Joey Styles

Last updated: February 3, 2024


Career Highlights

Extreme Championship Wrestling:

In The Meantime:

  • December 2002: Joey Styles left Xtreme Pro Wrestling a month after joining the California-based promotion..
  • Mid 2003: Joey Styles popped up in the new Major League Wrestlingpromotion out of Orlando, Florida..

Extreme Revival:

  • June 10, 2005 – Hardcore Homecoming: Joey Styles & Cryus were the scheduled announcers, but Joel Gertner attacked Cyrus!
  • June 12, 2005 – ECW One Night Stand: Joey Styles and Mick Foley provided commentary for the PPV and did an excellent job!
  • ~~~Joey Styles opened the show to a huge response and even held back tears as he was showered with chants of ECW!
  • ~~~Joey Styles welcomed everyone to ECW One Night Stand with his most famous catch phrase “Oh My, God!!!!”
  • ~~~Joey Styles brought he A-game and was as entertaining as ever thoughout the night, with many funny remarks:
  • ~~~~Joey Styles explained that ECW doesn’t use mats outside the ring, but the NY State Athletic Commission made them!
  • ~~~~Joey Styles said he’s glad he didn’t bring his wife, cause Edge would steal her!
  • ~~~~Joey Styles berated Mike Awesome for walking out on ECW as champion to sign a big money deal with WCW..
  • ~~~~Joey Styles comments that JBL is cheering for Mike Awesome because he “sold his soul for money”..
  • ~~~~Joey Styles referred to Kid Kash as “Mr. TNA Total Nonstop Attitude”
  • ~~~~Joey Styles said (after Nova’s chairshots) “That’s more painful than being Simon Dean on TV — what? ya I know I’m fired”..
  • ~~~~Joey Styles said “I’ve just been informed that I can’t say BALLS. I’m sorry if anyone was offended when I said BALLS”
  • ~~~~Joey Styles said “they’re gonna throw us in jail” and Foley said “I don’t think we can use lighter fluid on PPV”..
  • ~~~~Joey Styles noted (in reference to Al Snow) “We got head tonight, and I’m married, it doesn’t happen to often”..
  • ~~~~Joey Styles says “this is the kind of love you won’t find in any other locker room”..
  • ~~~~Joey Styles said (when Bischoff threatened to knock him out) “That’s because I never answered your calls..
  • ~~~~Joey Styles says if you want to watch body builders wrestle, then you can tune in on Monday nights..
  • ~~~~The PPV ended with Steve Austin raising Sandman’s arm on the stage with Joey Styles yelling “ECW LIIIIVVVEESSS!!!!!!”

World Wrestling Entertainment:

  • June 2005: Joey Styles signed on with the WWE to host ECW-oriented programs on the WWE 24/7 Network..
  • November 1, 2005: Joey Styles met with Vince McMahon & Kevin Dunn about taking over as the lead announcer on RAW!
  • November 1, 2005 – Taboo Tuesday: Joey Styles made his WWE Announcing debut along side Jerry Lawler to rave reviews!
  • November 7, 2005 – RAW: Joey Styles joined Jerry Lawler & The Coach in the announce booth for a several week try-out..
  • November 30, 2005: Joey Styles came to terms with Vince McMahon to become the permanent full time RAW lead announcer!
  • December 25, 2005: Joey Styles won the “Best Announcer” Award on the 2005 Awards..
  • May 1, 2006 – RAW: The Spirit Squad harassed Joey Styles into quitting and cutting a very controversial anti-WWE promo!

World Wrestling Entertainment – ECW Lives!:

  • June 11, 2006 – ECW One Night Stand: Joey Styles & Tazz did commentary for the 2nd ECW Pay Pew View produced by WWE..
  • ~~~Tazz defeated Jerry “The King” Lawler in a very short match with the Tazzmission! (with distraction from Joey Styles)
  • June 13, 2006–ECW on Sci Fi: Joey Styles & Tazz opened the show and welcomed fans to debut of ECW… “A New Breed Unleashed!”
  • April 1, 2007 – Wrestlemania 23: Joey Styles & Tazz co-announced the MITB Ladder match and the ECW Originals/New Breed match..
  • June 11, 2007–RAW: Mr. McMahon was tragically killed (in storyline) when his private limousine exploded into a huge ball of flames..
  • June 12, 2007–ECW on Sci Fi: Joey Styles & Tazz crediting Mr. McMahon for the rebirth of ECW and he’s the reason they’re on TV..
  • April 15, 2008–ECW on Sci Fi: Mike Adamli replaced Joey Styles, who was promoted to heading up the website
  • December 2-7, 2008: Joey Styles went to Iraq representing for the annual Tribute to the Troops TV special..
  • ~~~While there, Styles had an altercation with drunken bully JBL – which ended when Styles actually knocked JBL on his ass!
  • December 8, 2008–RAW (Slammy Awards): Joey Styles & Alicia Fox presented the award for “OH MY GOD Moment of the Year”..
  • October 2, 2009–A Decade of SmackDown!: Joey Styles made a brief appearance and got to use his famous “OH MY GOD!”
  • August 7, 2010 – TNA Hardcore Justice: Mike Tenay called the show with Taz but said he would gladly give up his seat to Joey Styles..
  • ~~~~~~LATER: They did a tribute to Joey Styles and everyone thanked Styles for his contributions and wished that he could be there..
  • September 2010: Joey Styles’ WWE talent contract recently expired although he remains with WWE’s New Media department.
  • August 2016: Joey Styles was officially released from WWE as a worker in the Media department.
x: / @JoeyStyles
nickname: "The Voice Of ECW"
birthday: July 14, 1971
hometown: Originally from Stamford, Connecticut
Moved to Atlanta, Georgia
height: 5' 7" (170 cm)
weight: 156 lbs (71 kg)
debut: 1993
gender: Male
status: Living
type: Single
current promotion: Inactive