Linda McMahon
Last updated: February 3, 2024

Career Highlights
- Linda McMahon is the CEO of World Wrestling Entertainment..
- October 11, 2001 – Smackdown!: Linda McMahon made an appearance to reappoint her pal Mick Foley as WWF Commissioner.
- March 18, 2002 – RAW: Linda McMahon officially announced the brand extension, splitting the roster into two brands..
- April 28, 2003 – RAW: Linda McMahon showed up and put Eric Bischoff in his place, naming his new co-GM, Steve Austin!!!
- July 21, 2003 – RAW: Linda McMahon gave Steve Austin & Eric Bischoff the night off, and she got tombstoned by Kane!!
- August 18, 2003 – RAW: Linda McMahon issued a live statement but was interrupted when Eric Bischoff shows up at her house!
- October 9, 2003 – Smackdown!: The McMahons (Linda, then Steph, then Vince) opened the show and Vince hit his daughter!!
- October 19, 2003 – No Mercy: Vince McMahon beat Stephanie McMahon in an “I Quit” match when Linda threw in the towel..
- February 2004: Linda McMahon became a grandmother as Marissa & Shane McMahon welcome a baby boy into the world!
- October 3, 2005 – WWE Homecoming: The evil Mr. McMahon returned to gloated about his feud with Stone Cold Steve Austin..
- ~~~Suddenly Stone Cold’s music hit and out came Steve Austin, who showed old footage of the times he humiliated McMahon..
- ~~~Steve Austin remember the time he held Vince hostage at gunpoint, and also the legendary corporate beer bath!
- ~~~Vince McMahon, who was clearly uncomfortable, offered a truce with Steve Austin, and asked if they could start over..
- ~~~Vince tried to leave, but Austin pulled him back and gave him the middle finger before giving him a Stone Cold Stunner!
- ~~~Shane McMahon came out to confront Steve Austin, but before he could speak he got a Stone Cold Stunner of his own!
- ~~~Stephanie McMahon came out next and after several minutes of banter, she got a Stone Cold Stunner of her own!
- ~~~Linda McMahon came out to try to be the voice of reason, asking for an apology, but she got a Stunner too!
- October 10, 2005 – RAW: Vince, Linda & Stephanie McMahon collectively fired Jim Ross and Linda kicked him between the legs!
- June 11, 2007–RAW: The Mr. McMahon “character” was tragically killed when his private limousine exploded into a ball of flames..
- June 18, 2007 – RAW: Stephanie McMahon appeared and cried about her father’s “presumed” demise in the middle of the ring..
- ~~~Stephanie (very bad acting) promised that there will be “Vengeance” when her family finds out who did this to her father..
- August 2007: With the “explosion” angle dropped, Vince McMahon was informed that he had sired an “illegitimate child”…
- September 3, 2007–RAW: Vince McMahon was confronted by Linda, Stephanie, & Shane McMahon – who asked Vince to “change”..
- ~~~Mr. Kennedy showed up claiming to be Mr. McMahon’s “bastard child” and convinced Vince to stay the same and not change..
- ~~~A lawyer representing the mother of Vince’s “bastard son” showed up and said Mr. Kennedy was NOT the illegitimate child..
- ~~~The lawyer announced that Vince’s illegitimate son will reveal himself next week and left a clue: “Thing’s Are Looking Up…..”
- September 10, 2007–RAW: Hornswoggle was revealed to be the “illegitimate son” of WWE Chairman Vince McMahon!!!!!!
- January 12, 2009: Linda McMahon was appointed by Connecticut Gov. Jodi Rell to the state’s board of education.
- November 1, 2010–RAW: Vince McMahon appeared in a “Dream Sequence” segment with daughter Stephanie and the voice of Triple H..
- ~~~~~~The whole thing was a joke making light of Linda McMahon’s election campaign and the punchline was Vince was still in a coma..
- November 2, 2010: Richard Blumenthal defeated Linda McMahon in the Connecticut senate race by several percentage points..
- Linda McMahon is currently the Co-Founder & CEO • Women’s Leadership LIVE (WLL).
x: / Linda_McMahon
birthday: October 4, 1948
hometown: Stamford, Connecticut
notable feuds: Vince McMahon,
Stephanie McMahon,
Triple H,
Eric Bischoff,
Steve Austin,
Jim Ross
gender: Female
status: Living
type: Single
current promotion: Inactive