Chief Little Wolf

Title History


Career Highlights


  • 1935: Chief Little Wolf began going to Australia in 1935 and traveled there many times between ’35 & ’53..
  • During the period betwen ’53 & ’58, he did two huge tours of Australia..
  • ~~~One with the carnival circuit with his own show, and one with Ashton’s Circus..
  • ~~~Plus he was still active in the squared circle..
  • 1958: Chief Little Wolf suffered a serious stroke, which paralyzed half of his body..
  • 1984: Chief Little Wolf knew he didn’t have much time left, and asked to be sent home to the USA to die..
  • Chief Little Wolf’s brother “Ernie” was also a wrestler. His ring name was “Chief Lone Wolf”..
  • Chief Little Wolf home to Colarado to die when he got ill in his old age..

    Greg Kelly wrote: Chief Little Wolf obviously wasn’t an Aussie but he lived over here in Melbourne permanantly from the mid 50s until he went back home to die in 1984. He was a resident in a Melbourne nursing home for the last few years..



Execution time: 0.0101 seconds

Execution time: 0.0006 seconds

Trained By

Count Zaremba



November 25, 1911


Hoene, Colorado
Moved to Seattle, Washington




210 lbs

Finishing Move(s)

The Indian Deathlock

Favorite Move(s)

The Standing Splits

Notable Feuds
