TNA IMPACT Wrestling
Location: Orlando, FL
Date: July 15, 2015
Commentators: Josh Matthews and Taz
IMPACT opens up this week with Dixie Carter in the ring and the TNA roster surrounding her. She talks about getting put through a table last year and how the fans loved every second of it. She says that she asked herself how she could have ever gotten to that point and she says it was all about ego and she let all of the fans and the wrestlers down. She starts to tear up and apologizes to the fans. She says that she regrets a lot of things but she doesn’t regret going through that table and breaking her back because it gave her even more perspective of what the boys do each and every week. She says that she knows they have given their all for the company and for the fans and apologizes to the wrestlers. She says that she is here because she wants this to be a new chapter in TNA and about the future which she thinks is very bright.
She says that when she talks about the future she knows that it is easy to doubt and it is very easy to be fearful of trusting her. She says that she needs the fans and wrestlers to trust her and that pro wrestling needs TNA. She says the TNA roster is the best roster on the planet and she will do anything in her power to never let the fans or wrestlers down again. She says one of the first decisions that she has made is to bring in someone that will be the law but everyone respects.
Ethan Carter III interrupts his aunt and he says that they are blood and demands to know who Dixie is bringing in. She says that she loves Ethan but she had to make this decision. The man that will be running things on IMPACT now is… BULLY RAY! EC3’s face is priceless as Bully’s music hits and the former TNA World Champion makes his way onto the stage! Bully stares both EC3 and Tyrus down before smiling and heading down to the ring. Bully shakes hands with all of the wrestlers and the only guy that refused to shake his hand was James Storm hilariously, heel to the end.
Bully says he knows everyone is probably shocked to see he and Dixie standing in the same ring together. He says that a few days ago he couldn’t believe it when Dixie called him and apologized to him. Bully says that he was stunned and asked Dixie what she was sorry for. He says that Dixie told him that she was sorry that she let everyone down. Bully says that as he listened to her he started to actually believe her and that for the first time in her life Dixie finally realized what she had done. Bully says that he is a pretty good detector of who is and isn’t full of crap and for the first time Dixie sounded legit. He says that he is extremely happy to be back in front of wrestling fans and to be hanging out with the best wrestling locker room in the world, but he is still angry with Dixie for everything she has done. Bully says that he is coming back not for Dixie but for the fans and the wrestlers. Bully says that he doesn’t like the fact the wrestlers are all standing on the floor right now because it looks like they are beneath them.
Bully tells all of the wrestlers to stand on the apron and he says that every person in TNA gives a damn about the promotion, and Dixie should realize just how they care despite all of the stuff she has put them through. Bully says that Dixie came clean and it is good enough for him but he won’t make his final decision. Bully says the decision is up to the fans and he asks the fans if they want him to come back to TNA and help TNA to the promise land. They all erupt and Bully says that he won’t hug Dixie but he will shake her hand and accept the position. Bully shakes Dixie’s hand as a “TNA” chant starts up. Bully says that they are going to do what TNA does best and have a great wrestling show. Bully looks up at EC3 and says that he hasn’t forgotten about him.
Bully says that EC3 WILL defend his title tonight! Bully makes a 20-Man Battle Royal with the winner getting a shot at the TNA World Title tonight!
TNA World Title #1 Contenders Battle Royal
“The Chosen One” Drew Galloway vs. Jessie Godderz vs. “Showtime” Eric Young vs. “Cowboy” James Storm vs. “The Monster” Abyss vs. Manik vs. Shark Boy vs. Khoya vs. Crazzy Steve vs. Austin Aries vs. Chris Melendez vs. Robbie E vs. Mandrews vs. Bram vs. Micah vs. Kenny King vs. Hernandez vs. MVP vs. Magnus
Norv Fernum is the first tossed over the top rope, pretty quickly. Manik clotheslines Steve over the top rope to eliminate him and then tosses Mandrews over the top. Mandrews lands on the apron and hits an Enziguri to the back of Manik only to get shoved off the apron anyway to eliminate him. Pope says it looks like Shark Boy has eaten a boy referring to his beer gut as Sharky is eliminated. Manik goes flying over the top rope as he tried to eliminate Melendez causing him to eliminate himself. Magnus clotheslines Abyss over the top to eliminate him and EY backdrops Melendez over the top to the floor eliminating him. Bram and Magnus brawl on the apron as Galloway tosses Storm over the top. Storm skins the cat back into the ring only to get backdropped to the floor by Galloway. Magnus is then kicked off the apron, I didn’t catch who did the kicking, to the floor as he is also eliminated.
Several other wrestlers were eliminated during the break leaving just EY, MVP, and Galloway. MVP and EY double team Galloway and connect with kicks and a double back elbow. MVP and EY take turns hitting Knee Drops on Galloway. MVP and EY continue to beat on Galloway in the corner and then they go to toss Galloway over the top, but EY comes from behind MVP and tosses him over to stab him in the back! EY then continues to try and eliminated Galloway but Galloway manages to fight his way back into the ring. EY pokes the eyes of Galloway and then goes for the Spike Piledriver, but Galloway blocks it and then connects with a Running Dropkick sending EY over the top to the floor to win the match!
Winner & NEW #1 Contender: Galloway
A video package highlighting Sting’s induction into the TNA Hall of Fame and it is announced that next week the announcement about who will be inducted this year will be made. Footage of Bram’s attack on Mr. Anderson last week is also shown.
A sit down interview between Mr. Anderson and Mike Tenay is shown. Tenay says there have been a lot of rumors about Anderson’s future in the wrestling business. Anderson says that he is 39 years old and he feels better physically than he has in ten years. He says that he has had a pretty good career and if it ended tomorrow he would be happy with what he has done. Anderson says that Bram doesn’t care about his own well-being so he certainly doesn’t care about Anderson’s well-being. He says that Bram is a dark individual and Anderson can go to that dark place with him, but if he does go there things will get ugly and he doesn’t know if he should go there.
In the back Rockstar Spud approaches Bully Ray in the back. Spud starts talking about his recent run of bad luck, but Bully says that damn near everyone has lost to Kurt Angle so he should be proud of himself for hanging with Kurt. Bully says that Spud is extremely entertaining and is a good wrestler and he is about to give Spud an opportunity to become a three time X-Division Champion tonight!
A video package highlighting Kurt Angle’s induction into the TNA Hall of Fame is shown.
Backstage Galloway says that he could have ran three marathons today but it doesn’t matter he would still win the World Title. Eli Drake walks up and congratulates his buddy and tells him to go out there and make history.
A vignette of Donald Trump talking about how evil Mexicans are is shown and then a graphic says that Tigre Uno will have comments about Donald Trump next week. I’m being serious.
TNA X-Division Championship
Fatal 4-Way Match
Tigre Uno (c) vs. Rockstar Spud vs. Grado vs. “DJ Z” Zema Ion
Truly an international feel to this one. Tigre Uno is Mexican and spent the majority of his career in Mexico while Spud and Grado are from the UK and spent the majority of their careers over there. Zema is American but is of Philippine descent and has spent a lot of time wrestling in Mexico. TNA is selling their horrible version of Tigre Uno’s mask on their website, there is seriously probably a dozen mask makers on the internet that make better looking Lucha masks. It’s actually pretty sad how horrible the Tigre Uno mask is that TNA is selling. Tigre hits a dropkick on Grado but he just shrugs it off with his belly and then starts belly bumping Zema and Spud. Tigre tries to scoop slam Grado but he can’t lift him up and then Grado slams Tigre. Zema goes for a German Suplex on Grado but he breaks the hold and then stares Spud down. Grado points at his belly and Spud tries to slam him to no avail and eventually Grado Cross Body Blocks him for a near fall. Grado attempts a Senton but Spud moves and then Tigre and Zema double dropkick him. Zema attempts a dropkick on Tigre but he moves and Zema hits Spud. Zema catches Uno with a hurricanrana but Tigre comes back with a shoulder block and then a beautiful Dropkick Salto. Grado hits a Spinning Neckbreaker on Tigre for a near fall. Grado tosses Tigre to the floor and then he and Spud take turns laying into Zema. Grado and Spud start shoving each other and then Grado elbows Zema before getting in Spud’s face. Tigre hits a Springboard Double Dropkick to Grado and Spud. Tigre lays everyone out with elbows and clotheslines. He hits a Spinning Back Kick to Grado and then a Hook Kick before hitting a beautiful Corkscrew Plancha over the top onto Spud and Zema on the floor! Tigre then climbs to the top and hits the Saber Tooth Splash on Grado for the pin!
Winner & STILL X-Division Champ: Tigre via pinfall (Saber Tooth Splash)
It looked like Tigre may have connected with Grado’s knee or legs on that finish and it may have injured Tigre a bit (but Tigre did wrestle at Slammiversary and has wrestled in Mexico since so he was okay).
The Dollhouse cut a promo on Gail Kim and they say that playtime is over.
TNA Knockouts Championship
Taryn Terrell (c) w/ The Dollhouse vs. Brooke Tessmacher
Jade gets bonus points for the hound’s-tooth on her top, Roll Tide. Terrell attacks Brooke at the bell and connects with a series of elbows before choking Brooke in the corner. Terrell puts Brooke in a headscissors in the corner and then connects with a Spinning Neckbreaker for a near fall. Brooke tries to fight back with a series of forearms and then connects with a Flying Forearm. The Dollhouse trips Brooke as Terrell distracts the referee. They put the boots to Brooke and then toss her back in the ring. Terrell covers Brooke for another near fall. Terrell follows up with a Snap Suplex for another near fall and then she whips Brooke into the corner reversal. She goes for a third whip but Brooke counters it into a Russian Leg Sweep for a near fall. Brooke tosses Terrell into the corner and hits a Running Clothesline. Brooke goes for the Falling Facebuster, but Terrell blocks it and then hits a Missile Dropkick off the top. Terrell follows up with an attempt at the Taryn Cutter, but Brooke blocks it and hits a dropkick. Brooke goes to the apron but the Dollhouse distracts her allowing Terrell to knock her off the apron. Terrell puts the boots to her and then slams her face into the apron. Terrell slams Brooke into the ring steps before choking her with her boot. Terrell rolls Brooke back in the ring and then she climbs up top and dives off with a Flying Cross Body for another near fall. Terrell covers Brooke again and again only gets a two count. Terrell screams at Earl Hebner and then goes to pick Brooke up but Brooke catchers her with an inside cradle for a close near fall. Terrell gets back up and kicks Brooke before climbing up top. Brooke dives off the top but Brooke moves out of the way and then hits a Running Clothesline. Brooke hits another clothesline and then a back elbow followed by a Running Forearm. Brooke Spears Terrell and then climbs up top but Jade shoves Brooke off the top as Marti distracted Hebner. The lights go out and when the lights return Gail Kim is standing over a laid out Marti Bell on the floor! Gail hits a beautiful spinning headscissors sending Jade into the ring post! Gail then hits a 619 around the ring post on Jade! The lights go out again and Gail is gone! Terrell turns around right into the Butterface Maker from Brooke! 1…2…3!
Winner & NEW KO Champ: Brooke via pinfall (Butterface Maker)
In the back Kurt Angle and Bully Ray are shown talking. Kurt says that he and Bully have a lot in common. He says that he knows what it feels like to be in control and he just suggested a good idea and Bully Ray liked it.
Kurt Angle makes his way down to the ring and he says a lot of changes have been made lately and he isn’t ashamed to say he lost to EC3. He says EC3 is good and is championship caliber. Angle says he went to Bully Ray and says that Angle will get another rematch for the World Title whenever he wants it. He says that is good news because this weekend he was diagnosed with a tumor in his neck. Angle says he will need to have surgery to have the tumor removed but he has something to look forward to when he gets back, his rematch for the title. He thanks Bully for that shot and he thanks the fans for their support.
Eric Young interrupts Angle and he says that eventually Kurt will have to start telling the truth. EY says that EC3 didn’t beat Angle, EY beat Angle. He asks Kurt how many times he has hit a Piledriver on Kurt and he says the real question is how many Piledrivers does Kurt’s old neck have left. EY is an asshole. EY says that he is going to take credit for the tumor in Kurt’s neck but he can’t because that is nature telling Kurt that it is time to retire. EY asks Kurt how many Piledrivers he has left and suggests that the next time EY Piledrives him he won’t ever come back. EY mocks Angle for his speech and then threatens a fan at ringside. EY says that Angle being gone for a while isn’t long enough and he wants Angle gone for good!
EY sucker punches Angle and then attempts a Piledriver but Angle backdrops him and EY retreats to the floor. Angle follows EY but EY pokes him in the eyes and repeatedly slams his head into the ring steps! EY goes for a Piledriver on the floor until Chris Melendez runs out and chases EY away. Melendez checks on Angle and EY blindsides Melendez and Piledrivers him on the concrete! Melendez sold that like a champ too.
A vignette highlights Team 3D’s induction into the TNA Hall of Fame.
For some reason they completely (well not completely, it is clipped) re-air the match between James Storm and Magnus from Slammiversary. I believe there was SUPPOSED to be a tag team match between The Wolves and Kenny King/Hernandez here but there is some controversy right now surrounding Hernandez and his contract status with Lucha Underground. There is a report going around that Lucha Underground claims Hernandez is still under contract which is causing TNA to scrap all recorded material with Hernandez. I’m not going to recap the Magnus/Storm match because it happened weeks ago and most people have already seen it anyway. It was a really, brutal match though. Storm got the win after both men hit each other with beer bottles.
Footage of the drama between Magnus and Storm continuing on is shown.
In the back Storm talks to Khoya and he says that his Revolution is a living, breathing entity that is always expanding because there is always room for one more. Storm says that he rewards those that pledge with that succeed while he cuts down those that fail him. He says that his partner in the match with Magnus and Mickie is someone very close to Mickie. That goes down in two weeks.
We cut to Bully Ray walking into his “office” where EC3 is sitting at his table. EC3 says he wants to work with Bully but after defending his title three times last week and his match with Drew needs to be pushed off for a week so they can build it up. Bully says that he values EC3’s opinion but the answer is no. He says EC3 is the World Champion and he needs to start acting like the World Champion. He tells EC3 to stop bitching and go out to the ring and find a way to get the job done.
Main Event
TNA World Heavyweight Championship
Ethan Carter III (c) w/Tyrus vs. “The Chosen One” Drew Galloway
I believe this is Drew’s first one-on-one World Title shot in TNA. They lockup and brawl into the corner before clean breaking. They lockup again and this time Drew shoves EC3 into the ropes and connecting with a forearm. EC3 kicks Drew and unloads on Drew with forearms and chops. He whips Galloway into the corner but Drew explodes out of the corner with a clothesline. Drew lights EC3 up with chops before tossing EC3 into the ropes. EC3 holds onto the ropes and rolls out to the floor. Drew follows EC3 out and continues to light him up with chops as the fans at ringside actually hold EC3’s arms in place. Drew hits a Tilt-A-Whirl Slam onto the apron! Drew rolls EC3 into the ring and then distracts the referee as Tyrus clotheslines Drew. Eli Drake hobbles out to the ring and threatens Tyrus with a crutch.
EC3 continues to beat on Drew and choke him in the ropes as we come back from the break. EC3 hits a Vertical Suplex and connects with a series of elbows for a near fall. EC3 puts Drew in a chinlock but Drew fights up to his feet and breaks the hold with elbows and chops only for EC3 to cut him off with a clothesline. EC3’s chest is blistered up from the chops Galloway gave him earlier. EC3 puts Galloway in a Camel Clutch but Galloway manages to fight out of it and breaks the hold with shots to the ribs. EC3 counters an Irish Whip into a nice Heel Trip Side Slam for a near fall. EC3 taunts the crowd and then slams Drew’s face into the mat repeatedly. EC3 slaps Drew over and over but that does nothing but wake Drew up as he shoves EC3 into the corner and lays into EC3 with right hands. Drew hits a Running Forearm and then climbs up top and dives off with a Flying Clothesline for a near fall. Galloway lifts EC3 up in a Fireman’s Carry and then drops him down across the top rope before field goal kicking him in the gut. EC3 and Galloway exchange Forearm Smashes and Galloway catches EC3 with a Powerslam for a near fall. Drew hits a Running Mafia Kick and then he hits a Kryptonite Krunch! 1…2…NO Tyrus puts EC3’s foot on the bottom rope! Tyrus distracts Galloway in the corner and EC3 connects with a Stinger Splash. EC3 lights Drew up with chops but it just seems to piss Galloway off as Galloway answers with some DISGUSTING chops! Galloway accidentally elbows the referee in the face and then EC3 kicks him in the balls! Tyrus gets in the ring but Eli Drake backs him off with the crutch. Tyrus backs down but then Drake blasts Drew with the crutch! Tyrus is stunned as EC3 laughs. Drake reveals that he was never injured as he leaves the ring and his former Rising partner lying. EC3 hits the One Percenter and gets the pin!
Winner & STILL World Champ: EC3 via pinfall (One Percenter)
Quick Results:
1) TNA World Title #1 Contenders Battle Royal: Drew Galloway def. Eric Young, Chris Melendez, MVP, Kenny King, Hernandez, Manik, Micah, Mandrews, Crazzy Steve, Magnus, James Storm, Khoya, Bram, Shark Boy, Norv Fernum, Robbie E, Jessie Godderz, and Abyss
2) TNA X-Division Title Fatal 4-Way: Tigre Uno (c) def. Rockstar Spud, Grado, & Zema Ion to retain the title!
3) TNA Knockouts Title: Brooke Tessmacher def. Taryn Terrell (c) to win the title!
4) TNA World Title: Ethan Carter III (c) def. Drew Galloway to retain the title!