Robert Fuller

Last updated: April 28, 2014

Title History


  • NWA (Mid America) World Tag Team titles w/Kevin Sullivan defeating Karl & Kurt Von Brauner (May 24, 1972);
  • NWA Georgia Tag Team titles w/Bob Armstrong defeating Bobby Duncum Sr. & Stan Vachon (October 27, 1973);
  • NWA Georgia Tag Team titles w/Bob Armstrong defeating Terry & Ron Garvin (March 8, 1974);
  • NWA Georgia Tag Team titles w/Bob Armstrong defeating Terry & Ron Garvin (May 24, 1974);
  • NWA (Mid America) Southern Heavyweight title defeating Jerry Lawler (October 23, 1974);
  • NWA Georgia Tag Team titles w/Bob Armstrong defeating Toru Tanaka & Assassin #2 (May 9, 1975);
  • NWA Southeastern Tag Team titles w/Jimmy Golden defeating Masked Superstars (April ??, 1976);
  • NWA Southeastern Heavyweight title defeating ????????? (June ??, 1976);
  • NWA Southeastern Tag Team titles w/Jimmy Golden defeating Karl & Kurt Von Steiger (July ??, 1976);
  • NWA Southeastern Heavyweight title defeating Mongolian Stomper (January ??, 1977);
  • NWA Columbus Tag Team titles w/Bob Armstrong defeating ?????????? (Febuary ??, 1977);
  • NWA Southeastern Heavyweight title defeating Mongolian Stomper (April 28, 1977);
  • NWA Southeastern Tag Team titles w/Bob Armstrong defeating Assassin & Don Carson (????, 1978);
  • NWA Southeastern Heavyweight title defeating Mongolian Stomper (????, 1978);
  • NWA Southeastern Television title defeating ????????? (March ??, 1978);
  • NWA Southeastern Heavyweight title defeating Mongolian Stomper (April ??, 1978);
  • NWA Southeastern Heavyweight title defeating Mongolian Stomper (August 11, 1978);
  • AWA Southern Tag Team titles w/Toru Tanaka defeating Phil Hickerson & Dennis Condery [Tournament] (January 22, 1979);
  • AWA Southern Tag Team titles w/Bill Dundee defeating Assassins (May 7, 1979);
  • AWA Southern Heavyweight title defeating Mongolian Stomper (June 4, 1979);
  • NWA Southeastern Tag Team titles w/Ron Fuller defeating Mr. Fuji & Toru Tanaka (July ??, 1979);
  • NWA Southeastern Tag Team titles w/Eddie Boulder defeating The Matador & Mike Stalling (Febuary ??, 1980);
  • NWA Southeastern Tag Team titles w/Ron Fuller defeating Manchurians (March ??, 1980);
  • NWA Southeastern Tag Team titles w/Jos LeDuc defeating Dennis Condrey & Don Carson (October 7, 1980);
  • NWA Southeastern Tag Team titles w/Bob Armstrong defeating Dennis Condrey & Randy Rose (????, 1981);
  • NWA Southeastern Tag Team titles w/Jos LeDuc defeating Mongolian Stomper & Jimmy Golden (October 28, 1981);
  • NWA Southeastern Tag Team titles w/Jos LeDuc defeating Jimmy Golden & Randy Rose (November ??, 1981);
  • NWA Southeastern Tag Team titles w/Jimmy Golden defeating Jonathan Boyd & Luke Williams (September 11, 1982);
  • NWA Southeastern Tag Team titles w/Jimmy Golden defeating Dennis Condrey & Randy Rose (September ??, 1983);
  • NWA Southeastern Heavyweight title defeating Jos LeDuc (December ??, 1983);
  • NWA Southeastern Tag Team titles w/Jimmy Golden defeating Jerry Stubbs & Arn Anderson (March ??, 1984);
  • NWA Southeastern Television title defeating ???????? (December ??, 1985);
  • NWA (Southeastern) Continental Heavyweight title defeating Roberto Soto (December 23, 1985);
  • NWA (Southeastern) Continental Heavyweight title Awarded (????, 1986);
  • NWA Southeastern Tag Team titles w/Jimmy Golden defeating Johnny & Tommy Rich (March 16, 1986);
  • NWA Southeastern Tag Team titles w/Jimmy Golden defeating Steve Armstrong & Tommy Rich (June 23, 1986);
  • NWA (Southeastern) Continental Tag Team titles w/Jimmy Golden defeating Jerry Stubbs & Tony Anthony (April 27, 1987);
  • NWA (Southeastern) Continental Tag Team titles w/Jimmy Golden defeating Jerry Stubbs & Tony Anthony (May 25, 1987);
  • CWA (Memphis) Tag Team titles w/Jimmy Golden defeating Cactus Jack & Gary Young (November 7, 1988);
  • WCWA (World Class) World Tag Team titles w/Jimmy Golden defeating Kevin & Kerry Von Erich (Febuary 17, 1989);
  • CWA (Memphis) Tag Team titles w/Jimmy Golden defeating Jed Grundy & Scott Steiner (Febuary 25, 1989);
  • CWA (Memphis) Tag Team titles w/Brian Lee defeating John Paul & Tracy Smothers (May 4, 1989);
  • WCWA (World Class) World Tag Team titles w/Brian Lee defeating Mil Mascaras & Jeff Jarrett (June 23, 1989);
  • USWA World Tag Team titles w/Brian Lee defeating Matt Borne & Jeff Jarrett in a tournament (December 1, 1989);
  • USWA World Tag Team titles w/Brian Lee defeating Steve Doll & Rex King (Febuary 6, 1990);
  • PWF (Florida) Tag Team titles w/Kendall Windham defeating Hurricane Walker & Brian Knobbs (April 12, 1990);
  • USWA World Tag Team titles w/Jeff Jarrett defeating Texas Hangmen (May 13, 1991);
  • USWA Western States Tag Team titles w/Jeff Jarrett defeating Judge Dredd & Samu (June 24, 1991);
  • USWA World Tag Team titles w/Jeff Jarrett defeating Barroom Brawlers (July 15, 1991);
  • USWA World Tag Team titles w/Jeff Jarrett defeating Texas Outlaws (October 7, 1991);
  • USWA World Tag Team titles w/Mike Mitchell defeating Bart Sawyer & Doug Masters (November 25, 1991);
  • NWA National Tag Team titles w/Jimmy Golden Awarded (March ??, 2005);
  • NWA Wrestle Birmingham Alababama Tag Team titles w/Jimmy Golden defeating Scott & Bob Armstrong (June 10, 2005);


Career Highlights

Southern Wrestling:

  • Robert Fuller was an EXTREMELY successful wrestler in the 70s around Tennesse and surrounding areas..
  • Robert Fuller was a member of the original Stud Stable, and ended up running his own version of the group in WCW years later..
  • Robert Fuller achieved his greatest success teaming with Jimmy Goldenin and around Memphis..World Championship Wrestling:
  • Robert Fuller signed with World Championship Wrestling and goes by Colonal Robert Parker..
  • Colonal Robert Parker managed Dick Slater & Bunkhouse Buck, amung others..
  • Colonal Parker did a marriage angle with Sister Sherri (Martel), which resulted in a big feud between Slater/Buck & Harlem Heat..World Wrestling Federation:
  • Robert Fuller briefly appeared in World Wrestling Federationas Tennesee Lee, managing Jeff Jarrett..Nostalgia Era:
  • Robert Fuller was married to Miss Sylvia from 1971 to 2005. He married Nicole Barsforth in 2006.
  • July 10, 2004–Knoxville (Nostalgia Show): Bob & Brad & Scott Armstrong beat The Nightmare & Robert Fuller & Bob Orton Jr..
  • April 8, 2005–A Nostalgia Show: Danny Roland (managed by Robert Fuller) defeated Tracy Smothers..
  • ~~~Later in the show: Bob & Scott Armstrong beat Robert Fuller & Jimmy Golden to win the NWA National Tag Team titles
  • June 11, 2005–NWA Wrestle Birmingham: Robert Fuller & Jimmy Golden beat Bullet & Scott Armstrong to win the Tag Titles..
  • August 12, 2005–Wrestle Inc.: Bob & Brad & Scott Armstrong beat Robert Fuller & Jimmy Golden & Elix Skipper..
  • March 11, 2006–NWA Wrestle-Birmingham: McNasty (with Robert Fuller & Daffney) defeated Lash Leroux..
  • March 19, 2006–UAW & TMW: Robert Fuller & Chris Powers vs Stan Lee & Howie Gibson ended in a No Contest..
  • June 2, 2006–NWA Wrestle Birmingham: McNasty w/Robert Fuller defeated Tommy Rich in Irondale, Alabama ..
  • ~~~Daffney w/Robert Fuller defeated El Mexicano to win back the NWA-Wrestle Birmingham Junior Heavyweight title
  • ~~~ALSO: Elix Skipper & David Young w/Robert Fuller beat AJ Steele & Cassidy Riley to retain the Tag Team titles!
  • July 14, 2006–NWA Wrestle Birmingham: Daffney Unger w/Robert Fuller defeated Joe Hogan to retain the Junior title
  • July 21, 2006–NWA Wrestle Birmingham: Daffney w/Robert Fuller defeated Mike Jackson and Ultimate Dragon in a 3-WAY
  • ~~~Daffney is doing a Billion Dollar Baby gimmick with Robert Fuller as Clint Eastwood constantly interfering..
  • September 14, 2006 – TNA iMPACT: “Colonal” Robert Parker offered his managerial services to the free agent Bobby Roode..
  • September 22, 2006–NWA Wrestle Birmingham: Brad Armstrong w/Bob Armstrong defeated McNasty w/Robert Fuller by DQ
  • February 9, 2007–NWA Wrestle Birmingham: Mike Jackson defeated Junior Champion Daffney w/Robert Fuller by DQ………..
  • ~~~Elix Skipper & David Young w/Robert Fuller beat The Fire & The Flame w/Jimmy Powell to retain the Tag Team titles..
  • ~~~~~~~~~B.G. James w/Eddie G. beat McNasty w/Robert Fuller in an Alabama Street Fight to win the NWA Alabama title..
  • November 19, 2010–Wrestle Birmingham: Jimmy Golden w/Robert Fuller defeated McNasty w/Bullet Bob Armstrong)..
  • ~~~This match was for the Wrestle Birmingham Heavyweight title and Jerry Stubbs was the special referee!
  • I would like to thank Robert Fuller’s daughter, Charlotte Welch, for sending in some photos of her father and family members. She sent in word that The Tennessee Stud actually checked out the site and got a big kick out of the Missy Hyatt tidbit. I’d like to say Thank you, Mr. Welch, for your contributions to the wrestling business.

    Missy Hyatt claims in her book that Fuller got the name “Tennessee Stud” due to having the biggest penis in wrestling.


BCWare49 wrote Robert Fuller once used a racial slur towards a black wrestler on the memphis tv wrestling show that lawler promoted. the black wrestler that robert fuller used the racial slur towards was brickhouse brown and the announcer was lance russel.

birthday: May 14, 1951
hometown: Memphis, Tennessee
Currently Resides in Tampa, FL
previous names: Robert Fuller
The Tennessee Stud
Colonel Robert Parker (WCW)
Tennessee Lee (WWF)
notable feuds: Brian Pillman (WCW)
Harlem Heat (WCW)

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