Title History
- NWA Georgia Heavyweight title defeating Buddy Colt (1972);
- ASWA Georgia Heavyweight title by defecting to the ASWA with NWA GA title (1972);
- Georgia Tag Team titles w/Cyclone Soto by winning a Tournament (beating Assassins and Super Assailants)..
Career Highlights
- 1969: Roberto Soto is the brother of Manuel “Cyclone” Soto in Georgia…
- ~~~ Cyclone & Robert Soto won a Tournament over The Assassins and Super Assailants to become the 1st Macon Tag Team Champions.
- 1972: Roberto Soto left the NWA for Ann Gunkels ASWA and took his title with him starting as the first ASWA champion …
- 1973: Assassin #2 (Joe Hamilton) defeated Roberto Soto to win the ASWA Heavyweight title ..