Gary Albright

Last updated: December 23, 2016

[Gary Albright GALLERY]

Title History

  • Stampede International Tag Team titles w/Makhan Singh defeating Davey Boy Smith & Dynamite Kid (December 30, 1988);
  • AJPW (All Japan) World Tag Team titles w/Stan Hansen defeating Akira Taue & Toshiaki Kawada (January 24, 1996);
  • AJPW (All Japan) World Tag Team titles w/Steve Williams defeating Johnny Ace & Kenta Kobashi (July 25, 1997);

Career Highlights

Stampede Wrestling

  • Gary Albright began his career in Calgary Stampede Wrestling for Stu Hart, gaining a lot of experience and exposure..
  • Gary Albright wrestled as “Vokhan Singh” and formed an alliance with “Mukhan Singh” billed from Karachi, Pakistan..
  • Mukhan & Vokhan Singh defeated the British Bulldogs for the International Tag Team titles..
  • Mukhan & Vokhan Singh were defeated by Chris Benoit & Beef Wellington several months later for the titles..

International Experience

  • Gary Albright had several tours of South Africa as well as in Carlos Colon’s WWC in Puerto Rico..
  • Gary Albright worked on World Championship Wrestling spot shows in Florida from 1989 – 1990..

The UWFi

  • August 1991: Gary Albright joined an organization called UWFi, which focused more on shoot style matches..
  • May 8, 1992: Gary Albright knocked out Nobuhiko Takada, UWFi’s biggest Japanese star at Yokohama Arena..
  • September 1992: Gary Albright lost his rematch with Nobuhiko Takada when he submitted to Takada’s cross arm breaker..
  • Gary Albright began to get pushed again in 1994 as part of UWFi’s “Best of the World” tournament..
  • ~~~Knocked out Billy Scott and Yoji Anjoh in the first two rounds to advance to a semifinal match with Nobuhiko Takada..
  • ~~~June 1994 – Budokan Hall: Gary Albright lost by submission to Nobuhiko Takada..
  • Gary Albright also feuded extensively with Big Van Vaderin UWFi..

The Death of Gary Albright

  • Friday January 7, 2000: Gary Albright dies tragically in the ring at a WXW Wrestling show in Hazelton, PA..
  • ~~~Gary Albright was wrestling Bill ‘Lucifer Grimm’ Owens at the American Legion for a WXW show..
  • ~~~World Xtreme Wrestling is promoted by Gary Albright’s father-in-law, Afa Anoai (Wild Samoan)..
  • ~~~Gary Albright was was nailed with an Ace Crusher (stunner) and immediately collapsed to the mat..
  • ~~~A Coroner stated, that Gary Albright (34) died of cardiac arrest due to an artery disease..
birthday: May 18, 1963 - January 7, 2000
hometown: Billings, Montana
height: 6'3"
weight: 353lbs
debut: 1988-1999
previous names: Vokhan Singh (Stampede)
finishing move(s): Release Dragon Suplex
favorite move(s): Belly to Belly Suplex,
Gut Wrench Suplex,
Double Arm Suplex,
German Suplex
notable feuds: The British Bulldogs,
Nobuhiko Takada,
Big Van Vader
gender: Male
status: Deceased
type: Single