vicki) and Ryan “Air” Mitchell (w/Sandii Skye) b Johnny Magnum and Jerry Lynn by DQ to win the Funkin’ Conservatory Tag Team titles.
  • July 29, 2007 – Dory Funk’s BANG – Support the Troops 18: Fight for Freedom in Ocala, Florida at the Funkin’ Conservatory: Miss Vicki b Lady Kimberly and Claudia Reiff in a 3-WAY with Cowboy James Storm as referee doing a fast count for Vicki, Flyin’ Ryan “Air” Mitchell w/Sandii Skye b Blain Rage to win the Florida Heavyweight title, Elvis Sharp b Cody Squires and Mario Benedetti in a 3-WAY to retain the European title, Il Marchese w/La Contessa b Ryan Mitchell w/Sandii Skye to win the Funking Conservatory International title, Ryan Mitchell and Elvis Sharp vs. Johnny Magnum and Shane Chung vs. James Storm and Blain Rage ended in a DQ due to James Storm body-slamming the referee (Mitchell/Sharp retain their Funkin’ Conservatory Tag Team titles).
  • September 2, 2007 – Dory Funk’s BANG – TV Tapings in Ocala, Florida: Kim Dakota b Vickii Von and The Claw (Claudia Reiff) in a 3-WAY, Cowboy Cory Squries b Johnny Romano in a “Dirtiest Player in the Game” match, Flyin’ Ryan “Air” Mitchell w/Sandii Skye b Elvis Sharp w/The Poptarts to retain the Funkin’ Conservatory Florida Heavyweight title, Blain Rage w/The Poptarts b Hack Myers, Shane Chung b Johnny Magnum in Lumberjack match to win the Funkin’ Conservatory World Heavyweight title.
  • October 28, 2007 – Dory Funk’s BANG – TV Tapings in Ocala, Florida: They presented Rocky Johnson with the Fighting Heart Award before the show, Johnny Magnum (U.S. Heavyweight Champion) b Flyin’ Ryan “Air” Mitchell w/Sandii Skye with the Cargo Drop, Funking Conservatory World Champion Shane Chung vs. Blain Rage ended in a time limit draw, Florida Champion Flyin’ Ryan “Air” Mitchell w/Sandii Skye b Elvis Sharp, “The Claw” Claudia Reiff b Kim Dakota to regain the Funking Conservatory Women’s title, Elvis Sharp b Mario Benedetti and Will Power in a 3-WAY to retain the European title, Blain Rage b Johnny Romano to retain the Television title.
  • November 25, 2007 – Dory Funk’s BANG – Support the Troops 21, “WrestleFeast” in Ocala, Florida: Dory Funk Jr. presented the New Funking Conservatory Women’s Championship Belt to the champion “The Claw” Claudia Reiff, Elvis Sharp b Johnny Romano with the Texas Cloverleaf to retain the European title, “The Claw” Claudia Reiff b Vicki Von with a Cradle to retain the Women’s title, “The Claw” Claudia Reiff b Kim Dakota with a Japanese Arm Bar to retain the Women’s title, Funking Conservatory World Champion Shane Chung w/Pistol Peyton b Blain Rage by DQ, Flyin’ Ryan Mitchell (w/Sandii Skye) and Elvis Sharp b Johnny Magnum and Will Power.
  • December 31, 2007 – Dory Funk’s BANG – TV Tapings (XXStravaganza) in Ocala, Florida: Johnny Magnum b Flyin’ Ryan “Air” Mitchell by DQ to retain the Funkin’ Conservatory United States title (Ryan Mitchell was DQ’d for hitting referee Claudia “The Claw” Reiff), Shane Chung w/Pistol Payton Gunn b Will Power to retain the Funkin’ Conservatory World title, Blain Rage b Elvis Sharp to retain the !BANG! TV Championship, Damien b Johnny Romano, Flyin’ Ryan “Air” Mitchell and Elvis sharp b Shane Chung and Blain Rage to retain the Funkin’ Conservatory Tag Team titles.
  • January 27, 2008 – Dory Funk’s BANG – TV Tapings in Ocala, Florida: Tom “Bi-Polar” Behr (Pronounced Bear) b Hack Meyers, Kid Vegas b Johnny Romano (Gauntlet), Damien b Kid Vegas (Gauntlet), Chris Slawson b over Damien (Gauntlet), Blain Rage b Chris Slawson (Gauntlet), Johnny Magnum (seconded by 14 year old Pistol Payton Gunn) b Flyin’ Ryan “Air” Mitchell in a Steel Cage match to win the Funking Conservatory United States title, Blain Rage b Shane Chung to win the Funking Conservatory World title.
  • March 23, 2008 – Dory Funk’s BANG – Support the Troops 25, “Showdown” in Ocala, Florida: U.S.A. Champion Johnny Magnum vs. Shane Chung ended in a 20:00 draw, Gail Kim b The Claw to win the Funkin’ Conservatory Women’s title, Elvis Sharp b Blain Rage to win the Funkin’ Conservatory World title, Tom “Bi Polar” Behr b Hack Myers by DQ in a Tough Man Match, Damien b Kid Vegas and Johnny Romano in a 3-WAY Hardcore Tournament match, Chris “Animal” James b Flyin’ Ryan “Air” Mitchell (w/Sandii Skye) and Elvis Sharp in a 3-WAY Triple Crown Championship Tournament.
  • June 1, 2008 – Dory Funk’s !BANG! – Support the Troops “International Fight” in in Ocala, Florida at the Funking Conservatory: The Claw b Lexie Fyfe to retain the Funking Conservatory Women’s title, Dory Funk Jr. and Osamu Nishimura and Ryan Mitchell and Johnny Magnum b Shane Chung and Blain Rage and Antonio Thomas and Elvis Sharp, Damien b Johnny Romano to retain the Hardcore title, El Marchese vs. “Loudmouth” David Sands vs. Elvis Sharp vs. Chris “Animal” Jones ended in a Quadrupal DQ (4-way Double Crown Tournament Match), Shane Chung b Flying Ryan “Air” Mitchell w/Sandi Skye to win the Funking Conservatory Florida title.
  • July 6, 2008 – Dory Funk’s BANG! TV Tapings in Ocala, Florida before 150 fans: Johnny Romano b Pistol Peyton Gunn after interference from Blain Rage, Elvis Sharp b Shane Chung to win the Funking Conservatory World title, Blain Rage w/Loudmouth Alan Lake b Johnny Romano to win the Triple Crown title, Damien Steele and Chung b Cowboy James Storm and Blain Rage by DQ (Two referees, Loudmouth Alan Lake and Claudia “The Claw” Reiff), Johnny Magnum w/Pistol Peyton Gunn b Hack Meyers w/Loudmouth Alan Lake to retain the United States title – After the show was over there was an affray between Cowboy James Storm and Dory Funk Jr. that ended when Funk bashed Storm with several uppercut forearm blows.
  • July 13, 2008 – Dory Funk’s BANG! Support the Troops 28, “Fight for Freedom 2” in Ocala, Florida: Dory Funk and Osamu Nishimura and Johnny Magnum b Shane Chung and Blain Rage and Elvis Sharp, Lexie Fyfe b Claudia “The Claw” Reiff w/Loudmouth Alan Lake with a Rolling Cradle with special referee Pistol Peyton Gunn, Damien Steele b “Loudmouth” Allen Lake after Lexie Fyfe threw in the Towel for Loudmouth Lake, Pistol Peyton Gunn b Johnny Romano with a Half Nelson Cradle.
  • October 5, 2008 – Dory Funk’s BANG TV Taping in Ocala, Florida: Osamu Nishimura and Dory Funk Jr. and Johnny Magnum b HC Loc and Blain Rage and Todd Smith. Johnny Magnum b Elvis Sharp to win the Funking Conservatory World title. Blain Rage b Shane Chung and Antonio Thomas in a 3-WAY to win the Funking Conservatory Florida title. Johnny Romano b “Pistol” Peyton Gunn to advance to the hardcore championship match. Damien Steele b Johnny Romano to retain the Funking Conservatory Hardcore title.
  • October 26, 2008 – Dory Funk’s BANG TV Taping in Ocala, Florida: “The Claw” Claudia Reiff b Awesome Kong by DQ to win the Funking Conservatory Women’s title, Blain Rage b Johnny Magnum in a No-DQ Match to win the Funking Conservatory World Title, Hack Meyers becomes the Premium !BANG! Champion winning with a Hell of a Clothesline, Johnny Romano b Pistol Peyton Gunn with an assist from Blain Rage and his protégé “Smack” Hartline to win a Three Way Tournament for the Light Heavyweight title.
  • November 23, 2008 – Dory Funk’s BANG TV Taping (Support the Troops 34, “Thanksgiving Massacre”) in Ocala, Florida: Blain Rage b Elvis Sharp to retain the World Championship, Johnny Magnum b Shane Chung by DQ to retain the United States title, “The Claw” Claudia Reiff b Lexie Fyfe to retain the Women’s title, H.C. Loc b Nick Paradise in a Tough Man Contest Rules match, Damien Steele b Hack Meyers to win the Premium !BANG! title, Hack Meyers b Light Heavyweight Champion Johnny Romano in a Contenders match.
  • December 21, 2008 – Dory Funk’s BANG TV Taping (Support the Troops 35, “Hell’s Bells I”) in Ocala, Florida: Funking Conservatory Fighting Heart Award Presented Posthumously to Ocala Star Banner Sports Editor, Vince Murray. Accepting for Vince Murray was his wife Jimmy Sue and granddaughter, Ashley – – – Claudia “The Claw” Reiff b Awesome Kong by DQ to retain the Funking Conservatory Women’s title, Dory Funk Jr. and Johnny Magnum and Elvis Sharp b Blain Rage and Shane Chung and Whitman, Hack Meyers b Damien Steele with a Clothesline from Hell to retain the Premium !BANG! Championship, Shane Chung b Blain Rage to win the Florida Championship, “Stiff Biff” Whitman b Light Heavyweight champion Johnny Romano (Stiff Biff Whitman failed to make the 190 pound weight limit so Romano is still Light Heavyweight Champion).
  • December 31, 2008 – Dory Funk’s BANG TV Taping (Support the Troops 35, “Hell’s Bells II”) in Ocala, Florida: Dory Funk Jr. and Johnny Magnum and Jumbo Elvis Sharp b Blain Rage and Shane Chung and Stiff Biff Whitman in a Steel Cage match, Claudia “The Claw” Reiff b Melissa Coates in a Steel Cage match to retain the Funkin’ Conservatory Women’s title, Shane Chung b Blain Rage in a Steel Cage match to win the Funking Conservatory World title, Elvis Sharp b Johnny Romano and Stiff Biff Whitman in a 3-WAY Elimination match to retain the Premium !BANG! TV Championship (Elvis Sharp failed to make the weight for the Light Heavyweight title).
  • February 1, 2009 – Dory Funk’s BANG – Support Your Troops 36 (Genesis II) in Ocala, Florida: Blain Rage and Shane Chung and Jumbo Elvis b Dory Funk and Johnny Magnum and Osamu Nishimura, Stiff Biff Whitman Wins b Bruno Marciano in a HardCore Championship Match, Wahoo McDaniel Jr. b Blain Rage in a #1 Contenders match for the Light Heavyweight title, Jumbo Elvis b Johnny Romano in a European Championship match, “The Claw” Claudia Reiff b Miss Charlotte and Miss Rachael in a 3-WAY to retain the Funking Conservatory Women’s title.
  • March 1, 2009 – Dory Funk’s BANG – Support Your Troops 37 (Cold War) in Ocala, Florida: Dory Funk Jr. publicly asked Dusty Rhodes forgiveness for all the times the Funks beat up on Rhodes in Florida, Johnny Magnum b Shane Chung to retain the United States title, Blain Rage b Wahoo McDaniel Jr. b Johnny Romano in a 3-WAY Hardcore match, Women’s champion Claudia “The Claw” Reiff vs. Awesome Kong ended in a Double DQ, Jumbo Elvis and Miss Charlotte b Diamond Derek and Miss Rachael in an Inter-Gender Tag Team Championship MatchJason, “The Giant” (7′ 4″ – 450) b Hack Meyers (6′ 5″ – 260) in a Battle of the Giants.
  • May 3, 2009 – Dory Funk’s !BANG! TV Taping – Support Your Troops 39 (Hard-Core Brawl) in Ocala, Florida: Claudia “The Claw” Reiff and Johnny Romano b Melissa Coates and Blain Rage after special guest referee Shane Chung took a low-blow from Rage, Johnny Magnum b Hack Meyers with an assist from Dory Funk Jr., Wahoo McDaniel Jr. vs. Jumbo Elvis Sharp in a Indian Strap Match, Funking Conservatory World champion Shane Chung vs. French MMA National champion Omar Best, Jason “the 7-4 450 lbs” Giant vs. “The Hard-Core Icon” Damien Steele (Damien Steele scored the first take-down of Jason the Giant and followed with Hard-Core tactics).
  • June 14, 2009 – Dory Funk’s BANG TV (Support the Troops 41 “Super Summer Sizzler”) in Ocala, Florida: Hack Meyers b Damien Steele with a Knuckle Sandwich to retain the Hard-Core title, Damien Steele b Johnny Romano in a Dog Collar match, “The Claw” Claudia Reiff b Sar-Ah to retain the Women’s title, Dory Funk Jr. b Blain Rage with the European Double Leg Crucifix, Shane Chung b Wahoo McDaniel Jr. in a 2/3 Falls match. They did a ten bell salute to Mitsuharu Misawa, who Dory Funk had a hand in breaking in.
  • July 12, 2009 – Dory Funk’s BANG TV (Support the Troops 42 “Red White and !BANG!”) in Ocala, Florida: The Wasilla Wrecking Crew (Charlotte Mahoy and Rachael Moore) b The Claw and Sar-Ah to retain the Women’s Tag Team titles, Damien Steele b Hack Meyers after distraction by the Wasilla Wrecking Crew in a Dog Collar match for the Hardcore title, Shane Chung b Jumbo Elvis Sharp to retain the Funking Conservatory World title, Dory Funk Jr. and Johnny Magnum b Chaos and Blain Rage w/Sar-Ah in an I QUIT match when Sar-Ah threw in the towel for Blain Rage’s protege Chaos.
  • August 9, 2009 – Dory Funk’s BANG TV (Support the Troops 43 “BANG! Aversary”) in Ocala, Florida: Johnny Magnum and Damien Steele b Hack Meyers and Johnny Romano, Shane Chung b Jumbo Elvis Sharp to retain the Funking Conservatory World title, Dory Funk Jr. (w/Ricard Bourgeois Jr.) b Blain Rage w/Sar-Ah, Claudia Reiff and Sara-Ah b The Wasilla Wrecking Crew (Charlotte Mahoy and Rachel Moore).
  • September 5, 2009 – Dory Funk’s BANG TV (Support the Troops 43 “Fall Brawl”) in Ocala, Florida: Shane Chung b Damien Steele to retain the Funking Conservatory title, The Wasilla Wrecking Crew (Charlotte Mahoy and Rachael Moore) b “The Claw” Claudia Reiff and Melissa Coates to retain the Funking Conservatory Tag Team titles, Johnny Romano b Walter “Killer” Roberts to retain the Funking Conservatory Light Heavyweight title.
  • October 17, 2009 – Dory Funk’s BANG TV (Support the Troops 45 “Morbid Power”) in Ocala, Florida: Rachael Moore won a Battle Royal to win the BANG Women’s title, Melissa Coates and Claudia “The Claw” Reiff b Charlotte Mahoy and Rachael Moore to win the BANG Women’s Tag Team titles, Shane Chung b Blain Rage and Jumbo Elvis Sharp in a 3-WAY to retain the BANG World title, Johnny Magnum b Damien Steele to retain the BANG United States title, Damien Steele b Chaos to retain the Hard-Core title, Johnny Romano b Walter “Killer” Roberts to retain the BANG Light Heavyweight title.
  • November 21, 2009 – Dory Funk’s BANG TV (Support the Troops 46 “Turkey Shoot”) in Ocala, Florida: Rachel Moore b Claudia Reiff and Melissa Coates in a 3-WAY to retain the BANG Women’s title, Blain Rage b Shane Chung by DQ to retain the BANG World title, Johnny Magnum b Hack Meyers with the Cargo Drop to retain the BANG United States title, The Cold Front (Jordan Vinson and Christian Norskog) b The Hard-Core Fighters (Damien Steele and Johnny Romano) to win the BANG Tag Team titles.
  • December 31, 2009 – Dory Funk’s BANG TV (Support the Troops 47 “Hell’s Bells”) in Ocala, Florida: Mad Dog Medeske and Luke Spencer b Shane Chung and Damien Steele, Damien Steele and Rachael Moore b Luke Spencer and Mad Dog Medeske, Walter “Killer” Roberts b Johnny Romano in a European title match, BANG World champion Shane Chung vs. Blain Rage ended in a time limit draw, The Cold Front (Christian Norskog and Jordan Vinson) b Damien Steele and Rachael Moore, Dory Funk and Johnny Magnum w/Jimmy Hart b Hack Meyers and Shane Chung, Claudia “The Claw” Reiff b Rachael Moore (c) and Sar-Ah and Melissa Coates in a Gauntlet match to win the Women’s title.
  • January 23, 2010 – Dory Funk’s BANG TV (Support the Troops 48 “Genesis”) in Ocala, Florida: Blain Rage and Luke Spencer b Christian Norskog and Jordan Vinson, Hack Meyers b Walter “Killer Roberts w/Dory Funk Jr., Rachael Moore b Claudia “The Claw” Reiff (c) and Radiant Rain in a 3-WAY to win the Women’s title, Damien Steele b Luke Spencer in a 1st Round match, Johnny Magnum b Damien Steele to retain the World title.
  • February 20, 2010 – Dory Funk’s BANG TV (Support the Troops 49 “Cold War”) in Ocala, Florida: Blain Rage and Luke Spencer b Walter “Killer” Roberts and Christian James to retain the BANG Tag Team titles, Mad Dog Madetzke b Johnny Romano in a No DQ (HardCore Rules) match to win the Light Heavyweight title, Sar-Ah b Rachael Moore (c) and “The Claw” Claudia Reiff in a 3-WAY to win the Women’s title, Dory Funk Jr. and Dory Funk IV and Johnny Magnum w/Jimmy Hart b Damien Steele and Shane Chung and Blain Rage w/Sar-ah.
  • March 27, 2010 – Dory Funk’s BANG TV (Support the Troops 50 “HardCore Reunion”) in Ocala, Florida: Dory Funk Jr. and Johnny Magnum and Shane Chung w/Jimmy Hart b Damien Steele and Blain Rage and Luke Spencer w/Rachael Moore, Claudia Reiff and Shane Chung b Rachael Moore and Blain Rage in a Cat Fight Rules match, Luke Spencer b Damien Steele and Mad Dog Madetzke and Walter Roberts in a 4-WAY Hardcore match, Jose Salinas b Johnny Romano, Mad Dog Madetzke b Christian James.
  • May 29, 2010 – Dory Funk’s BANG TV (Support the Troops 52 “War Memorial”) in Ocala, Florida at the Funking Conservatory Sound Stage: Shane Chung b Johnny Magnum to win the Funking Conservatory World title, Damien Steele and Chris “Pain Train” Mayfield b Blain Rage and Luke Spencer to win the Funking Conservatory Tag Team titles, Mad Dog Madetzke b Johnny Romano to win the Funking Conservatory Light Heavyweight title, Claudia “The Claw” Reiff w/Cassie Crush b Rachael “The Wasilla Wrecker” Moore to win the Funking Conservatory Women’s title, Fighting Heart Award Presented to Mike and Michele Palermo, Dory Funk Jr. and Johnny Magnum and Jose Salinas b Blain Rage and Shane Chung and Damien Steele.
  • July 17, 2010 – Dory Funk’s BANG TV (Support the Troops 54 “Red White and American !BANG!”) in Ocala, Florida at the Funking Conservatory Sound Stage: Dory Funk Jr. and Johnny Magnum and Jose Salinas b Shane Chung and Blain Rage and Jordan Vinson, Rachel “The Wasilla Wrecker” Moore and Cassie Crush b Claudia “The Claw” Reiff and Radiant Rain, Luke Spencer b Johnny Romano to retain the Hard-Core title, Chris (Pain Train) Mayfield and Karl (Mad Dog) Madetzke b Premium !BANG! champion Damien Steele by DQ in a 3-WAY (Steele retains), Blain Rage b Jose Salinas.
  • September 11, 2010 – Dory Funk’s BANG TV (Support the Troops 56 “Tribute to America”) in Ocala, Florida at the Funking Conservatory Sound Stage: Mickie James and Claudia “The Claw” Reiff defeated Jordan Vinson (male) and Rachel Moore.
  • June 25, 2011 – Dory Funk’s BANG TV (Support the Troops 67 “Blood Sweat and Tears”) in Ocala, Florida at the Funking Conservatory Sound Stage: Dory Funk Jr. and Leo Cristiani and Cory Weston b Fushicho Masauku and Mad Dog Madeztke and Luke Spencer, Claudia Reiff and Barbara Garcia b Ms. Looki Atmi and iCandy, Jayson Falcone b Bobby Adams and Damien Steel, Alma Maskarada and Diablo Negro b Luke Spencer and Mad Dog Madetzke.

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