CLASSIC VIDEO: “Saturday Night’s Main Event – The Greatest Hits (WWF Coliseum Video)”

SaturdayNightsMainEvent_display_imageHere is the entire video of the classic release from Coliseum Home Video: “Saturday Night’s Main Event – The Greatest Hits”.  The WWE released a 3-disc set a few years ago with a more complete chronology of this program’s history, but this is a nice set of matches from the first several years.

The match list is as follows:

10/03/85 – WWF champion Hulk Hogan vs. Nikolai Volkoff (flag match)

05/01/86 – Hulk Hogan and Junkyard Dog vs. Terry and Dory Funk, Jr.

02/21/87 – WWF Intercontinental champion Randy Savage vs. George Steele

12/14/86 – WWF champion Hulk Hogan vs. Paul Orndorff (steel cage match)

11/11/87 – Bam Bam Bigelow vs. Hercules

09/23/87 – Randy Savage vs. WWF Intercontinental champion The Honky Tonk Man