Nick Mondo

[Nick Mondo GALLERY]


Article: A Farewell to “Sick” Nick Mondo

Title History

  • AWF Heavyweight title;
  • CZW Tag Team titles w/Ric Blade defeating The Backseat Boyz [Johnny Kashmere and Trent Acid] (August 12, 2000);
  • CZW Iron Man title defeating Wifebeater and Mad Man Pondo in a Triple Threat Deathmatch (June 9, 2001);
  • CZW Iron Man title defeating  Justice Pain and The Messiah (May 11, 2002);
  • CZW Iron Man title defeating The Messiah (February 8, 2003);
  • CZW Hall of Fame (2004);

Career Highlights

  • Nick Mondo defeated Mad Man Pondo & Wifebeater in a three way match to win the Iron Man title..
  • ~~~This led to a fantastic feud on the east coast and in South California with the Messiah picture..
  • January 18, 2003 – CZW: Nate Hatred over Nick Mondo & Zandig in a death match which included 12,350 thumb tacks..
  • January 24, 2002–IWA Mid South Wrestling 300th Show: Spyder Webb b Nick Mondo in a TLC match to keep the l-hw title..
  • February 8, 2003 – Combat Zone Wrestling: Nick Mondo defeats Messiah for the CZW Iron Man title..
  • March 8, 2003 – CZW: Nick Mondo defeats Trent Acid to retain the Iron Man title..
  • May 10, 2003 – CZW: Nick Mondo defeated Johnny Kashmere to retain the Iron Man title..
  • July 26, 2003 – CZW: Nick Mondo beats JC Bailey, Zandig and Ian Rotten to win the CZW Tournament of Death 2 trophy!
  • Aug 9, 2003 – CZW: Nick Mondo is put on the shelf with several injuries including a broken hand, which he had before TOD..
  • November 10, 2003: Nick Mondo announces on his website that he is retiring due to “injury”..
  • February 7, 2004 – CZW: Nick Mondo makes a surprise appearance and gets inducted into the CZW Hall of Fame!



Execution time: 0.0094 seconds

Execution time: 0.0006 seconds

Trained By

Bodyslammers Gym (Al Snow)


March 1999




Minneapolis, Minnesota





202 lbs

Finishing Move(s)

Assault Driver
~(Electric Chair Iconoclasm)
Mondo Sledge
~(Springboard Corkscrew Senton)

Favorite Move(s)

M. Bison
~(Jumping or a Diving Double Foot to the top of a seated opponent's head)
Northern Lights Suplex
Roundhouse Kick
Running Somersault Plancha
Slingshot Spin–Out Powerbomb
Springboard Leg Drop

Notable Feuds

Eddie Valentine
The Messiah
Nick Gage
The Backseat Boyz
