Bruiser Bedlam

Last updated: April 28, 2014

Title History


  • SMW (Smokey Mountain Wrestling) Beat the Champ Television title defeating Mike Furnas (April 4, 1994);
  • BCW (Border City Wrestling) Can Am Heavyweight title defeating Scott D` Amore (April 21, 1995);


Career Highlights


  • Ion William Croitoru debuted in Stampede Wrestling where Bruce Hart named him Orhan Turgedan, and later The Terrible Turk..
  • Ion William Croitoru spent time with Emile Dupre’s Grand Prix Wrestling on the east coast..
  • Ion William Croitoru appeared in George Cannon’s Superstars of Wrestling out of Windsor, Ontario..
  • Ion William Croitoru wrestled as Johnny K-9 in the WWF and was a full-fledged jobber to the stars..
  • ~~~K-9 would always drop to his knees, cross his arms above his head and bellow..
  • ~~~K-9 wrestled a TV match against Hulk Hogan during his four years with the company..
  • ~~~K-9 left the WWF on good terms for a tour with New Japan Pro Wrestling..
  • Ion tried promoting in Hamilton with Mike Kelly & Bob Clarke a fed called “Canadian International Championship Wrestling”..
  • 1991: Ion William Croituro spent seven months in prison for assault and has a conviction for trafficking cocaine..
  • Ion William Croituro hooked up with the Michigan-based MTW, where he was billed as Taras Bulba, ‘King of the Chain Matches’..
  • ~~~Taras Bulba got the chance to wrestle legends like Bobo Brazil, Dick The Bruiser and Al Costello..
  • 1994: Ion William Croituro joined Jim Cornette’s Smokey Mountain Wrestling for the biggest success of his career..
  • ~~~Jim Cornette gave Ion Croituro the name and gimmick of “Bruiser Bedlam”..
  • ~~~Bruiser Bedlam won the Smokey Mountain Television title..
  • Bruiser Bedlam defeated Greg Valentine to with the Cambridge Ontario-based ICW Heavyweight title..
  • January 8, 2005: Ion Croitoru was arrested and charged with two murders of lawyer Lynn Gilbank and husband Fred on 11/16/98..
  • ~~~Ion Croitoru has a long criminal record including assault, drug dealing, forgery, and a bombing conspiracy..
  • Not to be confused with the original Taras Bulba (aka Juan Reynosa)..


birthday: December 7, 1965
hometown: Hamilton, Ontario
height: 6'2''
weight: 285lbs
previous names: Johnny K-9 (WWF)
Taras Bulba
Orhan Turgedan
The Terrible Turk
The Mysterian
finishing move(s): Stomach Claw
favorite move(s): Flying Headbutt
The Powerslam

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