
Last updated: February 4, 2024

[Ministry GALLERY]

[Undertaker] [Mideon] [Acolytes] [Farooq] [Bradshaw[Brood] [Gangrel] [Edge] [Christian]

Career Highlights

  • Early 1999: The Undertaker turned heel and formed the Ministry along with The Acolytes, Mideon, Viscera and The Brood..
  • February 1, 1999 – RAW: Gangrel & Edge & Christian beat Mideon & Viscera & Undertaker (who sat on stage watching) by DQ..
  • ~~~After the match, the Ministry attacked and abducted The Brood; Later in the show the Brood joined the Ministry!
  • February 15, 1999 – RAW: Ken Shamrock & Test & The Big Bossman vs Mideon & The Acolytes ended in a No Contest..
  • ~~~The Ministry abducted a whimpering Shane McMahon and gave him a letter to deliver to his father Vince McMahon..
  • February 22, 1999 – RAW: Public Enemy defeated Edge & Gangrel w/Christian by disqualification (PE got a blood bath after the match)..
  • ~~~Backstage, The Undertaker disciplined The Brood for failing him by ordering the Ministry to beat them up!
  • ~~~In the Main Event: The Undertaker defeated Kane in an Inferno match after Kane’s leg was lit on fire!
  • ~~~~Paul Bearer delivered a teddy bear to Vince McMahon at ringside which belonged to his daughter Stephanie McMahon..
  • ~~~~After the match, The Undertaker approached Vince McMahon and set the teddy bear on fire, bringing Vince to his knees!
  • March 1, 1999 – RAW: Mankind defeated The Undertaker w/Paul Bearer by Count Out..
  • ~~~Undertaker tried to chokeslam Vince McMahon through the announce table but The Big Bossman made the save!
  • March 8, 1999 – RAW: The Ministry attemped to sacrifice the Big Bossman but he got lose when the Corporation showed up..
  • ~~~The Corporation brawled with The Ministry until the police showed up and arrested Undertaker by Vince’s order..
  • ~~~The Undertaker allowed himself to be handcuffed and the Undertaker sybol exploded and caught on fire……
  • March 15, 1999 – RAW: The Ministry showed up at The McMahon Mansion waiting for Stephanie and set a Sybol on fire on the lawn!
  • ~~~Vince McMahon went to the ring and begged Kane to help him, but Kane removed his mask to reveal the Undertaker beneath!!
  • March 22, 1999 – RAW: The Undertaker & Acolytes vs The Corporation (Test & Bossman & Shamrock) ended in a no contest..
  • March 28, 1999 – WrestleMania 15: The Undertaker defeated The Big Bossman in a Hell in a Cell match..
  • ~~~After the match, The Brood (Gangrel & Edge & Christian) were lowered from the ceiling to the top of the cell..
  • ~~~The Brood ripped the top of the cage open, and dropped a neuce down through to their leader, The Undertaker..
  • ~~~The Brood were then pulled back up into the rafters where they came from (impressive stunt)..
  • ~~~The Undertaker wrapped the nuece around The Big Bossman’s neck and gave the order for something else..
  • ~~~Paul Bearer pressed the button at the control board to raise the cage and dramatically HANG Big Bossman..
  • March 29, 1999 – RAW: The Ministry abducted Stephanie McMahon and held her hostage until Ken Shamrock found her..
  • April 5, 1999 – RAW: The Ministry ambushed and abducted Ken Shamrock to punish him for ruining their plan last week..
  • ~~~The Ministry threatened to sacrifice Stephanie, but Vince kept her by his side all night with an army of security..
  • ~~~The Ministry brought out Ken’s sister Ryan Shamrock to the stage and strapped her to the symbol and sacrificed her!
  • ~~~Backstage, Vince McMahon screamed violently into the camera for Undertaker to stay away from Stephanie!!!
  • April 12, 1999 – RAW: The Big Show beat Christian (Undertaker forced Christian into this match to “proove” himself)..
  • ~~~Jeff Jarrett & Owen Hart w/Debra beat The Acolytes by disqualification when the Ministry interfered and took Debra hostage..
  • ~~~The Undertaker threatened to sacrifice Debra, but Ken Shamrock ran down with a baseball bat and cleaned house..
  • ~~~The Undertaker told Ken Shamrock that Ryan Shamrock was in the basement, so he ran down to rescue her..
  • ~~~It was only a trap though, as The Ministry ambushed and attacked Ken Shamrock & Mankind in the basement..
  • ~~~The Ministry tried to sacrifice Ken Shamrock but The Brood disobeyed the Undertaker and the Ministry began to fight..
  • ~~~Ken Shamrock called out Undertaker, but The Ministry attacked him, and Triple H & Bossman made the save..
  • ~~~Suddenly though, Triple H & Bossman attacked Ken Shamrock by orders of Shane McMahon..
  • April 18, 1999 – Heat: Gangrel and Edge defeated Viscera and Mideon by Disqualification..
  • April 19, 1999 – RAW: The Acolytes (Bradshaw & Farooq) beat The Brood (Edge & Gangrel w/Christian) by disqualification..
  • ~~~After the match, The Undertaker punished the Acolytes for “failing” to take out the Brood..
  • ~~~The Big Show beat Viscera by disqualification (Undertaker & Viscera double-teamed Big Show until Mankind made the save!)
  • ~~~Mideon showed up at WWF Headquarters and Vince McMahon sprinted to the parking lot to attack him..
  • April 25, 1999 – Backlash: The Undertaker defeated Ken Shamrock with help from Bradshaw and a baseball bat..
  • ~~~The Ministry (Mideon/Bradshaw/Farooq) defeated The Brood (Gangrel/Edge/Christian) with help from Viscera..
  • ~~~As the show ended, The Undertaker abducted Stephanie McMahon and drove off in the limousine!!!
  • April 26, 1999 – RAW: The Undertaker had an “Unholy Wedding” to Stephanie McMahon, who was strapped to the Symbol..
  • ~~~Stephanie McMahon screamed in terror as Paul Bearer hosted the ceremony with the Ministry standing by..
  • ~~~Ken Shamrock and The Big Show tried to stop the ceremony but they were both taken out by the Ministry..
  • ~~~Finally Stone Cold Steve Austin showed up as the unlikely hero and rescued Stephanie McMahon from the situation..
  • ~~~Stephanie McMahon embraced Steve Austin until Vince McMahon showed his appreciation to his mortal enemy for helping..
  • April 29, 1999 – Smackdown! special: The Ministry merged with Shane McMahon’s Corporation to create the Corporate Ministry..
  • May 16, 1999 – No Mercy (UK): The Ministry (Farooq/Bradshaw/Viscera) defeated The Brood (Gangrel/Edge/Christian)..
  • At the conclusion of a very controversial RAW, the Ministry “sacrificed” Steve Austin by pinning him to an Undertaker symbol and raising him up. Some people thought it was too “Christ-Like” and took offense. Of course this was during the time when everything the WWF did, the media was all over it.
members: The Undertaker
Paul Bearer
debut: 1999
previous names: Mideon = Phinias I. Godwin
Viscera = Mabel
notable feuds: Steve Austin
Vince McMahon
Stephanie McMahon
The Corporation
The Brood
gender: Male
status: Living
type: Faction
current promotion: Inactive

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