Jim Cornette

Last updated: November 13, 2024

[Jim Cornette GALLERY]

[Midnight Express] [Heavenly Bodies] [New Midnight Express] [Owen/Bulldog] [Yokozuna]

Article: Manager’s Corner: Jim Cornette

Wrestlers who Jim Cornette has Managed:
Midnight Express
Bobby Eaton
Stan Lane
Big Bubba Rogers
The Fantastics
Dynamic Dudes Rock N Roll Express
Heavenly Bodies
Tom Prichard
Jimmy Del Ray
Al Snow
Jeff Jarrett
New Midnight Express
Salvatore Sincere
Mantaur Yokozuna
Owen Hart
British Bulldog
Ron Powers
The Briscoe Brothers
Matt Morgan

Career Highlights

Mid-South Wrestling

  • 1984: Jim Cornette debuted in Mid-South Wrestling as the manager of The Galaxians (Ken Wayne & Danny Davis)..
  • Jim Cornette managed the Midnight Express (Bobby Eaton & Dennis Condrey)..
  • Jim Cornette and The Midnight Express went after Magnum TA & Mr Wrestling II (reigning Mid-South Tag Team Champions)..
  • ~~~They even resorted to the tasteless insult of tarring and feathering Magnum on TV!
  • Spring 1984: The Midnight Express defeated Magnum TA & Mr Wrestling II to win the Mid-South Tag Team titles..
  • ~~~The Rock n Roll Express spoiled the celebration party by smashing the cake in Cornette’s face..
  • ~~~Bill Watts reran the incident repeatedly on Mid-South Television, which enraged Jim Cornette!
  • ~~~Bill Watts ended up slugging Jim Cornette!
  • ~~~Jim Cornette and the Midnight’s gained revenge by attacking Watts the following week..
  • ~~~This led to a series of Bill Watts/Junkyard Dog vs Jim Cornette/Midnight Express matches..
  • The Midnight Express were defeated by Mr Wrestling II & III (masked RockNRoll Express) for the Mid-South tag team titles..
  • ~~~This officially ignited one of the longest running feuds in the history of wrestling..
  • ~~~They traded the belts back and forth and eventually engaged in a series of scaffold matches..
  • Jim Cornette hired Hercules Hernandez as his bodyguard for protection from Hacksaw Jim Duggan..
  • October 1984: Hercules defeated Jim Duggan faced off at the Superdome in a hair vs. hair match..
  • ~~~But Jim Cornette was the one who wound up bald after all the babyfaces in the arena shaved his head!
  • Jim Cornette began wearing a mask on Mid-South Television to hide his bald head..
  • The Midnight Express absolutely demolished The Fantastics with steel chairs during a contract signing..

World Class Championship Wrestling

  • December 1984: Jim Cornette and the Midnight Express moved to World Class Championship Wrestling..
  • The Midnight Express defeated the Fantastics to win the World Class Tag Team titles..

National Wrestling Alliance

  • February 2, 1986: Jim Cornette led the Midnight Express (Eaton/Condrey) past the RockNRoll Express for the NWA World Tag titles..
  • Great American Bash 1986 Tour: Jim Cornette faced Baby Doll in a series of matches..
  • Jim Cornette hired Big Bubba Rogers as his personal security..
  • May 16, 1987: Jim Cornette’s new Midnight Express (Lane & Eaton) captured the NWA US Tag Team title, in a 6-team tournament..
  • September 10, 1988: The Midnight Express defeated Tully Blanchard and Arn Anderson for the NWA World Tag Team title..
  • Dec 1988: Paul E. Dangerously brought in the Original Midnight Express (Rose/Condrey) to feud with Cornette’s Midnight Express..
  • Starrcade 1988: Jim Cornette’s Midnight Express defeated Dangerously’s Midnight Express..
  • October 15, 1988 – NWA: JJ Dillon defeated Jim Cornette in a steel cage match.
  • January 8, 1989 – NWA: Jim Cornette defeated Gary Hart, Paul Jones and Sir Oliver Humperdink in a battle royal.
  • February 20, 1989 – Chi-town Rumble: Jim Cornette & The Midnight Express (Bobby Eaton & Stan Lane) defeated Jack Victory, Paul E. Dangerously & Randy Rose in a looser leaves town match.
  • Clash of the Champions IX: Jim Cornette’s Midnight Express defeated the Dynamic Dudes (Shane Douglas and Johnny Ace)..
  • July 23, 1989 – Great American Bash: Jim Cornette defeated Paul E. Dangerously in a “tuxedo street fight”..
  • January 21, 1990 – NWA WCW: Shane Douglas defeated Jim Cornette.
  • May 19, 1990 – Capitol Combat: The Midnight Express defeated Tom Zenk & Brian Pillman to win their 3rd U.S. Tag Team title..
  • Jim Cornette left WCW shortly after — he would jokingly sent a black wreath to WCW president Jim Herd..

Smokey Mountain Wrestling

  • 1991: Jim Cornette left WCW to formed his own wrestling group, Smoky Mountain Wrestling..
  • Jim Cornette managed the Heavenly Bodies — (Stan Lane and Tom Prichard)..
  • April 1992 – January 1993: Jim Cornette guided the Heavenly Bodies to five Smokey Mountain Tag Team titles..
  • ~~~Stane Lane & Tom Prichard feuded with the Fantastics (Tommy Rogers & Bobby Fulton) and the Rock’n’Roll Express..
  • ~~~When Stan Lane retired and left Smoky Mountain Wrestling, Jim Cornette replaced him with Jimmy Del Ray..

World Wrestling Federation

  • 1993: Jim Cornette, still running his Smoky Mountain promotion, excepted a job with the World Wrestling Federation..
  • April 22-23, 1993 – SMW: The Rock ‘n’ Roll Express (Ricky Morton & Robert Gibson) defeated Jim Cornette & Tom Prichard.
  • May 21, 1993 – SMW: Bobby Fulton defeated Jim Cornette.
  • August 14, 1993 – SMW: The Armstrongs (Bob Armstrong, Scott Armstrong & Steve Armstrong) & The Rock ‘n’ Roll Express (Ricky Morton & Robert Gibson) defeated Jim Cornette, The Bruise Brothers (Don Harris & Ron Harris) & The Heavenly Bodies (Jimmy del Ray & Tom Prichard) in a war games rules match.
  • Survivor Series 1993: Jim Cornette signed a deal with the WWF to showcase Smokey Mountain Wrestling on the PPV..
  • ~~~The Heavenly Bodies defeated The RockNRoll Express to win the Smokey Mountain Tag Team titles..
  • Jim Cornette co-managed (with Mr. Fuji) the federation’s champion, the late Yokozuna..
  • October 30, 1993 – NWA: Sherri Martel defeated Jim Cornette.
  • Royal Rumble 1994: Yokozuna (w/Jim Cornette & Fuji) successfully defended the WWF title against the Undertaker in a casket match..
  • March 10, 1994 – SMW: Bob Armstrong defeated Jim Cornette in a cage match.
  • May 14, 1994 – SMW: Tracy Smothers defeated Jim Cornette & Killer Kyle in a handicap match.
  • July 2, 1994 – SMW: Dirty White Boy defeated Jim Cornette in a cage match.
  • September 3, 1994 – SMW TV: Bob Armstrong & Tracy Smothers defeated Jim Cornette & Killer Kyle.
  • November 17, 1994 – SMW/NWA New Jersey: Kowabunga The Ninja Turtle defeated Jim Cornette in a handicap match.
  • December 9, 1994 – SMW: Dirty White Boy defeated Bruiser Bedlam & Jim Cornette in a handicap match.
  • Wrestlemania XI: Jim Cornette led Yokozuna & Owen Hart to captured the WWF World Tag Team title from Sunny’s Smokin’ Gunns..
  • February 26, 1995 – SMW: Jim Cornette & The Heavenly Bodies (Jimmy del Ray & Tom Prichard) defeated D-Lo Brown & The Gangstas (Mustapha Saed & New Jack).
  • April 8, 1995: Jim Cornette led Buddy Landell to the Smokey Mountain Heavywieght title defeating Bobby Blaze..
  • In Your House II: Yokozuna & Owen Hart defeated Lex Luger & Davey Boy Smith to retain..
  • August 12, 1995 – SMW: Jim Cornette defeated Bob Armstrong in a 1st blood match.
  • Late 1995: Jim Cornette started managing Davey Boy Smith..
  • September 30, 1995 – SMW TV: Bob Armstrong defeated Jim Cornette by DQ.
  • December 1995: Jim Cornette folded his Smoky Mountain Wrestling promotion, then agreed to work full time with the WWF..
  • Wrestlemania XII: Jim Cornette guided Owen, Davey & Vader to defeat Ahmed Johnson, Jake “The Snake” Roberts & Yokozuna..
  • September 5-8, 1996 – House Show: Jose Lothario defeated Jim Cornette.
  • September 22, 1996 – In Your House 10: Jose Lothario defeated Jim Cornette.
  • September 30, 1996 – RAW: Camp Cornette (Jim Cornette & Vader) defeated Jose Lothario & Shawn Michaels.
  • October 13, 1996 – House Show: Jose Lothario defeated Jim Cornette.
  • In Your House III: Jim Cornette guided Vader to a victory over Razor Ramon (Scott Hall)..
  • 1997: Jim Cornette was instrumental in introducing a NWA angle, a movement towards more traditional wrestling..
  • Unforgiven 1998: Jim Cornette’s new Midnight Express (Bart Gunn & Bob Holly) defeated the Rock ‘n’ Roll Express..
  • November 22, 1998 – NWA OVW: Jim Cornette, Nick Dinsmore & Rob Conway defeated Guido Andretti, Kenny Bolin & Vito Andretti.
  • February 12, 1999 – PPW: Brandon Baxter & Michael Hayes defeated Jim Cornette & Randy Hales.
  • February 13, 1999 – PPW: Brandon Baxter, Michael Hayes & Ugly Ed Johnson defeated Jim Cornette, Randy Hales & Tony Falk.
  • October 12, 1999 – NWA OVW: Flash Flanagan defeated Jim Cornette & Robert Brisco in a handicap match.
  • January 19, 2000 – NWA OVW: Damaja, Jim Cornette & Rob Conway defeated Bull Buchanan, Kenny Bolin & Nick Dinsmore.
  • February 5, 2000 – PPW TV: Randy Hales defeated Jim Cornette.
  • July 3, 2000: Jim Cornette had surgery for a hernia..
  • April 1, 2001 – WrestleMania X-7: Jim Cornette was in the gimmick battle royal won by the Iron Sheik.
  • March 31, 2002 – Tojo Yamamoto Memorial Show: Brian Christopher & Jerry Lawler defeated David Flair & Jim Cornette.


  • June 1, 2002 – An incident at Bert Prentice’s USA Wrestling show in Nashville backstage involving Jim Cornette & Ed Ferrara..
  • ~~~Ed Ferrara went to shake Jim Cornette’s hand..
  • ~~~Jim Cornette started telling him off about insulting his friend Jim Ross with the “Oklahoma” gimmick..
  • ~~~Jim Cornette spit in Ed Ferrara’s eye before the altercation was broken up backstage..
  • ~~~Ed Ferrara asked what was that for, and Jim Cornette said, that it was for JR!

Ohio Valley Wrestling and Ring of Honor

  • Jim Cornette helped create Ohio Valley Wrestling, which would be used as a developmental system for the WWF/E..
  • July 26, 2002: Jim Cornette’s mother, Thelma, passed away at the age of 68 after a long battle with Cancer — RIP..
  • August 9, 2003 – ROH: Jim Cornette made an appearance in Ring of Honor and recieved an amazing response from the crowd!
  • ~~~Jim Cornette was named the newest member of The Prophecy (an Anti-ROH faction) by Chris Daniels..
  • ~~~~~AJ Styles & Homicide w/Julius Smokes defeated Chris Daniels & Danny Maff w/Jim Cornette & Allison Danger..
  • ~~~~~After the match, Jim Cornette shook hands with Styles & Homicide so the Prophecy attacked Cornette!
  • ~~~~~~Somoa Joe & Amazing Red ran out to make the save | Jim Cornette then cut a promo praising Ring of Honor..
  • ~~~The story was that Jim Cornette began not respecting the ROH product, but changed his mind by the end of the night!
  • ~~~Jim Cornette finished the night off by leading a thunderous “ROH! ROH! ROH” chant..
  • November 1, 2003 – ROH: Jim Cornette made his 2nd appearance at ROH, managing The Briscoe Brothers to Tag Team gold!
  • ~~~Jim Cornette was paid a whopping $1500 for this appearance in which took place in Elizabeth, New Jersey..
  • February 7, 2004 – OVW: Jim Cornette & Johnny Jeter defeated Mark Magnus & Nikita.
  • May 2004: Jim Cornette is suffering from an enlarged voice box, caused by his years screaming as a manager and commentator..
  • October 2, 2004 – ROH: Jim Cornette & The Midnight Express (Bobby Eaton, Dennis Condrey & Stan Lane) three hour Q&A..
  • December 4, 2004 – ROH: Jim Cornette faced off with Bobby “The Brain” Heenan in the “Great Managerial Debate”..
  • ~~~Jim Cornette praised Bobby Heenan, before turning heel and telling Heenan to DIE and let him be #1 for a change!
  • ~~~TAG MATCH: Colt Cabana & Jimmy Jacobs w/Bobby Heenan defeated Roderick Strong & Jack Evans w/Jim Cornette..
  • ~~~~~~The match was rightfully over-shadowed by the Jim Cornette vs Bobby Heenan antics outside of the ring..
  • January 8, 2005–Carolina Championship Wrestling: RnR Express b Dennis Condrey & Bobby Eaton w/Jim Cornette in a Cage match..
  • January 29, 2005 – WrestleReunion: The RnR Express & The Fantastics beat The Midnight Express (Condrey/Eaton/Lane/Cornette)..
  • February 26, 2005 – ROH: Colt Cabana & Nigel McGuinness w/Bobby Heenan defeated Dan Maff & BJ Whitmer w/Jim Cornette..
  • May 10, 2005: Jim Cornette was given a “leave of absence” from his duties at OVW – Tommy Dreamer and Lance Storm will fill in..
  • May 17, 2005–OVW TV Taping: Jim Cornette explained he would not be back until he had full control of Ohio Valley Wrestling..
  • June 14, 2005–OVW TV Taping: Jim Cornette said he was back and revealed that it was Kenny Bolin who tried to get him fired..
  • July 2005: Jim Cornette reportedly slapped a wrestler backstage after laughing during an “serious” angle on Television..
  • July 1, 2005–OVW Six Flags: Team OVW w/Jim Cornette defeated Team Bolin w/Kenny Bolin..
  • ~~~Team OVW (Nick Dinsmore/Elijah Burke/Brent Albright) defeated Team Bolin (Mike Mondo/Ken Doane/Blaster Lashley)..
  • July 8, 2005: WWE decided to release Jim Cornette from his contract and relieve him of his OVW duties..
  • ~~~It should be noted that Jim Cornette remember apart of OVW, but was removed from his creative roll (replaced by Paul Heyman)..
  • August 20, 2005–NWA Legends Convention: The RNR Express beat Midnight Express w/Cornette with Tommy Young as referee..

Ring of Honor

  • October 2, 2005 – ROH: Jim Cornette was announced as the NEW Authority Figure in Ring of Honor..
  • October 15, 2005–Christian Wrestling Entertainment: Matt Morgan (managed by Jim Cornette) squashed Timmy J and Jet Asher..
  • November 19, 2005–Tribute to Starrcade: Brad Armstrong, Jeff Hardy & Jerry Lawler defeated The Midnight Express (Bobby Eaton & Dennis Condrey) & Jim Cornette.
  • January 2006: Jim Cornette suffered a back injury when he fell down the stairs and had to cancel his ROH appearance..
  • March 5, 2006–Legends PPV: Bob & Scott & Brad Armstrong w/Bobby Heenan beat The Midnight Express w/Jim Cornette..
  • April 22, 2006 – ROH: ROH’s Jim Cornette & CZW’s John Zandig had a debate which ended in a big Interpromotional match..
  • ~~~Team CZW (Chris Hero & Necro Butcher & Super Dragon) defeated Team ROH (Samoa Joe & B.J. Whitmer & Adam Pearce)..
  • April 28, 2006 – ROH: Jim Cornette cut a promo on CZW and wanted to call them chickens, but didn’t want to insult the chickens..
  • April 29, 2006 – ROH: Jim Cornette announced that he needed knee surgery and appointed Adam Pearce as Deputy Commissioner..

Total Nonstop Action – The Public Face of TNA Management

  • June 18, 2006 – TNA Slammiversary: Jim Cornette debuted as the Public Face of TNA Management vowing to clean up TNA..
  • ~~~main event: A 5-WAY King of the Mountain Match ended in controversy and Cornette ended up holding up the World Title!
  • June 22, 2006 – TNA iMPACT: Jim Cornette came out and declared the NWA World title vacant and would make a decision next week..
  • July 15, 2006 – Ring of Honor: Jim Cornette cut a severely anti-Vince McMahon promo and trashed the new ECW on Sci-FI..
  • ~~~Jim Cornette was heavily involved in the ROH vs CZW Cage of the Death match and issued a whipping to Homicide afterwards..
  • August 3, 2006 – TNA iMPACT: Jim Cornette held a “Team Meeting” to book some matches for the Hard Justice PPV and next week..
  • August 31, 2006 – TNA iMPACT: Jeff Jarrett led a horrible in-ring segment with Jim Cornette ordering a Lie Detector Test next week..
  • September 7, 2006 – TNA iMPACT: Jeff Jarrett failed the Lie Detector Test and found out he’d face Samoa Joe at No Surrender..
  • September 14, 2006 – TNA iMPACT: Jim Cornette held a meeting with the ring surrounded by fans who wanted revenge on Jarrett..
  • September 16, 2006 – Ring of Honor: Jim Cornette has turned into a heel Commissioner and is hell-bent on destroying Homicide..
  • September 22, 2006–NWA Wrestle Birmingham: Dennis Condrey w/Jim Cornette beat Jeff Jarrett w/Ronnie P. Gossett by DQ
  • September 24, 2006 – TNA No Surrender: Announced a new prime time slot on SpikeTV and the signing of Kurt Angle!!
  • November 4, 2006 – Ring of Honor: Jim Cornette fired Homicide — but insteaded ended up getting himself fired by the end of the night!
  • November 16, 2006 – TNA iMPACT: Jim Cornette interviewed the MLB World Series MVP from the Louisville Slugger Museum…
  • November 23, 2006 – TNA iMPACT: Jim Cornette wanted to strip LAX of their Tag Team titles but they had a lawyer that prevented it!
  • December 11, 2006 – TNA Turning Point: Jim Cornette did an in ring segment with World Series MVP David Eskstein for publicity..
  • December 14, 2006 – TNA iMPACT: Jim Cornette replaced Don West on commentary for one night after Kurt Angle took out West..
  • January 17, 2007–Great Championship Wrestling: He barred Quentin Michaels from the building but was maced by Johnny Swinger..
  • March 15, 2007 – TNA iMPACT: Jim Cornette announced the captains for the Lethal Lockdown match at the Lockdown PPV..
  • March 30, 2007 – Ring of Honor: Jim Cornette sprayed Homicide with mace and proclaimed that nobody gets the last word on him..
  • March 31, 2007 – Ring of Honor: Cornette tried to mace Colt Cabana, but he ducked and Cornette accidentally sprayed Adam Pearce!
  • April 5, 2007 – TNA iMPACT: Jim Cornette had a Team Meeting in the ring and booked a bunch of matches for Lockdown..
  • June 2007: Jim Cornette officially parted ways with Ring of Honor as TNA has pulled most of its talent from ROH..
  • June 2007: Jim Cornette sold his 50% ownership of Ohio Valley Wrestling to Vince McMahon’s World Wrestling Entertainment..
  • August 11, 2007—NWA Legends Show: Midnight Express w/Jim Cornette beat RockNRoll Express with Tommy Young as referee..
  • August 17, 2007–Memphis Wrestling: The Midnight Express (Condrey & Eaton w/Jim Cornette) defeated Flex & Tim Grind by DQ
  • November 1 & 8, 2007 – TNA iMPACT: Matt Morgan played the role of “authority figure” while Jim Cornette took 2-weeks off..
  • November 15, 2007 – TNA iMPACT: Jim Cornette put Matt Morgan on probation for taking his authority figure role too seriously..
  • January 31, 2008 – TNA iMPACT: Jim Cornette tried to get Samoa Joe to sign a five-year contract but Matt Morgan screwed it up!
  • February 7, 2008 – TNA iMPACT: Jim Cornette tried to get Samoa Joe to sign a five-year contract but Kurt Angle screwed it up!
  • February 14, 2008 – TNA iMPACT: Jim Cornette tried to get Samoa Joe to sign a five-year contract but Christian screwed it up!
  • February 21, 2008 – TNA iMPACT: Jim Cornette tried to get Samoa joe to sign a TNA contract once again, but behind closed doors..
  • ~~~Samoa Joe said he will sign the contract after Destination X and when he becomes TNA World Champion at Lockdown..
  • April 10, 2008 – TNA iMPACT: Jim Cornette mutually relieved Matt Morgan of his duties within TNA Management..
  • June 28, 2008–South Atlantic Wrestling: Dennis Condrey & Bobby Eaton w/Jim Cornette defeated Damien Wayne & Mike Booth..
  • October 9, 2008 – TNA iMPACT: Jim Cornette hosted a contract signing between Samoa Joe & Sting for a match at Bound For Glory!
  • December 11, 2008 – TNA iMPACT: Jim Cornette suspended referee Shane Sewell for two weeks for an “incident” on PPV…
  • January 8, 2009 – TNA iMPACT: Jim Cornette fired Shane Sewell for three days, and rehired him as an active wrestler!
  • September 2009: Jim Cornette was released from Total Nonstop Action for “not being 100% behind the creative process”..
  • Mike Aldren wrote (On October 10, 2009): Alex Marvez interviewed Jim Cornette here. He said it was embarrassing working for TNA under the creative direction of Vince Russo: “At TNA, I was basically tired of working for a big company and watch it get smaller. I wanted to go to a smaller company and help it get bigger… It was sad, disappointing and depressing to watch. We didn’t have as many pay-per-view buys as we should and nobody was getting over. [Russo is] the only booker I’ve ever seen who gets people under.” He added: “The matches are made meaningless so Russo can see his comedic lines and dramatic scripting spring to life. There’s a bunch of great athletes, but they’re not very good actors. They’re even worse comedians.” He also talks about his recently released Midnight Express scrapbook, available right now at www.jimcornette.com

Ring of Honor

  • September 26, 2009–Ring of Honor: Jim Cornette made a surprise appearance and was named the new “Executive Producer” ..
  • ~~~QUOTE: “Sarah Palin will give Barack Obama a lap dance on the steps of the capital before I get behind Vince Russo”
  • November 5, 2009–ROH TV Taping: Jim Cornette announces the ROH/HD Net Pick 6 Challenge..
  • May 9, 2015 – OVW Saturday Night Special: Big Jon, Eric Locker and Josh Ashcraft defeated Danny Davis, Jim Cornette and Trailer Park Trash.
  • February 27, 2016 – BTW: Baby Doll defeated Jim Cornette.
  • March 26, 2016 – BTW: Baby Doll defeated Jim Cornette.
x: / @TheJimCornette
nickname: "Louisville Slugger"
birthday: September 17, 1961
hometown: Louisville, Kentucky
height: 6' 0" (183 cm)
weight: 231 lbs (105 kg)
trained by: One Man Gang,
Jesse Barr,
Adrian Street
debut: 1984
previous names: James E. Cornette
notable feuds: Rock N Roll Express,
Lex Luger,
Shawn Michaels,
Combat Zone Wrestling,
Jeff Jarrett (TNA),
Homicide (ROH)
website: https://www.youtube.com/@OfficialJimCornette
images: http://www.onlineworldofwrestling.com/gallery/cornette.html
gender: Male
status: Retired
type: Single
current promotion: Inactive