Title History
- NWA (Tri State) United States Tag Team titles w/Chief White Cloud defeating Seigfried Stanke & Bob Sweetan (June ??, 1974);
- NWA (Mid America) Southern Tag Team titles w/Danny Little Bear defeating Phil Hickerson & Dennis Condrey (November ??, 1976);
- NWA Tennessee Tag Team titles w/Danny Little Bear defeating ??????? (April ??, 1977);
- WWC (World Wrestling Council) North American Tag Team titles w/Carlos Colon defeating Larry Sharpe & Jack Evans (May 27, 1978);
Career Highlights
- Chief Thunder Cloud is the father of wrestler Chuey Little Fox..
- 1970s-80s: Chief Thunder Cloud wrestled in the Pacific Northwest and mainly for Jarrett promotion down south..
- Jesus Lopez has three children who live in Tennessee ages 25 (Mario), 22 (Jesse), and 18 (Angela).
- Jesus Lopez is currently incarcirated in Texas for 22 years on drug related charges along with his other son Luis
- ~~~~~~Luis also worked with his father as a professional wrestling in the 1970s/80s and was called “chatto”..