Time For A New Religion: Christian
October 5, 2005 by Euan Williamson
The first time I saw him was probably pretty much the same time that most of
you would've seen him. A young man called Edge had had his debut in the WWF
months earlier, initially being a figure in the crowd that the cameras caught
every week, he was wrapped in a veil of mystery and eventually exploded on
to the scene to save the highly popular Sable at the time. I had already
begun to develop a fascination with the character of Edge as well as the even
more blatantly vampiric character of Gangrel when the subject of this column
slid his way into the WWF as the silent subservient pupil, and veritable
doppelganger of his master, the aforementioned Gangrel. That man was of course
I have long believed that Christian is one of the most overlooked wrestlers
in the WWE, firstly by the WWE themselves, and up until recently, the fans
of the WWE. Therefore, the aim of this column is to present a brief history
of Jason Reso's career in the WWE and at the same time share my opinions
with you as to why he has the talent to go a lot further within the
company. Back to the past...
Quickly after winning the Light-heavyweight belt in his first official match
at Judgement Day '98 against Taka Michinoku, Christian(with the overseeing
eye of Gangrel) convinced Edge to join himself and Gangrel to create a small
faction known as 'The Brood'. It was at this point that the three of them
firmly became the most interesting thing in the WWF to me. The whole gothic
imagery such as coming up through the ground in a ring of fire, to the
silent nature of the trio, to their dress was instantly appealing to myself
and I presume was so because of my growing interest in the myth of the
vampire and the roots of it traced back to Transylvania and my interest in
forms of music such as Black Metal that had close ties with this theme
aswell.In the end of the day, 'The Brood' was more popular than it was
successful and after feuds with 'The Job Squad', The Hardy Boyz and Tiger Ali
Singh to name a few, and the impressive visual idea of the 'bloodbaths',
Christian and Edge ditched Gangrel and formed the revered tag-team that
would go on to win seven titles.
In the early days of Edge & Christian, in my mind, it was always Edge that
stood out more than Christian. This was for a few reasons, namely, Edge is a
couple of inches taller than Christian (which is one of the advantages he has
over Christian as a singles wrestler) and is perhaps more striking to the
eye and flashy in the way he goes about the ring during matches. During this
period, E & C were also given very little time on the microphone, partly
because of their image, and well, partly because they were not very good at
it. No Way Out 2000 is a good example as, after defeating The Hardy's for
number one contendership, they cut a poor promo backstage with Edge being
the better one of the two. At this stage it certainly looked like Edge was
the future and that Christian was maybe just there for the ride until they
split up.
After capturing the titles for the first time at WrestleMania 16, E & C
began to turn heel over the coming months and it was then that they started
to come out of their shells on the mike with such signatures as their 'five
second pose for flash photography' and 'reeking of awesomeness' It was at
this point that Christians' mike skills really came to the fore. I found him
to be consistently funnier than Edge and far less forced and natural than
his counterpart when doing backstage skits Furthermore, the way he walked to
the ring and those glasses that he wore just had me in stitches every time.
It was about this time that I started to notice how hard Christian actually
works in the ring. Sure, he has his comical heel spots that are still present
to this day but all of his moves are executed in a crisp, efficient and
professional manner that, if you strip away the comedy, shows a serious and
more than competent in-ring worker who could be painted as a very serious
wrestler if he was given more of a chance in the booking of his matches Look
at how he executes his punches and kicks. They are thrown in a ruthless and
overtly aggressive manner intent on doing serious damage to an
opponent however, are belied by the character spots in his matches, that
with some fine tuning, could turn him into a nastier more business like
Furthermore, Christian can bump like crazy when required. A fine example of
this is the second TLC match at WrestleMania X7 which was a match crammed
with high spots such as Edge's spear or Hardy's and Dudley's flying through
tables One such impressive spot is Spike Dudley doing his 'DudleyDog' to
Christian into two tables with Rhyno lying on top of them, however, the most
impressive in the match, in my opinion, is Christian falling from one of the
big ladders in the middle of the ring all the way to the floor with no
tables or wrestlers to break his fall. It is this kind of bump that can go
unnoticed but if you were to watch a collection of Christian matches then
you would see that he consistently takes bumps and makes his fellow
wrestlers look good. In addition to this, Christian has remained very healthy
indeed. To my knowledge he has only been out injured properly once since he
has been with the WWE and that was only for two to three months. Not bad,
considering he has been with them since 1998 and has been involved in a
collection of the highest risk matches seen in the WWE. To summarise
Christians' work in the ring, how often have you seen him have a poor match"
Sometimes the matches are not booked in his favour, however, give him
fifteen to twenty minutes and a reasonably decent opponent and, without fail,
he will deliver a very good and entertaining match.
To return to the timeline and further emphasize one of Christians' strengths
we must look to when E & C split up. It was at this point, when Edge went
face and Christian went heel, that he was truly allowed to express himself.
That feud over the IC title with Edge was too short and horribly gave the
rub to Edge and left Christian high and dry but since then Christians'
charisma has shone through. How many other wrestlers recently have been able
to remain heel for over four years and consistently draw heat"A handful at
In the way that I loved Rock's character of 2003, I love Christians'
character. Always entertaining on the mike, he's witty and razor sharp and
always knows the best buttons to press to draw heat from the crowd. He's the
kind of guy whose morals are non existent and is always on the side of wrong
yet he's a rogue who you can't help but want to win. WrestleMania XX is a
prime example of Christian being used correctly as he went over Jericho and
took the love of Trish with him. The kiss at the top of the ramp was
priceless purely for his facial expression as was the execution of his
'Unprettier' moments earlier for exactly the same reason. Indeed, it was a
masterstroke to cut this guys hair short and reveal the comical faces that
he can pull to the world .Another good example of the entertainment side was
his vignette with Cena at the Royal Rumble this year as the rap that he
produced was brilliant in its mediocrity that was backed up by his overt
smugness and confidence. In my opinion, there has been no one better on the
mike for comic timing and crapping on the fans since The Rock and for a
while this year there was a glimmer of hope that Christian would be moved up
to the next level. Suddenly, the crowds seemed to appreciate the work that
Christian puts in, they began to understand his humour on the microphone and
dig it and so they began to cheer for him. Not too long ago he came out to
the ramp for a heel promo during the RAW in Britain and received a standing
ovation that visibly left him and Tomko completely taken aback and almost
emotional. Without going into too much more detail, since then, he had his
title shot at Vengeance, got farmed out to Smackdown and has since received
one of the biggest reverse pushes I have ever seen. One can only guess as to
why this is.
In summary, I believe that Christian is a very good worker in the ring has a
good moveset when allowed to use it and has a very good looking compact
finisher that has superb impact behind it .In addition, he can bump really
well and has stayed healthy over the years and is still relatively
young. Combine this with his boundless charisma and wit and you have a
wrestler that deserves to be pushed far higher. The only weakness I can see
is his size but this shouldn't be much of a factor, although Vince would
probably argue otherwise. In closing, I'd like to add that the way the fans
started to back Christians' heel character this year reminded me of a
certain Stone Cold Steve Austin's slow face turn of '96 into '97.Combine
that thought with someone whose the best entertainer since The Rock.
Thanks for reading and please reply with your thoughts.
by Euan Williamson ..
Michael Stanton wrote:
To be honest with you, I have always felt that Christian was a great in-ring wrestler and could always handle the wrestling better than 85% of the guys in the ring including the current World Heavyweight Champion of Smackdown. Christian deserves a good run as US champion on Smackdown and it should be a clean victory over Chris Benoit. He is a former Heavyweight champion and this would give Christian a huge boost over a proven man. Christian's promos are fun to watch and can make you just laugh out loud. The Peep Show was great and he does have that humor that few wrestlers have on there own. He is an under-used and under-loved talent who all fans should respect.
Randall Flagg wrote:
Christian is hands-down one of the best overall performers in wrestling today, and one of the WWE's biggest failures. Not a failure on his part, rather a failure of Vince/his writers to see what he has to offer and capitalize on it. They could have a PPV involving nothing but Christian being Captain Charisma, just running his mouth, and it would get better reviews than 90% of this year's offerings. Unfortunately, Christian isn't 6'10", 320 lbs. of chemically-enhanced bulk, so he'll never get the treatment he deserves in WWE. As fans, our only hope is that one day Christian decides he wants to be the star he obviously can be, and signs with TNA once his current contract expires (a decision I hope many in the WWE make). Vince has shown he can take a turd and make it a "star" (meaning give it far more air-time and pushes than it deserves). He's also shown he can take pure sports-entertainment gold and misuse/ignore it completely (see Tag-team wrestling and Cruiserweights).
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