All American Wrestling


  • September 10, 2005 – All American Wrestling – Redefined in Berwyn, Illinois at the Berwyn Eagles Club: Jerry Lynn b Zero in a 6-way Mayhem Match (Match also included: Bailey Mannix, Jayson Reign, Silas Young, and Jason Dukes.), Trik Davis w/Dave Prazak b Gary Havok, Tyler Black and Marek Brave b Brandon Thomaselli and Josh Abercrombie, Brad Bradley b Chase Richards, Machine b Botch by DQ., Safari Stu and Tristin Hazye b Weston Benton and Derek St Holmes, Dan Lawrence b Bryce Benjamin, Eric Priest b Chris Styles, Robert “Ego” Anthony b Jerry Lynn.
  • October 1, 2005 – All American Wrestling – A Monster’s Rage in Berwyn, Illinois at the Berwyn Eagles Club: Chase Richards b Baily Mannix, Zero b Jason Reign via D.Q., Trik Davis b Cameron Cage , Marco Cordova, Chandler McClure, Dan Lawrence b Danny Daniels, Machine and Stu Early b Simply Marvelous to win the Tag Team titles, Jason Dukes and Bryce Benjamin b “Magnum” Gary Havok and The Super Ninja, Rob Anthony b Silas Young, Eric Priest and St. Holmes/Benton b Tony Scarpone, The Black and The Brave, ODB b Tracy Brooks, Mike Venom b Brad Bradley.
  • October 22, 2005 – All American Wrestling – Nightmare on 26th St. in Berwyn, Illinois at the Berwyn Eagles Club: The Black and the Brave b Chandler McClure and Cameron Cage, ODB b Cameron Cage, Trik Davis w/Dave Prazak b Marco Cordova, The Void Effect and Bailey Mannix b Chase Richards and Jayson Reign and JJ Drake, Danny Daniels b Super Ninja, Machine b Botch in a Trick or Treat weapons match, Safari Stu b Derek St Holmes, Eric Priest b Tony Scarpone by DQ, Brad Bradley b Jimmy Jacobs, Dan Lawrence b Bryce Benjamin in a ladder match, Robert “Ego” Anthony b Venom by DQ.
  • November 26, 2005 – All American Wrestling – Windy City Classic in Berwyn, Illinois at the Berwyn Eagles Club: Mike Venom b Robert “Ego” Anthony to win the AAW Heavyweight title, Jayson Reign b Bryce Benjamin, Trik Davis w/Dave Prazak b Marco Cordova, Cameron Cage and Mikey Lee went to a no contest when. JIMMY JACOBS HIT THE RING, CUT A PROMO AND PROCEEDED TO THROW THE IWA HEAVYWEIGHT TITLE INTO A TRASH CAN, Tag Team Title Gaunlet Match – Black and Brave b Bailey Mannix and Zero, Black and Brave b Chris Hero and Claudio Castagnoli, Weston Benton/Derek St Holmes b Black and Brave, Safari Stu and Machine b BentonSt. Holmes to retain the AAW Tag Titles, Colt Cabana b Jason Dukes w/Lucas, Silas Young b Chandler McClure, Eric Priest b Shane Douglas, Dan Lawrence b Danny Daniels in a 2/3 Falls match 2 falls to 1, Jerry Lynn b Brad Bradley.
  • December 17, 2005 – All American Wrestling – Hardcore Holiday in Berwyn, Illinois at the Berwyn Eagles Club: ODB b Rain, Truth Martini and N8 Mattson w/Zach Gowen b Gary Havok and Golden Ninja, Botch b Super Ninja, Danny Daniels b Dan Lawrence in an “I Quit” match, Ryan Boz b Bailey Mannix, Black and Brave b Brad Bradley and Robert “Ego” Anthony, Reign and Cordova and Young b Dukes and Benjamin and McClure, Trik Davis w/Dave Prazak b Tristin Hayze, Safari Stu/Machine b Derek St Holmes and Weston Benton in a Lumberjack match, Mike Venom b Dominion, Eric Priest b Tony Scarpone in a ” Loser leaves AAW Streetfight”.
  • January 14, 2006 – All American Wrestling – The Chaos Theory in Berwyn, Illinois at the Berwyn Eagles Club: Ryan Boz b Devon Fury, Danny Daniels b Tristin Hayze, Silas Young b Jason Dukes in a 5-man elimination match that included Chandler McClure, Weston Benton, and Marco Cordova, Tyler Black and Marek Brave vs. Machine and Safari Stu ended in a no-contest, Eric Priest b Jayson Reign, The Black Ninja vs. Shawn Hollister ended in a no-contest, Michigan Invasion (Truth Martini and N8 Mattson) b The Black Ninja and Shawn Hollister, Zero vs. Chase Richards ended in a no-contest, Jimmy Jacobs b Jerry Lynn, Billy Whack was hired as the new CEO of AAW, Mike Venom b Botch.
  • February 4, 2006 – All American Wrestling – My Bloody Valentine in Berwyn, Illinois at the Berwyn Eagles Club: Eric Priest b Ricky Thomas, Ryan Boz b Chandler McClure, Danny Daniels b Silas Young, Trik Davis w/Dave Prazak b Dan Lawrence by DQ, Marco Cordova/Jayson Reign vs. High Society ended in a double coutout, Chase Richards b JJ Drake, Machine and Safari Stu b Bryce Benjamin/Jason Dukes, Tristan Hayze b Mikey Lovemuffin, Black and Brave b Michigan Invasion (Truth Martini and N8 Mattson) by DQ, Venom b Robert “Ego” Anthony, Jimmy Jacobs b Jerry Lynn in a dog collar match.
  • February 18, 2006 – All American Wrestling – Event Name Unavailable in Carpentersville, Illinois at the Berwyn Eagles Club: Dan Lawrence b Baily Mannix, Shane Hollister and Ash Sanchez and Chris Styles b The Lady Thrillaz, Danny Daniels b Gary Havok, Machine and Stu Early b Simply Marvelous, Bryce Benjamin/Weston Benton b Boy Toy Brian and Frankie The Face, Charlie Manson Jr b Tyme Paige, Jimmy Jacobs b Ryan Boz, Ryan Boz won the King Of The Hill Battle Royal.
  • February 25, 2006 – All American Wrestling – Audition in Berwyn, Illinois at the Berwyn Eagles Club: Chandler McClure b Shane Hollister, Charlie Manson Jr b Tyme Paige, Reign and Cordova b Benton and St.Holmes, Jason Dukes b Silas Young, Machine/Stu b Michigan Invasion (Truth Martini and N8 Mattson) by DQ, Eric Priest b Ace Steel, Danny Daniels b Lawrence and Brandon Thomaselli and Josh Abercrombie and CJ Otis and Trik Davis, Eric Priest won the King of the Hill Battle Royal.
  • March 25, 2006 – All American Wrestling – Final Four in Berwyn, Illinois at the Berwyn Eagles Club: Black/Brave b Stu/Machine, Zach Gowen/Eddie V, Truth Martini/ N8 Mattson to win the AAW tag titles;Trik Davis w/Dave Prazak b Dan Lawrence, Silas Young b Jason Dukes, Zero /Mannix b Reign and Cordova, Tyme Paige b Charlie Manson Jr. 2 falls to 1, “The Lady Thrillaz” b Rain and Hollister, Chandler McClure b Bryce Benjamin, Jimmy Jacobs b “Spyder” Nate Webb, Ryan Boz b Derek St. Holmes, Tyler Black b Silas Young, Danny Daniels, and Eric Priest to win the AAW Heavyweight title.
  • April 15, 2006 – All American Wrestling – Fade to Black in Berwyn, Illinois at the Berwyn Eagles Club: Mikey Lovemuffin b Shane Hollister, Safari Stu b Eddie V. to earn a match against Zach Gowen, Zach Gowen b Safari Stu, Bryce Benjamin/Lucas b Chandler McClure/Ami Zane by DQ, Trik Davis and Mississippi Madman b Double Dragons, Young and Reign and Cordova and Steel b Dukes and St. Holmes and Benton and Eric Priest, Dan Lawrence b Bailey Mannix, Tyme Paige and Charlie Manson Jr b Michigan Invasion (Truth Martini and N8 Mattson), Zero b Chase Richards in a blindfold match, Ryan Boz b Botch, Tyler Black b Jerry Lynn and Jimmy Jacobs.
  • May 13, 2006 – All American Wrestling – Point of No Return in Berwyn, Illinois at the Berwyn Eagles Club: Mississippi Madman b Dan Lawrence, Bryce Benjamin b Jason Dukes, Chandler McClure b Robert “Ego” Anthony, Michigan Invasion (Truth Martini and N8 Mattson) b Safari Stu and Tyme Paige and Charlie Manson Jr., Tyler Black b Shane Holister, Tyler Black b Ryan Boz, Jayson Reign/Marco Cordova b The Lady Thrillas, High Society, and Zero and Bailey Mannix, Marek Brave b Trik Davis, Silas Young b Danny Daniels to win the AAW Heritage Title, Jerry Lynn b Jimmy Jacobs in a Stairway to Hell match.
  • June 10, 2006 – All American Wrestling – GOLDRUSH : Road To The Titles in Berwyn, Illinois at the Berwyn Eagles Club: – AAW Tag Team Title Tournament – First Round Tyme Paige and Charlie Manson Jr. b Zero and Baily Mannix, Jimmy Jacobs/Zach Gowen b Jayson Reign/Marco Cordova, Ace Steel and Silas Young b High Society, Eric Priest and Chandler McClure b Stu Early and Robert Anthony, The Michigan Invasion (Truth Martini and N8 Mattson) b Bryce Benjamin and CJ Otis, Ryan Boz and Dan Lawrence b Danny Daniels/Trik Davis, Second Round Jacobs/Gowen b Paige/Manson Jr., Priest and McClure b Steel and Young, Boz and Lawrence b The Michigan Invasion (Truth Martini and N8 Mattson), Marek Brave b Tyler Black by DQ, Finals Boz and Lawrence b Eric Priest and Chandler McClure and Jimmy Jacobs and Zach Gowen in a 3-WAY.
  • July 15, 2006 – All American Wrestling – Scars and Stripes ’06 in Berwyn, Illinois at the Berwyn Eagles Club: Charlie Manson Jr and Tyme Paige b Bailey Mannix and Weston Benton;Rhino won a 20-man, over the top rope, battle royal, Tyler Black w/Jim Jesus b Rhyno, Gary Havok b The Lady Thrillaz in a handicap match, Shane Hollister b Mississippi Madman w/Dave Prazak, Michigan Invasion (Truth Martini and N8 Mattson) b Safari Stu and Reign and Cordova, Silas Young b Jason Dukes in a street fight, Ryan Boz and Dan Lawrence b The Phoenix Twins (Dash and Tweek), Bryce Benjamin b Chandler McClure in a submission match, Marek Brave b M-Dogg20 and Trik Davis and Jimmy Jacobs in a 4-WAY, Danny Daniels and Eric Priest b Robert “Ego” Anthony and Keith Walker.
  • August 12, 2006 – All American Wrestling – Civil War in Berwyn, Illinois at the Berwyn Eagles Club: Silas Young b Trik Davis, MsChif b Rain, Gary Havok b MIssissippi Madman, Jimmy Jacobs b Shane Hollister and Derek St Holmes and Tyme Paige and Charlie Manson Jr. and Steve Stone in a 5-WAY, Ace Steel b Jason Dukes, Jayson Regin and Marco Cordova b Zero and Bailey Mannix, Michigan Invasion (Martini and Mattson and Eddie V.) b CJ Otis and Dan Lawrence and Ryan Boz, Robert “Ego” Anthony and Keith Walker and Marek Brave and Bryce Benjamin b Eric Priest and Tyler Black and Chandler McClure and Danny Daniels.
  • September 9, 2006 – All American Wrestling – Hostile Intentions in Berwyn, Illinois at the Berwyn Eagles Club: Zero b Mikey Lovemuffin, Safari Stu Early b Bailey Mannix, Eric Priest b Bryce Benjamin, Tyme Paige and Charlie Manson Jr. b Danny Daniels and Chandler McClure, “Lady Thrilla” Krotch vs Hunter Matthews went to a no contest, Derek St. Holmes b Weston Benton, Zach Gowen b Eddie V, Jason Dukes and CJ Otis., Silas Young b Jimmy Jacobs, Shane Hollister b Trik Davis, Nigel McGuinness b Marek Brave, Ryan Boz and Dan Lawrence b Michigan Invasion (Truth Martini and N8 Mattson), Tyler Black b Robert Anthony.
  • November 4, 2006 – All American Wrestling – A Monster’s Rage ’06 in Berwyn, Illinois at the Berwyn Eagles Club: Gary Havok and Shane Hollister b The Lady Thrillaz, Tyme Paige b Jason Dukes, Michigan Invasion (Truth Martini and N8 Mattson) b Dan Lawrence and Ryan Boz and Jayson Reign and Marco Cordova and The Phoenix Twins (Dash and Tweek) in a 4-WAY to win the AAW Tag Team titles, Derek St Holmes b Weston Benton, Marek Brave b Danny Daniels, Trik Davis b Zach Gowen, Michael Prater b Hunter Matthews, Egotistico Fantastico b Michael Prater, Chandler McClure b Bryce Benjamin, Eric Priest b Steve Stone, Ace Steel b Skullkrusher by DQ, Jimmy Jacobs b Silas Young 2 falls to 1, Tyler Black b Keith Walker.
  • November 25, 2006 – All American Wrestling – Windy City Classic II in Berwyn, Illinois at the Berwyn Eagles Club: Egotistico Fantastico b Danny Daniels, Trik Davis b Chad Collyer, Chadler McClure was the sole survivor in a 10-man elimination match, pinning Jayson Reign. The match also featured Havok, Tyme Paige, Charlie Manson Jr., Krotch, Derek St.Holmes, Jason Dukes, Zero, and Michael Prader., Jerry Lynn b Chandler McClure, Silas Young and Ace Steel went to a time limit draw., Zach Gowen, Ryan Boz, and Dan Lawrence b the Michigan Invasion (Truth Martini and N8 Mattson), Marek Brave b Tyler Black to become the new AAW Heavyweight Champion in a no-rope, barbed-wire match.
  • January 20, 2007 – All American Wrestling – A Brave New World in Berwyn, Illinois at the Berwyn Eagles Club: Eric Priest b Jeff Brooks, Eric Priest b Hunter Matthews, Eric Priest b Krotch, Bryce Benjamin and Shane Hollister b The Phoenix Twins (Dash and Tweek), Marek Brave b Chandler McClure to retain the AAW Heavyweight Championship, “The Skullkrusher” Raschee Brown b BJ Whitmer, Ryan Boz and Dan Lawrence b Tyler Black and Danny Daniels in a 2 out of 3 falls match 2-0., Trik Davis b Chris Hybrid, Jimmy Jacobs and Zach Gowen went to a No Contest, Tyme Paige and Charlie Manson Jr. b Derrick St. Holmes and Jason Dukes, Tony Scarpone b Jay Ryan, Jimmy Jacobs and Truth Martini and N8 Mattson b Zach Gowen and Silas Young and Ace Steel.
  • February 17, 2007 – All American Wrestling – My Bloody Valentine ’07 in Berwyn, Illinois at the Berwyn Eagles Club: Jay Ryan b Tony Rican, Michael Prater b Krotch, Chandler McClure b Jayson Reign, Eric Priest b Derek St Holmes, Trik Davis and Conard Kennedy III b Shane Hollister and Bryce Benjamin, Tyler Black b Tony Scarpone, Skullkrusher b Tracy Smothers, The Phoenix Twins (Dash and Tweek) b Zach Gowen and Phil Atlas, Marek Brave b Mdogg Matt Cross to retain the AAW title, Michigan Invasion (Truth Martini and N8 Mattson) b Boz and Lawrence in a dog collar match.
  • March 10, 2007 – All American Wrestling – 3rd Anniversary Show in Berwyn, Illinois at the Berwyn Eagles Club: Jerry Lynn b Chandler McClure, Tyler Black and M-Dogg 20 went to a 15 minunte time limit draw, Phil Atlas b Samurai Del Sol, Michigan Invasion (Truth Martini and N8 Mattson) b Tyme Paige and Charlie Manson Jr., Jimmy Jacobs won the Battle Royal, DP Associates and The Phoenix Twins (Dash and Tweek) b Lawrence and Boz and Benjamin and Hollister, Eric Priest b Jimmy Jacobs to become the new AAW Heritage champion, Jay Ryan b Tony Scarpone in a Texas Bullrope match, Marek Brave b Tyler Black and Jerry Lynn and Matt Cross in the Final Four.
  • April 7, 2007 – All American Wrestling – AAW Heavyweight Title remote defense in Perry, IA at 3XW Wrestling: Marek Brave b Shane Hollister and Tyler Black to retain the AAW Heavyweight Championship.
  • April 14, 2007 – All American Wrestling – War is Coming in Berwyn, Illinois at the Berwyn Eagles Club: Skullkrusher b Silas Young, Ryan Boz/Dan Lawrence b Kris Hybrid/Jeff Brooks, Tyler Black b Phil Atlas, Hunter Matthews and Krotch went to a no contest, Zach Gowen and Krotch b The Michgan Invasion (Truth Martini and N8 Mattson) win the AAW Tag Team titles, The Phoenix Twins (Dash and Tweek) b Tyme Paige and Charlie Manson Jr., Eric Priest b BJ Whitmer and Trik Davis and Bryce Benjamin and Shane Hollister in a 5-WAY, and Chandler Mclure to retain the AAW Heritage title, Danny Daniels b Hunter Matthews, Jayson Reign b Michael Prater, Marek Brave b Jay Ryan and Tony Scarpone to retain the AAW Heavyweight title.
  • April 28, 2007 – All American Wrestling – AAW Heavyweight Title remote defense in Dearborn, Michigan at IWF Wrestling: Marek Brave b Danny Daniels to retain the AAW Heavyweight Championship.
  • May 19, 2007 – All American Wrestling – Defining Moment in Berwyn, Illinois at the Berwyn Eagles Club: Tyme Paige and Charlie Manson Jr. and Tony Rican b Hunter Matthews and Kris Hybrid and Jeff Brooks w/Derek St. Holmes, Danny Daniels b Derek St. Holmes, Silas Young b Joe Doering, Phil Atlas b Christian York, Jayson Reign b Chandler McClure in a No-DQ match by knockout, Shane Hollister and Bryce Benjamin b The Michigan Invasion (Truth Martini and N8 Mattson), Skullcrusher b Tyler Black, Krotch b The Phoenix Twins (Dash and Tweek w/Joey Eastman) to retain the Tag Team titles, DP Associates (B.J. Whitmer and Conrad Kennedy III and Trik Davis) b Eric Priest and Ryan Boz and Dan Lawrence, Jerry Lynn b Marek Brave in a 2/3 Falls match to win the AAW Heavyweight title.
  • June 16, 2007 – All American Wrestling – Point of No Return ’07 in Berwyn, Illinois at the Berwyn Eagles Club: Silas Young b Jayson Reign and Christian York and M-Dogg20 in a 4-WAY Mayhem match, Skullkrusher b Hunter Matthews, Skullkrusher b Bonebreaker Brooks and Kris Hybrid in a 3-WAY, Skullkrusher b Derek St. Holmes, Arik Cannon and The North Star Express (Darin Corbin and Ryan Cruz w/Jimmy Jacobs) b Tony Rican and Tyme Paige and Charlie Manson Jr., Danny Daniels vs. Tyler Black ended in a No Contest, DP Associates Berwyn Branch (Trik Davis and Conrad Kennedy III) b Zach Gowen and Krotch and Dan Lawrence and Ryan Boz and The Michigan Invasion (Truth Martini and N8 Mattson) in a 4-WAY Tag match to win the AAW Tag Team titles, Nigel McGuiness b Jay Ryan, Bryce Benjamin and Shane Hollister b The Phoenix Twins (Dash and Tweek w/Joey Eastman) (After the match: the Phoenix Twins double powerbombed Benjamin on an open folding chair), Eric Priest b B.J. Whitmer to retain the AAW Heritage title.
  • July 14, 2007 – All American Wrestling – Scars and Strips in Berwyn, Illinois at the Eagles Club: Derek St. Holmes b Tony Rican, Steve Stone and Brandon Blaze b Kris Hybrid and Bonebreaker Brooks, Krotch won a Battle Royal, Charlie Manson Jr. b Tyme Paige and Samurai Del Sol in a 3-WAY, Marek Brave b Mason Graves, The Northstar Express (Darin Corbin and Ryan Cruz) and Arik Cannon b Dan Lawrence and Ryan Boz and Shane Holister, Eric Priest b Joey Mercury, The Phoenix Twins (Dash and Tweek) b Absolute Answer (Caden Ames and Chris Able), Silas Young b Zach Gowen, Jerry Lynn b Krotch, Christian York b Truth Martini, Tyler Black and Chandler McClure b Danny Daniels and Jayson Reign.
  • July 28, 2007 – All American Wrestling – Unleashed in Highwood, Illinois at the Don Skrinar Rec Center: Tyler Black vs. Jason Reign ended in a No Contest, Zach Gowen and Dan Lawrence b Kris Hybrid and Bonebreaker Brooks, Tyme Paige b Tony Rican and Brandon Blaze in a 3-WAY, Shane Hollister and Bryce Benjamin b The Barroni Brothers (Sonny and Tony Baroni), Danny Daniels b Chandler McClure, Conrad Kennedy III and Trik Davis b Absolute Answer (Caden Ames and Chris Able), Marek Brave b Derek St. Holmes, American History Next (Hardcore Craig and Steve Stone) b The Michigan Invasion (Truth Martini and N8 Mattson), Eric Priest b Silas Young.
  • August 11, 2007 – All American Wrestling – Hostile Intentions ’07 in Berwyn, Illinois at the Berwyn Eagles Club: DP Associates Berwyn Branch (Conrad Kennedy III and Trik Davis) b American History Next (Hardcore Craig and Steve Stone), Brandon Blaze b Knight Wagner, Brandon Blaze b Grappler Hunter Matthews, Arik Cannon b Tyme Paige and Samuray Del Sol and Bonebreaker Brooks and Kris Hybrid and Chandler McClure in a 6-WAY, The Northstar Express (Darin Corbin and Ryan Cruz) b Dan Lawrence and Ryan Boz, Eric Priest b Jay Ryan, Danny Daniels and Jayson Reign b The Michigan Invasion (Truth Martini and N8 Mattson), Christian York b Marek Brave, The Phoenix Twins (Dash and Tweek) b Bryce Benjamin and Shane Hollister, Tyler Black b Krotch, Jerry Lynn b Skullkrusher to retain the AAW Heavyweight title.
  • September 8, 2007 – All American Wrestling – in Berwyn, Illinois at the Berwyn Eagles Club: Adrenaline Overdose (Bryce Benjamin and Shane Hollister) b Kris Hybrid and Bonebreaker Brooks, Jay Ryan b Skullkrusher, Phil Atlas b B.J. Whitmer and Danny Daniels and Jimmy Jacobs in a 4-WAY, Tyler Black b Nigel McGuiness, Jayson Reign b Chandler McClure in a Fans Bring the Weapons match, The Phoenix Twins (Dash and Tweek) b Dan Lawrence and Ryan Boz, M-Dogg20 b Silas Young, The Northstar Express (Darin Corbin and Ryan Cruz) and Arik Cannon b Eric Priest and Zach Gowen and Krotch (Josh Abercrombie briefly appeared in this match), Jerry Lynn b Delirious to retain the AAW Heavyweight title, The Murder City Machine Guns (Chris Sabin and Alex Shelley) b DP Associates (Trik Davis and Conrad Kennedy III) to win the AAW Tag Team titles.
  • September 29, 2007 – All American Wrestling – Rise of the Machine Guns in Berwyn, Illinois at the Berwyn Eagles Club: Jimmy Jacobs b Dan Lawrence, “Skullkrusher” Rasche Brown b Brandon Blaze w/Joey Eastman, Michigan Invasion (Truth Martini and N8 Mattson) b Absolute Answer (Caden Ames and Chris Able) and Tyme Paige and Charlie Manson Jr and DP Associates (Trik Davis and Conrad Kennedy III) in a 4-WAY Tag match, Krotch b Silas Young, The Murder City Machine Guns (Alex Shelley and Chris Sabin) b Christian York and Joey Matthews, Arik Cannon b Danny Daniels, Eric Priest and M-Dogg20 b The Northstar Express (Darin Corbin and Ryan Cruz), Tyler Black b Austin Aries, Adrenaline Overdose b The Phoenix Twins w/Joey Eastman in a TLC match.
  • October 20, 2007 – All American Wrestling – in Berwyn, Illinois at the Berwyn Eagles Club: Silas Young b Tyme Paige, Shane Holister b Brandon Blaze, The Michigan Invasion (Truth Martini and N8 Mattson) b Killer Kris Hybrid and Bonebreaker Brooks, Tyler Black b Josh Abercrombie, “Skullkrusher” Raschke Brown b Arik Cannon to retain the AAW Heritage title for the injured Eric Priest, Derek St. Holmes b Hardcore Craig with help from Koa Marie, Ryan Boz b Tony Rican, The Phoenix Twins b The Northstar Express (Darin Corbin and Ryan Cruz), Jerry Lynn b Jayson Reign to retain the AAW Heavyweight title (Keith Walker returned to AAW and challenged Jerry Lynn for the next show), The Motor City Machineguns (Chris Sabin and Alex Shelley) b DP Associates (Trik Davis and Conrad Kennedy III w/Dave Prazak) in a Best 2/3 Falls match that went almost 30-minutes to retain the AAW Tag Team titles.
  • November 24, 2007 – All American Wrestling – Windy City Classic III in Carbondale, Illinois: Austin Aries b Silas Young, Shane Hollister and Absolute Answer (Caden Ames and Chris Able) b The Old School Wrecking Crew, American History Next b Tony Rican and Cadillac Jones, The Phoenix Twins b DP Associates Berwyn Branch (Conrad Kennedy III and Trik Davis), Eric Priest b Jimmy Jacobs, Jerry Lynn b Keith Walker, Murder City Machine Guns (Chris Sabin and Alex Shelley) b The Michigan Invasion (Truth Martini and N8 Mattson), Danny Daniels b Tyler Black.
  • December 15, 2007 – All American Wrestling – in Berwyn, Illinois at the Berwyn Eagles Club: Knight Wagner and Hunter Matthews b Dewey Dawson and Jordan McIntyre, Danny Daniels b Shane Hollister, Eric Priest b Larry Sweeney to retain the AAW Heritage title, Tyler Black b Chris Hero and Arik Cannon and Josh Abercrombie in a 4-WAY, The Motor City Machine Guns (Chris Sabin and Alex Shelley) b The Phoenix Twins, The Michigan Invasion (Truth Martini and N8 Mattson) b Trik Davis (partner Conrad Kennedy III missed the show due to a flight being cancelled), Jayson Reign b Jimmy Jacobs, Corbin and Cruz and Ryan Boz b Tony Rican and Chris Able and Raschke Brown, Dan Lawrence b Hunter Matthews, Dan Lawrence and Keith Walker b Derek St. Holmes and Kris Hybrid and Bonebreaker Brooks, Silas Young b Krotch, Jerry Lynn b Tyler Black to retain the AAW Heavyweight title.
  • January 19, 2008 – All American Wrestling – Path to Redemption in Berwyn, Illinois at the Berwyn Eagles Club: Dewey Dawson b Knight Wagner in a dark match, Tony Rican b Jordan McIntyre in a dark match, Brandon Blaze w/Joey Eastman b Samurai Del Sol in a dark match, Joey Eastman announced that he aquired the contract of Arik Cannon and the Northstar Express, Absolute Answer (Caden Ames and Chris Able) b Derek St. Holmes and Hunter Matthews w/Koa Marie, Josh Abercrombie b Keith Walker and Trik Davis and Shane Holister and Kid Hybrid and Jeff Brooks in a 6-Man Mayhem Match to win a spot in the Final Four match in March, Arik Cannon and Joey Eastman b Krotch w/Nikki, Dan Lawrence and Skullcrusher Rasche Brown b Ryan Boz and Jimmy Jacobs by DQ, Tyler Black b Silas Young (farewell match), Jerry Lynn w/JJ Inc. b Tony Rican to retain the AAW Heavyweight title, Trik Davis w/Dave Prazak b N8 Mattson, Eric Priest b Danny Daniels w/JJ Inc. to retain the AAW Heritage title, The Northstar Express (Darin Corbin and Ryan Cruz w/Joey Eastman) b The Murder City Machine Guns (Chris Sabin and Alex Shelley) and The Phoenix Twins in a 3-WAY to win AAW Tag Team titles, Jerry Lynn b Jayson Reign (who vowed to retire if he didn’t win the title) in a Hardcore Rules Match to retain the AAW Heavyweight title.
  • February 9, 2008 – All American Wrestling – My Bloody Valentine in Berwyn, Illinois at the Berwyn Eagles Club: Brandon Blaze b Super Ninja and The Berwyn Brawler in a 3-WAY Pre-show match, Tyme Paige and Samurai Del Sol b Hunter Matthews and Knight Wagner in a Pre-show match, The Phoenix Twins b Kid Hybrid and Jeff Brooks, The Northstar Express (Darin Corbin and Ryan Cruz) b Absolute Answer (Caden Ames and Chris Able) to retain the AAW Tag Team titles (After the match: The Phoenix Twins attacked the Northstar Express), Josh Abercrombie b “Amazing” N8 Mattson w/Truth Martini, Silas Young b Jason Dukes w/Valerie Malone (After the match; Silas Young got revenge on Valerie Malone and laid her out with a spinebuster), Jimmy Jacobs w/Lacey b Eric Priest in a Dog Collar match to win the AAW Heritage title, Dan Lawrence b Dreek St. Holmes (w/Koa Marie and Knight Wagner and Hunter Matthews), Ryan Boz b “Skullkrusher” Raschke Brown (Jimmy Jacobs came out and nailed Rasche in his right eye with a spike. Boz then finished him with a Lariat), Zach Gowen and Krotch w/Nikki b DP Associates Berwyn Branch (Trik Davis and Conrad Kennedy III w/Dave Prazak), Austin Aries b Arik Cannon by Knockout to earn a spot in the 3/8 Final Four, Tyler Black and Shane Hollister and M-Dogg20 b Jerry Lynn and Danny Daniels and Marek Brave.
  • March 8, 2008 – All American Wrestling – 4th Anniversary Show in Berwyn, Illinois at the Berwyn Eagles Club: Derek St. Holmes and Hunter Matthews b Berwyn Brawler and Secret Ninja in a dark match, Egotistico Fantastico w/Billy Whack b Arik Cannon w/Joey Eastman, Valerie Maline claimed she got Silas Young fired from WWE after sending them a tape of him attacking her, Silas Young won a Battle Royal to qualify for the Final Four, Chandler McClure b Golden Vampire, Eric Priest b Keith Walker, The Phoenix Twins w/Joey Eastman b Absolute Answer (Caden Ames and Chris Able), Ryan Boz b Dan Lawrence in a Berwyn Street Fight, Tyler Black b Trik Davis w/Dave Prazak, Danny Daniels and Marek Brave w/Jim Jesus b Bryce Benjamin and Shane Holister, The Northstar Express (Darin Corbin and Ryan Cruz w/Joey Eastman) b Zach Gowen and Krotch w/Nikki, Jerry Lynn retained the AAW Heavyweight Title in the Final Four (Austin Aries b Josh Abercrombie, Silas Young b Austin Aries, Jerry Lynn b Silas Young.
  • April 5, 2008 – All American Wrestling – in Berwyn, Illinois at the Berwyn Eagles Club: Bryce Benjamin and Shane Holister b Knight Wagner and Hunter Matthews, Keith Walker b Dan Lawrence, Danny Daniels and Trik Davis b Absolute Answer (Caden Ames and Chris Able), Silas Young b Austin Aries, Egotistico Fantastico and The Phoenix Twins b Ryan Boz and The Northstar Express (Darin Corbin and Ryan Cruz), Chandler McClure b Allison Wonderland in an Intergender match, “Anarchist” Arik Cannon b Josh Abercrombie, Jimmy Jacobs b Skullkrusher to retain the AAW Heritage title, Jerry Lynn b M-Dogg20 to retain the AAW Heavyweight title, Marek Brave b Tyler Black.
  • May 3, 2008 – All American Wrestling – in Berwyn, Illinois at the Berwyn Eagles Club: Tyler Black b Keith Walker, Golden Vampire won the McClure invitational battle royal (It turned out Golden Vampire was Eric Priest), Eric Priest b Chandler McClure, The Phoenix Twins b The Northstar Express(Darin Corbin and Ryan Cruz) in a non-title match, Ryan Boz b Krotch, The Motor City Machine Guns (Alex Shelley and Chris Sabin) b Bryce Benjamin and Shane Holister, Silas Young b Arik Cannon, Trik Davis and Danny Daniels and Marek Brave b Rasche Brown and M-Dogg20 and Dan Lawrence, Jimmy Jacobs b Egotistico Fantastico.
  • May 31, 2008 – All American Wrestling – Fate of Eight – in Berwyn, Illinois at the Berwyn Eagles Club: Knight Wagner and Hunter Matthews w/Candi Summers b Dewey Dawson and Secret Ninja, the main show started with a tribute to Steve “Botch” Szoke on the big screen, Josh Abercrombie b Chandler McClure with a Lung-blower (1st Round), Arik Cannon w/Joey Eastman b Krotch w/Nikki with a Glimmering Warlock (1st Round), Silas Young b Ego Fantastico w/Billy Whack with a Backslide (1st Round), Ryan Boz b Zach Gowen with a Tombstone Pile-driver (1st Round), Rasche Brown and Keith Walker brawled outside the building, The Northstar Express w/Joey Eastman b The Motor City Machine Guns to retain the AAW Tag Team titles, Josh Abercrombie b Arik Cannon interference from Krotch and a Lung-blower (2nd Round), Silas Young b Ryan Boz after distraction from Ego Fantastico and a Zero Gravity Moonsault (2nd Round), Josh Abercrombie b Silas Young after a low-blow in the Finals of the Fate of Eight Tournament to win an AAW Heavyweight title shot (After the match; Josh Abercrombie attacked Silas Young with the ring bell busting him open and turned on the AAW fans), Trik Davis and Danny Daniels b Adrenaline Overdose and The Phoenix Twins and Dan Lawrence (alone) in a 4-WAY #1 Contenders match (After the match; former rivals The Twins and AOD shook hands as the fans chanted “one more match” to end the show.
  • June 21, 2008 – All American Wrestling – in Berwyn, Illinois at the Berwyn Eagles Club: Egotistico Fantastico b Hunter Matthews with an Ego Driver, Jerry Lynn b Eric Priest with a Cradle Pile-driver to retain the AAW Heavyweight Title, Truth Martini cut a promo saying The House Of Truth crew were on their way to AAW, Ryan Boz b Krotch with a Pile-driver after Arik Cannon interfered, The Phoenix Twins b Danny Daniels and Trik Davis in a #1 Contenders match, Dan Lawrence and Silas Young b Chandler McClure and Jordan McIntyre, Keith Walker vs. Raschke Brown ended in a Double DQ, Kevin Harvey introduced the big surprise – Terry Funk! (Jimmy Jacobs disrespected the Funker, so Funk slapped him across the face), Josh Raymond (aka Josh Abercrombie) b Zach Gowen, Adrenaline Overdose (Shane Hollister and Bryce Benjamin) b The Northstar Express (Darin Corbin and Ryan Cruz) to win the AAW Tag Team titles, Krotch b Jimmy Jacobs (c) and Arik Cannon in a 3-WAY to win the AAW Heritage title after interference from Terry Funkto screw Jacobs out of the title, Tyler Black b Marek Brave in a “Stairway to Hell” match.  Next show is 7/12 with Lynn vs. Tyler Black for the AAW title.
  • July 12, 2008 – All American Wrestling – Scars and Stripes IV in Berwyn, Illinois at the Berwyn Eagles Club: Arik Cannon w/Joey Eastman b Christian Able w/the Glimmering Warlock, Egotistico Fantastico w/Billy Whack b Ryan Boz, Adrenaline Overdose b Trik Davis and Danny Daniels to retain the AAW Tag Team titles, Silas Young b Josh Raymond by Countout (After the match Silas had Raymond in a submission hold and would not release it until Val Malone came out and informed Silas she was pregnant), Chandler McClure b Eric Priest in a Last Man Standing match with help from Jordan Mcyntire (After the match a bloody and emotional Eric Priest bought his wife into the ring and thanked her for all the weekends he was gone. He then thanked everyone in AAW and all the fans as his professional wrestling career came to an end), Dan Lawrence b Zach Gowen w/Truth Martini (Gowen has joined the House of Truth and after Lawrence got the win Martini and Gowen cut Lawrence’s hair!), Krotch b Jimmy Jacobs to retian the AAW Heritage title, The Northstar Express (w/Joey Eastman and Mason Beck) b The Phoenix Twins in a Loser Gets Lashes match (Eastman informed the Twins that the fine print of the contract stated the winners could choose who whips the winners. Eastman humiliated the Twins and made Dash whip his brother), Tyler Black b Jerry Lynn to win the AAW Heavyweight title.
  • August 9, 2008 – All-American Wrestling – Fade to Black in Berwyn, Illinois at the Eagles Club: The Phoenix Twins b Hunter Matthews and Knight Wagner with the “double impact” superkick, Keith Walker w/Dave Prazak b Rasche Brown after a low blow, Jim Jesus announced he has disbanded JJ Inc and has purchased full ownership of AAW (His first move was signing Joey Mercury to a multi show deal), Egotistico Fantastico b CJ Otis with the Ego Driver, Danny Daniels and Trik Davis and Marek Brave b Brett Gakiya and CJ Esperza and Nick Brubaker, Silas Young b Jimmy Jacobs by Submission when Ryan Boz’s interference backfired, Chandler McClure w/Candi Summers b Christian Able (Able then joined Truth Martini and the House of Truth), The Northstar Express (Darin Corbin and Ryan Cruz) and Arik Cannon w/Joey Eastman b Shane Hollister and Krotch w/Nikki in a Handicap match, Tyler Black b Josh Raymond with a small package driver to retain the AAW Heavyweight title.
  • September 6, 2008 – All-American Wrestling – Hostile Intentions 2008 in Berwyn, Illinois at the Eagles Club: The Northstar Express (Darin Corbin and Ryan Cruz w/Joey Eastman and Mason Beck) b Shane Holister to win the AAW Tag Team titles, Arik Cannon w/Joey Eastman b Krotch to win the AAW Heritage title, Tyler Black b Ryan Boz to retain the AAW Heavyweight title, “Mdogg20” Matt Cross b Egotistico Fantastico, Rasche Brown b Hunter Matthews and Knight Wagner in a Handicap match, CJ Esparza and Nick Brubaker and Brett Gaykia b Danny Daniels and Marek Brave and Trik Davis, Christian Able b Caden Ames, The Phoenix Twins b Chandler McClure and Jordan Mcentyre w/Candi Summers, Joey Matthews b Jimmy Jacobs, Josh Raymond and Keith Walker w/Dave Prazak b Silas Young and Tyler Black.
  • October 4, 2008 – All-American Wrestling – Reign of Violence in Berwyn, Illinois at the Eagles Club: Ryan Boz b Knight Wagner, The Phoenix Twins b The Osirian Portal, Krotch b Chandler McClure, Egotistico Fantastico and M-Dogg20 b Marek Brave and Trik Davis, Danny Daniels b CJ Esparaza, Shane Hollister and Nick Brubaker and Brett Gakiya b Arik Cannon and Ryan Cruz and Mason Beck, Josh Raymond w/Valerie Malone b Jimmy Jacobs, Tyler Black b Claudio Castagnoli to retain the AAW Heavyweight title.
  • November 1, 2008 – All-American Wrestling – Massacre on 26th Street in Berwyn, Illinois at the Eagles Club: Derek St. Holmes and Mason Beck b Aaron Scott and Brandon Moreno in a pre-show match, Hammett and Caden Ames b Jordan Macentyre and Jason Harris in a pre-show match, Christian Able b Phil Atlas, Ryan Boz b Dewey Dawson and CJ Esparaza in a Handicap match, The Phoenix Twins (Dash and Tweek) b Knight Wagner and Hunter Matthews and Trik Davis and Marek Brave in an 3-WAY Elimination Tag Team match, Jimmy Jacobs b Chandler McClure by Submission, Arik Cannon b Shane Hollister to retain the AAW Heritage title, The Northstar Express (Darin Corbin and Ryan Cruz) b Zero Gravity (Nick Brubaker and [INSERT]) to retain the AAW Tag Team titles, Danny Daniels b Krotch, Tyler Black b Keith Walker to retain the AAW Heavyweight Title, Silas Young b Josh Raymond in a 1st blood match.
  • November 28, 2008 – All-American Wrestling – Windy City Classic IV in Berwyn, Illinois at the Eagles Club before 250 fans: “Mr. 450” Hammett and Dewey Dawson b Jason Harris and Caden Ames in a pre-show match, Shane Hollister b Mason Beck with a buzzsaw kick, Josh Raymond b Phil Atlas with a Phoenix Splash, Team Daniels (Danny Daniels and Christian Able and Chandler McClure and Jordan Mcentyre) b Team Esparza (CJ Esparza and Krotch and Brett Gakiya and Nick Brubaker) in an Elimination match [Danny Daniels and Christian Able were the survivors], Hunter Matthews and Knight Wagner b The Hybrids, Ryan Boz b Jimmy Jacobs with a Boz-driver, Arik Cannon b “M-Dogg20” Matt Cross to retain the Heritage title, Tyler Black b Silas Young to retain the AAW Heavyweight title, The Phoenix Twins (Dash and Tweek) b The Northstar Express (Darin Corbin and Ryan Cruz) in a TLC match to win the AAW Tag Team titles.
  • December 20, 2008 – All-American Wrestling – One Twisted Christmas in Berwyn, Illinois at the Eagles Club: Hunter Matthews and Knight Wagner b Hammett and Juliet, Jimmy Jacobs b Mason Beck, Arik Cannon b Krotch and Chandler McClure and Steve Stone in a 4-WAY Elimination match to retain the Heritage title, Josh Raymond and Christian Able b Nick Brubaker and Brett Gakiya, Danny Daniels b CJ Esparza, Ryan Boz b Jordan McEntyre, Ryan Boz b “The Dewster” Dewey Dawson, Shane Hollister vs. M-Dogg20 ended in a Draw (The match was restarted and ruled a No Contest when Arik Cannon interfered), The Phoenix Twins b The Northstar Express (Ryan Cruz and Darrin Corbin) in a Steel Cage match.
  • January 24, 2009 – All-American Wrestling – in Berwyn, Illinois at the Eagles Club: Derek St. Holmes and Dewey Dawson b Rob James and Juice Robinson, The Phoenix Twins b Hunter Matthews and Knight Wagner to retain the AAW Tag Team titles, Chandler McClure w/Jordan McEntyre b Krotch w/Nikki, The House of Truth (Josh Raymond and Christian Able w/Truth Martini) b Faith in Nothing (Chris Faith and Vincent Nothing), Mason Beck b Nick Brubaker, Arik Cannon b Shane Hollister and M-Dogg20 in a 3-WAY Elimination match to retain the AAW Heritage title, Zero Gravity (Gakiya and Esparza) b The Northstar Express (Darin Corbin and Ryan Cruz), Tyler Black b Davey Richards w/Dave Prazak to retain the AAW Heavyweight Title, Ryan Boz b Jimmy Jacobs in a Fans Bring the Weapons match.
  • February 21, 2009 – All-American Wrestling – in Berwyn, Illinois at the Eagles Club: Dewey Dawson and Derek St. Holmes b Full Throttle, Tony Kozina and Nick Brubaker b Rob James and Juice Robinson, Mason Beck b Krotch, CJ Esparza and Brett Gakiya b Knight Wagner and Brandon Blaze and Chandler McClure and Jordan McEntyre and Faith in Nothing in a 4-WAY Tag Team Match, Silas Young b Shiima Xion, Arik Cannon and The Northstar Express b Tyler Black and Shane Hollister and Matt Cross, Tyler Black b Chandler McClure, Ryan Boz b Dewey Dawson, Ryan Boz b Nick Brubaker, Danny Daniels vs. Jimmy Jacobs ended in a No Contest, The Phoenix Twins b House of Truth (Josh Raymond and Christian Able) to retain the AAW Tag Team titles.
  • March 28, 2009 – All-American Wrestling – 5th Anniversary Show in Berwyn, Illinois at the Eagles Club: Egotistico Fantastico b Trik Davis and CJ Esparza and Nick Brubaker and Brett Gakiya and Knight Wagner to qualify for the Final Four, Chandler McClure won a 20 man Battle Royal to qualify for the Final Four, Jay Bradley b Keith Walker w/Dave Prazak to qualify for the Final Four, AAW Tag Team champion The Phoenix Twins vs. Shane Hollister and M-Dogg20 ended in a 25 minute time limit draw, Silas Young and Dan Lawrence b American History Next (Stone and Blaze w/Truth Martini), Jay Bradley w/Dave Prazak b Tyler Black (c) and Chandler McClure and Egotistico Fantastico to win the AAW Heavyweight title (Tyler Black b Chandler McClure in 30 seconds. Jay Bradley faked a knee injury. Tyler Black b Ego Fantastico and thought he won. Jay Bradley b Tyler Black to win the AAW Heavyweight title!), Jimmy Jacobs b Ryan Boz in an “I Quit” Match.
  • May 1, 2009 – All-American Wrestling in Berwyn, Illinois at the Eagles Club: Egotistico Fantastico b Trik Davis and CJ Esparza and Nick Brubaker and Brett Gakiya and Knight Wagner in a 6-WAY to qualify for the Final Four, Chandler McClure won a 20 man Battle Royal to qualify for the Final Four, Jay Bradley b Keith Walker w/Dave Prazak to qualify for the Final Four, The Phoenix Twins vs. Shane Hollister and M-Dogg20 wrestled to a 25 minute time limit draw, Silas Young and Dan Lawrence b American History Next (Stone and Blaze w/Truth Martini), Jay Bradley b Tyler Black (c) and Chandler McClure and Egotistico Fantastico in a Final Four to win the AAW Heavyweight title (Black b McClure, Black b Fantastico, Bradley b Black – Tyler Black suffered a possible neck injury during the match), Jimmy Jacobs b Ryan Boz in an “I Quit” Match.
  • June 14, 2009 – All-American Wrestling – Fate of Eight in Berwyn, Illinois at the Eagles Club: Nick Brubaker b Dewey Dawson, The Northstar Express (Darin Corbin and Ryan Cruz) b Irish Airborne (Jake and David Crist) in a 1st Round match, The Phoenix Twins (Tweek and Dash) b Shane Hollister and M-Dogg20 in a 1st Round match [Tweek Phoenix got a cut above his nose and went to hospital], Dan Lawrence and Silas Young b The Best Around (TJ Cannon and Bruce Maxwell) in a 1st Round match, House of Truth (Josh Raymond and Christian Able w/Truth Martini) b Zero Gravity (Gakiya and Esparza) and Jordan Mcentyre and Knight Wagner in a 3-WAY 1st Round match, Jay Bradley b Dewey Dawson, Jay Bradley b Krotch, Dash Phoenix and M-Dogg20 (sub for Tweek Phoenix) b The Northstar Express (Darin Corbin and Ryan Cruz) in a Semi-Final match, House of Truth (Josh Raymond and Christian Able w/Truth Martini) b Silas Young and Dan Lawrence in a Semi-Final match, Arik Cannon b Shane Hollister to retain the AAW Heavyweight title, Danny Daniels b Marek Brave, House of Truth (Josh Raymond and Christian Able w/Truth Martini) b Dash Phoenix and M-Dogg20 (sub for Tweek Phoenix) in the Finals to win the AAW Tag Team titles.
  • July 11, 2009 – All-American Wrestling – Scars and Stripes in Berwyn, Illinois at the Eagles Club: Faith in Nothing b Jordan Mcentyre and Knight Wagner, The Northstar Express and Nick Brubaker b Zero Gravity and Krotch w/Nikki (who is dating Darin Corbin of the Northstar Express), Jimmy Jacobs vs. Danny Daniels ended in a No Contest, the Northstar Express attacked Kotch and left with Nikki, Silas Young and Dan Lawrence b Arya Davari and Austin Aries, House of Truth (Josh Raymond and Christian Able w/Truth Martini and Val Malone and Mason Beck) b Juice Robinson and Mike Sydal, The Phoenix Twins b Irish Airborne, Jay Bradley w/Dave Prazak b Tyler Black to retain the AAW Heavyweight Title, Arik Cannon b Shane Hollister in a bloody Stairway to Hell match to retain the AAW Heritage Title after he blinded Hollister with a fireball.
  • August 15, 2009 – All-American Wrestling – Reign of Violence 2009 in Berwyn, Illinois at the Eagles Club: Zero Gravity b Knight Wagner and Jordan Mcentyre with the Flippy Cup Special, CJ Esparza b Nick Brubaker with a Shooting Star Elbow, Mason Beck w/Truth Martini b Juice Robinson with a Power-bomb, The House of Truth (Josh Raymond and Christian Able w/Truth Martini) b Dan Lawrence and Silas Young in a Double Dog Collar Chain match to retain the AAW Tag Team titles, Krotch b Nick Cutler with a Stunner (After the match, Krotch called out his sister Nikki, who came out with a Northstar Express t-shirt. MsChif showed up and spewed green mist in Nikki’s face!), Faith in Nothing b Irish Airborne and The Phoenix Twins in a 3-WAY #1 Contenders Tag Team match, Danny Daniels and Ryan Boz b Jimmy Jacobs and Marek Brave (since Brave was pinned, he is now banished from AAW – After The match Brave thanked the AAW fans and said he would not be coming back. The fans chanted “Thank You Marek!” as the show came to a close).
  • August 23, 2009 – All-American Wrestling – Unleashed 2009 in Davenport, Iowa at the Blueport Junction: Jordan McEntyre vs. Johnny Wisdom went to a no-contest when Shane Hollister interupted, Shane Hollister b Johnny Wisdom,Shane Hollister b Jordan McEntyre, Knight Wagner b Juice Robinson, Zero Gravity b Danny Daniels and Brubaker, Krotch b Nick Cutler, The Phoenix Twins vs. The Hybrids was a No Contest [INSERT], Shane Hollister b Marek Brave.
  • September 5, 2009 – All-American Wrestling – Defining Moment in Berwyn, Illinois at the Eagles Club: Faith in Nothing b Flip Kendrick and Louis Lyndon, Shane Hollister b Nick Brubaker with a modified Flatliner, Knight Wagner and Jordan McEntyre b Krotch and Juice Robinson, Jimmy Jacobs b Jay Bradley to win the AAW Heavyweight Title, Arik Cannon and The Northstar Express b Gran Akuma and Hallowicked and Jigsaw, Shiima Xion b Johnny Gargano, Danny Daniels and Ryan Boz b Zero Gravity, “American Dragon” Bryan Danielson b Silas Young with an inside cradle, House of Truth (Josh Raymond and Christian Able w/Truth Martini) b The Young Bucks (Nick and Matt Jackson) to retain the AAW Tag Team titles.
  • September 12, 2009 – All-American Wrestling – Hostile Intentions 2009 in Berwyn, Illinois at the Eagles Club: Arik Cannon b Krotch to retain the AAW Heritage title (The Northstar Express interfered until the Phoenix Twins took them out!), Mason Beck b Jordan McEntyre, KG Beast b Ryan Slade, Irish Airborne b The Hybrids, Marek Brave b Trik Davis (Brave challenged Danny Daniels, but it was Davis who accepted), Knight Wagner and Jordan McEntyre b AJ Smooth and Chris Hall, Shane Hollister b Danny Daniels (Trik Davis attacked Hollister after the match, until Marek ran out after him. Daniels and Davis eventually got the upper hand on both), Krotch and The Phoenix Twins b Ark Cannon and The Northstar Express.
  • October 17, 2009 – All-American Wrestling – Massacre on 26th Street in Berwyn, Illinois at the Eagles Club: Phil Colvin and Derek St. Holmes interviewed AAW Heavyweight champion Jimmy Jacobs. Shane Holister b Jordan McEntyre and Dan Lawrence and Brett Gakiya and Nick Brubaker and Mason Beck in a Scramble match, Danny Daniels announced at the Windy City Classsic it will be “Team Daniels” vs “Team Holister” in an elimination match, The Northstar Express (Darin Corbin and Ryan Cruz w/Nikki Mayday) b Krotch and MsChif, Colt Cabana b Johhny Wisdom, Colt Cabana b Knight Wagner by submission with a reverse crab, The Phoenix Twins b Flip Kendrick and Louis Lyndon, Jimmy Jacobs b Ryan Boz in a Falls Count Anywhere match to retain the AAW Heavyweight Title, Arik Cannon b CJ Esparza with a brainbuster to retain the AAW Heritage Title, House of Truth (Josh Raymond and Christian Able w/Truth Martini) b Faith in Nothing (Christian Faith and Vincent Nothing) to retain the AAW Tag Team Titles, Tyler Black b Silas Young with a rollup and bridge.
  • October 24, 2009 – All-American Wrestling in Davenport, Iowa: Nick Brubaker b Bobby Valentino, Dr X b Jordan McEntyre w/Johnny Wisdom, Mason Beck b Aaron Scott, Silas Young b Krotch, Shane Hollister and Marek Brave b Danny Daniels and Trik Davis, Knight Wagner w/Jordan and Wisdom b Kyle O’Reilly, Zero Gravity b The Hybrids, Tyler Black b Davey Richards.
  • November 20, 2009 – All-American Wrestling – War is Coming in Davenport, Iowa: The Phoenix Twins (Tweak and Dash) b The Hybrids (Jason Lyte and Donovan Cain), “Human Massacre” Keith Walker b Johnny Wisdom in a squash match, Matt Mayday b Knight Wagner (Keith Walker attacked both men after the match until Tyler Black made the save!), The House of Truth (Josh Raymond and Christian Able) b Zero Gravity (CJ Esparza and Brett Gakiya) to retain the AAW Tag Team titles, Nick Brubaker b Juice Robinson, Tyler Black vs. “The Human Massacre” Keith Walker ended in a No Contest, Danny Daniels b Marek Brave.
  • November 28, 2009 – All-American Wrestling – Windy City Classic V in Berwyn, Illinois at the Eagles Club: Zero Gravity (CJ Esparza and [INSERT]) b Irish Airborne (Dave and Jake Crist), Team Hollister (Shane Hollister and Silas Young and Dan Lawrence and Tim Donst) b Team Daniels (Danny Daniels and Trik Davis and Mason Beck and Nick Brubaker) in an Elimination match, AeroForm (Flip Kendrick and Louis Lyndon) b The Northstar Express (Darin Corbin and Ryan Cruz) when Krotch distracted the NSE, Colt Cabana b Arik Cannon to win the AAW Heritage title, Tyler Black b Jay Bradley to qualify for the main event, Krotch and MsChif b Jordan McEntyre and Knight Wagner, The House of Truth b The Phoenix Twins to retain the AAW Tag Team titles, Silas Young b Jimmy Jacobs (c) and Shane Hollister in a 3-WAY to win the AAW Heavyweight title, Silas Young b Tyler Black to retain the AAW Heavyweight title.
  • December 26, 2009 – All-American Wrestling – Twisted Christmas in Berwyn, Illinois at the Eagles Club: The Hybrids b Gunner Franks and Kevin Priegel, Jay Bradley w/Dave Prazak b Shiima Xion and Knight Wagner and Krotch in a 4-WAY, Faith in Nothing vs. Zero Gravity ended in a No Contest, Tweek Phoenix b The Chan Clan (Jordan Mcentyre and Johnny Wisdom w/Chandler McClure) in a Handicap match, House of Truth (Josh Raymond and Christian Able w/Val Malone) b Aeroform (Flip Kendrick and Louis Lyndon) to retain the AAW Tag Team titles, Mason Beck b Dan Lawrence after interference by the House of Truth, Colt Cabana b Arik Cannon to retain the AAW Heritage title, Jimmy Jacobs and Tyler Black and Shane Hollister b Silas Young and Irish Airborne (David and Jake Crist).
  • January 15, 2010 – All-American Wrestling – Path of Redemption in Davenport, Iowa a the Central Rec Center: The Hybrids b Marcus Crane and Maddog McDowell, Krotch b Jimmy Rockwell, Zero Gravity b Jordan McEntyre and Knight Wagner, Marek Brave b Nick Brubaker, Jimmy Jacobs and Tyler Black b Silas Young and Jay Bradley, Danny Daniels b Secret Ninja 7, Dr. X b Johnny Wisdom, Shane Hollister b Trik Davis, House of Truth b The Phoenix Twins.
  • January 22, 2010 – All-American Wrestling – Chaos Theory in Berwyn, Illinois at the Eagles Club: Jay Bradly b Kyle O’Reily, Hallowicked b Gran Akuma and Jigsaw and Flip Kendrick and Louis Lyndon and Trik Davis in a 6-WAY, Colt Cabana b Johnny Gargano, Davey Richards b Super Crazy, The Phoenix Twins and Dan Lawrence b House of Truth (Josh Raymond and Christian Able and Mason Beck), Knight Wagner and Jordan Mcentyre b Nick Brubaker and Ryan Boz, The Irish Airborne b Zero Gravity, Shane Hollister b Tyler Black, Arik Cannon and Darin Corbin b Krotch and Lince Dorado, Silas Young b Jimmy Jacobs.
  • February 19, 2010 – All-American Wrestling – in Davenport, Iowa a the Central Rec Center: Shane Hollister won a Battle Royal, Knight Wagner b Dr. X, Trik Davis b Mike Sydal, Keith Walker b Krotch, Zero Gravity (Brett Gakiya and C.J. Esparza) b The Hybrids (Donavan Cain and Jason Lite) and The Phoenix Twins in a 3-WAY, Jordan McEntire b Jeremy Wyatt, Silas Young b Shane Hollister to retain the AAW Heavyweight title, Tyler Black and Jimmy Jacobs b The House of Truth (Josh Raymond and Christian Abel) to win the AAW Tag Team titles.
  • February 27, 2010 – All-American Wrestling – Bloody Valentine in Berwyn, Illinois: Zero Gravity and Krotch b Knight Wagner and Jordan Mcentyre and Mason Buck, Jay Bradley dumped Dave Prazak as a manager, Jay Bradley b Michael Elgin with a Lariat, Shane Hollister b Ryan Boz with a Buzzsaw Kick, Irish Airborne b The Hybrids by referee stoppage, Arik Cannon b Colt Cabana in a 2/3 falls match to win the AAW Heritage title, Trik Davis b Hornet, MsChif b Darin Corbin after the green mist to the eyes, Silas Young b Shane Hollister to retain the AAW Heavyweight title, Jimmy Jacobs and Tyler Black b The Phoenix Twins and (Josh Raymond and Christian Abel) in a 3-WAY to retain the AAW Tag Team titles.
  • March 26, 2010 – All-American Wrestling – 6th Anniversary Show in Berwyn, Illinois: Jay Bradley b Mason Beck with a big lariat, Danny Daniels b Michael Facade and Louis Lyndon and Jordan Mcentyre and Knight Wagner and Trik Davis in a six man mayhem match, Darin Corbin b Krotch with a modified Ace Crusher, MsChif b Ryan Cruz with the Code Green, Zero Gravity b The Hybrids after an assisted moonsault by Brett Gakiya and a Shooting Star Elbow from CJ Esparza, Ryan Boz b Dan Lawrence with the Boz Driver, Silas Young b “Mdogg20” Matt Cross with the PeeGee WaJa Plunge to retain the AAW Heavyweight Title, The House of Truth b The Phoenix Twins in a bloody No Rope Barbed Wire Match (The Phoenix Twins are banished from AAW for one year).
  • April 16, 2010 – All-American Wrestling – in Donahue, Iawa: The Chan Clan (Knight Wagner and Jordan McEntyre) b The Hybrids w/ Miss Eryn, Ryne Kensei b Markus Crane, Silas Young b Ryne Kensei, Silas Young b Brett Gakiya, Dr. X b Jason Dukes, Christian Able b Jimmy Jacobs, CJ Esparza b Trik Davis, Krotch b Danny Daniels, Tyler Black b Josh Raymond.
  • April 17, 2010 – All-American Wrestling – in Berwyn, Illinois: Truth Martini segment, Trik Davis b Danny Daniels with an Ace Crusher, Knight Wagner b Jason Dukes with a Samoan Drop, Colt Cabana b Jordan Mcentyre via submission with a reverse crab, Jay Bradley b Ryan Boz with a big lariat, The Northstar Express b Krotch and MsChif after Arik Cannon attacked MsChif, Dan Lawrence b Mason Beck in a wild Fans Bring the Weapons match, Arik Cannon b Louis Lyndon with the Glimmering Warlock to retain the AAW Heritage Title, Zero Gravity b The House of Truth by DQ after Truth Martini attacked referee PJ Drummond, Silas Young b Colt Cabana with a roll up to retain the AAW Heavyweight Title, Tyler Black and Jimmy Jacobs defeated Irish Airborne (Dave and Jake Crist) to retain the AAW Tag Team Titles despite interference from Silas Young.
  • May 2, 2010 – All-American Wrestling – Epic in Milan, Illinois at the National Guard Armory: Markus Crane b Bucky Collins, “Dodgeball Superstar” Tyler Priegal b Gunner Franks, [INSERT] and [INSERT] vs. [INSERT] and [INSERT] in a student match was interrupted by Prince Mustafa Ali, “Dr. X” w/Derek St. Holmes b Knight Wagner, Dan Lawrence b Trik Davis, Zero Gravity b The House of Truth (Mason Beck and Christian Able), Derek St. Holmes b Jordan McEntyre, Danny Daniels b Krotch, Tyler Black b Prince Mustafa Ali.
  • May 15, 2010 – All-American Wrestling – Appetite for Destruction in Berwyn, Illinois at the Berwyn Eagles Club: Louis Lyndon b Danny Duggan and Mason Beck and Krotch in a 4 Way Mayhem Match, Kevin Harvey interviewed Zero Gravity in the ring, Ryan Cruz b Chris Hall with a Top Rope Legdrop, MsChif b Navaeh with the Code Green, Danny Daniels b Trik Davis with a modified Piledriver, Silas Young b Dan Lawrence to retain the AAW Heavyweight Title, The Chan Clan b The Hybrids, Colt Cabana b Ryan Boz, Zero Gravity and Tyler Black and Jimmy Jacobs b The House of Truth and Irish Airborne in an 8 Man Tag Match.
  • June 11, 2010 – All-American Wrestling – Bound by Hate in Berwyn, Illinois at the Berwyn Eagles Club: The House of Truth b The Hybrids (After the match, Josh Raymond kicked Val Malone out of the H.O.T.), Samuray Del Sol b Jordan Mcentyre, Zero Gravity b Irish Airborne, Arik Cannon b Krotch to retain the AAW Heritage Title (After the match, Cannon demanded a tougher challenge. female wrestler MsChif answered!), Arik Cannon b Mschif to retain the AAW Heritage Title, Jerry Lynn and Trik Davis b Danny Daniels and Ryan Boz, Louis Lyndon b Knight Wagner with a bridging Dragon Suplex, Tyler Black and Jimmy Jacobs b The Northstar Express to retain the AAW Tag Team Titles, Silas Young b Dan Lawrence in a Dog Collar match to retain the AAW Heavyweight Title after a chair shot to the head.
  • July 10, 2010 – All-American Wrestling – Scars and Stripes 2010 in Berwyn, Illinois at the Berwyn Eagles Club: Samuray Del Sol b Jordan Mcentyre, Louis Lyndon b Mason Beck after botched interference by Truth Martini, Danny Daniels b Trik Davis, Krotch and MsChif b The Northstar Express w/Nikki in a Berwyn Street Fight, Chandler McClure and Knight Wagner b Colt Cabana and Derek St. Holmes, Arik Cannon w/ Dave Prazak b Flip Kendrick to retain the AAW Heritage Title, Tyler Black and Dan Lawrence b The House of Truth and Zero Gravity in a 3-WAY Elimination match to retain the AAW Tag Team Titles.
  • August 14, 2010 – All-American Wrestling – Reign of Violence in Berwyn, Illinois at the Berwyn Eagles Club: Chris “Madness” Hall b Kyle Haven with an inverted powerslam, Val Malone interviewed Ryan Boz (Silas Young attacked Boz with a hammer), Dan Lawrence b “Sweet and Sour” Larry Sweeney with a victory roll, Louis Lyndon b Trik Davis with a backslide, Christian Able b C.J. Esparza and Brett Gakiya and Flip Kendrick in a 4-WAY to earn a title shot of his choosing, Mason Beck w/Val Malone b Juice Robinson with a powerbomb, Krotch and MsChif and Samuray del Sol b Chandler McClure and Jordan Mcentyre and Knight Wagner w/Ms Erin, AAW Heavyweight champion Silas Young vs. Tyler Black ended in a No Contest after suplex and both men’s shoulders were pinned.
  • September 24, 2010 – All-American Wrestling – Defining Moment in Berwyn, Illinois at the Berwyn Eagles Club: Patrick O’Sheay and Matt Knicks b Dutch Doyle and Matu w/Ryland Foxx in a pre-show match, Keith Kreed and Eric Ryan b Austin Mannix and Bobby Beverly in a pre-show match, Chris “Madness” Hall b Juice Robinson, Aeroform (Louis Lyndon and Flip Kendrick) b The Chan Clan (Knight Wagner and Jordan McEntyre w/Ms. Eryn), “Sweet and Sour” Larry Sweeney b Matt “Krotch” Mayday w/ Scarlett to retain the ICW/ICWA Texarkana Television Title, Arik Cannon w/ Dave Prazak b Samuray Del Sol with the Glimmering Warlock to retain the AAW Heritage Title, Shane Hollister b Arik Cannon in 27 seconds to win the AAW Heritage title, Zero Gravity and Trik Davis b Chuck Taylor and Johnny Gargano and Danny Duggan, Dan Lawrence b Darrin Corbin with a roll up, Mason Beck w/Val Malone b Jeff Brooks with a powerbomb, Silas Young b Ricochet by submission to retain the AAW Heavyweight Title, The House of Truth (Josh Raymond and Christian Able w/Truth Martini) b Tyler Black and Jimmy Jacobs to win the AAW Tag Team titles (after the match, the AAW locker room gave the WWE-bound Tyler Black a proper farewell).
  • October 22, 2010 – All-American Wrestling – Massacre on 26th Street in Berwyn, Illinois at the Berwyn Eagles Club: Dan Lawrence b Juice Robinson and Trik Davis and Samuray Del Sol in a 4 Way Mayhem match, Mason Beck b The Milwaukee Maulers in a handicap match, Aeroform (Flip Kendrick and Louis Lyndon) b Darrin Corbin and Arik Cannon w/Dave Prazak, Mr. Miller of CLASH b Matt “Krotch” Mayday w/Scarlett, Zero Gravity b The House of Truth (Christian Able and Truth Martini) to win the AAW Tag Team titles, Shane Hollister b Austin Aries to retain the AAW Heritage Title, Colt Cabana and Derek St. Holmes b Jordan Mcentyre and Knight Wagner w/Eryn, Silas Young b Jimmy Jacobs to retain the AAW Heavyweight Title (Silas was a bloody mess after Jacobs gouged him with the metal spike).
  • November 27, 2010 – All-American Wrestling – Windy City Classic VI in Berwyn, Illinois at the Berwyn Eagles Club: Krotch w/ Scarlett b George Jamison with a stunner and roll up combo, CLASH (Cameron Skyy and Tommy Treznik w/Mena Libra) b Juice Robinson and Samuray Del Sol, Johnny Gargano b “M-Dogg20” Matt Cross with a roll up, “Sweet n Sour” Larry Sweeney b Chris Hall when he used brass knucks to retain the ICW/ICWA Texarkana TV Title (After the match, Sweeney called out MsChif to confront her about spitting green mist at his two months ago. She came out and spit green mist at him again!), Shane Hollister b Arik Cannon w/Dave Prazak after two consecutive Buzzsaw Kicks to retain the AAW Heritage Title, Mason Beck b Jordan McEntyre w/Eryn with a powerbomb, Knight Wagner b Derek St. Holmes with a scissor kick in a respect match, Zero Gravity b The Northstar Express to retain the AAW Tag Team Titles Colt Cabana w/Eric Priest b Chandler McClure w/The Chan Clan in a Loser Leaves AAW match, Silas Young and Irish Airborne b Jimmy Jacobs and Dan Lawrence and Ryan Boz in a Berwyn Street Fight.
  • January 22, 2011 – All-American Wrestling – The Chaos Theory in Berwyn, Illinois at the Berwyn Eagles Club: Matt Knicks and Matu b Ace Martino and Markus Krane in a pre-show matchGregory Irons b Benjamin Boone w/Ryland Foxx in a pre-show match, Samuray Del Sol b Juice Robinson, The Awesome Threesome (Knight Wagner and Jordan Mcentyre w/Eryn) b The Northstar Express w/Joey Eastman, Johnny Gargano b M-Dogg20 Matt Cross and Arik Cannon and Marion Fontaine in a 4-WAY, Mason Beck b “Amazing” N8 Mattson, Jimmy Jacobs b Jake Crist, Irish Airborne b Dan Lawrence and Jimmy Jacobs, Zero Gravity b Nick Brubaker and Jesse Emerson to retain the AAW Tag Team Titles, “The Human Massacre” Keith Walker b Chris Hall with a huge lariat, THE CLASH (Cameron Skyy and Tommy Treznik) w/Mena Libra) b Krotch and Mschif w/Scarlet, Silas Young b Shane Hollister to retain the AAW Heavyweight title.
  • February 11, 2011 – All-American Wrestling – Path of Redemption in Merrionette Park, Illinois: CLASH (Cameron Skyy and Tommy Treznik w/Mena Libre ) b Samuray Del Sol and Shiima Xion after interference and a double team Clash finisher, Keith Walker b Darrin Corbin. there was a confrontation with Dustin Diamond shoving Joel Gertner down. Dustin then jumped MsChif), Zero Gravity b Kyle O’Reilly and Juice Robinson to retain AAW Tag Tag titles, Truth Martini b Joey Eastman after Keith Walker laid out Eastman with chokeslam, Shane Hollister b Davey Richards with three kicks to head to retain AAW Heritage title, Mason Beck b Jesse Emerson, MsChif and Krotch and Marion Fonataine w/Scarlett b Dustin Diamond and Knight Wagner and Jordan Mcentyre w/Eryn, Jimmy Jacobs and Dan Lawrence b Irish Airborne in a Steel Cage Match, Silas Young b Raven in a Steel Cage Match to retain AAW Heavyweight Title after Mason Beck (filling in as referee after two ref bumps) kicked Raven as he was going for an Evenflow DDT [After the match, Raven talked about coming back with Saturn).
  • March 12, 2011 – All-American Wrestling – The 7th Anniversary Event in Berwyn, Illinois at the Berwyn Eagles Club: Super Incredible Ninja b El Tigre Gordo in a pre-show match, Mason Beck w/Val Malone b Austin Mannix with a powerbomb, Awesome Threesome b Samuray Del Sol and Samuray Del Luna with a double DDT on Luna, Arik Cannon w/Dave Prazak b Shiima Xion with a brainbuster, Mena Libra b Nevaeh with a bridging Samoan Drop, Shane Hollister b Michael Elgin with a buzzsaw kick to retain the AAW Heritage Title (After the match; Mason Beck attacked Hollister and hit him with a powerbomb), Irish Airborne b Darrin Corbin and Chris Hall with a Spike Tombstone Piledriver on Corbin , Keith Walker w/ Truth Martini b Krotch w/Scarlett with a big lariat, Zero Gravity b CLASH to retain the AAW Tag Team titles when they reversed a double DVD into a roll up, Dan Lawrence b Silas Young (c) and Jimmy Jacobs in a 3-WAY Elimination match to win the AAW Heavyweight title!
  • April 16, 2011 – All-American Wrestling – Point of No Return in Berwyn, Illinois at the Berwyn Eagles Club: Redman b El Tigre Gordo in a pre-show match,. main show opened with a a moment of silence for “Sweet and Sour” Larry Sweeney. Awesome Threesome b Ashton Sixx and Johnny Wade with the “Double Penetration” DDT, Dan Lawrence b Keith Walker w/Truth Martini via DQ to retain the AAW Heavyweight Title, MsChif b Kelly Klein via submission, CLASH (Cameron Skyy and Tommy Treznik w/ Mena Libra) b Krotch and Marion Fontaine with a Double Death Valley Driver, Jimmy Jacobs b Michael Elgin with the “End Time” choke, Jesse Emerson b Austin Mannix and Sebastian Reese and Max Bauer to earn a spot on the AAW roster, Zero Gravity b Irish Airborne to retain the AAW Tag Team titles, Mason Beck and Silas Young w/Val Malone b Shane Hollister and Dan Lawrence when Beck pinned Hollister to win the AAW Heritage Title.
  • May 13, 2011 – All-American Wrestling – EPIC in Berwyn, Illinois at the Berwyn Eagles Club: The Awesome Threesome b The BWO (Nova and The Blue Meanie), Mason Beck b Darrin Corbin to retain the AAW Heritage Title, Shane Hollister b Johnny Wave and Shiima Xion and Christian Faith in a 4-WAY, Arik Cannon b Jimmy Jacobs when Dave Prazak provided extra leverage for a pinfall, Zero Gravity b Irish Airborne in a Ladder Match to retain the AAW Tag Team Titles, Dan Lawrence b Jesse Emerson with a roll up to retain the AAW Heavyweight Title, Keith Walker (w/Truth Martini) and CLASH (Cameron Skyy and Tommy Treznik w/Mena Libra) b Chris Hall and Louis Lyndon and Marion Fontaine, Michael Elgin b Alex Shelley with a spinning powerbomb, Silas Young b Stevie Richards via DQ when Billy Corgan (Smashing Pumpkins) reveresed the referees decision following a Silas tap out, Sabu b Mason Beck with an Arabian Face Buster through a table in a non title match (Post match Silas Young and Irish Airborne run in followed by BWO and then the entire AAW roster as the night ends with a gigantic brawl).
  • June 17, 2011 – All-American Wrestling – Day of Defiance in Berwyn, Illinois at the Berwyn Eagles Club: Redman and Markus Crane b El Tigre Gordo and [INSERT] in a pre-show match, Barry Ryte b Mason Conrad in a pre-show match, DTA and Remi Wilkins b Matt Morris and Trip Cassidy in a pre-show match, Marion Fontaine b Jesse Emerson with a roll up, CLASH (Cameron Skyy and Tommy Treznik) b Austin Mannix and T.D Thomas with a double Death Valley Driver, Keith Walker w/Truth Martini b Louis Lyndon, Dan Lawrence and Shane Hollister and Ryan Boz b Irish Airborne and Mason Beck, Chris Hall b N8 Mattson w/Truth Martini, Jimmy Jacobs beat Sami Callihan and Alex Colon and Christian Hayme and Samuray Del Sol in a Scramble match, The Awesome Threesome (Knight Wagner and Jordan McEntyre w/Eryn) b Zero Gravity to win the AAW Tag Team titles, Rhino b Silas Young with a GORe.
  • July 23, 2011 – All-American Wrestling – Scars and Stripes in Berwyn, Illinois at the Berwyn Eagles Club: El Tigre Gordo b El Futbol Loco in a pre-show match, Gunner Franks and Markus Crane b Matt Knicks and Ace Martino, Zero Gravity b CLASH with a double superkick on Cameron Skyy, Christian Faith b Jesse Emerson via forfeit, Ryan Boz b Austin Mannix, Irish Airborne b Eric Ryan and Bobby Beverly, Mason Beck b Shane Hollister with the Beck Mountain Bomb to retain the AAW Heritage Title, Awesome Threesome b Colt Cabana and Gregory Iron (Cabana praised Iron and brought out WWE Superstar C.M. Punk, who also praised Gregory Iron), Michael Elgin b Brent B with a Spinning Powerbomb, Arik Cannon b Jimmy Jacobs after two Glimmering Warlocks, Darin Corbin and Marion Fontaine w/Joey Eastman b Keith Walker and N8 Mattson w/Trth Martini, Silas Young b Dan Lawrence in a 2/3 Falls match to win the AAW Heavyweight title.
  • August 20, 2011 – All-American Wrestling – Reign of Violence in Berwyn, Illinois at the Berwyn Eagles Club: Louis Lyndon b Shane Hollister with a roll up, Christian Faith b Austin Mannix with a roaring elbow, Keith Walker w/ Truth Martini b TD Thomas with a lariat, Jimmy Jacobs vs. Mason Beck was ruled a no contest when Ryan Boz interefered and laid his hands on the official, Dan Lawrence was Ryland Foxx’s guest on “Hollywood and Vine” (He was attacked by the CLASH), Darin Corbin and Marion Fontaine w/ Joey Eastman b CLASH w/Mena Libra, Awesome Threesome b Zero Gravity when two masked men attacked Zero Gravity to retain the AAW Tag Team Titles, MsChif b Sassy Stephanie with the Desecrator, Silas Young w/Val Malone b Gregory Iron with the PeeGe Waja Plunge to retain the AAW Heavyweight Title, Arik Cannon w/Dave Prazak b Steve Corino with the Glimmering Warlock.
  • September 30, 2011 – All-American Wrestling – Defining Moment in Berwyn, Illinois at the Berwyn Eagles Club: Dan the Man and Benjamin Boone and El Tigre Gordo b Lil Waylon and Matt Morris and Matt Knicks, Jun Tago b Markus Crane, CLASH and Keith Walker b Zero Gravity and Samuray Del Sol when Walker hit a lariat on Del Sol (After the match; Austin Mannix was revealed as the newest member of CLASH and he brawled with Dan Lawrence. Zero Gravity made the save), Jimmy Jacobs b Jesse Emerson with the “End Time”, Gregory Iron b Ashley Sixx and Bobby Beverly and Eric Ryanwith a roll up on Ryan in a 4-WAY, Michael Elgin b Arik Cannon with a spinning powerbomb after interference by Jimmy Jacobs, Madison Eagles and Sassy Stephanie and Mena Libra b MsChif and Jessie McKay and Navaeh when Navaeh turned on MsChif, Mason Beck b Louis Lyndon with the Beck Mountain Bomb to retain the AAW Heritage Title (After the match; Beck called out Ryan Boz and a brawl ensued. Kevin Harvey suspended Boz for 45 days for breaking his probation), Irish Airborne b NorthStache Express and Awesome Threesome in a 3-WAY to become the NEW AAW TAG TEAM CHAMPIONS, Shane Hollister b Alex Shelley with a roll up, Silas Young b Colt Cabana to retain the AAW Heavyweight Title (Controversial finish as it appeared Cabana had won the title but BJ Johnson saw Silas’s hand under the rope and called for the match to continue. Young got the pin with a small package).
  • October 28, 2011 – All-American Wrestling – War is Coming in Berwyn, Illinois at the Berwyn Eagles Club: Dan Lawrence and Samuray Del Sol and Zero Gravity b The CLASH, Mena Libra b Mschif, Gregory Iron and Christian Faith b The Awesome Threesome, Michael Elgin b Mason Beck to become the NEW AAW HERITAGE Champion, Keith Walker and Jesse Emerson and N8 Mattson and Truth Martini b Marion Fontaine and Darin Corbin and Danny Daniels and Joey Eastman in a Chicago Street Fight (Post match Walker had an altercation with Scott Steiner), Irish AIrborne b Josh Raymond and Christian Able to retain the AAW Tag Team Titles, Mdogg20 Matt Cross b Shane Hollister, Jimmy Jacobs b Arik Cannon in a Dog Collar Match, Silas Young b Rhino to retian the AAW Heavyweight Title.
  • November 26, 2011 – All-American Wrestling – Windy City Classic VII in Berwyn, Illinois at the Berwyn Eagles Club: Sami Callihan and Johnny Gargano and Gregory Iron and J. Miller all survived to make it to the AAW Heavyweight Title bout (J. Miller pinned Austin Mannix – Johnny Gargano pinned Matt Fitchett – Gregory Iron pinned Shane Hollister – Sami Callihan submitted Louis Lyndon) – Samuray Del Sol b Alex Colon, Keith Walker and Jesse Emerson w/Truth Martini b Awesome Threesome w/ Eryn, Darin Corbin b N8 Mattson w/Truth Martini, CLASH (Cameron Skyy and Tommy Treznik and Mena Libra) b Zero Gravity and MsChif when Mena Libra pinned MsChif, Ryan Boz b Mason Beck in an unsanctioned match via rear naked choke, Michael Elgin b BJ Whitmer to retain the AAW Heritage Title, Irish Airborne b Josh Raymond and Christian Able to retain the AAW Tag Team Titles, Shane Hollister attacked Gregory Iron and took him out of the elimination match, Silas Young beat Dan Lawrence and Sami Callihan and Johnny Gargano in a 4-WAY Elimination match to retain the AAW Heavyweight Title, Jimmy Jacobs b Arik Cannon in an “I Quit” match (Cannon is gone from AAW for 90 days.
  • December 17, 2011 – All-American Wrestling – One Twisted Christmas in Berwyn, Illinois at the Berwyn Eagles Club: Zero Gravity b TD Thoms and Samuray Del Sol with the “Flippy Cup 2.0”, Mason Beck b Matt Knicks with the Beck Mountain Bomb, Danny Daniels b Knight Wagner after a piledriver on the ring steps , Tweek Phoenix vs Keith Walker ended in a no contest after interference, Sami Callihan b J. Miller via submission with the Stretch Muffler , CLASH b Jordan McEntyre and Dan Lawrence, Colt Cabana b Shane Hollister w/Scarlett Bardeux via forfeit when Hollister and Bardeux left the Eagles Club through the front door mid match (Hollister returned and attacked Cabana from behind and attempted to issue a brain buster on the floor but AAW officials stepped in and stopped the assault), Silas Young b Ryan Boz in a Fans Bring the Weapons match to retain the AAW Heavyweight Title.
  • January 27, 2012 – All-American Wrestling – The Chaos Theory in Berwyn, Illinois at the Berwyn Eagles Club: Danny Daniels and Jesse Emerson b Marion Fontaine and Tweek Phoenix, B.J. Whitmer b Mat Fitchett, Josh Raymond and Christian Able b Samuray del Sol and T.D. Thomas, J. Miller b Knight Wagner, Gregory Iron b Jordan McEntyre, Arik Cannon and Jimmy Jacobs b Irish Airborne, Zero Gravity and Dan Lawrence and MsChif b Clash, Shane Hollister b Louis Lyndon, Michael Elgin and Ryan Boz b Silas Young and Mason Beck.
  • February 24, 2012 – AAW Path Of Redemption 2012 at the 115 Bourbon Street in Merrionette Park, IL:  Christin Able & Josh Raymond defeat The Awesome Threesome (Jordan McEntyre & Knight Wagner)… Ryan Boz defeats Austin Manix… Falls Count Anywhere:MsChif defeats Mena Libra… Six Way Mayhem: Louis Lyndon defeats Brett Gakiya and CJ Esparza and Dan Lawrence and Samuray del Sol and Tommy Treznik…Colt Cabana & Gregory Iron defeat J. Miller & Shane Hollister… AAW Tag Team Title: Arik Cannon & Jimmy Jacobs (c) defeat BJ Whitmer & Mat Fitchett… Ryan Boz defeats Mason Beck… AAW Heavyweight Title: Silas Young (c) defeats Michael Elgin… War Games Cage: Team Eastman (Darin Corbin, Marion Fontaine & Tweek Phoenix) (w/Joey Eastman) defeat The House Of Truth (Danny Daniels, Hunter Paine & Jesse Emerson) (w/Truth Martini).
  • March 16, 2012 – AAW Epic – The 8th Anniversary Show at the Berwyn Eagles Club in Berwyn, IL:  Dark Tag Team: The Moondogs defeat The Dragons… Dark: Markus Crane defeats Fury816… Dark Tag Team: The Steady Ballers (Alex Vega & Brent B) defeat The Empire (Marcus Marquez & Sebastian Suave)… Dark: Matt Knicks defeats Chris Logan… Darin Corbin, Derek St. Holmes, Marion Fontaine& Tweek Phoenix (w/Joey Eastman) defeat The CLASH (Austin Manix & Tommy Treznik) & The Awesome Threesome (Jordan McEntyre & Knight Wagner)… Colt Cabana defeats Cameron Skyy… BJ Whitmer & Mat Fitchett defeat Christin Able & Josh Raymond… AAW Heritage Title: Michael Elgin (c) defeats J. Miller…Lumberjack: Shane Hollister (w/Scarlett) defeats Gregory Iron… Jesse Emerson defeats Davey Vega… Athena, Christina Von Eerie & MsChif defeat Nicole Matthews, Portia Perez & Sara Del Rey… AAW Heavyweight Title: Silas Young (c) (w/Val Malone) defeats Louis Lyndon… AAW Tag Team Title: Arik Cannon &Jimmy Jacobs (c) defeat Irish Airborne (Dave Crist & Jake Crist).
  • April 21, 2012 – AAW Point Of No Return 2012 at the Berwyn Eagles Club in Berwyn, IL:  Davey Vega & Mat Fitchett defeat The Awesome Threesome (Jordan McEntyre & Knight Wagner)… Dan Lawrence defeats Markus Crane… Christin Able, Josh Raymond & TD Thomas defeat The CLASH (Austin Manix, Cameron Skyy & Tommy Treznik)… AAW Tag Team Title: Arik Cannon & Jimmy Jacobs (c) defeat The NorthStache Express (Darin Corbin & Marion Fontaine)… Mason Beck defeats ACH… Davey Richards defeats Dan Lawrence… Danny Daniels (w/Truth Martini) defeats MsChif… AAW Heavyweight Title Best Two Out Of Three Falls: Silas Young (w/Val Malone) (c) vs. Michael Elgin [1:1] – Time Limit Draw (60:00).
  • May 19, 2012 – AAW Day Of Defiance 2012 at the Berwyn Eagles Club in Berwyn, IL:  Dark Tag Team: The Dragons defeat Matt Knicks & The Moondog … AAW Heavyweight Title #1 Contendership 20 Man Battle Royal: Winner:BJ Whitmer… MsChif defeats Jordan McEntyre (w/Eryn & Ryland Fox)… Louis Lyndon defeats Tweek Phoenix… Four Way: Samuray del Sol defeats Knight Wagnerand Marco Cordova and TD Thomas… Shane Hollister defeats Dan Lawrence… Danny Daniels & Jesse Emerson defeat The NorthStache Express (Darin Corbin &Marion Fontaine) (w/Joey Eastman)… Christin Able & Josh Raymond defeat Bobby Beverly & Eric Ryan… Gregory Iron defeats Markus Crane… Arik Cannon defeatsJohnny Gargano… AAW Heavyweight Title: Silas Young (c) defeats BJ Whitmer.
  • June 22, 2012 – AAW Bound By Hate 2012 at the Berwyn Eagles Club in Berwyn, IL:  J. Miller defeats Austin Manix… MsChif defeats Angelus Layne… Triple Threat Tag Team Elimination: Christin Able & Josh Raymond defeat The NorthStache Express (Darin Corbin & Marion Fontaine) and The Awesome Threesome (Jordan McEntyre & Knight Wagner)… Colt Cabana defeats Mason Beck… Davey Richardsdefeats Sami Callihan… Danny Daniels defeats Krotch… Louis Lyndon defeats Jesse Emerson… Markus Crane & Shane Hollister (w/Scarlett) defeat Dan Lawrence &Gregory Iron… AAW Heritage Title: Michael Elgin (c) defeats Kyle O’Reilly… Arik Cannon, BJ Whitmer & Jimmy Jacobs defeat Irish Airborne (Dave Crist & Jake Crist) & Silas Young.
  • July 21, 2012 – AAW Scars And Stripes 2012 at the 115 Bourbon Street in Merrionette Park, IL:  Four Way: J. Miller defeats Isaias Velazquez and Lamar Titan and Tweek Phoenix… BJ Whitmer defeats Mason Beck… The CLASH (Austin Manix & Cameron Skyy) defeat Dan Lawrence & Gregory Iron… Shane Hollister (w/Scarlett) defeats Louis Lyndon… Jesse Emerson defeats Krotch… Chicago Street Fight: Danny Danielsdefeats MsChif… Irish Airborne (Dave Crist & Jake Crist) defeat The NorthStache Express (Darin Corbin & Marion Fontaine)… Davey Richards defeats Fit Finlay…AAW Heavyweight Title Three Way Ladder: Silas Young (c) defeats Arik Cannon and Jimmy Jacobs.
  • August 24, 2012 – AAW Reign Of Violence 2012 at the Berwyn Eagles Club in Berwyn, IL:  Shane Hollister (w/Scarlett) defeats J. Miller (11:08)… Danny Daniels (w/Truth Martini) defeats Davey Vega (8:26)… Louis Lyndon & Marion Fontaine defeat The CLASH (Austin Manix & Cameron Skyy) (9:00)… AAW Heritage Championship: Michael Elgin (c) defeats Jesse Emerson (10:55)… Colt Cabana, Dan Lawrence &Gregory Iron defeat Irish Airborne (Dave Crist & Jake Crist) & Mason Beck (14:26)… Grudge: Darin Corbin vs. Tweek Phoenix – No Contest… Sami Callihan defeatsBJ Whitmer (13:49)… AAW Heavyweight Title: Silas Young (w/Val Malone) (c) defeats ACH (16:57)… AAW Tag Team Title: Arik Cannon & Jimmy Jacobs (c) defeat Zero Gravity (Brett Gakiya & CJ Esparza).
  • September 21, 2012 – AAW Defining Moment 2012 at the Berwyn Eagles Club in Berwyn, IL:  J. Miller defeats Cameron Skyy (7:48)… Irish Airborne (Dave Crist & Jake Crist) defeat Zero Gravity (Brett Gakiya & CJ Esparza) (7:58)… Lamar Titan defeats Isaias Velazquez (5:39)… Tweek Phoenix defeats Marion Fontaine (5:34)… Colt Cabana defeats Jesse Emerson (9:05)… BJ Whitmer & Sami Callihan defeat Team Ambition(Davey Richards & Kyle O’Reilly) (22:32)… Danny Daniels defeats Waylan (5:08)… Six Way: MsChif defeats Austin Manix and Davey Vega and Markus Crane andMason Beck and Trevor Court (7:08)… ACH defeats Shane Hollister (12:00)… AAW Heavyweight Title / AAW Heritage Title I Quit: Michael Elgin (c) [Heritage Title] defeats Silas Young (w/Val Malone) (c) [Heavyweight Title] (39:02) – TITLE CHANGE!
  • October 26, 2012 – AAW War Is Coming 2012 at the Berwyn Eagles Club in Berwyn, IL:  Dan Lawrence defeats Davey Vega (4:34)… Kyle O’Reilly defeats J. Miller (8:48)… Shane Hollister defeats ACH (13:16)… Keith Walker, Lamar Titan & Tweek Phoenix defeat Zero Gravity (Brett Gakiya & CJ Esparza) & Isaias Velazquez (8:45)… Four Way: Athena defeats Christina Von Eerie and Kellie Skater and Nicole Matthews (6:51)… Davey Richards defeats Silas Young (w/Val Malone) (22:21)… The NorthStache Express (Darin Corbin & Marion Fontaine) (w/Joey Eastman) defeat Austin Manix & Markus Crane (4:35)… SHIMMER Title: Saraya Knight (c) defeats MsChif (10:40)… AAW Tag Team Title: Arik Cannon & Jimmy Jacobs (c) defeat Danny Daniels & Jesse Emerson (w/Truth Martini) (17:18)… AAW Heavyweight Title: Michael Elgin (c) defeats Sami Callihan (24:23).
  • November 24, 2012 – AAW Windy City Classic VIII at the 115 Bourbon Street in Merrionette Park, IL:  Lamar Titan & Tweek Phoenix defeat The NorthStache Express (Darin Corbin & Marion Fontaine) (9:08)… Danny Daniels defeats Isaias Velazquez (4:05)… MsChifdefeats Truth Martini (7:26)… AAW Tag Team Title: Irish Airborne (Dave Crist & Jake Crist) defeat Arik Cannon & Jimmy Jacobs (c) (17:38) – TITLE CHANGE !!!…Four Way: Silas Young defeats ACH and BJ Whitmer and Kyle O’Reilly (11:14)… Dan Lawrence defeats J. Miller (4:25)… Three Way: Sami Callihan defeats Sabuand Shane Hollister (9:10)… AAW Heavyweight Title: Michael Elgin (c) defeats Davey Richards (21:44).
  • December 29, 2012 – AAW One Twisted Christmas 2012 at the Berwyn Eagles Club in Berwyn, IL:  AAW Heritage Title Tournament First Round: Lamar Titan defeats Marion Fontaine (7:49)… AAW Heritage Title Tournament First Round: Juntai Miller defeats Dan Lawrence (7:22)… Shane Hollister (w/Markus Crane & Scarlett) defeats Colt Cabana (12:52)… AAW Tag Team Title: Irish Airborne (Dave Crist &Jake Crist) (c) vs. Davey Richards & Kyle O’Reilly – Time Limit Draw (30:00)… Fans Bring The Weapons: MsChif defeats Danny Daniels (w/Truth Martini) (16:27)…AAW Heritage Title Tournament First Round: Samuray del Sol defeats CJ Esparza (10:19)… Three Way Dance: Keith Walker defeats Dale Patricks and Tripp Cassidy (1:27)… AAW Heritage Title Tournament First Round: Louis Lyndon defeats Tweek Phoenix (6:51)… AAW Heavyweight Title Three Way Elimination: Michael Elgin (c) defeats Sami Callihan and Shane Hollister (21:20).
  • January 25, 2013 – AAW The Chaos Theory 2013 at the Berwyn Eagles Club in Berwyn, IL:  AAW Heritage Title Tournament First Round: Mat Fitchett defeats Christin Able (8:46)… MsChif defeats Markus Crane (5:33)… AAW Heritage Title Tournament First Round: Davey Vega defeats Vic Capri (9:26)… AAW Heritage Title Tournament First Round: Kyle O’Reilly defeats Tadarius Thomas(14:05)… AAW Tag Team Title #1 Contendership Four Way Elimiation: Zero Gravity (Brett Gakiya & CJ Esparza) defeat Darin Corbin & Louis Lyndon and Jordan McEntyre and Lamar Titan & Tweek Phoenix (11:27)… Jimmy Jacobs defeats Dan Lawrence (8:43)… Keith Walker vs. Knight Wagner – no Contest… AAW Heritage Title Tournament First Round: ACH defeats Prince Mustafa Ali (16:25)… Shane Hollister & Silas Young defeat Davey Richards & Michael Elgin(28:43).
  • February 10, 2013 – AAW Durty Deeds 2013 at the Durty Nellie’s in Palatine, IL:  AAW Heritage Title Tournament Quarter Final: Juntai Miller defeats Lamar Titan (7:47)… AAW Heritage Title Tournament Quarter Final: Louis Lyndon defeats Davey Vega (8:21)… AAW Heritage Title Tournament Quarter Final: ACH defeats Mat Fitchett (10:40)… AAW Tag Team Championship: Irish Airborne (Dave Crist & Jake Crist) (c) defeat Zero Gravity (Brett Gakiya & CJ Esparza) (11:41)… Davey Richards defeats Sami Callihan (17:02)… Steel Cage Tag Team: The NorthStache Express (Darin Corbin & Marion Fontaine) defeat Keith Walker & Tweek Phoenix (w/Kevin Harvey & Nikki )… MsChif defeats Markus Crane(4:28)… AAW Heritage Title Tournament Quarter Final: Samuray del Sol defeats Kyle O’Reilly (12:37)… AAW Heavyweight Title #1 Contendership Four Way: Shane Hollister defeats Arik Cannon and Jimmy Jacobs and Mason Beck (11:14)… AAW Heavyweight Championship: Michael Elgin (c) defeats Silas Young (w/Val Malone) (19:08).
  • March 1, 2013 – AAW Path Of Redmption 2013 at the 115 Bourbon Street in Merrionette Park, IL:  AAW Heritage Title Tournament Semi Final: Samuray del Sol defeats Louis Lyndon (10:51)… AAW Heritage Title Tournament Semi Final: ACH defeats Juntai Miller (12:27)… Colt Cabana defeats Dan Lawrence (9:54)… Sami Callihan defeats Shane Hollister (w/Markus Crane & Scarlett) (13:45)… Six Man Tag Team Bourbon Street Fight: Keith Walker, Lamar Titan & Tweek Phoenix (w/Kevin Harvey & Nikki ) defeat Ryan Boz & The NorthStache Express (Darin Corbin &Marion Fontaine) (16:19)… Mason Beck defeats MsChif (5:21)… AAW Heavyweight Title: Michael Elgin (c) defeats Mat Fitchett (15:16)… AAW Heritage Title Tournament Final Match (vacant): ACH defeats Samuray del Sol (16:19) – TITLE CHANGE !!!… Arik Cannon, Jerry Lynn & Rhino defeat Irish Airborne (Dave Crist & Jake Crist) & Silas Young (21:45).
  • March 23, 2013 – AAW Epic – The 9th Anniversary Show at the Berwyn Eagles Club in Berwyn, IL:  Kung Fu Manchu (Louis Lyndon & Marion Fontaine) defeat Monster Mafia (Ethan Page & Josh Alexander)… MsChif defeats Heidi Lovelace… Juntai Miller defeats Prince Mustafa Ali… Four Way Tag Team: Lamar Titan & Tweek Phoenix defeat Zero Gravity (Brett Gakiya & CJ Esparza) and Christin Able & TD Thomas and Dan Lawrence & Markus Crane… AAW Tag Team Title: Irish Airborne (Dave Crist & Jake Crist) (c) defeat The Sex Bob-ombs (Davey Vega & Mat Fitchett)… Jordan McEntyre defeats Krotch… Keith Walker vs. Ryan Boz – No Contest… Shane Hollister defeats Jimmy Jacobs… AAW Heritage Title: ACH (c) vs. Davey Richards – Time Limit Draw (30:00).
  • April 12, 2013 – AAW Point Of No Return 2013 at the Berwyn Eagles Club in Berwyn, IL:  Silas Young (w/Val Malone) defeats Jimmy Jacobs (14:44)… Colt Cabana & Juntai Miller defeat Dan Lawrence & Markus Crane (8:44)… AAW Heritage Title #1 Contendership Three Way: Lamar Titan (w/Kevin Harvey) defeats Louis Lyndon and Rich Swann (12:07)… Losing Team Must Split Up: Keith Walker & Tweek Phoenix (w/Kevin Harvey) defeat The NorthStache Express (Darin Corbin & Marion Fontaine) (10:01)… Shane Hollister (w/Markus Crane & Scarlett) defeats Sami Callihan (14:08)… Christina Von Eerie, Heidi Lovelace & MsChif defeat Miss Natural, Saraya Knight & Taylor Made (9:24)… AAW Heritage Title: ACH (c) defeatsKyle O’Reilly (16:09)… AAW Tag Team Title: Irish Airborne (Dave Crist & Jake Crist) (c) defeat Arik Cannon & Mat Fitchett (11:41)… AAW Heavyweight Title:Michael Elgin (c) defeats Davey Richards (25:49).
  • April 27, 2013 – AAW Take No Prisoners 2013 at the House of Music & Entertainment in Arlington Heights, IL:  Christian Rose defeats Davey Vega (3:29)… Triple Threat: MsChif defeats Angelus Layne and Nevaeh (2:19)… Knight Wagner defeats Tony Rican (3:21)… Silas Young (w/Val Malone) defeats Mat Fitchett (11:01)… AAW Heritage Title: ACH (c) defeats Lamar Titan (w/Kevin Harvey & Nikki Mayday) (12:02)… AAW Heavyweight Title: Michael Elgin (c) defeats MASADA (17:22)… Keith Walker (w/Kevin Harvey & Nikki Mayday) defeats Chris Dickinson (4:53)… Kung Fu Manchu(Louis Lyndon & Marion Fontaine) & Zero Gravity (Brett Gakiya & CJ Esparza) defeat Irish Airborne (Dave Crist & Jake Crist) & Monster Mafia (Ethan Page & Josh Alexander) (16:22)… Loser Leaves AAW: Arik Cannon vs. Jimmy Jacobs – No Contest… Shane Hollister (w/Markus Crane & Scarlett) defeats Brian Kendrick(10:02).
  • May 17, 2013 – AAW Day Of Defiance 2013 at the Berwyn Eagles Club in Berwyn, IL:  Kung Fu Manchu (Louis Lyndon & Marion Fontaine) defeat Zero Gravity (Brett Gakiya & CJ Esparza) (8:21)… Miss Natural defeats Heidi Lovelace (9:24)… Jake Cristdefeats Jimmy Jacobs (10:27)… Davey Richards defeats Mixed Martial Archie by KO (7:58)… Team Ambition (Davey Richards & Kyle O’Reilly) defeat ACH & Michael Elgin (23:58)… Dan Lawrence, Keith Walker & Tweek Phoenix defeat Colt Cabana, J. Miller & Mat Fitchett (9:18)… Eddie Kingston defeats Jordan McEntyre (1:23)…Eddie Kingston defeats Markus Crane (0:44)… Eddie Kingston defeats Knight Wagner (2:03)… Silas Young (w/Val Malone) defeats Samuray del Sol (15:31)… Last Man Standing: Shane Hollister defeats Sami Callihan (35:14).
  • May 17, 2013 – AAW Pro Wrestling TV #2 at the Berwyn Eagles Club in Berwyn, IL:  Kung Fu Manchu (Louis Lyndon & Marion Fontaine) defeat Zero Gravity (Brett Gakiya & CJ Esparza) (8:21)… Eddie Kingston defeats Jordan McEntyre (1:23)… Eddie Kingston defeats Markus Crane (0:44)… Eddie Kingston defeats Knight Wagner (2:03)… Silas Young (w/Val Malone) defeats Samuray del Sol (15:31).
  • June 28, 2013 – AAW Bound By Hate 2013 at the Berwyn Eagles Club in Berwyn, IL:  Kung Fu Manchu (Louis Lyndon & Marion Fontaine) defeat Lamar Titan & Tweek Phoenix… Heather Patera defeats Heidi Lovelace… Alex Colon defeats Markus Crane… Silas Young defeats Alex Colon… Christian Rose defeats Tony Rican… Colt Cabana defeats Dan Lawrence… Eddie Kingston vs. Mr. Miller – No Contest…Ryan Boz defeats Jordan McEntyre… Monster Mafia (Ethan Page & Josh Alexander) defeat Zero Gravity (Brett Gakiya & CJ Esparza)… AAW Tag Team Title: Irish Airborne (Dave Crist & Jake Crist) (c) defeat Colt Cabana & Samuray del Sol… AAW Heavyweight Title: Shane Hollister (w/Markus Crane & Scarlett) defeatsMichael Elgin (c) – TITLE CHANGE!
  • June 28, 2013 – AAW Pro Wrestling TV #4 at the Berwyn Eagles Club in Berwyn, IL:  Heather Patera defeats Heidi Lovelace… Colt Cabana defeats Dan Lawrence… Alex Colon defeats Markus Crane… Silas Young defeats Alex Colon.
  • July 27, 2013 – AAW Scars And Stripes 2013 at the 115 Bourbon Street in Merrionette Park, IL:  Six Man Mayhem: Juntai Miller defeats Alex Colon and Dan Lawrence and Knight Wagner and Lamar Titan and Tweek Phoenix… Mixed Tag Team: CJ Esparza &Heidi Lovelace defeat Jordan McEntyre & Miss Natural… Christian Rose vs. Marek Brave – No Contest… AAW Tag Team Title: Kung Fu Manchu (Louis Lyndon &Marion Fontaine) defeat Irish Airborne (Dave Crist & Jake Crist) (c) – TITLE CHANGE !!!… Keith Walker (w/Kevin Harvey & Nikki) defeats Carlito… AAW Heavyweight Title: Shane Hollister (c) (w/Markus Crane & Scarlett Bordeaux) defeats Flip Kendrick… Arik Cannon & Jimmy Jacobs vs. Monster Mafia (Ethan Page &Josh Alexander) – No Contest… Eddie Kingston defeats Rhino.
  • July 27, 2013 – AAW Pro Wrestling TV #5 at the 115 Bourbon Street in Merrionette Park, IL:  AAW Heavyweight Title: Shane Hollister (w/Markus Crane & Scarlett Bordeaux) defeats Flip Kendrick… Eddie Kingston defeats Rhino.
  • August 2, 2013 – AAW The Super Summer Sizzler Charity Event at the Berwyn Eagles Club in Berwyn, IL:  The League Of Extraordinary Rasslin Superstars (JJ Garrett, Moondog Bernard & Sea Man) defeat The American Bulldogs (Jon West & Maddog McDowell) & Derek Cornell… Jordan McEntyre defeats Alex Bernadino… Keith Walker & Lamar Titan defeat YBBO (Jeff O’Shea & Mallaki Matthews)… Four Way: Matt Cage defeatsAlex Castle and Reed Bentley and Trik Davis… Dog Collar: Tony Rican defeats Knight Wagner… Dan Lawrence & Markus Crane defeat Aaron Solo & Darren Dean…Markus Crane defeats Derek St. Holmes… Heidi Lovelace defeats Hailey Shadows… Heidi Lovelace defeats Angelus Layne… Christian Rose defeats Travis Banks…AAW Heavyweight Title: Shane Hollister (c) defeats Prince Mustafa Ali.
  • August 23, 2013 – AAW Reign Of Violence 2013 at the Berwyn Eagles Club in Berwyn, IL:  Zero Gravity (Brett Gakiya & CJ Esparza) defeat Monster Mafia (Ethan Page & Josh Alexander)… Keith Walker defeats Tony Rican… Michael Elgin defeats Knight Wagner… AAW Tag Team Title: Kung Fu Manchu (Louis Lyndon & Marion Fontaine) (c) defeat Dan Lawrence & Markus Crane… AAW Heavyweight Title:Shane Hollister (c) (w/Markus Crane & Scarlett) defeats Juntai Miller… AAW Heritage Title: ACH (c) defeats Kyle O’Reilly… Mixed Tag Team: Heidi Lovelace &Ryan Boz defeat Heather Patera & Jordan McEntyre… Alex Colon vs. Mat Fitchett – No Contest… Three Way: Michael Elgin defeats Alex Colon and Mat Fitchett…Arik Cannon & Jimmy Jacobs defeat Irish Airborne (Dave Crist & Jake Crist)… Eddie Kingston defeats Silas Young.
  • August 23, 2013 – AAW Pro Wrestling TV #7 at the Berwyn Eagles Club in Berwyn, IL:  AAW Heavyweight Title: Shane Hollister (c) (w/Dan Lawrence, Markus Crane & Scarlett) defeats Juntai Miller… Eddie Kingston defeats Silas Young.
  • September 27, 2013 – AAW Defining Moment 2013 at the Berwyn Eagles Club in Berwyn, IL:  Dark Six Man Tag Team: Bernadino, Moondog Bernard & Sea Man defeat Alex Castle, Ian Danger & Mike Steel… Dark: Travis Banks defeats Mallaki Matthews…Prince Mustafa Ali defeats Knight Wagner… Colt Cabana vs. Markus Crane – No Contest… Colt Cabana & Juntai Miller defeat Dan Lawrence & Markus Crane… AAW Heritage Title: ACH (c) defeats Christian Rose… AAW Tag Team Title: Kung Fu Manchu (Louis Lyndon & Marion Fontaine) (c) defeat Zero Gravity (Brett Gakiya& CJ Esparza)… Eddie Kingston defeats Jimmy Jacobs… AAW Allegiance Tag Team Tournament Block A First Round: Monster Mafia (Ethan Page & Josh Alexander) defeat Team Ambition (Davey Richards & Kyle O’Reilly)… Heidi Lovelace defeats Jordan McEntyre… Silas Young (w/Val Malone) defeats Eddie Edwards…Michael Elgin defeats Keith Walker… AAW Heavyweight Title: Shane Hollister (w/Scarlett Bordeaux) (c) defeats Arik Cannon.
  • October 18, 2013 – AAW Hostile Intentions 2013 at the Berwyn Eagles Club in Berwyn, IL:  AAW Allegiance Tag Team Tournament Block A First Round: Kung Fu Manchu (Louis Lyndon & Marion Fontaine) defeat Team DEFEND (Mark Andrews & Pete Dunne)… AAW Allegiance Tag Team Tournament Block A First Round: Alex Colon & Eddie Kingston defeat Heidi Lovelace & Ryan Boz… AAW Allegiance Tag Team Tournament Block A First Round: Jimmy Jacobs & Silas Young defeat ACH & Matt Cage… Falls Count Anywhere: Christian Rose vs. Marek Brave- No Contest… Battle Royal: Winner: Knight Wagner… Heather Patera, Jessicka Havok & Saraya Knight defeat Christina Von Eerie, Heidi Lovelace & MsChif…AAW Allegiance Tag Team Tournament Block A Quarter Final: Monster Mafia (Ethan Page & Josh Alexander) defeat Kung Fu Manchu (Louis Lyndon & Marion Fontaine)… AAW Allegiance Tag Team Tournament Block A Quarter Final: Jimmy Jacobs & Silas Young defeat Alex Colon & Eddie Kingston… AAW Heavyweight Title: Shane Hollister (w/Scarlett Bordeaux) (c) defeats Arik Cannon.
  • October 25, 2013 – AAW War Is Coming 2013 at the 115 Bourbon Street in Merrionette Park, IL:  AAW Allegiance Tag Team Tournament Block B First Round: Zero Gravity (Brett Gakiya & CJ Esparza) defeat Keith Walker & Lamar Titan… AAW Allegiance Tag Team Tournament Block B First Round: Chuck Taylor & Johnny Gargano defeat C&C Wrestle Factory (Caprice Coleman & Cedric Alexander)…AAW Allegiance Tag Team Tournament Block B First Round: Juntai Miller & Prince Mustafa Ali defeat Dan Lawrence & Markus Crane… Silas Young defeatsChristian Rose… Four Way: Matt Cage defeats Jimmy Jacobs and Knight Wagner and Louis Lyndon… AAW Allegiance Tag Team Tournament Block B First Round: Irish Airborne (Dave Crist & Jake Crist) defeat Drew Gulak & Gran Akuma… AAW Allegiance Tag Team Tournament Block B Quarter Final: Zero Gravity (Brett Gakiya & CJ Esparza) defeat Chuck Taylor & Johnny Gargano… AAW Allegiance Tag Team Tournament Block B Quarter Final: Irish Airborne(Dave Crist & Jake Crist) defeat Juntai Miller & Prince Mustafa Ali… AAW Heavyweight Title: Shane Hollister (w/Scarlett Bordeaux) (c) vs. Eddie Kingston – No Contest.
  • November 30, 2013 – AAW Windy City Classic IX at the Berwyn Eagles Club in Berwyn, IL:  AAW Allegiance Tag Team Tournament Semi Final: Ethan Page & Ricochet defeat Zero Gravity (Brett Gakiya & CJ Esparza) (10:33)… AAW Allegiance Tag Team Tournament Semi Final: Jimmy Jacobs & Silas Young (w/Val Malone) defeat Irish Airborne (Dave Crist & Jake Crist) (13:43)… Grudge: Heidi Lovelacedefeats Heather Patera (w/Truth Martini) (6:23)… Kyle O’Reilly defeats Louis Lyndon (13:54)… Two On One Handicap: Keith Walker (w/Kevin Harvey & Niki) defeats Moondog Bernard & Sea Man (w/Aaron Presley) (4:22)… AAW Heritage Title: Matt Cage defeats ACH (c) – TITLE CHANGE !!! (14:31)… Mixed Six Man Tag Team: Dan Lawrence, Knight Wagner & Markus Crane (w/Truth Martini) defeat Marion Fontaine, MsChif & Tony Rican (9:33)… Loser Leaves Berwyn: Marek Brave defeats Christian Rose (8:46)… AAW Allegiance Tag Team Tournament Final: Jimmy Jacobs & Silas Young (w/Val Malone) defeat Ethan Page & Ricochet(12:38)… AAW Heavyweight Title: Kevin Steen defeats Shane Hollister (w/Markus Crane & Scarlett Bordeaux) (c) – TITLE CHANGE!
  • December 28, 2013 – AAW One Twisted Christmas 2013 at the Berwyn Eagles Club in Berwyn, IL:  Marcus Edwards vs. Moondog Bernard – No Contest… Two On One Handicap: Keith Walker (w/Kevin Harvey & Nikki ) defeats Marcus Edwards & Moondog Bernard (w/Arnold Pressly)… Michael Elgin defeats Keith Walker (w/Kevin Harvey & Nikki ) (9:40)… AAW Heritage Title: Matt Cage (c) defeats Mallaki Matthews (4:07)…Mixed Tag Team Fans Bring The Weapons: Heather Patera & Knight Wagner (w/Truth Martini) defeat Heidi Lovelace & Tony Rican (w/MsChif) (12:44)… Colt Cabana defeats Tweek Phoenix (w/Keith Walker, Kevin Harvey & Nikki ) (9:34)… Jimmy Jacobs defeats Davey Richards (19:56)… Arik Cannon & Ryan Boz defeatDan Lawrence & Markus Crane (7:52)… Grudge: Silas Young (w/Val Malone) defeats Eddie Kingston (8:42)… AAW Tag Team Title Triple Threat Elimination:Ethan Page & Michael Elgin defeat Kung Fu Manchu (Louis Lyndon & Marion Fontaine) (c) and Zero Gravity (Brett Gakiya & CJ Esparza) (24:05) – TITLE CHANGE!!!…AAW Heavyweight Title: Shane Hollister (w/Markus Crane & Scarlett Bordeaux) defeats Kevin Steen (c) (17:02) – TITLE CHANGE!
  • December 28, 2013 – AAW Pro Wrestling TV #1 at the Berwyn Eagles Club in Berwyn, IL:  Michael Elgin defeats Keith Walker (w/Kevin Harvey & Nikki ) (9:40)… AAW Heritage Title: Matt Cage (c) defeats Mallaki Matthews (4:07)… Colt Cabana defeatsTweek Phoenix (w/Kevin Harvey & Nikki ) (9:34).
  • December 28, 2013 – AAW Pro Wrestling TV #6 at the Berwyn Eagles Club in Berwyn, IL:  Two On One Handicap: Keith Walker (w/Kevin Harvey & Nikki ) defeats Marcus Edwards & Moondog Bernard (w/Arnold Pressly)… AAW Tag Team Title Triple Threat Elimination: Ethan Page & Michael Elgin defeat Kung Fu Manchu (Louis Lyndon & Marion Fontaine) (c) and Zero Gravity (Brett Gakiya & CJ Esparza) (24:05) – TITLE CHANGE!
  • January 24, 2014 – AAW The Chaos Theory 2014 at the Berwyn Eagles Club in Berwyn, IL:  Four Way Scramble: Marek Brave defeats DC Dynamite and Knight Wagner and Ty Colton (7:26)… Zero Gravity (Brett Gakiya & CJ Esparza) defeat Dan Lawrence& Markus Crane (7:58)… Colt Cabana & Juntai Miller defeat We Are Here (Keith Walker & Tweek Phoenix) (w/Kevin Harvey & Nikki ) (10:42)… Eddie Kingston(w/Jordynne Grace) defeats Jonathan Gresham (10:06)… Kung Fu Manchu (Louis Lyndon & Marion Fontaine) defeat Team Ambition (Davey Richards & Kyle O’Reilly) (20:32)… AAW Heritage Title: Matt Cage (c) defeats ACH (13:04)… AAW Heavyweight Title: Shane Hollister (c) defeats Jimmy Jacobs (26:30)… AAW Tag Team Title: Ethan Page & Michael Elgin (c) defeat Ricochet & Uhaa Nation (22:44).
  • January 24, 2014 – AAW Pro Wrestling TV #7 at the Berwyn Eagles Club in Berwyn, IL:  Four Way Scramble: Marek Brave defeats DC Dynamite and Knight Wagner and Ty Colton… Eddie Kingston vs. Mr. Miller – No Contest… Monster Mafia (Ethan Page & Josh Alexander) defeat Zero Gravity (Brett Gakiya & CJ Esparza).
  • January 24, 2014 – AAW Pro Wrestling TV #8 at the Berwyn Eagles Club in Berwyn, IL:  Zero Gravity (Brett Gakiya & CJ Esparza) defeat Dan Lawrence & Markus Crane (7:58)… Colt Cabana & Juntai Miller defeat We Are Here (Keith Walker & Tweek Phoenix) (w/Kevin Harvey & Nikki ) (10:42)… AAW Heritage Title: Matt Cage (c) defeats ACH (13:04).
  • January 24, 2014 – AAW Pro Wrestling TV #9 at the Berwyn Eagles Club in Berwyn, IL:  Grudge: Silas Young (w/Val Malone) defeats Eddie Kingston (8:42)… AAW Heavyweight Title: Shane Hollister (w/Scarlett Bordeaux) (c) defeats Jimmy Jacobs(26:30).
  • February 28, 2014 – AAW Path Of Redemption 2014 at the Berwyn Eagles Club in Berwyn, IL:  AAW Heritage Title: Matt Cage (c) defeats Juntai Miller… OI4K (Dave Crist & Jake Crist) defeat Dos Ben Dejos (Eddie Rios & Jay Cruz)… Silas Young defeatsMarkus Crane (w/Dan Lawrence)… Silas Young defeats Dan Lawrence (w/Markus Crane)… AAW Heritage Title #1 Contendership Four Way: Marek Bravedefeats CJ Esparza and Knight Wagner and Ty Colton… AAW Tag Team Title: Men Of The Year (Ethan Page & Michael Elgin) (c) defeat Kung Fu Manchu (Louis Lyndon & Marion Fontaine)… ACH defeats Rich Swann… Eddie Kingston (w/Jordynne Grace) defeats Lince Dorado… We Are Here (Keith Walker & Tweek Phoenix) (w/Kevin Harvey) defeat Moondog Bernard & Sea Man… We Are Here (Keith Walker & Tweek Phoenix) (w/Kevin Harvey) defeat Ryan Boz & Tony Rican… AAW Heavyweight Title: Shane Hollister (w/Dan Lawrence, Markus Crane & Scarlett Bordeaux) (c) defeats Colt Cabana.
  • February 28, 2014 – AAW Pro Wrestling TV #10 at the Berwyn Eagles Club in Berwyn, IL:  AAW Heritage Title #1 Contendership Four Way: Marek Brave defeats CJ Esparza and Knight Wagner and Ty Colton… OI4K (Dave Crist & Jake Crist) defeatDos Ben Dejos (Eddie Rios & Jay Cruz)… AAW Tag Team Title: Men Of The Year (Ethan Page & Michael Elgin) (c) defeat Kung Fu Manchu (Louis Lyndon & Marion Fontaine).
  • February 28, 2014 – AAW Pro Wrestling TV #11 at the Berwyn Eagles Club in Berwyn, IL:  Silas Young defeats Markus Crane (w/Dan Lawrence)… Silas Young defeats Dan Lawrence (w/Markus Crane)… We Are Here (Keith Walker & Tweek Phoenix) (w/Kevin Harvey) defeat Moondog Bernard & Sea Man… We Are Here (Keith Walker & Tweek Phoenix) (w/Kevin Harvey) defeat Ryan Boz & Tony Rican… Eddie Kingston (w/Jordynne Grace) defeats Lince Dorado.
  • February 28, 2014 – AAW Pro Wrestling TV #12 at the Berwyn Eagles Club in Berwyn, IL:  AAW Heritage Title: Matt Cage (c) defeats Juntai Miller… AAW Heavyweight Title: Shane Hollister (w/Dan Lawrence, Markus Crane & Scarlett Bordeaux) (c) defeats Colt Cabana.
  • March 21, 2014 – AAW Epic: The 10th Anniversary Event at the Berwyn Eagles Club in Berwyn, IL:  Four Way: Christian Faith defeats CJ Esparza and Davey Vega and Ty Colten (4:32)… Heidi Lovelace defeats Seleziya Sparx (6:06)… Juntai Miller, Louis Lyndon &Marion Fontaine defeat CLASH (Austin Manix & Cameron Skyy) & Matt Cage (10:42)… Justice Jones defeats Sea Man (1:44)… Knight Wagner (w/Alex Bernadino) vs.Marek Brave – No Contest (3:11)… Silas Young defeats Alex Shelley (16:16)… Street Fight: Ryan Boz & Tony Rican defeat Dan Lawrence & Markus Crane (8:30)…AAW Tag Team Title: Men Of The Year (Ethan Page & Michael Elgin) (c) defeat Irish Airborne (Dave Crist & Jake Crist) (20:44)… Kyle O’Reilly defeats Arik Cannon(14:18)… Colt Cabana & Jimmy Jacobs defeat Eddie Kingston & Shane Hollister (w/Jordynne Grace & Scarlett Bordeaux) (16:56).
  • March 21, 2014 – AAW Pro Wrestling TV #13 at the Berwyn Eagles Club in Berwyn, IL:  Four Way: Christian Faith defeats CJ Esparza and Davey Vega and Ty Colten (4:32)… Heidi Lovelace defeats Seleziya Sparx (6:06)… Street Fight: Ryan Boz &Tony Rican defeat Dan Lawrence & Markus Crane (8:30)… Kyle O’Reilly defeats Arik Cannon (14:18).
  • March 21, 2014 – AAW Pro Wrestling TV #14 at the Berwyn Eagles Club in Berwyn, IL:  Six Men Tag Team: Juntai Miller, Louis Lyndon & Marion Fontaine defeat CLASH (Austin Manix & Cameron Skyy) & Matt Cage (10:42)… Knight Wagner (w/Alex Bernadino) vs. Marek Brave – No Contest (3:11)… Colt Cabana & Jimmy Jacobs defeat Eddie Kingston & Shane Hollister (w/Jordynne Grace & Scarlett Bordeaux) (16:56).
  • March 29, 2014 – AAW Take No Prisoners 2014 at the Freakster’s Roadhouse in Pontiac, IL:  Marion Fontaine & Tony Rican defeat Markus Crane & Mike Horning… AAW Heritage Championship: Matt Cage (c) defeats Marek Brave… Louis Lyndon defeatsEthan Page… Four Way: CJ Esparza defeats Brent Banks and Davey Vega and Ty Colten… Rhino defeats Tweek Phoenix (w/Kevin Harvey & Nikki )… Justice Jones& Knight Wagner defeat Moondog Bernard & Sea Man… Jimmy Jacobs defeats Knight Wagner… AAW Heavyweight Title #1 Contendership: ACH vs. Kyle O’Reilly (15:00) – Time Limit Draw… AAW Heavyweight Title: Shane Hollister (c) (w/Scarlett Bordeaux) defeats Michael Elgin.
  • April 11, 2014 – AAW Point Of No Return 2014 at the Berwyn Eagles Club in Berwyn, IL:  Dark Six Man Tag Team: Bernadino, Justice Jones & Mallaki Matthews defeat Marcus Edwards, Moondog Bernard & Sea Man… OI4K (Dave Crist & Jake Crist) defeat Los Ben Dejos (Eddie Cruz & Jay Rios) (7:56)… Eddie Kingston (w/Jordynne Grace) defeats Ty Colten (3:43)… Athena & Heidi Lovelace defeat Killer Death Machines (Jessicka Havok & Nevaeh) (9:14)… ACH defeats Silas Young (17:27)… Kyle O’Reilly defeats Alex Shelley (17:25)… AAW Heritage Title Six Way Scramble: Matt Cage (c) defeats Christian Faith and CJ Esparza and Juntai Miller and Knight Wagner and Louis Lyndon (w/Justice Jones) (7:38)… Street Fight:Saraya Knight defeats Arik Cannon (12:35)… AAW Tag Team Title: Men Of The Year (Ethan Page & Michael Elgin) (c) defeat Lince Dorado & Rich Swann (14:23)…Ryan Boz defeats Markus Crane (1:40)… AAW Heavyweight Title: Shane Hollister (c) (w/Scarlett Bordeaux) defeats Jimmy Jacobs (24:07).
  • May 2, 2014 – AAW Day Of Defiance 2014 at the 115 Bourbon Street in Merrionette Park, IL:  Josh Alexander defeats Brett Gakiya (9:50)… Christian Faith defeats Mallaki Matthews (3:25)… AAW Heritage Title: Matt Cage (c) defeats CJ Esparza (5:05)…Keith Walker (w/Kevin Harvey & Nikki ) defeats Ryan Boz (13:30)… Mixed Eight Man Tag Team: Candice LeRae, Heidi Lovelace, Juntai Miller & Marion Fontainedefeat Dan Lawrence, Joey Ryan, Markus Crane & Veda Scott (11:12)… Alex Bernadino, Justice Jones & Knight Wagner defeat Marek Brave, Moondog Bernard & Sea Man (2:43)… AAW Heavyweight Title #1 Contendership: Jimmy Jacobs vs. Kevin Steen – No Contest (4:19)… AAW Heavyweight Title Three Way:Shane Hollister (w/Scarlett Bordeaux) (c) defeats Jimmy Jacobs and Kevin Steen (10:49)… AAW Tag Team Title Ladder: Men Of The Year (Ethan Page & Michael Elgin) (c) defeat Dave Crist & Josh Alexander (20:08)… Steel Cage Match : Silas Young defeats Eddie Kingston (14:00).
  • May 2, 2014 – AAW Pro Wrestling TV #2.02 at the 115 Bourbon Street in Merrionette Park, IL:  Christian Faith defeats Mallaki Matthews (3:25)… Keith Walker (w/Kevin Harvey & Nikki ) defeats Ryan Boz (13:30).
  • May 2, 2014 – AAW Pro Wrestling TV #2.03 at the 115 Bourbon Street in Merrionette Park, IL:  Josh Alexander defeats Brett Gakiya (9:50)… AAW Heavyweight Title: Tyler Black (c) defeats Claudio Castagnoli.
  • May 31, 2014 – AAW United We Stand 2014 at the Freakster’s Roadhouse in Pontiac, IL:  Zero Gravity (Brett Gakiya & CJ Esparza) defeat Alex Vega & Shane Sabre… Moondog Bernard & Sea Man defeat Danny Adams & Paco Gonzales… Marek Bravedefeats Knight Wagner… Triple Threat: Davey Vega defeats Bucky Collins and Nick Brubaker… Street Fight: Tweek Phoenix defeats Tony Rican… Heidi Lovelacedefeats Heather Patera… Ethan Page defeats Louis Lyndon… Josh Alexander & Shane Hollister defeat ACH & Michael Elgin.
  • June 20, 2014 – AAW Bound By Hate 2014 @ Berwyn Eagles Club in Berwyn, IL:  Zero Gravity (Brett Gakiya & CJ Esparza) defeat The Batiri (Kodama & Obariyon)… AAW Heavyweight Title #1 Contendership Four Way: ACH defeats Ethan Page and Louis Lyndon and Marek Brave… Keith Walker defeats Shane Sabre… Silas Young defeats John Silver… The Iron Curtain (Benjamin Boone, Christian Faith& Joey Vincent Martini) (w/Gregory Iron) defeat Colt Cabana, Juntai Miller & Marion Fontaine… #WalkingWeapon defeats Michael Elgin… Eddie Kingston (w/Jordynne Grace) defeats Jimmy Jacobs… Dan Lawrence & Markus Crane defeat Moondog Bernard & Sea Man… AAW Heritage Title: Matt Cage (c) defeats Heidi Lovelace…AAW Heavyweight Title: Shane Hollister (c) defeats ACH.
  • July 18, 2014 – AAW Scars And Stripes 2014 at the 115 Bourbon Street in Merrionette Park, IL:  Dan Lawrence & Markus Crane defeat Brent Banks & James Saber… Marek Brave & Zero Gravity (Brett Gakiya & CJ Esparza) defeat Alex Bernadino, Justice Jones &Knight Wagner… #WalkingWeapon defeats Louis Lyndon… Two On One Handicap: Rhino defeats Benjamin Boone & Dick Justice (w/Gregory Iron)… Christian Faith (w/Gregory Iron) defeats Arik Cannon… Tag Team Street Fight: Ryan Boz & Tony Rican defeat We Are Here (Keith Walker & Tweek Phoenix) (w/Nikki )…Eddie Kingston defeats Marion Fontaine… AAW Heritage Title Four Way: Matt Cage (c) defeats Davey Vega and Flip Kendrick and Heidi Lovelace… AAW Heavyweight Title: Shane Hollister (w/Scarlett Bordeaux) (c) defeats Chris Sabin.
  • July 18, 2014 – AAW Pro Wrestling TV #2.06 at the 115 Bourbon Street in Merrionette Park, IL:  #WalkingWeapon defeats Louis Lyndon… Davey Richards defeats Sami Callihan.
  • August 15, 2014 – AAW All Hail at the Berwyn Eagles Club in Berwyn, IL:  Davey Vega defeats Brent Banks… Dan Lawrence & Markus Crane defeat Juntai Miller & Marion Fontaine… Zero Gravity (Brett Gakiya & CJ Esparza) & Shane Sabre defeat The Iron Curtain (Benjamin Boone, Gregory Iron & Joey Vincent Martini)… Keith Walker & Tweek Phoenix defeat Blake Belakus & Mike Rollins… Justice Jonesdefeats Dick Justice… AAW Heavyweight Title Three Way: Shane Hollister (c) defeats #AllEgo and Johnny Gargano… Louis Lyndon defeats Ricochet…Christian Faith vs. Marek Brave – No Contest… AAW Heritage Title: Heidi Lovelace defeats Matt Cage (c) – TITLE CHANGE!
  • August 15, 2014 – AAW Pro Wrestling TV #2.01 at the Berwyn Eagles Club in Berwyn, IL:  AAW Heritage Title: Heidi Lovelace defeats Matt Cage (c) – TITLE CHANGE!
  • August 15, 2014 – AAW Pro Wrestling TV #2.07 at the Berwyn Eagles Club in Berwyn, IL:  Davey Vega defeats Brent Banks… Dan Lawrence & Markus Crane defeat Juntai Miller & Marion Fontaine.
  • August 15, 2014 – AAW Pro Wrestling TV #2.08 at the Berwyn Eagles Club in Berwyn, IL:  Zero Gravity (Brett Gakiya & CJ Esparza) & Shane Sabre defeat The Iron Curtain (Benjamin Boone, Gregory Iron & Joey Vincent Martini)… Silas Young defeats Austin Aries.
  • September 12, 2014 – AAW Defining Moment 2014 at the Berwyn Eagles Club in Berwyn, IL:  Matt Cage defeats Jimmy Jacobs… The Hooligans (Devin Cutter & Mason Cutter) (w/Bucky Collins) defeat Mallaki Matthews & Pete Dunne… AAW Heritage Title:Heidi Lovelace (c) defeats Davey Vega… Justice Jones (w/Knight Wagner) defeats Paco Gonzalez… Johnny Gargano defeats Tommaso Ciampa… Street Fight:Christian Faith (w/Gregory Iron) defeats Arik Cannon… Dan Lawrence, Keith Walker, Markus Crane & Tweek Phoenix defeat Brett Gakiya, CJ Esparza, Juntai Miller &Marion Fontaine… The Monster Mafia (Ethan Page & Josh Alexander) defeat ACH & Louis Lyndon… AAW Heavyweight Title: Eddie Kingston defeats Shane Hollister (c) (w/Scarlett Bordeaux) – TITLE CHANGE!
  • October 17, 2014 – AAW Jawbreaker at the Berwyn Eagles Club in Berwyn, IL:  Davey Vega defeats Brent Banks… AAW Tag Team Title Tournament First Round: The Hooligans (Devin Cutter & Mason Cutter) defeat Juntai Miller & Marion Fontaine… AAW Tag Team Title Tournament First Round: Zero Gravity (Brett Gakiya & CJ Esparza) defeat The Iron Curtain (Benjamin Boone & Joey Vincent Martini)… AAW Tag Team Title Tournament First Round: Dan Lawrence & Markus Crane defeat Heather Patera & Kimber Lee… AAW Tag Team TitleTournament First Round: Athena & Heidi Lovelace defeat The Iron Curtain (Christian Faith & Gregory Iron)… Matt Cage defeats Chris Sabin… Six Person Scramble: Louis Lyndon defeats Dick Justice and Justice Jones and Marek Brave and Paco Gonzalez and Veda Scott… AAW Tag Team Title Tournament Semi Final: The Hooligans (Devin Cutter & Mason Cutter) vs. Zero Gravity (Brett Gakiya & CJ Esparza) – No Contest… AAW Tag Team Title Tournament Final: Dan Lawrence & Markus Crane defeat Athena & Heidi Lovelace – TITLE CHANGE!… AAW Heyvweight Title: Eddie Kingston (c) defeats Ethan Page and Michael Elgin.
  • November 7, 2014 – AAW A Monster’s Rage at the 115 Bourbon Street in Merrionette Park, IL:  AAW Tag Team Title Three Way Elimination: Dan Lawrence & Markus Crane (c) defeat The Hooligans (Devin Cutter & Mason Cutter) and Zero Gravity (Brett Gakiya & CJ Esparza)… Davey Vega defeats Dick Justice… Three On Two Handicap: Arik Cannon & Marek Brave defeat The Iron Curtain (Benjamin Boone,Gregory Iron & Joey Vincent Martini)… AAW Heritage Title: Christian Faith defeats Heidi Lovelace (c) – TITLE CHANGE !!!… The American Wolves (Davey Richards & Eddie Edwards) defeat Chris Sabin & Michael Elgin… Keith Walker defeats Rhino… AAW Heavyweight Title: Eddie Kingston (c) defeats Shane Hollister.
  • November 29, 2014 – AAW Windy City Classic X at the Berwyn Eagles Club in Berwyn, IL:  Louis Lyndon defeats Shane Hollister… AAW Heritage Title: Christian Faith (c) defeats Marek Brave… Justice Jones (w/Knight Wagner) defeats Marion Fontaine…Chris Sabin defeats Jimmy Jacobs… AAW Tag Team Title: The Wet Bandits (Dan Lawrence & Markus Crane) (c) defeat Heidi Lovelace & Ryan Boz… Tag Team Berwyn Street Fight: The Hooligans (Devin Cutter & Mason Cutter) defeat Zero Gravity (Brett Gakiya & CJ Esparza)… Matt Cage defeats Johnny Gargano… AAW Heavyweight Title: Eddie Kingston (c) defeats Keith Walker… The Monster Mafia (Ethan Page & Josh Alexander) defeat The American Wolves (Davey Richards &Eddie Edwards).
  • December 27, 2014 – AAW One Twisted Christmas 2014 at the Berwyn Eagles Club in Berwyn, IL:Zero Gravity (Brett Gakiya & CJ Esparza) & Marion Fontaine defeat Davey Vega, Justice Jones & Tony Kozina… Louis Lyndon vs. Matt Cage – Time Limit Draw… Colt Cabana & Dick Justice defeat The Iron Curtain (Benjamin Boone & Gregory Iron)… Davey Richards defeats Uhaa Nation… Fans Bring The Weapons Two On One Handicap: Ryan Boz defeats The Wet Bandits (Dan Lawrence & Markus Crane)… AAW Heritage Title: Christian Faith (c) defeats ACH… Chris Sabin defeats Heidi Lovelace… The Monster Mafia (Ethan Page & Josh Alexander) defeat Eddie Kingston & Jimmy Jacobs.
  • January 21, 2015 – AAW Pro Wrestling TV #2.09 at the Berwyn Eagles Club in Berwyn, IL:  Colt Cabana & Dick Justice defeat The Iron Curtain (Benjamin Boone & Gregory Iron)… Tag Team Berwyn Street Fight: The Hooligans (Devin Cutter & Mason Cutter) defeat Zero Gravity (Brett Gakiya & CJ Esparza)…
  • January 23, 2015 – AAW The Chaos Theory 2015 @ 115 Bourbon Street in Merrionette Park, Illinois, USA
    Louis Lyndon defeats Davey Vega… Justice Jones (w/Angelus Layne & Knight Wagner) defeats Tyler Thomas… AAW Heritage Title Four Way: Christian Faith (c) defeats Dick Justice and Marion Fontaine and Mat Fitchett… Chris Sabin defeats Shannon Moore… Double Dog Collar & Chain: Zero Gravity (Brett Gakiya & CJ Esparza) defeat The Hooligans (Devin Cutter & Mason Cutter)… Ethan Page defeats DJ Z… AAW Tag Team Title: The Wet Bandits (Dan Lawrence & Markus Crane) (c) defeat Paco Gonzalez & Ryan Boz… AAW Heavyweight Title: Eddie Kingston (c) defeats Josh Alexander…
  • January 28, 2015 – AAW Pro Wrestling TV #2.10 at the Berwyn Eagles Club in Berwyn, IL: Zero Gravity (Brett Gakiya & CJ Esparza) & Marion Fontaine defeat Davey Vega, Justice Jones & Tony Kozina… Matt Cage defeats Johnny Gargano…
  • February 4, 2015 – AAW Pro Wrestling TV #2.11 at the Berwyn Eagles Club in Berwyn, IL: AAW Heritage Title: Christian Faith (c) defeats ACH…
  • February 11, 2015 – AAW Pro Wrestling TV #2.12 at the Berwyn Eagles Club in Berwyn, IL: Louis Lyndon vs. Matt Cage – Time Limit Draw… AAW Heritage Title Tournament First Round: Kyle O’Reilly defeats Tadarius Thomas (14:05)
  • February 18, 2015 – AAW Pro Wrestling TV #2.13 at the Berwyn Eagles Club in Berwyn, IL: Fans Bring The Weapons Two On One Handicap: Ryan Boz defeats The Wet Bandits (Dan Lawrence & Markus Crane)… AAW Heritage Title Tournament Quarter Final: ACH defeats Mat Fitchett (10:40)
  • February 25, 2015 – AAW Pro Wrestling TV #2.14 at the Berwyn Eagles Club in Berwyn, IL: The Monster Mafia (Ethan Page & Josh Alexander) defeat Eddie Kingston & Jimmy Jacobs… Last Man Standing: Shane Hollister defeats Sami Callihan (35:14)…
  • February 28, 2015 – AAW The Chaos Theory 2015 @ 115 Bourbon Street in Merrionette Park, Illinois, USA
    AAW Tag Team Title: OI4K (Dave Crist & Jake Crist) defeat Dan Lawrence & Markus Crane (c) (7:27) – TITLE CHANGE !!!… Allysin Kay defeats Nevaeh (6:37)… Silas Young defeats Matt Cage (13:34)… AAW Heritage Title Elimination Six Way: Christian Faith (w/Gregory Iron) (c) defeats Benjamin Boone and Davey Vega and Marion Fontaine and Mat Fitchett and Tony Kozina (13:00)… AAW Tag Team Title #1 Contendership Tables, Ladders & Chairs Tag Team: Zero Gravity (Brett Gakiya & CJ Esparza) defeat The Hooligans (Devin Cutter & Mason Cutter) (w/Buck Nasty) (15:15)… Ethan Page defeats Jimmy Jacobs (10:08)… Justice Jones (w/Angelus Layne & Knight Wagner) defeats Paco Gonzalez (3:59)… Josh Alexander defeats Ricochet (13:01)… AAW Heavyweight Title: Eddie Kingston (c) defeats Davey Richards (19:14)…
  • March 21, 2015 – AAW Epic: The 11 Year Anniversary at the Berwyn Eagles Club in Berwyn, IL: Davey Vega & Justice Jones defeat Marion Fontaine & Paco Gonzalez… Allysin Kay defeats Athena… AAW Heritage Title: Christian Faith (c) defeats Louis Lyndon… AAW Tag Team Title Three Way Elimination: Irish Airborne (Dave Crist & Jake Crist) (c) defeat Dan Lawrence & Markus Crane and Zero Gravity (Brett Gakiya & CJ Esparza)… Falls Count Anywhere: Ethan Page defeats Jimmy Jacobs… Josh Alexander defeats Johnny Gargano… Four Way Scramble: Chris Sabin defeats Candice LaRae and DJ Z and Mat Fitchett… Blindfold: Dick Justice defeats The Gregory Iron… AAW Heavyweight Title: Eddie Kingston (c) defeats Silas Young…
  • April 10, 2015 – AAW Hell Hath No Fury at the Berwyn Eagles Club in Berwyn, IL: Louis Lyndon & Zero Gravity (Brett Gakiya & CJ Esparza) defeat Christian Faith & The Wet Bandits (Dan Lawrence & Markus Crane) (w/Gregory Iron)… Silas Youngdefeats Paco Gonzalez… Allysin Kay & Kimber Lee defeat Athena & Veda Scott… SHIMMER Title: Nicole Matthews (c) defeats Heidi Lovelace… Johnny Gargano &OI4K (Dave Crist & Jake Crist) defeat The A Team (ACH, Davey Vega & Mat Fitchett)… Tommaso Ciampa defeats Tommy End… Matt Cage & Tyson Dux (w/Scarlett Bordeaux) defeat Colt Cabana & Dick Justice… AAW Heavyweight Title: Eddie Kingston (c) defeats Ethan Page… Samoa Joe defeats Josh Alexander by Ringrichterentscheid
  • May 1, 2015 – AAW Take No Prisoners 2015 at the Berwyn Eagles Club in Berwyn, IL: Six Way: Louis Lyndon defeats Candice LeRae and Davey Vega and Gregory Iron and Matt Cage and Tony Kozina… Allysin Kay defeats Heidi Lovelace… AAW Heritage Title: Christian Faith (c) defeats Markus Crane… Ethan Page defeats CJP… Shane Hollister defeats Silas Young… AAW Tag Team Title: OI4K (Dave Crist & Jake Crist) (c) defeat Zero Gravity (Brett Gakiya & CJ Esparza)… Tommaso Ciampa defeats Davey Richards… Ryan Boz defeats Justice Jones… Johnny Gargano defeats Chris Sabin… AAW Heavyweight Title Three Way Elimination: Josh Alexander defeats Eddie Kingston (c) and Samoa Joe – TITLE CHANGE !!!…
  • June 19, 2015 – AAW Killer Among Us 2015 @ 115 Bourbon Street in Merrionette Park, Illinois, USA: The Hooligans  (Devin Cutter & Mason Cutter) defeat Davey Vega & Mat Fitchett… Allysin Kay defeats Candice LeRae… Tyson Dux defeats Shane Hollister… Five Man Scramble: Matt Cage defeats Brett Gakiya and CJ Esparza and Heidi Lovelace and Markus Crane…  Tommaso Ciampa defeats Eddie Kingston… Johnny Gargano defeats DJ Z… AAW Heritage Title: Louis Lyndon  defeats  Christian Faith (c) – TITLE CHANGE !!!… AAW Tag Team Title: Irish Airborne (Dave Crist & Jake Crist) (c) defeat The Monster Mafia (Ethan Page & Josh Alexander)
  • July 17, 2015 – AAW United We Stand 2015 @ 115 Bourbon Street in Merrionette Park, Illinois, USA: Davey Vega, DJ Z & Mat Fitchett defeat Tyler Thomas & Zero Gravity (Brett Gakiya & CJ Esparza)… Matt Cage (w/Scarlett Bordeaux) defeats Shane Hollister… Colt Cabana & Louis Lyndon defeat The Iron Curtain (Christian Faith & Gregory Iron)… AAW Tag Team Title: OI4K (Dave Crist & Jake Crist) (c) defeat The Hooligans (Devin Cutter & Mason Cutter)… Eddie Kingston defeats Buck Nasty… Tommaso Ciampa defeats Chris Hero… Tyson Dux (w/Scarlett Bordeaux) defeats Markus Crane… Candice LeRae & Heidi Lovelace defeat Allysin Kay & Taeler Hendrix… AAW Heavyweight Title: Ethan Page (c) defeats Johnny Gargano…
  • August 9, 2015 – AAW Bound By Hate 2015 @ 115 Bourbon Street in Merrionette Park, Illinois, USA: Candice LeRae defeats Allysin Kay… ACH defeats DJ Z… Davey Vega & Mat Fitchett defeat Zero Gravity (Brett Gakiya & CJ Esparza)… Silas Young defeats Tommaso Ciampa… AAW Heritage Title: Louis Lyndon (c) defeats Christian Faith… Buck Nasty & The Hooligans (Devin Cutter & Mason Cutter) defeat Heidi Lovelace & OI4K (Dave Crist & Jake Crist)… Johnny Gargano defeats Matt Sydal… Tag Team Bourbon Street Fight: Matt Cage & Tyson Dux (w/Scarlett) defeat Eddie Kingston & Shane Hollister…
  • September 18, 2015 – AAW Defining Moment 2015 @ 115 Bourbon Street in Merrionette Park, Illinois, USA: Trevor Lee defeats Christian Faith… AAW Heritage Title: Louis Lyndon (c) defeats Matt Cage… Three Way Tag Team: The Sex Bob-ombs (Davey Vega & Mat Fitchett) defeat Candice LeRae & Heidi Lovelace and Zero Gravity (Brett Gakiya & CJ Esparza)… Eddie Kingston defeats Tyson Dux… Johnny Gargano defeats Chris Hero… Markus Crane defeats Shane Sabre… AAW Heavyweight Title: Ethan Page (c) defeats Matt Cross… Kongo Kong defeats Justice Jones… AAW Tag Team Title Falls Count Anywhere: The Hooligans (Devin Cutter & Mason Cutter) defeat OI4K (Dave Crist & Jake Crist) (c) – TITLE CHANGE !!!…
  • October 9, 2015 – AAW Jawbreaker 2015 @ 115 Bourbon Street in Merrionette Park, Illinois, USA: Dark Battle Royal: Winner: Paco Gonzalez… Allysin Kay defeats Mia Yim (7:12)… AAW Heritage Title Six Way: Louis Lyndon (c) defeats Brett Gakiya and CJ Esparza and Gregory Iron (w/Mr. Bernard) and Markus Crane and Shane Sabre (10:19)… Candice LeRae & Heidi Lovelace defeat Jessicka Havok & Tessa Blanchard (8:55)… OI4K (Dave Crist & Jake Crist) defeat ACH & Ricochet (19:38)… Last Man Standing: Eddie Kingston defeats Tyson Dux (19:04)… Kongo Kong defeats Christian Faith (w/Gregory Iron & Mr. Bernard) (5:02)… AAW Tag Team Title: The Hooligans (Devin Cutter & Mason Cutter) (w/Buck Nasty) (c) defeat Davey Vega & Mat Fitchett (12:43)… Trevor Lee defeats Silas Young (15:01)… AAW Heavyweight Title Best Two Out Of Three Falls: Ethan Page (c) defeats Johnny Gargano [2:1] (25:15)…
  • November 6, 2015 – AAW Never Say Die 2015 @ 115 Bourbon Street in Merrionette Park, Illinois, USA: Matt Cage defeats Shynron… Two On One Handicap: Kongo Kong defeats Connor Braxton & Eli Machete… Tommaso Ciampa defeats Michael Elgin… Markus Crane, Matt Cross & Shane Hollister defeat ACH, Davey Vega & Paco Gonzalez… Allysin Kay defeats Heidi Lovelace… AAW Tag Team Title: The Hooligans (Devin Cutter & Mason Cutter) (w/Buck Nasty) (c) defeat Team Tremendous (Bill Carr & Dan Barry)… Abyss defeats Christian Faith (w/Gregory Iron)… AAW Heavyweight Title #1 Contendership Four Way Elimination: Eddie Kingston and Trevor Lee defeat Louis Lyndon and Silas Young – Time Limit Draw (60:00)…
  • November 28, 2015 – AAW Windy City Classic XI 2015 @ Logan Square Auditorium in Chicago, Illinois, USA: Tommaso Ciampa defeats Fenix… Markus Crane & Shane Hollister defeat Matt Cage & Tyson Dux (w/Scarlett)… Six Way: Kongo Kong defeats Brett Gakiya and Buck Nasty and CJ Esparza and Connor Braxton and Marion Fontaine… Davey Vega defeats ACH… AAW Tag Team Title: The Hooligans (Devin Cutter & Mason Cutter) (c) defeat OI4K (Dave Crist & Jake Crist)… AAW Heritage Title: Louis Lyndon (c) defeats Alex Shelley… Gregory Iron defeats Christian Faith… Chris Hero defeats Pentagon Jr. (12:00)… AAW Heavyweight Title Three Way Elimination: Eddie Kingston defeats Ethan Page (c) and Trevor Lee – TITLE CHANGE !!!…
  • December 26, 2015 – AAW Unstoppable 2015 @ AAW Heritage Title: Davey Vega defeats Louis Lyndon (c) – TITLE CHANGE !!!… Kongo Kong defeats Russ Jones… Heidi Lovelace & Zero Gravity (Brett Gakiya & CJ Esparza) defeat Buck Nasty, Connor Braxton & Eddie Machete… AAW Tag Team Title: The Hooligans (Devin Cutter & Mason Cutter) (c) defeat Markus Crane & Shane Hollister… Tommaso Ciampa defeats Michael Elgin… Chris Hero defeats Colt Cabana… Sami Callihan defeats AR Fox… AAW Heavyweight Title Steel Cage: Eddie Kingston (c) defeats Ethan Page…
  • January 15, 2016 – AAW The Chaos Theory 2016 @ 115 Bourbon Street in Merrionette Park, Illinois, USA: Drew Gulak defeats Louis Lyndon (10:42)… Two On One Handicap: Kongo Kong defeats Dan O’Hare & YUTA (3:06)… Heidi Lovelace & Kimber Lee defeat Allysin Kay & Brittany Blake (6:55)… AAW Tag Team Title: The Hooligans (Devin Cutter & Mason Cutter) (w/Buck Nasty) (c) defeat Zero Gravity (Brett Gakiya & CJ Esparza) (9:50)… AAW Heavyweight Title #1 Contendership: Sami Callihan defeats Chris Hero (17:30)… Markus Crane, Mat Fitchett & Shane Hollister defeat Buck Nasty, Connor Braxton & Eddie Machete (16:01)… Ryan Boz (w/Benjamin Boone, Gregory Iron & Russ Jones) defeats Abyss (11:12)… AAW Heritage Title: AR Fox defeats Davey Vega (c) (13:28) – TITLE CHANGE !!!… AAW Heavyweight Title: Eddie Kingston (c) defeats Trevor Lee (15:32)…
  • February 19, 2016 – AAW The Art Of War 2016 @ 115 Bourbon Street in Merrionette Park, Illinois, USA: Trevor Lee defeats Joey Janela (10:21)… Alex Daniels & Candice LeRae defeat Connor Braxton & Eddie Machete (8:01)… AAW Heritage Title: AR Fox (c) defeats Matt Cage (w/Scarlett) (11:45)… Davey Vega & Mat Fitchett defeat Zero Gravity (Brett Gakiya & CJ Esparza) (5:52)… Monster’s Ball Tag Team: Abyss & Kongo Kong (w/Dr. Louis J. Pinder) defeat The Iron Curtain (Russ Jones & Ryan Boz) (w/Benjamin Boone) (9:51)… Dave Crist, Markus Crane & Shane Hollister defeat Buck Nasty & The Hooligans (Devin Cutter & Mason Cutter) (8:47)… Chris Hero & Drew Gulak defeat Johnny Gargano & Tommaso Ciampa (19:21)… AAW Heavyweight Title: Sami Callihan defeats Eddie Kingston (c) (13:38) – TITLE CHANGE !!!…
  • March 18, 2016 – AAW Homecoming 2016 @ Berwyn Eagles Club in Berwyn, Illinois, USA: Dave Crist & Sami Callihan (w/JT Davidson) defeat Markus Crane & Shane Hollister (3:59)… Mat Fitchett defeats Drew Gulak (17:53)… AAW Heritage Title: AR Fox (c) defeats Davey Vega (12:32)… Colt Cabana & Zero Gravity (Brett Gakiya & CJ Esparza) defeat Buck Nasty, Connor Braxton & Eddie Machete (12:51)… Tommaso Ciampa defeats Jack Evans (18:59)… Chris Hero defeats Silas Young (16:51)… Kongo Kong (w/Dr. Louis J. Pinder) defeats Moose Ojinnaka (9:40)… AAW Heavyweight Title: Sami Callihan (c) defeats Ricochet (17:16)…
  • April 9, 2016 –  AAW EPIC 2016: The 12 Year Anniversary Event @ Logan Square Auditorium in Chicago, Illinois, USA: Four Way: Jessicka Havok defeats Candice LaRae and Heidi Lovelace and Kimber Lee (6:57)… Johnny Gargano defeats Andrew Everett (15:53)… Three Way Tag Team: Kongo Kong & Shane Hollister defeat Chuck Taylor & Dan Barry and Zero Gravity (Brett Gakiya & CJ Esparza) (12:04)… Silas Young defeats Timothy Thatcher (13:47)… Chris Hero defeats Trevor Lee (21:15)… Kongo Kong (w/Dr. Louis J. Pinder) defeats Gregory Iron (5:16)… AAW Tag Team Title: Davey Vega & Mat Fitchett defeat The Hooligans (Devin Cutter & Mason Cutter) (c) (10:02) – TITLE CHANGE !!!… Tommaso Ciampa defeats Zack Sabre Jr. (31:14)…
  • May 6, 2016 –  AAW Take No Prisoners 2016 @ 115 Bourbon Street in Merrionette Park, Illinois, USA
    Heidi Lovelace defeats Kimber Lee (6:50)… Six Way: Dave Crist (w/JT Davidson) defeats Alex Daniels and CJ Esparza (w/Brett Gakiya) and Connor Braxton (w/Eddie Machete & Scarlett) and Dezmond Xavier and Markus Crane (8:45)… Jessicka Havok defeats Candice LeRae (8:24)… Silas Young defeats Donovan Dijak (8:31)… Buck Nasty & The Hooligans (Devin Cutter & Mason Cutter) defeat Chuck Taylor, Colt Cabana & Dan Barry (12:30)… Pentagon Jr. defeats Fenix (12:51)… Michael Elgin defeats Juice Robinson (15:24)… AAW Tag Team Title: Davey Vega & Mat Fitchett (c) defeat AR Fox & Moose (17:33)… AAW Heavyweight Title: Sami Callihan (c) defeats Tommaso Ciampa by Ringrichterentscheid (28:25)…
  • May 26, 2016 – AAW Pro Wrestling TV #3.01 at the Berwyn Eagles Club in Berwyn, IL: Double Dog Collar & Chain: Zero Gravity (Brett Gakiya & CJ Esparza) defeat The Hooligans (Devin Cutter & Mason Cutter)…
  • June 2, 2016 – AAW Pro Wrestling TV #3.02 at the Berwyn Eagles Club in Berwyn, IL: Allysin Kay defeats Nevaeh… Silas Young defeats Matt Cage…
  • June 9, 2016 – AAW Pro Wrestling TV #3.03 at the Berwyn Eagles Club in Berwyn, IL: Louis Lyndon defeats Davey Vega… AAW Tag Team Title #1 Contendership Tables, Ladders & Chairs Tag Team: Zero Gravity (Brett Gakiya & CJ Esparza) defeat The Hooligans (Devin Cutter & Mason Cutter)…
  • June 16, 2016 – AAW Pro Wrestling TV #3.04 at the Berwyn Eagles Club in Berwyn, IL: Allysin Kay defeats Athena… Silas Young defeats Paco Gonzalez…
  • June 17, 2016 –  AAW Killers Among Us 2016 @ 115 Bourbon Street in Merrionette Park, Illinois, USA: Four Way Tag Team: Dezmond Xavier & Kongo Kong (w/Dr. Louis J. Pinder) defeat Candice LeRae & Heidi Lovelace and Connor Braxton & Eddie Machete (w/Scarlett Bordeaux) and Markus Crane & Shane Hollister (7:54)… Tommaso Ciampa defeats Josh Alexander (15:25)… Jessicka Havok (w/JT Davidson) defeats Kimber Lee (6:27)… Silas Young defeats Drew Gulak (10:50)… AAW Tag Team Title: Davey Vega & Mat Fitchett (c) defeat The Hooligans (Devin Cutter & Mason Cutter) (w/Buck Nasty) (9:05)… Chris Hero defeats Drago (12:38)… AAW Heritage Title: AR Fox (c) defeats Aero Star (5:27)… Four Way: Trevor Lee defeats Andrew Everett and Cedric Alexander and Moose (8:14)… Zack Sabre Jr. defeats Johnny Gargano (20:04)… Dave Crist & Sami Callihan (w/JT Davidson) defeat Outlaw Inc. (Eddie Kingston & Homicide) (18:11)…
  • June 23, 2016 – AAW Pro Wrestling TV #3.05 at the Berwyn Eagles Club in Berwyn, IL: Allysin Kay & Kimber Lee defeat Athena & Veda Scott… Matt Cage & Tyson Dux defeat Colt Cabana & Dick Justice…
  • June 30, 2016 – AAW Pro Wrestling TV #3.06 at the Berwyn Eagles Club in Berwyn, IL: Six Way: Louis Lyndon defeats Candice LeRae and Davey Vega and Gregory Iron and Matt Cage and Tony Kozina… Allysin Kay defeats Heidi Lovelace… Shane Hollister defeats Silas Young…
  • July 7, 2016 – AAW Pro Wrestling TV #3.07 @ 115 Bourbon Street in Merrionette Park, Illinois, USA:
    The Hooligans (Devin Cutter & Mason Cutter) defeat Davey Vega & Mat Fitchett… Allysin Kay defeats Candice LeRae…
  • July 14, 2016 – AAW Pro Wrestling TV #3.08 @ 115 Bourbon Street in Merrionette Park, Illinois, USA: Tyson Dux defeats Shane Hollister… Five Way: Matt Cage defeats Brett Gakiya and CJ Esparza and Heidi Lovelace and Markus Crane…
  • July 21, 2016 – AAW Pro Wrestling TV #3.09 @ 115 Bourbon Street in Merrionette Park, Illinois, USA: Tommaso Ciampa defeats Eddie Kingston…
  • July 23, 2016 –  AAW United We Stand 2016 @ 115 Bourbon Street in Merrionette Park, Illinois, USA: Dark Six Man Tag Team: Connor Braxton, Eddie Machete & Scarlett Bordeaux defeat Angelus Layne, Dominic Garrini & Gary Jay… Five Way: Davey Vega defeats Buck Nasty and Candice LeRae and Colt Cabana and Dezmond Xavier (7:47)… Josh Alexander defeats Silas Young (12:36)… Three Way Tag Team: OI4K (Dave Crist & Jake Crist) (w/JT Davidson) defeat Eddie Kingston and The Hooligans (Devin Cutter & Mason Cutter) (w/Buck Nasty) (10:30)… Zack Sabre Jr. defeats Cedric Alexander (17:03)… Fenix defeats Marty Scurll (12:30)… Jessicka Havok (w/JT Davidson) defeats Heidi Lovelace (6:08)… AAW Heritage Title: AR Fox (c) defeats Mat Fitchett (w/Davey Vega) (12:59)… Johnny Gargano & Tommaso Ciampa defeat Andrew Everett & Trevor Lee (19:03)… AAW Heavyweight Title: Pentagon Jr. defeats Sami Callihan (w/JT Davidson) (c) (22:56) – TITLE CHANGE !!!…
  • July 28, 2016 – AAW Pro Wrestling TV #3.10 @ 115 Bourbon Street in Merrionette Park, Illinois, USA: Davey Vega, DJ Z & Mat Fitchett defeat Tyler Thomas & Zero Gravity (Brett Gakiya & CJ Esparza)… Matt Cage (w/Scarlett Bordeaux) defeats Shane Hollister…
  • August 4, 2016 – AAW Pro Wrestling TV #3.11 @ 115 Bourbon Street in Merrionette Park, Illinois, USA: Tyson Dux (w/Scarlett Bordeaux) defeats Markus Crane… Candice LeRae & Heidi Lovelace defeat Allysin Kay & Taeler Hendrix…
  • August 11, 2016 – AAW Pro Wrestling TV #3.12 @ 115 Bourbon Street in Merrionette Park, Illinois, USA: Davey Vega & Mat Fitchett defeat Zero Gravity (Brett Gakiya & CJ Esparza)… Kongo Kong (w/Dr. Louis J. Pinder) defeats Justice Jones…
  • August 18, 2016 – AAW Pro Wrestling TV #3.13 @ 115 Bourbon Street in Merrionette Park, Illinois, USA: Bourbon Street Fight: Matt Cage & Tyson Dux (w/Scarlett Bordeaux) defeat Eddie Kingston & Shane Hollister…
  • August 19, 2016 –  AAW Showdown @ 115 Bourbon Street in Merrionette Park, Illinois, USA: Andrew Everett & Trevor Lee defeat Team Tremendous (Bill Carr & Dan Barry) (6:10)… Ricochet defeats Dezmond Xavier (17:21)… Jessicka Havok & OI4K (Dave Crist & Jake Crist) defeat Davey Vega, Heidi Lovelace & Mat Fitchett (13:16)… Chris Hero defeats Shigehiro Irie (12:02)… Outlaw Inc. (Eddie Kingston & Homicide) defeat The Hooligans (Devin Cutter & Mason Cutter) (w/Buck Nasty) (7:10)… Kimber Lee defeats Buck Nasty (7:36)… Jim Lynam Memorial Tournament Qualifying Four Way: Josh Alexander defeats Kongo Kong (w/Dr. Louis J. Pinder) and Matt Cross and Moose (9:56)… AAW Heritage Title: AR Fox (c) defeats Jack Evans (9:16)… John Morrison defeats Sami Callihan (w/JT Davidson) (17:52)…
  • August 25, 2016 – AAW Pro Wrestling TV #3.14 @ 115 Bourbon Street in Merrionette Park, Illinois, USA: Three Way Tag Team: Davey Vega & Mat Fitchett defeat Candice LeRae & Heidi Lovelace and Zero Gravity (Brett Gakiya & CJ Esparza)… Eddie Kingston defeats Tyson Dux…
  • September 1, 2016 –  AAW Cero Miedo @ Berwyn Eagles Club in Berwyn, Illinois, USA: Dave Crist (w/JT Davidson) defeats DJ Z (7:47)… Colt Cabana defeats Shigehiro Irie (9:44)… Michael Elgin defeats Cedric Alexander (15:54)… Zack Sabre Jr. defeats Silas Young (12:46)… Fenix defeats Sami Callihan (w/Dave Crist & JT Davidson) by DQ (12:28)… Chris Hero defeats Drew Galloway (17:37)… AAW Heavyweight Title: Pentagon Jr. (c) defeats Tommaso Ciampa (13:02)…
  • September 1, 2016 – AAW Pro Wrestling TV #3.15 @ 115 Bourbon Street in Merrionette Park, Illinois, USA: Allysin Kay defeats Mia Yim… Last Man Standing: Eddie Kingston defeats Tyson Dux…
  • September 8, 2016 – AAW Pro Wrestling TV #3.16 @ 115 Bourbon Street in Merrionette Park, Illinois, USA: Matt Cage defeats Shynron… Two On One Handicap: Kongo Kong (w/Dr. Louis J. Pinder) defeats Connor Braxton & Eddie Machete… Allysin Kay defeats Heidi Lovelace…
  • September 15, 2016 – AAW Pro Wrestling TV #3.17 @ Logan Square Auditorium in Chicago, Illinois, USA:
    Markus Crane & Shane Hollister defeat Matt Cage & Tyson Dux (w/Scarlett Bordeaux)… Six Way: Kongo Kong (w/Dr. Louis J. Pinder) defeats Brett Gakiya and Buck Nasty and CJ Esparza and Conor Braxton (w/Eddie Machete) and Marion Fontaine…
  • September 16, 2016 – AAW Defining Moment 2016 @ 115 Bourbon Street in Merrionette Park, Illinois, USA
    Jim Lynam Memorial Tournament Qualifying: Rey Horus defeats Prince Mustafa Ali by Ringrichterentscheid… AAW Tag Team Title: Davey Vega & Mat Fitchett (c) defeat OI4K (Dave Crist & Jake Crist)… Josh Alexander defeats Drew Gulak… Heidi Lovelace & Kimber Lee defeat The Hooligans (Devin Cutter & Mason Cutter)… Sami Callihan defeats Abyss… Andrew Everett, Jack Evans & Trevor Lee defeat AR Fox, Dezmond Xavier & Moose… Jim Lynam Memorial Tournament Qualifying: Jeff Cobb defeats Matt Riddle (10:09)… Fenix defeats Chris Hero (16:01)…
  • September 22, 2016 – AAW Pro Wrestling TV #3.18 @ 115 Bourbon Street in Merrionette Park, Illinois, USA: Heidi Lovelace & Zero Gravity (Brett Gakiya & CJ Esparza) defeat Buck Nasty, Conor Braxton & Eddie Machete… Chris Hero defeats Colt Cabana…
  • September 29, 2016 – AAW Pro Wrestling TV #3.19 @ 115 Bourbon Street in Merrionette Park, Illinois, USA: Drew Gulak defeats Louis Lyndon… Sami Callihan defeats Chris Hero…
  • October 6, 2016 – AAW Pro Wrestling TV #3.20 @ 115 Bourbon Street in Merrionette Park, Illinois, USA: Markus Crane, Mat Fitchett & Shane Hollister defeat Buck Nasty, Connor Braxton & Eddie Machete… Heidi Lovelace & Kimber Lee defeat Allysin Kay & Brittany Blake…
  • October 7, 2016 – AAW Jim Lynam Memorial Tournament – Tag 1 @ 115 Bourbon Street in Merrionette Park, Illinois, USA: Heidi Lovelace defeats Melanie Cruise… Jim Lynam Memorial Tournament First Round: Chuck Taylor defeats Davey Vega… Jim Lynam Memorial Tournament First Round: Mat Fitchett defeats Silas Young… Jim Lynam Memorial Tournament First Round: ACH defeats Brian Cage… Jim Lynam Memorial Tournament First Round: Zack Sabre Jr. defeats Colt Cabana… Jim Lynam Memorial Tournament First Round: Prince Mustafa Ali defeats Ethan Page… Jim Lynam Memorial Tournament First Round: Jeff Cobb defeats Drew Gulak… Jim Lynam Memorial Tournament First Round: Fenix defeats AR Fox… Jim Lynam Memorial Tournament First Round: Chris Hero defeats Kongo Kong (w/Dr. Louis J. Pinder)… AAW Heavyweight Title Mexican Death: Pentagon Jr. (c) defeats Sami Callihan…
  • October 8, 2016 – AAW Jim Lynam Memorial Tournament – Tag 2 @ 115 Bourbon Street in Merrionette Park, Illinois, USA: Jim Lynam Memorial Tournament Quarter Final: Chris Hero defeats Mat Fitchett… Jim Lynam Memorial Tournament Quarter Final: Prince Mustafa Ali defeats Fenix… Jim Lynam Memorial Tournament Quarter Final: Zack Sabre Jr. defeats Jeff Cobb… Jim Lynam Memorial Tournament Quarter Final: ACH defeats Chuck Taylor… AAW Heritage Title Three Way: AR Fox (c) defeats Brian Cage and Drew Gulak… Jim Lynam Memorial Tournament Semi Final: Chris Hero defeats Prince Mustafa Ali… Jim Lynam Memorial Tournament Semi Final: Zack Sabre Jr. defeats ACH… Davey Vega & Silas Young defeat Kongo Kong & Markus Crane… AAW Heavyweight Title Vs. Career Vs. Hair Vs. Mask Tag Team: Jake Crist [Career] & Sami Callihan [Hair] defeat Fenix [Mask] & Pentagon Jr. (c) [Title] – TITLE CHANGE !!!… Jim Lynam Memorial Tournament Final: Chris Hero defeats Zack Sabre Jr. (25:22)…
  • October 13, 2016 – AAW Pro Wrestling TV #3.21 @ 115 Bourbon Street in Merrionette Park, Illinois, USA: Alex Daniels & Candice LeRae defeat Connor Braxton & Eddie Machete… Davey Vega & Mat Fitchett defeat Zero Gravity (Brett Gakiya & CJ Esparza)…
  • October 20, 2016 – AAW Pro Wrestling TV #3.22 at the Berwyn Eagles Club in Berwyn, IL: Kongo Kong (w/Dr. Louis J. Pinder) defeats Moose… Mat Fitchett defeats Drew Gulak…
  • October 27, 2016 – AAW Pro Wrestling TV #3.23 @ Logan Square Auditorium in Chicago, Illinois, USA: Four Way: Jessicka Havok defeats Candice LeRae and Heidi Lovelace and Kimber Lee… Three Way Tag Team: Kongo Kong & Shane Hollister defeat Chuck Taylor & Dan Barry and Zero Gravity (Brett Gakiya & CJ Esparza)… Silas Young defeats Timothy Thatcher…
  • November 4, 2016 – AAW Never Say Die 2016 @ 115 Bourbon Street in Merrionette Park, Illinois, USA: Dezmond Xavier defeats Joey Janela… Three Way: Kimber Lee defeats Heidi Lovelace and Jessicka Havok… AAW Tag Team Title: Davey Vega & Mat Fitchett (c) defeat Chuck Taylor & Dan Barry… AAW Heritage Title: AR Fox (c) defeats Jack Evans… Kongo Kong (w/Dr. Louis J. Pinder) defeats Jeff Cobb… Chris Hero & Matt Hardy defeat Andrew Everett & Trevor Lee… Zack Sabre Jr. defeats Prince Mustafa Ali… Eddie Kingston, Homicide & Low Ki defeat Dave Crist, Jake Crist & Sami Callihan…
  • November 26, 2016 – AAW Windy City Classic XII @ Logan Square Auditorium in Chicago, Illinois, USA: ACH defeats Prince Mustafa Ali… Colt Cabana, Kongo Kong & The Wet Bandits (Dan Lawrence & Markus Crane) defeat Buck Nasty, Connor Braxton & The Hooligans (Devin Cutter & Mason Cutter)… SHIMMER Title: Mercedes Martinez (c) defeats Kimber Lee… Three Way: Chuck Taylor defeats Alex Daniels and Jake Crist… I Quit: Heidi Lovelace defeats Jessicka Havok… Eddie Kingston, Homicide & Low Ki defeat Brian Cage, Drago & Pentagon Jr…. Zack Sabre Jr. defeats Trent… AAW Tag Team Title: Andrew Everett & Trevor Lee defeat Davey Vega & Mat Fitchett (c) – TITLE CHANGE !!!… AAW Heavyweight Title: Sami Callihan (c) defeats Chris Hero…
  • December 30, 2016 – AAW Unstoppable 2016 @ 115 Bourbon Street in Merrionette Park, Illinois, USA: Homicide defeats Connor Braxton… Kongo Kong & Markus Crane (w/Dr. Louis J. Pinder) defeat OI4K (Dave Crist & Jake Crist) (w/JT Davidson)… Matt Riddle defeats Davey Richards… Four Way: Michael Elgin defeats Dezmond Xavier and Mat Fitchett and PACO… Drew Galloway defeats Jeff Cobb… Pentagon Jr. defeats Chris Hero… Chuck Taylor & Colt Cabana defeat Davey Vega & Silas Young… Heidi Lovelace defeats Kimber Lee… AAW Heritage Title: ACH defeats AR Fox (c) – TITLE CHANGE !!!… AAW Heavyweight Title: Sami Callihan (w/JT Davidson) (c) defeats Rey Fenix…
  • January 7, 2017 – AAW Tradition Continues @ Knights Of Columbus Hall in LaSalle, Illinois, USA: Colt Cabana defeats Silas Young… Zachary Wentz defeats Ace Perry… Davey Vega & Mat Fitchett defeat The Hooligans (Devin Cutter & Mason Cutter)… Jessicka Havok defeats Taya Valkyrie… Nick Brubaker & Zero Gravity (Brett Gakiya & CJ Esparza) defeat Arik Cannon & Spears And Beers (Mike Hartenbower & Waylon)… AAW Heritage Title: ACH (c) defeats Jake Crist… Stephen Wolf defeats Eddie Machete… Buck Nasty, Connor Braxton & Kody Rice defeat Louis Lyndon, Marion Fontaine & Paco Alonzo… Rey Fenix defeats Michael Elgin… AAW World Heavyweight Title: Sami Callihan (c) defeats John Morrison…
  • January 20, 2017 – AAW Don’t Stop Believing @ 115 Bourbon Street in Merrionette Park, Illinois, USA: Steel Cage Tag Team: OI4K (Dave Crist & Jake Crist) defeat Eddie Kingston & Homicide (14:35)… Four Way: AR Fox defeats Dezmond Xavier and DJ Z and Moose (9:01)… AAW Tag Team Title: Andrew Everett & Jack Evans [Replacement for Trevor Lee] (c) defeat Davey Vega & Mat Fitchett (10:04)… AAW Heavyweight Title: Sami Callihan (c) defeats Candice LeRae (13:14)… Two On One Handicap: Kongo Kong defeats Connor Braxton & Eddie Machete (2:30)… Matt Sydal defeats Davey Richards (13:11)… Mercedes Martinez defeats Angelina Love (7:46)… Drew Galloway defeats Silas Young (17:40)… Abyss defeats Colt Cabana (8:56)… ACH & Rey Fenix defeat Brian Cage & Michael Elgin (18:01)…
  • February 4, 2017 – AAW End Of Innocence @ Knights Of Columbus Hall in LaSalle, Illinois, USA: Four Way: Arik Cannon defeats David Starr and Marion Fontaine and Stephen Wolf… Mike Hartenbower defeats Zicky Dice… Candice LeRae & Samantha Heights defeat Allysin Kay & Jessicka Havok… Davey Vega & Mat Fitchett defeat Ace Perry & PACO… DJ Z defeats Krugar… Scarlet And Graves (Dezmond Xavier & Zachary Wentz) defeat OI4K (Dave Crist & Jake Crist)… AAW Heritage Title: ACH (c) defeats Trevor Lee… Brubaker & Zero Gravity (Brett Gakiya & CJ Esparza) defeat Buck Nasty, Connor Braxton & Kody Rice… Penta el 0M defeats AR Fox… AAW Heavyweight Title: Sami Callihan (c) defeats Kongo Kong…
  • February 17, 2017 – AAW Art Of War 2017 @ 115 Bourbon Street in Merrionette Park, Illinois, USA: Best Friends (Chuck Taylor & Trent) defeat Davey Vega & Mat Fitchett… DJ Z defeats Connor Braxton (w/Scarlett Bordeaux)… Matt Riddle defeats Jason Kincaid… AAW Tag Team Title: Trevor Lee (w/Jack Evans) (c) defeats Matt Sydal… Low Ki defeats El Hijo del Fantasma… The Unbreakable F’N Machines (Brian Cage & Michael Elgin) defeat Scarlet And Graves (Dezmond Xavier & Zachary Wentz)… Abyss defeats Eddie Kingston… ACH, AR Fox & Rey Fenix defeat The Killer Cult (Dave Crist, Jake Crist & Sami Callihan)…
  • March 4, 2017 – AAW The Chaos Theory 2017 @ Knights Of Columbus Hall in LaSalle, Illinois, USA: Scarlet And Graves (Dezmond Xavier & Zachary Wentz) defeat Davey Vega & Mat Fitchett… Jessicka Havok defeats Samantha Heights… Ethan Page defeats Krugar… Three Way Tag Team: Zero Gravity (Brett Gakiya & CJ Esparza) defeat Ace Perry & PACO and Louis Lyndon & Stephen Wolf… AR Fox defeats JT Dunn… Brubaker defeats Arik Cannon… Buck Nasty & Kody Rice defeat Mike Hartenbower & Space Monkey… AAW Heritage Title: ACH (c) defeats Dezmond Xavier… AAW Heavyweight Title: Sami Callihan (c) defeats Rey Fenix…
  • March 17, 2017 – AAW Homecoming 2017 @ Berwyn Eagles Club in Berwyn, Illinois, USA: OI4K (Dave Crist & Jake Crist) defeat Best Friends (Chuck Taylor & Trent)… Abyss defeats Homicide… Drew Galloway defeats DJ Z… AR Fox defeats Shane Strickland… Rey Fenix defeats Trevor Lee… AAW Heritage Title: Penta el 0M defeats ACH (c) – TITLE CHANGE !!!… Scarlet And Graves (Dezmond Xavier & Zachary Wentz) defeat Besties In The World (Davey Vega & Mat Fitchett)… AAW Tag Team Title Match (vakant): OI4K (Dave Crist & Jake Crist) defeat Scarlet And Graves (Dezmond Xavier & Zachary Wentz) – TITLE CHANGE !!!… Zack Sabre Jr. defeats Kyle O’Reilly… AAW Heavyweight Title: Sami Callihan (c) defeats Low Ki…
  • April 8, 2017 – AAW EPIC 2017: The 13th Anniversary Show @ Joe’s Live in Rosemont, Illinois, USA: The Besties In The World (Davey Vega & Mat Fitchett) defeat Stephen Wolf & Trey Miguel (9:26)… ACH defeats Shane Strickland (12:43)… Trevor Lee defeats Chuck Taylor (9:45)… AAW Tag Team Title: OI4K (Dave Crist & Jake Crist) (c) defeat Angelico & Jack Evans (12:24)… Michael Elgin defeats Matt Riddle (14:49)… Rey Fenix defeats John Morrison (13:32)… Abyss & Sami Callihan defeat Kongo Kong & Low Ki (9:42)… AAW Heritage Title: Penta El Zero M (c) defeats AR Fox (10:11)…
  • April 22, 2017 – AAW Path Of Redemption 2017 @ Knights Of Columbus Hall in LaSalle, Illinois, USA: Stephen Wolf & Trey Miguel defeat Brubaker & CJ Esparza… Mike Hartenbower defeats Danny Adams… Ace Perry & PACO defeat Buck Nasty & Connor Braxton… Chuck Taylor defeats Alex Daniels… Mat Fitchett defeats Zachary Wentz… Bob Holly defeats Mil Muertes… Gregory Iron & Veda Scott defeat Mike Hartenbower & Samantha Heights… Michael Elgin defeats Daga… AAW Tag Team Title: OI4K (Dave Crist & Jake Crist) (c) vs. AR Fox & Rey Fenix – Time Limit Draw…
  • May 6, 2017 – AAW Take No Prisoners 2017 @ Logan Square Auditorium in Chicago, Illinois, USA: Six Pack Challenge: Aeroboy defeats Myron Reed and Connor Braxton and Jason Cade and PACO and Space Monkey (8:09)… AAW Heavyweight Title: Sami Callihan (w/JT Davidson) (c) defeats ACH (11:24)… Trevor Lee defeats Bobby Fish (8:29)… Colt Cabana defeats Ethan Page (9:31)… Michael Elgin defeats Zack Sabre Jr. (19:09)… David Starr defeats Eddie Kingston (10:19)… Chuck Taylor, Stephen Wolf & Trey Miguel defeat Alex Daniels & The Besties In The World (Davey Vega & Mat Fitchett) (13:01)… AAW Heritage Title: Penta El Zero M (c) defeats Keith Lee (7:59)… AAW Tag Team Title: AR Fox & Rey Fenix defeat The Killer Kult (Jake Crist & Sami Callihan [Replacement for Dave Crist]) (w/JT Davidson) (c) (17:34) – TITLE CHANGE !!!…
  • May 25, 2017 – AAW Thursday Night Special @ Berwyn Eagles Club in Berwyn, Illinois, USA: PACO defeats Connor Braxton… Four Way: Jake Crist defeats Joey Janela and Laredo Kid and Myron Reed… Trevor Lee defeats Colt Cabana… Three Way Tag Team: Alex Daniels & Davey Vega defeat Stephen Wolf & Trey Miguel and Team Tremendous (Bill Carr & Dan Barry)… Keith Lee defeats Donovan Dijak… Michael Elgin defeats Jack Swagger… AAW Tag Team Title: AR Fox & Rey Fenix (c) defeat Lio Rush & Shane Strickland… AAW Heavyweight Title: Sami Callihan (w/JT Davidson) (c) defeats Juventud Guerrera…
  • June 17, 2017 – AAW Killers Among Us 2017 @ 115 Bourbon Street in Merrionette Park, Illinois, USA: ACH defeats Garza Jr…. Eddie Kingston defeats Jeff Cobb… Four Way: Jake Crist defeats Chuck Taylor and Davey Vega and PACO… Zack Sabre Jr. defeats Mat Fitchett… Low Ki defeats Abyss (w/JT Davidson)… AAW Heritage Title: Penta el 0M (c) defeats Trevor Lee… Scarlet And Graves (Dezmond Xavier & Zachary Wentz) & DJ Z defeat Myron Reed, Stephen Wolf & Trey Miguel… John Morrison defeats Brian Cage… War Machine (Hanson & Raymond Rowe) defeat reDRagon (Bobby Fish & Kyle O’Reilly)… AAW Heavyweight Title: Sami Callihan defeats Michael Elgin…
  • July 15, 2017 – AAW United We Stand 2017 @ 115 Bourbon Street in Merrionette Park, Illinois, USA: John Morrison defeats Colt Cabana… Samantha Heights defeats Scarlett Bordeaux… PACO, Stephen Wolf & Trey Miguel defeat Curt Stallion, Danny Adams & Jake Something… ACH defeats Myron Reed… OI4K (Dave Crist & Jake Crist) defeat War Machine (Hanson & Raymond Rowe)… Penta el 0M & Shane Strickland defeat Garza Jr. & Trevor Lee… AAW Tag Team Title: Scarlet And Graves (Dezmond Xavier & Zachary Wentz) defeat AR Fox & Jeff Cobb [Replacement for Rey Fenix] (c) – TITLE CHANGE !!!… Matt Riddle defeats Mat Fitchett… Chuck Taylor defeats Davey Vega… I Quit: David Starr defeats Eddie Kingston… AAW Heavyweight Title: Sami Callihan (c) defeats Keith Lee…
  • August 5, 2017 – AAW Jawbreaker 2017 @ Knights Of Columbus Hall in LaSalle, Illinois, USA: Alex Daniels & Davey Vega defeat Ace Perry & PACO (7:38)… AAW Women’s Title Tournament First Round: Jessicka Havok defeats Leah Vaughan (3:09)… AAW Women’s Title Tournament First Round: Ivelisse defeats Samantha Heights (8:47)… Grudge: Brubaker defeats CJ Esparza (7:04)… Bucky Collins defeats Mike Hartenbower (7:03)… Six Way Scramble: Myron Reed defeats Arik Cannon and Brett Gakiya and Jake Something and Juntai Miller and Kody Rice (13:47)… Jim Lynam Memorial Tournament 2017 Qualifying: Keith Lee defeats Bob Holly (13:52)… Chuck Taylor defeats Andrew Everett (8:58)… AAW Tag Team Title: Scarlet And Graves (Dezmond Xavier & Zachary Wentz) (c) defeat Stephen Wolf & Trey Miguel (8:18)… Mat Fitchett defeats ACH (9:25)… AR Fox, Juventud Guerrera & Rey Fenix defeat The Killer Kult (Jake Crist, Jason Cade & Sami Callihan) (14:51)…
  • August 31, 2017 – AAW Defining Moment 2017 @ Eagles Club in Berwyn, Illinois, USA: PACO defeats Connor Braxton (1:57)… Jeff Cobb defeats Joey Janela (12:01)… The Besties In The World (Davey Vega & Mat Fitchett) & ACH defeat Team Tremendous (Bill Carr & Dan Barry) & Colt Cabana (11:13)… Matt Riddle defeats Shane Strickland (15:21)… Three Way: Keith Lee defeats AR Fox and Trevor Lee (10:50)… AAW Heritage Title: Penta el 0M (c) defeats Brian Cage (8:41)… AAW Tag Team Title: Scarlet And Graves (Dezmond Xavier & Zachary Wentz) (c) defeat OI4K (Dave Crist & Jake Crist) (8:58)… Cody Rhodes defeats DJ Z (13:03)… AAW Heavyweight Title: Rey Fenix defeats Sami Callihan (w/JT Davidson) (c) – TITLE CHANGE !!!…

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