OWW Guestbook

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Here is just some of the great feedback I’ve recieved via email regarding the content on the Online World of Wrestling website:

  • “Brad, your site without a doubt is the best. You have more info than any that I know of. It is easy to see that a LOT of hard work has gone into it.” – Cowboy Bob Kelly.
  • “Nice site, enjoyed it.” – Bert Prentice (Nashville, Tennessee)
  • “You guys are nuts! This site is amazing, but it seems like you must have devoted your whole lives to this project.” – Stu Saks (PWI Magazine)
  • “Just wanted to send a note and tell you what a GREAT job you guys are doing” – Mr. Electricity Steve Regal
  • “Hello, my name is Dan McDevitt and I was the owner of a Maryland based indy group called Maryland Championship Wrestling from July 1998 until July 2003. I dont get alot of free time to follow wrestling these days but I love to surf the net once and a while and I stumbled upon your site. I was so impressed that I had to write to you and tell you what I thought. – Dan McDevitt (Former owner of Maryland Championship Wrestling)
  • “just wanted to drop you a line to tell you what a great site you have here. its got so much info. i wish more people on the internet showed the dedication you have.” – Chuck “Guillotine” LeGrande
  • “Not sure if you know our show or not but we’re online at www.liveaudiowrestling.com and are Canada’s only National Wrestling & Mixed Martial Arts Radio show. But my inquiry is not business related or anything like that. I just wanted to take a moment to say that you guys do a hell of a job with your site. This is by far the most reliable and well organized wrestling archive site on the web. – Jason Agnew (The LAW: Live Audio Wrestling)
  • “I have just discovered your website & am astounded at the incredible amount of information you have on it. I spent hours afterwards reading some of it & had the nicest time. I used to be a big fan of wrestling back in the 1970’s when i was a teenager. My all-time favorite was Pampero Firpo. I even entertained notions of becoming a wrestler myself. I lifted weights & practiced wrestling holds on my poor older sister, who had to endure many things including my attempts at airplane spins & trying to put her down without dropping her on her head. Practicing wrestling with her came in handy when we performed in a play my sister wrote for a few hundred people at a large nursing convention in Charlotte, NC. In one scene my sister wore a grey wig with a bun & played a stubborn elderly hospital patient resisting getting into bed, & i played the nurse charged with getting her into bed. After several futile attempts getting her into bed, as planned, & with the audience rapt, on cue my sister quickly held down her “gown” edges & i flipped her into the bed ! She landed perfectly on her back with her head on the pillow. It brought down the house, the place was roaring, deafening, people were whooping with laughter, & my sister & I tried without much luck to keep straight faces. We had to wait until everything died down to continue the scene. It was a night we’ll never forget. So i guess all that practicing wrestling on my siser wasn’t for naught after all . It’s been some 32 or 33 years since then, & I have children & grandchildren now. But I’ll never forget those years i was literally “obsessed with wrestling” . I’m so glad i discovered your website, it’s fascinating. Thank you & keep up the good work.” – Sue from Florida
  • “I have been a wrestling fan since the 50’s and have seen many wrestling sites in the past but I have to say this sight is AWESOME. I have been in the profiles section for days now and still not all the way through. The info provided has given me literally hours of enjoyment. Things I never knew about some of my favorite wrestlers from the “good old days”. The old photos are especially cool. I don’t want to start naming off wrestlers but just say I have in enjoyed this site very much. Keep up the good work. Long live pro wrestling.” – Joe Mason
  • “I wanted to comment and say, I love your website! I just found it and was browsing thru, and traveled down memory lane for the past hour or so.” – Darren G. (Kentucky)
  • “I just discovered your site & it is AWSOME!!! it has the most info I have E-V-E-R seen on wrestling. other sites are/should be embarrassed. keep up the great job. ” – Thom Dennis
  • “My name is Devin. I am but a humble wresltling fan from Bloomfield, NJ. I only write to say one thing… thank you. Thank you for giving me the greatest wealth of wrestling information, trivia, sidenotes and pictures I could possibly ask for in my entire life. Although I may not have been old enough to enjoy some of the original Great American Bashes, Superclashes, or the legendary Starcades, I can now enjoy their legacy; the great thumb print of what they’ve left behind for me. You have given me a website that I need to get by, to get the answers to my questions, to pass the time, and to basicly bask in what seems like infinite wrestling knowledge. Well I said thanks in the best way I know how…. thank you all so much for what you’ve done. ” – Devin Mir
  • “I check out your site just about every day. Since I don’t have cable at the present time and there isn’t a local UPN station where I live, I have to go to your site to find out what happened on WWE & TNA and I dig finding out what is happening in Ring of Honor. The articals are all really interesting and I love when I here about an older wrestler like Kevin Sullivan or Eddie Gilbert, I can go to your site to see pictures of them and find out there history. Right now I’m trying to find info about big time wrestlers who didn’t really work in WWF or NWA or AWA during the 80’s. I find it all fascinating. Thank for all your hard work. It’s appriciated” – Joe The Media Icon
  • “Damn, you have a wealth of wrestling info on that site! It is the best. It is rather hard to pull my wrestling loving ass away from the PC once I have logged onto your site!!” – Jeff Bradanick
  • “The OWW site is going really well, it is the best site on the internet and has all the information on it that any wrestling fan needs. Well done, and the forums are great too.” – Shae (member of the OWW forums and known as shaebo)
  • “Hey I am a 20year old college freshman and I have not watched wrestling since I was 13 or so. This year when I got to school a bunch of the guys I play football with watch Raw and go to bars for the Pay per views. Thus I got back into it. I just wanted to say that your website is excellent and brings back quite a few great memories from when I was a kid.” – JD Rock
  • “I just wanted to say THANK YOU! Your site is wonderful and it fuses together the old school and new talents of wrestling. And for die hard fans like me, you site is very much worth its weight in gold!” – Lloyd A. Mendoza
  • “I just want to tell you that i really reallly think this is the best wrestling website ever. Cant thank you enough for all the stuff on your website. I love it” – Irmarie
  • “as a fan of wrestling of the late 70s and early 80s (before mcmahon had a chance to make it a carnival) i just wanted to thank you for your site— only recently found it from a google search—- reading bios and reliving matches of the old georgia championship wrestling program helps take up the slack from the crap that is generated weekly in the present day—- seeing again names like solie piper rich anderson bass murdoch sawyer muraco dibiase… the list is a long one….. is a great blast from the past” – mike obrien
  • “the site is awesome. It is so detailed. It really takes me back through the 20+ years I’ve been watching wrestling. .” – KJ
  • “Great Site!!! Keep up the excellent work! Not only it brings nostalgic moments looking at old superstars and old pictures from the 80’s to 90’s to now, but it keeps the stars updated on how they are doing today. From Jake The Snake Roberts, to Macho Man Randy Savage, to Hulk Hogan, to the Rock, to the Ultimate Warrior and Sting. I mean damn! I say this is the best wrestling site out there! Keep this going and keep the updates going too! And there are so many wrestlers out there related to each other that I didn’t even know about for years! Excellent site! I’ll recommend this to all of my friends who is into watching wrestling as well.” – Kenneth R. Tapia
  • “I don’t know you and vice-versa, but all I wanna say is thanks for all the work you put into OnlineWorldofWrestling.com. It’s an awesome site and has taught me a lot, especially about Japanese wrestling. So thanks, and keep up the good work.” – Richard McIntosh
  • “Hey, man, your website is just AMAZING! You’ve got a lot of information, you’re the best wrestling archive information EVER SEEN ON THE WEB!!!” – Marco Rocchi
  • “I have written one e mail to you about how I love the website. Well, I am returning home from deployment tommorow morning. I don’t have a computer at home, and probably will not get one. But I would like to leave you with this. I have really enjoyed the website that I somehow stumbled upon back in May. From the columns that I did and didnt agree with. I am glad there is a place where young writers can make themselves better. The consumate wrestler database on OWW is second to NONE! I have found my self lost for hours just looking at different wrestlers profiles, and remenising about what I used to watch when I was a kid. In my opinion, this is THE BEST wrestling site on the web today HANDS DOWN. Thanks for giving me something to do on those long days when I was bored and couldnt find anything to do. Thanks to the people that keep it running. THANKS!!!!!!!!” – Petty Officer Second Class Ronald Rice
  • “I just wanted to thank you for putting this wrestling site together. Man! What a trip down memory lane! Particularly the nostalgia page (Mid 80s WWF). I share your sentiment about the mid 80s being a great time for wrestling! I started watching around the time Hogan did the impossible…he broke the camel clutch, going on to pin the the Iron Sheik and winning the title. I think what was best about watching wrestling back then was that we were too young to know it was all fake hehe. You could have your heros, and hate your villains, and you knew it was all real.” – Tim Haines
  • “I stubled across your site while looking up some information on Kamala. LOL…..man your site is excellent. It bought back SO many memories. Talk about memory drift.” – Clarke
  • “This is a short message of praise to yourself and all those who contribute to the Online World of Wrestling site. I have been a fan of wrestling for a long time. However, I still learn something new whenever I visit here. The site is totally exhaustive, in my opinion, and I enjoy visiting it on a regular basis. Please can you pass my appreciation to all those responsible for making the website the success it is. Thank you.” – Stephen
  • “This is the best ever wrestling site of the web. The Bible for every Fans and the fixed point for all the Researcher of the minor site.” – Andr3a Saitta
  • “You have created the greatest website of all time, you should be proud of yourself.” – Tim Fitzgibbons
  • “What a site you have there mate, I just stumbled by it when my friend gave me a link to your site, it is truly something different, all the work you have put into it and all the work your researchers do is amazing, I want to personally thank you for giving us wrestling fans good history on wrestling and good up to date columns to read, I’m sure I speak for many a wrestling fan when I say thank you and that you are an inspiration to us.” – David Forster
  • “I recently found your website while poking around. I found info about guys I have wondered about for years, that just disappeared. I just lost four hours reading your website. Thank you sooooooo much for compiling all this amazing information. It is worthy of a webbie.” – Scott Hulderson
  • “I’m a long time wrestling fan, just found your site – gotta say great work, really loving it. Especially those bios of where they are now, its pretty comprehensive – great to catch up with what all my teenage heros are doing now.” – Martin from the West Wales in the UK
  • “This is by far the greatest site I have ever seen before in my life. I thank you (whoever is involved) for bringing this much joy into my life.” – Daniel Ricci
  • “hey guys my name is ruslan and all i want to say is to the person who created this web site is the bomb i love it thanks guys” – Llowell6
  • “My friend showed me your site about a month ago and I instantly fell in love. As someone who loves wrestling of the old, your profile of every wrestler and outstanding gallerys makes me keep coming not to mention your great articles…all i can say is thankyou so much for this slice heaven in your site” – Cheyenne LIzardi
  • “Hello. I’d like to thank you for providing wrestling fans with such an informitive site. I still can’t believe how much facts, history, profiles and pictures you are able to cram into your site. It’s a wrestling fan’s dream come true. Keep up the good work.” – Vo Tran
  • “I stumbled upon Online World of Wrestling.com recently and I must say it is without a doubt the most informative wrestling website I’ve ever seen. I love seeing so many names and faces from years past that I’d forgotten about. Thank you and keep up the good work!!” – Stephen M. Clugston Jr.
  • “Your site is the bible of Pro-Wrestling! Thank you for all your hard work that you put into this site.” -Ryan Kross
  • “This site is awesome, nostalgic as hell. I havent been into wrestling since the 80’s and this site brought back memories ive never thought about before.” – Les Diggity
  • “I just discovered Online World of Wrestling and as a 10+ year fan of the sport, I’d like to just say outstanding site! I’ll be returning again and again. Much thanks for a great site!” – Jason Glasco
  • “Cheers for making such a classy website, I am on here everyday” – Adam Woodward
  • “Just a note to to tell you that I have had a great time looking through your web site. It recalls a lot of memories. I am 66 years young and have a lot of memories from the early TV days of wrestling. You have helped recall some of those days.” – Frank Coutinho, Carver, MA
  • “Hi I just found your site today by Google Holy Shit it great I just cant belive the stuff you have on here its fantasic I love it Wow man its so good and upto date I have Never seen such an Great site Please keep it up Wow again” – John O’Sullivan
  • “I was saying to a friend the other day, it’s like the IMDB of pro-wrestling :)” – Kirsty Quested
  • “I want to praise your entire team. You’re site is unbelievable! I was so shocked when I discovered it, you wouldn’t even believe it. Excellent profiles, keep up the incredible work.” – Kjell Eivind Helgesen (Norway)
  • “You have a great…..and I mean GREAT! website. I like the old school wrestling, AWA’s NWA’s, WWF (before Mcmahon Jr.), etc. You brought back TONS of memories……you actually had pictures of the Grand Wizard and The Bladerunners!!!!!!!” -laurent minassian
  • “Your Site is the best pro wrestling site on the internet. You have so many pictures and such great information on the pro wrestlers it isn’t even funny. I love visiting your site and it’s obvious that you’ve worked extremely hard upon it. Unbelieveable, is about all I can say to discribe it.” -Volcan Stonebraker
  • “i am a fan of your site. i find your site to be very secure and well, damn near perfect. your profiles section is awesome and the info section is very informative.” — Anthony Wu
  • “After viewing your site for what started to be a few minutes but then turned into about 4 hours, I was overwhelmed by all the pictures and columns and I honestly have to say, Great job!” – Tommy Screamer (Owner of the FCW)
  • “I have never really been a true wrestling fan, but I wanted to drop you a note.. I stumbled on your site while doing research. You have done a great job maintaining a true history of this entertainment genre! Keep up the great work!” -Dan Billington
  • “First, I would like to commend you for the great website. It’s a pleasure coming here and finding different information and photos of the stars of today and yesterday. Keep up the great work” – Serge Niles
  • “WoW dude this site is incredible, how much time have you put into it , you have so much information its not even belivable , its probaly the greatest Wrestling website out there.” – ???UNKNOWN???
  • “I love OWW! I don’t have anything to say but Thank you for the best site ever! .” – Anonymous
  • “i just wanna say this is the best wrestling site i have ever come across. the vast amount of info is unbeleivable….GOOD JOB!!” – Kevin d
  • “It has to be one of the most extensive wrestling sites I have ever seen. Nah, I dont think so…IT IS the most extensive wrestling site I have ever seen. I am VERY impressed with it.” – Jay Juggalo
  • “I am just a fan who wanted to say thank you. I am a huge huge fan of wrestling; always have been. A couple months ago I started collecting some vintage WWF/WCW videos, and it’s fun to go on your website to get some background information on wrestlers old and new. You’re website has more information that I think I have ever seen on the internet, and I’ve spent so much time going through it. I just wanted to say thank you, and keep up the tremedous work!” – Sincere Fan, Joe.
  • “Obsessed . . .” is the absolute best wrestling site I have ever found. It seems to be very up-to-date. I am recommending it to all my friends!” – Dennis Wiggins
  • “I just wanted to drop a line – I just found your website, I have been a fan for over 15 years and this is the most amazing conglomerate of information I’ve ever seen. Everything is wonderful and thanks a lot for taking the time to provide everyone with so much info” – Rick Baptist.
  • “I came across your site while doing a google search and after spending 3 whole hours here on my first visit, wanted to say that this is by far the best, interesting, entertaining, informative and user friendly wrestling site I have ever visited. Your dedication to wrestling is admirable and for a huge wrestling fan like myself to find all this info in one place is a total amazing. Thank you for all your efforts in keeping this site running and up to date.” – David Nightingale.
  • “Great job guys! I always enjoy coming to your site. It is amazing to see how much work you put into it. From the info to the pics everything is great. Keep up the good work.” – Jeff & Becky Jo Yeggy.
  • “That site is untouchable! Almost too much info! You have made possibly the greatest wrestling website EVER!” – The_Game.
  • “The completeness of your website simply amazes us. It’s the best wrestling site we’ve found on the internet.” – JR & Jeri.
  • “I just want to say that I LOVE your site… my favorite wrestling site. There’s just so much information, I love it.” – Chris Sanchez.
  • “All I can say is, “Holy $#!+”. This is the most amazing collection of archival wrestling information I’ve ever seen. AND its up to date.” – Bongo.
  • “You have some information that I personally have been trying to get for a long time.” Michael Dotson.
  • “You’re site is the best wrestling site I’ve ever seen and for now on I’m going to it everyday.” – Chris Bergstrom.
  • “This is a great website and I found myself going through it for more than two hours.” – Paul Copeland.
  • “Your website is very comprehensive, and I don’t know why I didn’t stumble onto it earlier.” J.W. Bridges.
  • “I must say you have a heck of a website!” – Kevin Rhodes (NWA Florida).
  • “WOW THIS IS A REALLY GREAT SITE ;)” – Darlene Brown.
  • “Thanks for the awesome site!” – Rob Harvey.
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