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Gorilla Marconi

Title History


Career Highlights


  • December 6, 1949: Frank Marconi defeated Jungle Boy Howelett in Connellsville, Pennsylvania
  • March 7, 1953: Bill Miller defeated Frank Marconi in 25 minutes somewhere in Pennsylvania
  • October 5, 1966: Lou Thesz defeated Gorilla Marconi in California..
  • January 13, 1967: Lou Thesz defeated Gorilla Marconi in Atlanta, Georgia..
  • April 1 1967: Nick Kozak defeated Gorilla Marconi on Live Atlanta Wrestling WAII TV
  • 1969: Mario Galento defeated Gorilla Marconi on Atlanta Wrestling TV in less than one minute with a reverse neckbreaker..
  • July 29, 1969: The Soto Brothers defeated Tony Nero & Gorilla Marconi in Macon, Georgia..
  • August 1, 1969: Atlanta: Grizzly Smith defeated Gorilla Marconi……
  • August 5, 1969: Macon: Bill Dromo defeated Gorilla Marconi……….
  • August 8, 1969: Little John (Quinn) defeated Gorilla Marconi……….
  • August 9, 1969–Atlanta TV: The Professional & Joe Scarpa defeated Gorilla Marconi & El Toro..
  • August 19, 1969: A very young Robert Fuller defeated Gorilla Marconi…
  • August 27, 1969: Gorilla Marconi refereed a card in which Paul Demarco won a loser leaves match form Bill Dromo.
  • August 30, 1969–Atlanta TV: Mario Galento defeated Gorilla Marconi in 1 minute flat with a Reverse Neckbreaker.
  • March 1, 1997: Frank “Gorilla” Marconi passed away at the age of 79..

    Robert Louis Howell wrote: It should be noted that Marconi’s Georgia tour in 1969 was not a very auspicious one in terms of victories but he put over a lot talent and enhanced many cards state wide as a carpenter of sorts. He drummed up the action and Mario Galento and Robert Fuller at very different points in there careers owed him something.



Trained By







Finishing Move(s)

Favorite Move(s)

Notable Feuds
