The X Division
November 10, 2005 by Peter Le
TNA, the new alternative, has started a division in 2002 called the X Division. Many characteristics of this division are like WWE's cruiserweight division, only in this division, there are no weight limits. Also, high flying moves are encouraged not banned! The X Division brings you entertainment on and on with new innovative moves. The X Division started when AJ Styles def. Jerry Lynn, Psicosis and Low Ki in a Double Elimination Title Match and from there it has progressed. This column will tell you about some of the wrestlers in this division.
AJ Styles: The current X Division Champ. He has held the title 5 times and was the first person to hold the title. Styles can hit high flying moves like the Spiral Tap and the Shooting Styles Press. He also brings impact moves like the Styles Clash. He is described as the Phenomenal One, or perhaps more fittingly - the Human Highlight Reel. A true pioneer of the X Division, Styles is the one and only TNA Triple Crown winner.
Christopher Daniels: Former X Division Champ, self-proclaimed Mr. TNA, and the Fallen Angel. One of the most decorated wrestlers in TNA. He uses high flying moves like the BME (Best Moonsault Ever) and ground breaking moves like the Angel's Wings. Christopher Daniels has held the X Division Title longer than anyone in TNA.
Petey Williams: Former X Division Champion and leader of Team Canada. His finisher, the Canadian Destroyer (flipping Piledriver) is the most innovative, destructive move to come this year. With manager Scott D'Amore on his side, the X Division Title will soon come to his waist.
Samoa Joe: The Samoan Submission Machine. This is a prime example of how an X Division does not have weight limits. He weighs in at 280 lbs.. and has a distinct weight advantage over other X Division wrestlers. He has yet to be pinned in TNA. He has the almighty and powerful finisher of The Muscle Buster and the Choke Sleeper.
Chris Sabin: Former 2 time X Division Champ and Super X Cup holder. A man of raw talent and innovative moves. He possesses the death-defying Cradle Shock. Hail Sabin!
Austin Aries: Recently joined TNA and has shown a lot of talent. He is not yet promoted enough to be the X Champ, but he has tons of talent and crazy moves like the 450 Splash and the Brainbuster.
Elix Skipper: Since the disbanding of Triple X, "Primetime" has had the worst of the departure. Ever since he walked the steel cage and did a hurracanrana, he has been used less. Christopher Daniels has gone on to win the X Division Title and Elix Skipper has joined the faction of Diamonds in the Rough.
Sonjay Dutt: The Playa from the Himalayas. He has the one of the best high flying moves in TNA, The Hindusault, but hasn't been used that well. He showed us that he should be at the top of the X Division when he defeated Roderick Strong, Austin Aries and Alex Shelley at Bound for Glory.
Hopefully, this has been a little help for some of you who may only now be starting to watch TNA. Thanks for reading, and all feedback is welcome.
by Peter Le ..
Dave K wrote:
I have been watching TNA for quite some time,and I assumed the X-Division was a cruiser or jr hwt division.Since there is no weight limit,as you stated,is there a limit on the hwt title"thanks,
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